The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1145: Three-Sided Siege

Chapter 1145 Besieged From All Sides
During refining, the defective products that were not successfully refined can also be refined again and decomposed into raw materials.

After being disassembled, it can be fused again to proceed to the next refining process, which is the advantage of the divine forging technique.

It can be said that this is a very powerful secret technique.

"Just now, I was worried about wasting materials in refining tools. I didn't expect that there would be a chance to repent?" Gao Jiuding studied it more than a dozen times, and he was excited when he confirmed that the method recorded here could be used.

The biggest consumption of a refining tool is the material. After all kinds of materials are fused together, if the refining is unsuccessful, it is not so easy to disassemble them again.

It turned out that Gao Jiuding accepted the refining tool. If the refining failed, they would be able to separate some main materials at most!

For example, refining the demon refining pot, the main material is wind-milled copper, adding a small amount of spiritual gold and other trace elements, if the refining fails, as long as some defective materials fused inside are burned directly through a special method OK.

In this way, not only those trace elements disappeared, but also some of the wind-polished copper would disappear.

But now with this divine forging technique, it's different!

If the refining fails in the future, you can slowly experiment according to the method provided by the divine forging technique, and separate the fused materials one by one.

One of the simplest methods is actually to separate according to the difference in melting point. It turned out that Gao Jiuding used this method, but he is even more powerful. The divine forging technique can collect and restore the gasified materials again, so the loss will be reduced. Very little.

Of course, there are other methods to dissolve and separate materials. Gao Jiuding doesn't know if it can be done, but this is a complete secret technique, so it shouldn't be just nonsense.

Since the discovery of the underground secret room was beyond Gao Jiuding's expectation, Gao Jiuding spent another day carefully inspecting the ruins of the entire refining room!
With a monster pet who can hunt for treasure, or has a very keen sense of aura, Gao Jiuding also relieved a lot of worry.

The pangolin was ordered by Gao Jiuding to lose a catty of meat. Unfortunately, such a harvest is not often available!

In desperation, he could only take the dozen or so tattered magical artifacts and low-level spiritual materials he harvested this day, and headed for another mountain with the pangolin.

There is also a building ruin on the nearest mountain peak, Gao Jiuding hopes to gain something there too.

After entering this space, Gao Jiuding also learned some things. Through eavesdropping, he knew that this place is indeed a trial space, and it is a trial space for low-level disciples.

The strongest strength to enter here cannot exceed the blood pill stage, and monks who are at the peak of hemolysis are generally allowed to enter, because monks at the early stage of blood pills may break the space here and cause devastating disasters.

Therefore, the major forces that can enter this secret space will restrict the entry of disciples below the blood core stage.

Now Gao Jiuding also knew where those outsiders came from, and his guess at the beginning was really right, they were directly teleported through the teleportation array on the Demon Star.

There are many teleportation arrays leading here, and many tribes and sects on the Demon Star can enter, and it happens once in a hundred years, and has never been missed.

This secret space is opened once every [-] years, so there are almost no spiritual plants in the spiritual grass garden here that are more than a thousand years old, and it is mainly frequented by people.

Now Gao Jiuding also knows that the elixir garden is the main target of all the monks who enter here. He is already two days behind, and the elixir here is afraid that more than half of the elixir has been mined now, which is already a bit late.

Just as he walked down the mountain, Gao Jiuding suddenly stopped in his tracks!
The divine consciousness he released made Gao Jiuding discover the danger again. There was a newly arranged formation more than 20 meters away in front of him!

The strange flow of aura caused by the array made Gao Jiuding alert, it was someone trying to plot against him.

There was only a sound of clapping hands, "This Taoist friend has a keen sense!"

On the mountain before, the monk I met came out, and three other monks came out at the same time. The four of them were in four directions, surrounding Gao Jiuding in the middle.

Gao Jiuding looked at the four monks around him. These four were all human races, and their costumes did not come from the same tribe, nor could they be from the same sect.

I didn't expect the human monks on Devil Star to be so united!
Of course, Gao Jiuding is not afraid either. His incarnation of Zijin bee is weak, and he also has the early stage of blood pill cultivation. How many late stage hemolysis monks will he be afraid of?

Even if these hemolytic late stage monks come to the sect, how many powerful inheritances do they need after being suppressed by the monster race for thousands of years?

Gao Jiuding looked at the monk who took the lead and met before, and said: "They are all human races, why bother to make things difficult for each other?"

The monk smiled evilly and said, "Embarrassing each other? Haha, you don't understand the law of the jungle, do you? I really don't know how you cultivated to such a high level. I know that you are not an ordinary monk. You have profound magic power, but after all, it is only the hemolysis period. Cultivation!
The four of us are all outstanding monks in the late stage of hemolysis in our respective factions. I don’t believe that the four of you can destroy you together. It’s just that you can detect the formation formed by my junior sister, which surprises us a lot. I wait for a solution? "

Gao Jiuding didn't talk nonsense, he suddenly jumped up, and the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword was like an elf dancing on the top of the waves, bringing waves of waves and rushing towards the monk!

