The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1142 Treasure Hunting Talent

Chapter 1142 Treasure Hunting Talent
Looking carefully at this vast space, even if Gao Jiuding can see it, there is a radius of [-] to [-] li. How huge is this?
No wonder everyone dispersed after teleporting in.

"Hey!" Gao Jiuding couldn't help but sighed.

Who would have imagined that there was such a huge space full of vitality hidden in the void?

How can such a colossal monster be summoned by dozens of monks at the blood core stage?I'm afraid it will be difficult for dozens of ancestors!

The reason why this secret realm appeared was probably because it came here by itself and was accidentally discovered by Gao Jiuding and others, right?

It seems that it is even more difficult to collect this secret space!
Gao Jiuding continued to look around, and finally determined that this was the foothills of a big mountain, about a hundred miles away from the main peak of the mountain.

Gao Jiuding discovered that besides this mountain, there are five other peaks, and it seems that there are huge buildings on top of these peaks.

The teleportation array can only teleport people in randomly, but where to teleport depends on luck. At this time, Gao Jiuding couldn't help but envy those monks who teleported into the elixir garden.

Knowing the surrounding situation, Gao Jiuding found that as long as there is a place where spiritual energy gathers, there are spiritual medicine gardens for planting spiritual medicines, but there are definitely not as many and all kinds of spiritual medicine gardens as there are in Wanshou Mountain.

While walking towards the main peak of Cangshan Mountain, Gao Jiuding used his spiritual sense to look around to see if he could find some elixir or spiritual materials, and at the same time pay attention to the big formations around him.

At this time, Gao Jiuding once again confirmed one thing. The Forbidden Formation was opened here. Perhaps the original owner of this place controlled this secret realm and disappeared in the void because of no other choice.

Maybe it's because this forbidden formation was launched hastily, and it was destroyed a lot, so this place is not considered a place of murderous intent.

At least it is not as good as the forbidden formation in Longevity Hill. After all, there are still some safe passages here.

Of course, having a safe passage does not mean it is safe. After the forbidden formation is activated, not only will the secret realm be hidden into the void, but there are also many restrictions here!
As long as you stray into the restriction and accidentally touch the formation, you may be trapped for a while and then break free!
The most serious fear is that they can only be imprisoned inside and wait to die. If they encounter a powerful killing array, they will be crushed on the spot.

Gao Jiuding shrank his consciousness to within 20 meters, so maybe he missed something due to the narrowed detection range of his consciousness!
The shrinking consciousness made Gao Jiuding's detection power more subtle, and he was able to discover some relatively hidden restrictions.

Along the way, Gao Jiuding has evaded the hidden restrictions several times, one of which is amazingly powerful, he threw a fragment of an intermediate magic weapon he picked up on the road, and the fragments suddenly turned into seven or eight The fragments were broken even more thoroughly, which made Gao Jiuding secretly startled.

It's strange here, Gao Jiuding actually found a lot of living facilities, but these living facilities have been severely damaged.

Carefully avoiding a restriction, Gao Jiuding saw a lot of bones. Most of these bones were badly decomposed. It was hard to tell if they were human monks or demon monks. Anyway, there were no storage bags on them!

When encountering corpses, Gao Jiuding burned them all with fire spells.

Although his avatar practiced gold-type kung fu, it was no problem to use small fire-type spells.

He also collected a lot of discarded magical artifacts and fragments of magical artifacts, and he planned to take them back to his subordinates to see if they were still useful. Anyway, he had a lot of storage bags on his body.

In addition, there are some elixir. There are quite a few hundred-year-old elixir used to refine the elixir of the blood refining period, but there is not a single 500-year-old elixir.

There are also a few pieces of spirit stones, but unfortunately they are all low-grade ones, and if he picks them up, they are better than nothing.

Although there is plenty of time for this trip to the secret place, the place is huge. I don't know how many years the original owner has been operating it. Anyway, I don't know how many hidden places there are.

Gao Jiuding went to the top of the mountain at the foot, where there is a relatively well-preserved building!

While walking, he looked at the surrounding mountains, and even Gao Jiuding could detect some spiritual veins under the mountains.

Where the building on the top of the mountain is located, there is likely to be a spiritual vein!
Just as Gao Jiuding carefully explored the surroundings and walked slowly towards the mountain, there was a burst of piercing sound behind him!
Gao Jiuding turned his head to look, and it turned out that a monk was flying in the sky!
Seeing Gao Jiuding walking slowly on the ground, he looked like a fool, passed him in a blink of an eye, and flew towards the mountain.

Gao Jiuding shook his head, looking at the clothing on this monk, it was very modern, could it be an earth monk?

That strong modern style should not be possessed by either a demon star or a demon star, and of course, the devil is even worse.

That kid probably doesn't have much experience. I'm afraid he doesn't know that most of the forbidden formations are forbidden to the air. Otherwise, why was Gao Jiuding so cautious when he flew into the sky just now?
Sure enough, just as the monk flew a mile away in front of Gao Jiuding, he heard a shrill scream!
Gao Jiuding raised his eyes and saw that the monks in the air had been scattered into seven or eight sections and fell towards the ground.

