Chapter 1146 Booty

The monster that was hastily summoned was a six-meter-long giant crocodile. It moved quickly and flew over a distance of tens of meters in the blink of an eye, before arriving in front of Gao Jiuding!

The giant crocodile lowered its head and bumped into the ice puck beside Gao Jiuding.

In fact, this Ice Soul Cold Light Bead is not suitable for the Zijin Bee incarnation to use. Even the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword, the Zijin Bee incarnation can barely activate it, and the sword art used is still the water system sword art, and it is with the help of Ice Soul Only the supernatural powers that come with the Cold Light Sword can have the power it has now.

It was mainly Zijin bee incarnation, Gao Jiuding had never let him practice supernatural powers, so naturally he could only use the supernatural powers that Gao Jiuding was most familiar with when fighting.

Because I hadn't practiced the Ice Soul Cold Light Bead before, it was barely mobilized at this time, so after the Ice Soul Cold Light Orb was attacked, the manifested more than 100 ice balls suddenly shook!
The giant crocodile turned sideways, swung its huge tail, and hit the ice wall!
The peripheral ice puck shook even more violently, and with the constant blows from other people, the ice puck began to falter.

The leading monk was overjoyed, and said: "If you put more force, this guy's tortoise shell will be broken, and everyone will be mad at that time."

Gao Jiuding's face darkened, wishing to cut off his tongue!
Hearing what he said, the rest of the two were also refreshed, and the attack with the magic weapon in their hands stepped up a bit.

The female cultivator who set up the formation, a puff of smoke rose from the formation that was arranged at first, and slowly floated towards Gao Jiuding's direction, obviously the formation was moved by her.

Gao Jiuding's expression changed, and he glanced at the smoke in front of him, and the flying sword suddenly folded, and the sword split through Hong Ling's block, and rushed towards the female cultivator.

The female cultivator looked shocked, and quickly recalled Hong Ling, and at the same time threw out a talisman in her hand, which turned into a wall of earth, and together with the protective magic weapon above her head, they blocked the attack of the flying sword.

Seeing this, another cultivator at the side hurriedly flew his magic weapon over, and together with the female cultivator, they resisted another Ice Soul Cold Light Sword.

At this moment, the flying sword attacking the female cultivator suddenly drew a half-arc!
Later, the flying sword of the male cultivator was suddenly controlled by a strange force, as if a person who fell into the water was being carried forward by the flood, and rushed towards the protective magic weapon of the female cultivator.

In Feijian Nanxiu's mind, a magical power that he had heard of flashed through his mind: "Turn the world upside down, use your strength to fight your strength"!
Just when the flying sword male monk suddenly lost control of his magic weapon, the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword that turned back merged with the other, forming two waves of swords, rushing towards him.

The frightened flying sword male cultivator once again fought the spirit beast bag, and a huge sea turtle suddenly appeared in front of him!

The hard tortoise shell of the sea turtle blocked the flying sword that just broke through the barrier of the protective magic weapon!

Receiving this relief, the cultivator stepped back quickly, but suddenly felt a chill in his chest, but it was a flying needle that pierced his heart.

Just when the monk was incredulous, he heard a crisp sound of "click". Under the double attack of the leading monk and the crocodile monster, the ice ball condensed on the outside of Gao Jiuding's magic weapon, the ice soul cold light beads, burst open.

The leading monk looked happy, his clenched hands suddenly glowed red, a flame rose into the air and turned into a fire bird, and after a long cry, it rushed towards Gao Jiuding.

Talisman?Blood pill level combat strength?

Seeing the violent fluctuations in the surrounding space, Gao Jiuding immediately realized that these monks in the late stage of hemolysis were not honest.

Although they stipulated that monks in the blood pill stage should not be allowed to enter this space, they are not defenseless, this is the background.

A few little monks were able to take out talismans to defend themselves.

Gao Jiuding's expression froze, and a white jade talisman also appeared in his hand!
With the infusion of mana, a faint, ordinary and uncommon sword light rose up, and the fire bird was split with one sword, and the remaining power was endless, and it slashed towards the leading monk.

Seeing that Gao Jiuding also possessed the treasure talisman, and the quality was obviously higher than his own, the leading monk suddenly felt pain after relaxing, so he had to sacrifice the treasure talisman in his hand again!

A fire bird rose into the sky again, blocking the remaining power of Jian Guang!
At this moment, another yellow light flashed in Gao Jiuding's hand, and three huge boulders appeared above the heads of the leading monks!

The first one smashed his guardian magic weapon, and the two under him smashed him into a pulp in his horrified eyes!
The last thought before dying was: "He actually has two talismans!"

Gao Jiuding has more than two talisman treasures?He can refine talisman by himself, and he is still an earth cultivator, so it is the easiest to refine earth-type talisman!
If it wasn't for the fact that Zijin Bee's avatar was too weak, it would be even more powerful if it were refined into gold-type talisman treasures.

Since Zijinfeng's incarnation was too weak, Gao Jiuding gave it enough life-saving things to enter the secret space this time.

