The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1143 Accidental Discovery

Chapter 1143 Accidental Discovery
Before coming to the elixir garden, Gao Jiuding found that the elixir garden was covered by a small formation!

Before he detected the entrance, a flash of lightning blasted a big crater on the ground in front of Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding looked up and saw that a monk had already arrived in the elixir garden!

The monk held a small round mirror that flickered with electric light in his hand, and said to Gao Jiuding: "This place has been occupied by my subordinates, please leave, Fellow Daoist."

Gao Jiuding was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't think of the dispute!

Finding the elixir was the most important thing, so he followed the pangolin and soon came to another elixir garden.

The closer to the top of the mountain, the denser the cemetery, it seems that this place is indeed a treasure!
Just when Gao Jiuding found another medicine garden, the monk he met just now saw the direction Gao Jiuding was leaving, and his face changed. Obviously, he also knew the situation here very well!
During the exploration of his spiritual consciousness, he discovered that Gao Jiuding was actually just a monk with a layer of hemolysis. He couldn't help but smile sinisterly, and bent down to collect the elixir in the elixir garden.

Gao Jiuding was lucky this time, the second elixir garden was not visited by other monks first!

He sacrificed his flying sword and attacked the formation outside the elixir garden. In an instant, the outer formation was cut with a hole for Gao Jiuding to enter and exit.

His incarnation of Zijin bee has the cultivation base of the blood core stage. Even if he has not accumulated much real energy because of his small body, it is not comparable to ordinary hemolytic stage monks.

Although the formation here is extraordinary, but the aura is weak, it is not difficult for the incarnation of the Zijin bee to decipher it.

Walking into this medicine garden, Gao Jiuding found that the elixir garden was less than half an acre. In addition to a large number of hundred-year-old elixir, there were about a hundred 500-year-old elixir, and all of them had matured!
This made Gao Jiuding very happy. What he cared about was not the elixir of this age, but the type of these elixir.

After thinking about it, he didn't have time to transplant it now, so he directly opened the jade box he brought, carefully collected these elixirs, and put them in the jade box.

Gao Jiuding looted all the elixir in the elixir garden, and sprinkled the seeds of mature elixir in the garden as usual, so that this elixir garden can continue to function!

Gao Jiuding naturally wanted to come here once if he didn't have one, he was the kind of guy who said, I'll come, I'll see, I want everything!
When you see it, you own it. Once you see this place, this place belongs to him.

"I don't know how those outsiders came here!"

Gao Jiuding was a little annoyed, if it wasn't for the poor fighting ability of Zijinfeng, he would have thought and killed all the monks who invaded his territory.

It turned out that he was the only one who ate the treasure hunt alone. When did he share it with others?
This time, it was in the dark void, far away from the Nanmen [-] galaxy and the solar system. Why are there so many guys coming in?

Regardless of whether there is still the Spirit Grass Garden, we must speed up.

After Gao Jiuding hastily tidied up the elixir garden, he wanted to leave as soon as possible.

But as soon as he came out of the formation that was about to recover, he felt a slight dark wind blowing. If he hadn't been careful enough, it might be difficult to find it.

A thing like a crystal ball flew out from the incarnation of the Zijin bee, and turned into a size of three feet. Only a crisp "ding" sound was heard, and the attacking object was blocked by Gao Jiuding.

A three-inch needle-shaped magic weapon flew backwards and fell into the hands of a monk more than 20 meters away to the left of Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding turned his head and saw that it was the monk he saw in the first elixir garden!
There was an invisibility talisman on his body, no wonder Gao Jiuding didn't find him immediately!
Now, because of the imperial envoy's magic weapon, the mana fluctuates, and this reveals his figure.

The monk obviously didn't expect that Gao Jiuding would be able to block his sneak attack safely!
The monk was stunned for a moment, and cursed: "The boy is lucky, he was able to block the injection, but your luck is over."

As he spoke, he sacrificed his small round mirror that could excite lightning, and a bolt of lightning struck Gao Jiuding.

When the lightning hit the crystal ball, Gao Jiuding's true energy actually felt a burst of numbness, although it was small, but it was real, which made Gao Jiuding alert.

This guy's cultivation base is low, but he didn't expect his fighting power to be so strong, especially his magic weapon.

Gao Jiuding held up a transparent flying sword, and said, "Your Excellency, are you trying to kill people and steal money?"

The monk smiled "hehe" and said, "That's right, I can also reduce one competitor for my tribe."

tribe?It seems that they are really not earth monks, and it is even more impossible to be demon star monks, because they cannot go so far in the starry sky.

Gao Jiuding said with a smile: "You can be straightforward!"

After saying that, a treasure-level Ice Soul Cold Light Sword in his hand had already slashed towards the opponent.

This cultivator did not expect that Gao Jiuding's counterattack was so sharp, this was not the reaction a hemolytic first layer cultivator should have at all.

At the same time, I also realized that this cultivator can become one of the cultivators who enter the void secret realm with a level of hemolysis. He must have his own abilities, instead of relying on the support of the elders of the tribe to make a fortune here as he thought before. The weak chicken.

The tribal monks who realized it hurriedly sacrificed a middle-level magic weapon to protect themselves, and at the same time released the needle-shaped magic weapon, looming around Gao Jiuding, waiting for a sneak attack.