Gao Jiuding continued to advance unhurriedly. He used his spiritual sense to explore the surroundings, and finally came to the place where the monk fell. He found that the space here fluctuated violently!

It is obviously a huge forbidden formation, directly connected to the sky above!

Gao Jiuding couldn't help but mourn in silence for this unlucky monk. He didn't even find such an obvious broken formation. Obviously, the other party didn't have time to use his spiritual sense to investigate.

Gao Jiuding carefully looked around and found that there was no danger around, so he took back the monk's storage bag!

Open it and look, apart from three thousand spirit stones and a bottle of cultivation pills, there are two middle-level magic weapons inside!
Although there is no activation restriction, it is not clear what level of magic weapon it is, but Gao Jiuding judged based on experience that it will definitely not exceed the seventh level.

In addition to this garbage magic weapon, there are also some freshly collected hundred-year-old medicines scattered around the storage bag!
In addition, there are two wooden boxes, which are actually two 500-year-old panacea.

Poorly equipped and weak in knowledge, this person is a little lucky. He can find two elixir plants that can refine hemolytic period elixir in the periphery!

It's just too careless, obviously not much understanding of the danger here.

"Huh? Something's wrong. Although this guy is dressed in casual clothes, his books are a bit strange!"

Gao Jiuding took out a roll of animal skin, and the characters used on it were actually common characters of demon stars.

"It can't be a demon star cultivator, and it doesn't look like an earth cultivator now, could it be a demon star cultivator?"

What Gao Jiuding doesn't understand the most now is the devil star. Could it be that he has fought more with humans and learned the dressing habits of humans?

Shaking his head, Gao Jiuding continued to walk towards the main peak!

After walking for a while, Gao Jiuding was overjoyed.

The aura in this place is a bit abnormal, maybe there are still remnants of the spirit veins, yes, without the support of the spirit veins, it is absolutely impossible for this place to be so vibrant.

However, the level of the spirit veins coming here cannot be too high, otherwise this space will not be broken at any time.

Treasure hunting, Gao Jiuding's talent is not good, but he now has countless subordinates. When he knew that he lacked an earth-type avatar, his subordinates paid tribute to an earth-type pangolin!
Many of these things are gold-type, and there are very few earth-type pangolins, but every earth-type pangolin spirit beast has a strong talent for treasure hunting.

It can be said that the pangolin in Gao Jiuding's hand is the same clan as the incarnation of Luan Changming.

Gao Jiuding released the pangolin casually, and the pangolin curled up into a ball and rolled to the ground.

Not finding any danger, the little thing stretched out its body and looked around with dazed eyes, obviously not yet reacting to the new environment.

Gao Jiuding took a look with his spiritual sense and found that this little thing had already reached the fourth level of blood refinement, which would obviously help him in his treasure hunt here.

Earth-type treasure-hunting pangolins are rare, and it is almost impossible to get a blood-pill stage pangolin. Gao Jiuding can only use this newly born spirit beast.

Originally, Gao Jiuding wanted to cultivate slowly, but he didn't expect to enter this space this time, but it just happened to be used.

The space here is unstable, just suitable for using low-level monsters.

Gao Jiuding fed the pangolin one of the Essence Blood Pills he had refined, and told it to look around him, but not too far away.

The newborn pangolin is more sensitive to the place where the spiritual energy gathers on the surface. Now that it has reached the fourth level of blood refining, I don't know if it will show better detection ability.

Sure enough, the pangolin with the talent for treasure hunting and the talent for escaping the ground is not easy. According to Gao Jiuding's request, it dug a half-foot-deep soil in the ground not far behind Gao Jiuding in a short while. Gao Jiuding was overjoyed when he took out a middle-grade spirit stone with his mouth!
The detection ability of this treasure-hunting pangolin has really improved, and it has a certain sense of things buried in the shallow layers of the landmarks.

When they arrived at the main peak, the pangolin found a total of three middle-grade spirit stones and several low-grade spirit stones for Gao Jiuding. They also found a lot of broken artifacts, and even picked a 500-year-old tree behind a rock. Elixir.

Of course, these Gao Jiudings didn't pay attention to them, but through this incident, he proved that this pangolin was worth cultivating.

Especially after this pangolin found a small medicine garden, Gao Jiuding was even more happy.

For such a small thing with spirituality, Gao Jiuding was naturally reluctant to refine it into an avatar.

Without spirituality, can it still have the present performance?
This is still a little demon at the fourth level of blood refining, and he has already performed better than Luan Changming in treasure hunting.

This is talent. Whether the pangolin, which has been refined into a divine soul, still has this ability is really a matter of debate.

Anyway, Gao Jiuding is not short of a doppelgänger now, besides, what he needs is the incarnation of a powerful monster of the earth element, not the little monster who only has the fourth level of blood refinement now.

 Thanks to the king of the emperor, queen of the earth, poison you thousands of times, book friends 20190103004646188, lads4017, 139808 brothers for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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