Chapter 1147 Millennium Spirit Grass
Right now, the formation disk is useless, the spirit stone inlaid on the formation disk was blown up, destroying the formation disk.

Putting away the messy harvest, Gao Jiuding stayed for a while, and only continued to explore after he fully recovered.

Gao Jiuding first fought four monks in the late stage of hemolysis, and in the process of fighting, he used high-quality treasures continuously. After killing these four people, his own mana was also consumed. Ling Dan added that it took half a day for the incarnation of Zijin Bee to fully replenish its mana.

This is the aptitude, this is the potential, why Gao Jiuding is not willing to waste time on the incarnation of the Zijin bee?
It is because it is too far behind the water and fire python, dragon elephant, and even the purple gold roc and fire kite, and it is not worth cultivating at all.

Walking on the small path in the mountains, Gao Jiuding analyzed the situation here. After the murder, he immediately hid himself, unexpectedly hearing a lot of secrets.

This secret space has existed for a long time, only every ten years, there is a period of space instability, and the monks on the devil star, taking advantage of the thin space, open up the teleportation array and send them here.

The time when this space is unstable is usually half a month to 20 days, and will never exceed 20 days. Therefore, usually in seventeen or eight days, you will activate the attracting talisman on your body, and let the masters in your door, Pull out the secret space by yourself.

Gao Jiuding found several identical talismans in the storage bags of the four people, and these are the connecting talismans.

If Gao Jiuding wanted to, he could also activate this attracting talisman, and through the mighty power in the secret realm, someone could draw him directly into the Devil Star, but unfortunately, he didn't dare.

This kind of talisman is connected to the teleportation array on the Demon Star. If Gao Jiuding is taken away, he will definitely appear in the teleportation array. Isn't that courting death?
Putting away the attracting talisman, Gao Jiuding immediately speeded up!

He forcibly broke the space wall of this space to enter this secret realm. Who knows if he can break the space wall here after it becomes stable?

Otherwise, wouldn't his incarnation be trapped here?
Without stopping any longer, Gao Jiuding quickly rushed towards the mountain in front of him. This mountain seemed to be an alchemy peak, and the buildings inside were mainly used for alchemy.

A day later, Gao Jiuding, who carefully avoided the dangers on the road, finally saw the mountain ahead.

Before reaching the halfway up the mountain, there was a roar of mana surging, and the sound of colliding with the magic weapon, came over!

Gao Jiuding was secretly a little impatient, he never lagged behind in treasure hunting, now it seems that he came too late!

The battle ahead has already begun, and it seems that there is no shortage of lucky people.

Gao Jiuding looked over from a distance, but found that it turned out to be a group of guys wearing animal skins, who were the four monks who were besieging and guarding a formation.

Gao Jiuding was stunned, and quickly took a few steps forward, only to see that among the four people besieged by the wall, two of them were his disciples, and the other two were human monks on the Demon Planet.

Needless to say, the enemies in the outer circle are all demon cultivators, and they are all demon cultivators who have transformed themselves!

In the later stage of hemolysis, the transformation into a monster is naturally not too complete, so this group of people either have a monster's head on their heads, or have a beast-like facial features.

In recent thousands of years, the two races of humans and monsters have become mortal enemies. When they meet, they will naturally never die.

So Gao Jiuding was two of his subordinates, and they naturally got together with the human monks on the Demon Planet!
They cooperate with each other, but they have a tacit understanding. Under the siege of the six demon cultivators, although they are at a disadvantage, they are not in great danger for a short time.

At this time, the two parties in the fight obviously also discovered Gao Jiuding's arrival, and four of them were overjoyed, because Gao Jiuding was a human race.

The guy who took the lead, Gao Jiuding knew him, was a centurion, not the incarnation of a monster.

If it is the incarnation of a monster, it is impossible to get the approval of the cultivator of the demon star.

Seeing the arrival of the Patriarch, the centurion suddenly shouted to the six Yaozu: "You guys from the Yaozu, you six besieged me and four of you for a long time, but you couldn't help but wait. Now we are here to help you. If we keep pestering him endlessly, aren't we afraid that the newly discovered alchemy room will be taken first by others?"

The leader of the six monster clans was obviously moved by the centurion's words!
He looked back at Gao Jiuding, just in time to see Gao Jiuding raised a pair of flying swords and walking towards this side!

The monster clan pondered for a moment, then snorted angrily: "You meat eaters, this time I'll let you take advantage first."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and said to the five demons on his side: "Withdraw!"

The five demons under him originally wanted to argue, but the demon clan shouted: "The alchemy is important!"

So the five demons stopped arguing, and they hurried towards the top of the mountain.

The four people in the formation breathed a sigh of relief seeing the six go away!

The centurion greeted: "Young master, it's just in time for you to come, let me introduce you, these two fellow Taoists."

The centurion is called Mu Qianye, and the other centurion is called Mu Qianzhi, both of whom are the captains of the guards on the battleship where Song Yue gathered.

