Chapter 1144
Gao Jiuding's heart skipped a beat, and he looked around, seeing desolation as far as he could see, and then he took out a slightly larger jade box.

Gao Jiuding opened the jade box, and a ball of blue flames swayed inside. It was a part of Nanming Lihuo separated from Gao Jiuding's body.

This part of the flame has no spirituality, but as long as there is a supply of spiritual energy, it will not go out. This is used by Gao Jiuding to make the Zijin bee transform into a body.

After the gold-type monsters temper their bodies with fire, they will continue to strengthen their bodies after tempering them with ice cold light. If it weren't for this method of exercising their bodies, it would be absolutely impossible for the Zijin bee incarnation to advance to blood pills.

Insect-type monsters have very low intelligence. If Gao Jiuding hadn't been assimilated into the soul, it wouldn't even have the wisdom to cultivate!
It is because of Gao Jiuding's wisdom that this Zijin bee incarnation can go to the present.

Unexpectedly, the Nanming Lihuo, which was separated from the main body, was throbbing, which was a sign of the imminent birth of spirituality.

Originally, this was just Gao Jiuding's conjecture. No matter how high the quality of the Nanming Lihuo he cultivated, it was impossible to give birth to spirituality, because it itself was a part of Gao Jiuding.

Nanming Lihuo is different from Jihan Lanyan. Jihan Lanyan is an outsider. It already has a trace of spirituality. Even if it is refined by Gao Jiuding, that trace of spirituality will not disappear. Instead, under Gao Jiuding's sacrificial training , get cultivated, and grow stronger and stronger.

And Nanming Lihuo, which was trained by Gao Jiuding, represented Gao Jiuding's will, and naturally he would not reborn spirituality.

Therefore, if you want to cultivate a spiritual fire-level Nanming Lihuo Gao Jiuding, you can only separate some and re-train.

Unexpectedly, the momentary unconstrained style, but now it has harvested.

The incarnation of the Zijin bee had already refined the spirit fire, but because of the pure metal skills he practiced, he never kept it in his body, but put the spirit fire in the spirit box with him.

At this time, Nanming Lihuo trembled slightly, and Gao Jiuding was connected with it mentally, knowing that this was a kind of induction between the same kind of spiritual beings!
Gao Jiuding cheered up, is there a hidden secret room here?Among them is the existence of heaven and earth spirit fire?

After all, this is an Artifact Refining Hall, and it is normal to have Heaven and Earth Spirit Fire.

Following Nanming Lihuo's induction, Gao Jiuding came to the back of a hall in the ruins, which looked like the back of the hall!
Coming here, Nanming Lihuo's reaction became more intense, but Gao Jiuding searched the entire rear compartment carefully, but still found nothing.

Just when Gao Jiuding was secretly thinking about where this induction came from, the pangolin suddenly discovered something in the corner of the back room!

Gao Jiuding hurried over, and saw the pangolin turning around in the corner, digging the ground with its claws from time to time, but this is a hall made of spiritual mines, and the stone slabs on the ground are paved with rough bluestone mines. Where can the pangolins plan? Do you have to move?
Gao Jiuding checked carefully in the corner, but still couldn't see anything. He probed with his divine sense, only to find that there were still slight aura fluctuations through the stone slab.

He took out a flying sword and pried open the stone slab in the corner, and a small basement appeared in front of him.

Gao Jiuding walked down cautiously, and the discovery in front of him immediately made him ecstatic. There are a lot of spiritual materials piled up in this basement, and the level is not low.

Black iron, pure gold, fire copper, blue flint, millennium thunder bamboo, golden arrow thunder bamboo, jade tree, cold iron, cold jade, spirit stone and other spiritual materials for refining high-level magic weapons are neatly piled up inside. Takes up almost a third of the basement!

It's just that although there are many types of these spiritual materials, the quantity is small, and each type is probably only one or two magic weapons. Even so, Gao Jiuding is satisfied.

You must know that many of these spirit materials and spirit mines are sky-level materials, and many of them are difficult to come across in the starry sky.

Fine gold and fire copper are both heaven-grade materials. The quality of the fire copper here is obviously different from that found by Gao Jiuding. Gao Jiuding can tell at a glance that this is a heaven-grade material that is not inferior to fine gold, and The level among the sky-level materials is not low.

The fire copper stored alone is too conspicuous, it is a burning flame, no, it should be a copper block that can emit infinite red light, like a raging fire.

The luminous copper is better than the red fire copper. I don't know where the high-quality ones are.

Not counting all these, there are four other spiritual materials that are of the level of deep-sea cold iron, which are used to refine top-level magic weapons.

Here we will focus on the Lingming stone. Although the Lingming stone that Gao Jiuding obtained originally was not small, there may be a high-level Lingming stone inside, but Gao Jiuding did not cut it open to check.

Therefore, Gao Jiuding has never talked about high-level spirit stones, and this spirit stone, he is very sure that it is a high-end product.