Gao Jiuding, who used the talisman treasure twice, threw out five water shield talismans, resisting the aftermath of mana scattered after the fire bird and sword light fought together!
At this moment, a dense fog swept across the ground, wrapping Gao Jiuding in it!
The moment Gao Jiuding fell into the formation, he turned and ran away when he saw the female cultivator.

This formation is just an auxiliary psychedelic formation arranged by the female cultivator hastily, which hinders the vision and consciousness of the monks caught in the formation and slows down their movements, giving the monks outside the formation an opportunity to take advantage of it!

But the female cultivator knew that according to Gao Jiuding's strength, this formation would only trap him for a while!
Now she is the only one left, and it is absolutely impossible to kill Gao Jiuding before the formation is broken, so she can only run!

Just when she had just run [-] meters, she saw a big iron block flying out of the formation!

The iron block flew above the formation, suddenly turned into a three-meter-high cube, and fell down.

The huge iron block is very conspicuous, especially the two strong and powerful characters "Fantian" at the bottom are even more shining.

The bright iron block is a seal, and it is a square seal.

The big seal fell hard, and there was a roar, and the ground trembled, and the fog in the formation immediately dissipated.

Once Gao Jiuding's vision cleared, he saw the female cultivator who had fled a hundred meters away!

Under the siege of four people, Gao Jiuding tried his best, how could he let her go?

A ground escape talisman was slapped on her body, and Gao Jiuding suddenly appeared ten meters behind the female cultivator!
The panic-stricken female cultivator seemed to want to say something, but Gao Jiuding didn't want to give him a chance at all, so he flew over with a sword and already decapitated her.

Looking at the messy ground, Gao Jiuding radiated all his consciousness, and found that there was no suspicious situation nearby, and some guys who were watching the battle just now had run away completely.

No need to think about it, seeing that tough Gao Jiuding, those guys naturally didn't dare to stay here.

No danger was found, so Gao Jiuding swallowed a good elixir to recover his spiritual power!

After a little trimming, Gao Jiuding collected all the storage bags of the four people and the undamaged magic weapons scattered around.

The crocodile monster died when its master died. Obviously, the crocodile monster was a slave controlled by a monk with his spiritual sense.

On the other hand, the sea turtle at the ninth level of refining blood was hit by the remaining force of the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword, but it was seriously injured and was on the verge of death.

When Hai Turtle saw Gao Jiuding coming, he made a gesture of worship, which was a sign of the monster begging for mercy and admitting its master!
Gao Jiuding is rather strange. It seems that this sea turtle's intelligence is not low. Generally, monsters have to wait until the hemolysis period to open up a little intelligence. This turtle is obviously different. It has ignorant wisdom in advance.

Gao Jiuding fed it one of the healing elixirs he refined during the blood refinement period, and put it into a spirit animal bag to heal his wounds.

I found a storage bag for a few middle-level instruments and put them in!
Four storage bags, Gao Jiuding found 180 500-year-old elixir from them, and the leading monk himself had 120. It seems that he has gained a lot in the elixir garden.

There are a total of [-] spirit stones. It seems that there must be a lot of spirit veins on the Demon Star. Otherwise, these low-level monks would not be able to take so many spirit stones to take risks.

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding didn't dare to go there to mine for a while.

Continuing to check the storage bag, Gao Jiuding found a lot of elixirs, and found five bottles of elixirs in the hemolytic stage. Although they are not needed, they can be used for reference, and they may be able to develop some new medicines.

It's just that the quality of these pills is ordinary, if you can find some high-grade hemolytic pills, it will be even more valuable.

On the contrary, at the leading monk's place, besides a treasure talisman, they also needed some talismans. Only one of them seemed to be of relatively high quality, but Gao Jiuding didn't see any use for it.

Putting away the talisman, Gao Jiuding found another hemolysis pill, which is similar to the blood essence pill of the blood refining period, and belongs to the most basic medicine. Unfortunately, on the demon star, most of the hemolysis period came from the sect, and Gao Jiuding did not have it. Get the recipe for this basic elixir.

This time, I didn't expect to get one from this group of demon star monks!
After decomposing and analyzing this thing, it should not be difficult to deduce the formula. After all, it is a basic elixir, and the formulas are similar.

After looking around, Gao Jiuding found that the most valuable thing was the talisman.

The talisman was made by a monk on the second level of Xuedan, and it can be used once, but the brand-new talisman told Gao Jiuding that the identity of this leading monk may not be simple.

Gao Jiuding dug out the female cultivator's storage bag, and there was a jade slip about formations in it. He was not very interested in formations, but he could give it to Li Xitong for research.

From it, he found the formation disk she arranged, and Gao Jiuding followed the introduction in the jade slip to find the formation disk arranged in front of him!

The formation was intact, but the spiritual stones and spiritual materials inlaid on it were all smashed to pieces by Gao Jiuding's "Tian Tian Yin".

The Fantian seal made of black iron is only average in power!
If it wasn't for the fact that Zijinfeng's incarnation was a gold-type monster and could only use gold-type magic weapons, Gao Jiuding would not have equipped it with such a magic weapon.

After all, such a simple magic weapon is not good for most people to use.

Now it seems that the destructive power of this magic weapon against the formation is not bad!

(End of this chapter)

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