After launching the attack, Gao Jiuding sneered and said, "You'll know when you're underground,"

That cultivator was not stupid, he had already prepared, he took a feather fan in his hand, and slapped it towards the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword, a fire bird flew out immediately, screamed, and rushed towards the flying sword!

The monk was indeed well prepared. After blocking the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword, he sacrificed a small bell at the same time to protect himself!

The monk shouted: "Brothers and sisters, there are at least two hundred 500-year-old elixir on this person, and we will work together to kill this person."

The money touched people's hearts, the monk shouted, and the other three immediately besieged Gao Jiuding with him!
In the sky, a flying sword, a red silk, a flying spear, and the flame fan in the hands of the previous monk, the four magic weapons attacked Gao Jiuding together.

Gao Jiuding did not dare to be careless after confirming that this was a monk on Devil Star.

He sacrificed an ice soul cold light bead on the top of his head, and the bead immediately changed into two, two into four, four into eight, and more and more until it became 120 eight six-sided crystal beads, which were joined together to form a huge The ice puck wrapped the purple gold bee incarnation, and blocked the attack of the four people.

The four surrounded Gao Jiuding and beat them up. Gao Jiuding tried his best to resist, but there were still many attacks hitting the ice puck.

Gao Jiuding was really at a disadvantage now, he tried his best to resist, but he could barely block it. After all, the incarnation of the Zijin bee was too weak, and Gao Jiuding was not used to it.

Of course, he wasn't used to it, and the four monks were also having a hard time, they didn't dare to go all out!

The monk who took the lead had seen how Gao Jiuding killed other monks, and knew that Gao Jiuding still had some tricks to use, so he reminded his companions to fight steadily and consume his mana.

Gao Jiuding actually has several methods to change the situation in an instant. For example, he has other magic weapons in his hand. If he uses any one of them, he can immediately break the deadlock!

It's just that those are top-level spirit treasures, and now they can be regarded as cannons to fight mosquitoes.

Gao Jiuding was unwilling to use it unless it was a last resort, and those were not the true manifestations of his avatar strength!

Gao Jiuding now wants to rely on the strength of this avatar to fight these four people, mainly because he doesn't want to scare some guys hiding around.

However, it seems that there are many dangers here, and it takes a lot of time to collect the elixir. If the entrustment takes a long time, the benefits may be given to others!
So Gao Jiuding hesitated, which way to use to end this battle.

At this time, the only female monk on the field suddenly threw more than a dozen spirit stones!

The spirit stones flew to different directions, and at the same time, some spiritual materials were thrown out. Gao Jiuding knew that they were all spiritual materials for the formation. This woman still wants to form the formation?
Gao Jiuding was really surprised, he had never encountered this kind of fighting style.

The woman threw more than a dozen spirit stones to a distance of more than ten meters in front of Gao Jiuding, and Gao Jiuding suddenly realized that the other party was trying to pull the formation that had been arranged before.

How could Gao Jiuding, who understood the reason, let her succeed?
He suddenly activated the flying sword, forcing the magical weapons around him to pause, and Gao Jiuding took the flying sword back immediately.

Just when everyone was puzzled, two sword lights soaring into the sky, like two flood peaks breaking through the dam, swept towards the four people around them.

A pair of Ice Soul Cold Light Swords, one front and one behind, is exactly one of the "Wan Jian Jue" "Yin Yang Liang Yi Jian Jue", which can be regarded as the kind of sword art that urges the least flying swords, and belongs to the basic sword art of Iron Sword Sect .

The more basic something is, the more reliable it is, Gao Jiuding said from experience.

As soon as Gao Jiuding made an effort, the cultivator who was using the flying spear was caught off guard. He only felt a huge wave and sent his flying spear flying!
Immediately following a huge wave, it smashed his protective magic weapon to pieces, and just as he turned around to retreat, the third huge wave swept in again!

The cultivator suddenly felt his head lighten, and he was able to see the scenery behind him, and then lost consciousness.

When the other three saw Gao Jiuding flipping his hands, they killed one of their own, and their hearts sank!
The leading monk said loudly: "This man is powerful, what treasures do you have at the bottom of the box, if you don't need it at this time, when will you wait?"

The expressions of the other two changed. The cultivator who was using the flying sword gritted his teeth and spat a mouthful of blood at the flying sword!

The flying sword suddenly turned red, resisting a flying sword, and at the same time he slapped the spirit beast bag on his waist!

A crocodile at the peak of hemolysis appeared in front of him and flew towards Gao Jiuding quickly.

This cultivator is quite famous among the monks in the hemolytic stage in the sect because of this hemolytic stage spirit beast!

(End of this chapter)

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