It's a pity that this tribal monk understood a little too late, Gao Jiuding raised his right hand, and another Ice Soul Cold Light Sword flew up again!
The spiritual consciousness locked on the monk, and it played a role at this moment. The two ice soul cold light swords were unfolded, using the Liangyi sword formula in the Wanjian Guizong formula, to control the flying sword one left and one right. The magic weapon is torn.

Amidst the exclamation, several talismans flew out from the cultivator's hand, some turned into wooden shields, some turned into stone walls, and some simply turned into attack spells, and blocked Gao Jiuding's twin swords, but Gao Jiuding's twin swords were blocked by Gao Jiuding without exception. The Nine Cauldrons collapsed!

An ice soul cold light sword flashed, the monk had been pierced through the heart, and with a bang, the monk's body had been shattered into pieces. This was caused by the collapse of the blood sea space.

Gao Jiuding said inwardly that it was a pity. Generally, in times of crisis, monks always have to stimulate the power of the blood essence in the blood sea. Some even choose to self-destruct the blood essence in the end, or destroy the space of the blood sea to get the last chance to fight back. Therefore, the monk In the fall, blood essence is rarely left behind.

Gao Jiuding was able to easily kill monsters and harvest their blood essence, a big reason was that the weak defeated the strong!

Those monsters didn't think that they would die in the hands of a little monk, so naturally they would not choose to die together, which made Gao Jiuding cheaper in the end.

So, if you want to get the blood essence of a monk in the hemolytic period or a monster, you have to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, so that there is hope, or else it will be a waste of time.

Gao Jiuding took the monk's scattered instruments and storage bags in his hands, turned his head and looked not far away, and said loudly, "Your Excellency, after watching for so long, do you intend to be the last fisherman?"

Locked by Gao Jiuding's divine sense, a monk in ancient costume walked out from behind a huge rock on the west side of the Spirit Medicine Garden!
The monk smiled awkwardly at Gao Jiuding and said, "I passed by here unintentionally, and when I heard the sound of fighting, I rushed over to see if I could persuade the two sides to stop and make peace. Unexpectedly, my fellow Taoist showed great power, but I was able to stop it in time. Ashamed!"

Gao Jiuding naturally didn't believe his nonsense, and said blankly: "Oh, since that's the case, are you going to stand up for him?"

The monk in ancient clothes took a step back when he heard the words, and said vigilantly: "Fellow Daoist, you are joking, since there is nothing I have to do here, I will take my leave."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Gao Jiuding to react, he hurriedly returned to the way he came from.

Gao Jiuding didn't have time to stop him, so he had no choice but to let the other party go!

Right and wrong, if you can't do it, just stay. After the monk left, Gao Jiuding followed the pangolin and continued to move forward.

On the way, Gao Jiuding looked through the tribal monk's belongings. Thirty boxes contained more than 80 500-year-old elixirs, more than [-] middle-grade spirit stones, and two bottles of hemolytic period cultivation elixirs!
There is also the small round mirror that emits lightning, and the needle-shaped magic weapon used to attack him.

Gao Jiuding, the purple gold bee incarnation, really does not lack needle-shaped magic weapons, because the natal magic weapon it sacrifices is also a needle-shaped magic weapon.

It's just that the talisman of the Purple Gold Bee's incarnation is a bit weak, and it can't be compared with the two ice soul cold light swords of the ninth-level treasure.

Although Gao Jiuding's swordsmanship is not good, Wan Jian Gui Zong Jue is still very powerful, and there is no problem at all with using it to activate the two flying swords.

Now this needle-shaped magic weapon is only a middle-level magic weapon, and its quality is obviously worse than the natal magic weapon incarnated by the Zijin bee. Beast sacrifice training, so Gao Jiuding also stayed.

After walking not far, Gao Jiuding discovered the third elixir garden, but unfortunately it was already empty!

Presumably, the ancient-clothed monk just got there first!
This made Gao Jiuding secretly annoyed. Obviously, the treasure hunting abilities of those foreign monks were not weak, so he wanted to speed up.

Gao Jiuding looked at the huge ruins in front of him. The broken walls and ruins on the ruins seemed to be still telling the prosperity of this place.

He spent a whole day searching the top of the mountain. Although he had gained something, it was a pity that it was far from what he had gained in the elixir garden, so he decided to continue searching for the ruins.

He walked among the ruins, hoping to find something, and at the same time sighed in his heart, wanting to pay tribute to this magnificent relic. After all, such an important place, monks who want to come in will come to investigate it, and I am afraid that he will not have one. What a gain.

On the contrary, the pangolin spirit beast was sent to run around in it, like a ball of meat, stirring up layers of dust, and the original gray scales turned black.

From time to time, the pangolin would find one or two pieces of magical artifacts from the ruins and hand them to Gao Jiuding!
Every time the pangolin gets a compliment from Gao Jiuding, the pangolin is extremely excited.

Just when Gao Jiuding walked to the middle of the ruins, something in Gao Jiuding's storage bag suddenly trembled!

Gao Jiuding scanned the storage bag with his divine sense, and was immediately overjoyed. Is there any accidental discovery here?

(End of this chapter)

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