The other two are warriors from the same tribe on Devil Star, one named Zhan Feng and the other named Zhan Yu, and they are all two brothers.

It was lucky that the Mu Qianye brothers got together, but it was not lucky for Zhan Feng and Zhan Yu to get together early.

Every monk who enters here has a sensory talisman issued by the sect or tribe. Through the sensory talisman, monks from the same sect or faction who are close to each other can be quickly gathered together!
This will make it easier to do things here, especially when exploring Yaoshan and Danfeng, fighting is almost inevitable. Therefore, monks from the same sect or acquaintances can gather together to obtain the greatest gains while ensuring safety.

In fact, Gao Jiuding also has a few induction charms in his hands, all of which were obtained after killing people. He didn't know what it was useful for before, but now he knows it. Unfortunately, it is useless to him.

Through Mu Qianye, Gao Jiuding learned that the current situation in Lingyao Mountain is already tense!

There are thousands of monks who have entered here this time, and about half of them are gathered in the Spirit Medicine Mountain, and there are still monks rushing over.

If everyone hadn't been busy collecting elixir, a large-scale conflict would have broken out long ago!
Even so, there were still many disputes caused by the high-quality spiritual grass. When Mu Qianye and the others left, they found that seven or eight people had died and more than a dozen people had been injured.

The mountain in front of me is called Dan Peak, originally it would not attract so many people, and there are only a few spiritual herb gardens on it, but this time an accident happened, a monk found it at the back of Dan Peak. Opened an alchemy room!

The complete protective formation outside the alchemy room shows that no one has ever entered here, and the few people are naturally overjoyed, hoping to break through the formation and gain the benefits inside.

Unexpectedly, this guard formation is extremely tough, and the crowd has been attacking for a long time without the slightest sign of collapse, but it has attracted the attention of more monks!

And everyone judged that this place should be an alchemy cave for masters!

This time the news spread, and after hearing about it, the monks of various sects in Lingyao Mountain sent a helping hand to Danfeng. Mu Qianye and the others just came from Lingyao Mountain.

It was also the luck of the four of Mu Qianye that after arriving halfway up the mountainside of Danfeng, they discovered a hidden spiritual herb garden. Unexpectedly, the whereabouts of the four of them had already been noticed by the six demon cultivators sent to Danfeng by the demon clan. Arrived, so the Yaozu started to grab it by force!
Fortunately, Mu Qianye discovered it early and commanded it properly. The four of them cooperated with each other, and they persisted under the onslaught of the six monster clans until Gao Jiuding appeared.

Every time a secret realm is opened, some hidden places are often discovered. Mostly because of the formations in these places, they have lost their hidden function without the auspices and maintenance of monks for thousands of years.

This elixir garden is surprisingly small, but the formation that surrounds it is powerful. This is the reason why Mu Qianye and the others are not retreating. How can such a powerful formation protect the spirit grass?

None of the five people is very proficient in formations. In fact, formations are also the most difficult to get started among all the arts. Therefore, not many people have studied them.

In desperation, the five had no choice but to adopt the most primitive method and break the formation by force.

The five people each sacrificed their own magical weapons and attacked towards the formation, and there was another roaring sound for a while.

Gao Jiuding still used the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword, using the "Yin Yang Liangyi Sword Art", wave after wave of swords, always maintaining the offensive of the opponent.

Among the five people, apart from two of Gao Jiuding's subordinates, who knew a little about Gao Jiuding, the other two monks had doubts about the strength of Gao Jiuding, a hemolytic first-tier monk, but after seeing Gao Jiuding's attack formation The power of the sword art he used at that time was not inferior to his own, so the doubts were all gone.

Gao Jiuding was also observing the other two people, and found that they were also people with deep roots!

In fact, who is not quite powerful to enter this secret realm this time?If not, would they dare to take risks?
You must know that Gao Jiuding entered here with an avatar, and even the two Mu Qianye brothers entered here with their bodies, and they are really dead when they die.

Therefore, the monks who dare to enter here are all warriors!
Under the siege of the five people, although the formation was tenacious, it finally broke apart, and at the same time as a scent of mature spiritual grass came, it also caused the other four people to exclaim.

In the small garden of ten meters square, there are thirty or forty thousand-year-old spirit grasses growing, but unfortunately none of them are mature.

Gao Jiuding didn't know these spirit herbs, but he also knew that they were all spirit herbs that were good for improving one's cultivation.

Maybe it's because no one came here for thousands of years, these spirit grasses have all matured, and even judging from some dead branches and leaves, there are still many that have decayed because of too long a time.

No matter what, the value of these spiritual grasses that can still grow is far higher than that of ordinary spiritual grasses.

This is not the most important thing. In the center of this small garden, there are fourteen thousand-year-old spirit grasses that are obviously more valuable and have matured!
This is something that can only be used in the refining of blood elixir pills, and the value of one plant is equivalent to dozens of 500-year-old spirit grasses.

(End of this chapter)

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