Looking at the Lingming stone that seemed to have a mass of liquid inside, Gao Jiuding knew that it was the legendary Lingming stone marrow, or a high-quality spiritual liquid.

If you don't open it, you can't judge how high the quality is, but Gao Jiuding knows that it can't be ordinary Lingming stone milk.

In addition, there are some spiritual materials that Gao Jiuding doesn't know, but the powerful fluctuations in spiritual power contained in them are even higher than these four spiritual materials for refining top-level magic weapons!

Gao Jiuding knew that these spiritual materials might not be simple, so he collected these spiritual materials and four kinds of spiritual materials for refining top-level magic weapons together, and put them in his personal storage bag.

Naturally, Gao Jiuding would not be polite about the remaining spiritual materials, and put them all in his storage bag.

Gao Jiuding originally thought that this was a warehouse for storing spiritual materials, but these spiritual materials were simply piled up instead of being stored with space equipment like his treasury.

Sure enough, after Gao Jiuding finished packing up the spiritual materials, there was only one stove in the middle left in the basement!
This should be a place for practicing weapon refining, but Gao Jiuding didn't know why it was kept so secret.

At this time, Nanming Lihuo's induction became stronger and stronger. Obviously, the thing that caused this flame to generate induction should be in the furnace.

Gao Jiuding is a bit strange, this space has been abandoned for many years, even if it is the spiritual fire of heaven and earth in this furnace, it should lose its spiritual support to extinguish it, is there anything strange?Or has it been abandoned here for a short time?

Gao Jiuding carefully turned on the stove, only to see a bean-sized flame inside, emitting a faint light, as if it would go out at any moment.

Gao Jiuding quickly squeezed and exploded the eight middle-grade spirit stones together, and the spirit energy that exploded gathered towards the candle. Only then did the flame dance slightly, and the light from it was also a little bit brighter in the stove.

He gently took out the spirit gathering plate from the stove, only to find that under the stove, there was a branch of the spirit vein that had collapsed!
The spiritual veins that wanted to come here were scattered by the war, but the remaining spiritual energy still kept this fire until now.

Gao Jiuding placed sixteen middle-grade spirit stones in the spirit gathering plate, and the flames in the center flickered, as if they had life force again.

This flame has been seriously injured, it seems that without a year or two of careful cultivation, it may be difficult to recover.

Gao Jiuding can already confirm that this is a heaven and earth spiritual fire, but he doesn't know much about the types of flames. When this spiritual fire recovers, he should be able to know the details of this spiritual fire by checking the classics himself.

This furnace used for refining is actually a top-level treasure, and maybe it used to be a spiritual weapon, but I don't know how much spirituality can be preserved after recovery.

For this point, Gao Jiuding would not place much hope, because the alchemy furnace obtained in the Beast Control Dojo, after being restored into a spiritual weapon, there is not much memory left at all.

Perhaps the advanced level Tongtian Lingbao, after cultivating the spirit body, can restore some memories, but it is not so easy to re-cultivate the Tongtian Lingbao.

Although it was not as good as imagined, it also surprised Gao Jiuding a little. The things he discovered before were not worthy of this secret basement.

Not to mention the top materials outside, even this alchemy furnace doesn't seem like it can appear in this place.

The alchemy furnace itself is very precious, and the alchemy furnace of the ninth-level treasure is even more precious among the same-level magic weapons. It is a surprise to find such a treasure.

Gao Jiuding spilled his consciousness, and checked the basement again, only to find writing on the wall of the basement!
He hurried over to check it, and there were some fragments of words, which seemed to be some refining experience, and there were some experimental refining formulas, which were very useful.

A guy who can use a heaven-level spirit weapon refiner must have a high level of refiner!

Because the refining method was wrong, the loss was too great.

With the experience of the predecessors, many detours can be avoided, which saves Gao Jiuding a lot of time and spiritual stones.

He took out his personal jade document, carefully scanned all the words and phrases on the wall, and kept them well. Gao Jiuding continued to search for other valuable targets.

On the other side of the wall, Gao Jiuding found a picture of refining weapons, which recorded a secret technique of refining weapons!

Gao Jiuding is not proficient in refining weapons, at most he would be a fool for refining weapons, but that requires a powerful weapon spirit in the refining furnace.

Obviously, in this kind of place, even if there was a weapon spirit, it would not last until now.

"God forging technique? The name is good, but I don't know if it is a real god?" Gao Jiuding used his portable jade card to scan the words and pictures on the wall while studying.

Whether it is precious or not, but it is better to print the pattern and study it.

After a little analysis, Gao Jiuding knew that this was a secret technique, mainly a method of refining, decomposing, and fusing various materials.

It can also be said that this is a kind of preparatory work before smelting. Various minerals are mixed with each other, just like iron smelting. Naturally, it needs to be purified. After purification, various formulas are needed to make the various materials blend perfectly.

It will be easier to form an alloy in this way and continue refining, but there is a problem of success rate!
 Thank you for the rewards from the king of the emperor, the cute Yuchen, and the lads4017 brothers!
(End of this chapter)

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