Chapter 1148
After discovering the Millennium Spirit Grass, distribution became a problem, Mu Qianye looked at Gao Jiuding with some embarrassment!
Gao Jiuding smiled slightly, and said: "I arrived last, and I didn't participate in the battle with the demon clan. I only need one plant of each of these thousand-year-old spiritual grasses."

When the other two heard the words, their faces became relaxed, while Mu Qianye smiled gratefully at Gao Jiuding.

Those two were pretty good, after all, they were going through dangers with Brother Mu Qianye, and they didn't want to go too far.

Knowing Gao Jiuding's strength, he valued Gao Jiuding's opinion even more.

The two demon star cultivators were really good, and one of them said: "In that case, then this brother will pick first, and the remaining 500 years of spiritual grass will be shared equally."

These dozens of thousand-year-old spiritual grasses, mature and immature ones are divided into four varieties. Gao Jiuding chose one of the immature ones, and the remaining spiritual grasses were immediately divided equally.

The other Gao Jiuding also got eight 500-year-old spirit grasses, and the five quickly rushed towards the back mountain. At this time, they were nearly two hours behind the Yaozu.

At this time, the mountain at the back of Danfeng was already in a mess. All kinds of spells and instruments were thrown at the protective formation outside the alchemy room, but the light blue formation was still shining brightly and firmly. Guard the alchemy room in front of everyone!

Among the group of people standing in front of the formation, there happened to be six monsters who had left before!

This group of monster clans belonged to several large tribes, and now they gathered more monster clans, a total of sixteen, and they occupied the best position to attack the alchemy room.

A group of three people around, and a group of two, add up to five or 60 people!
One of them is Gao Jiuding's subordinates, ten people in total!

At this time, the ten people were anxiously looking at the top of the mountain, and one of the leaders murmured, "Why hasn't the Patriarch arrived yet? If it's too late, the Yaozu will take the lead."

When Gao Jiuding and the other five arrived, the guardian formation was more than half darker than before. The disciple who was the leader of his side saw Gao Jiuding and the others refreshed, and rushed up with the others.

Gao Jiuding waved his hand secretly, but didn't speak!

The big tree attracts the wind, Gao Jiuding knows this very well, he doesn't want people to know that his avatar is the leader of Mu Qianye and others.

This incarnation is not strong enough, if it is targeted, it is doomed to fall.

No one paid attention to Gao Jiuding, at this time Mu Qianye asked the disciple about the situation in the back mountain.

"The situation is not very good. There are many monsters, and they have already occupied the best position. The human monks on the other side are also divided into several groups, and their attitudes are unclear. Break open, we are already one step behind."

Mu Qianye pondered for a while, and said: "Who has research on formations? You should pay close attention to the weakening of the protection formations. Once the formations are broken, there may be a chaotic battle. At that time, everyone must not rush indiscriminately, let alone be attacked by the insiders." The baby is dazzled, and only by rushing in together can we get the greatest benefit."

Everyone said yes one after another, and each sacrificed their magical weapons and attacked towards the formation, while retaining their strength, paying attention to the situation of the monks in the back mountain.

Gao Jiuding looked at the cave where the alchemy room was located. This cave was built on a low cliff on the big platform of the back mountain. The whole cave was firmly guarded by formations. This word aroused the greed of many monks.

Gao Jiuding thought for a while, walked to an unobtrusive place, waved his sleeves secretly, then stood there for a while, and then returned to the crowd on his side, followed by the crowd attacking the guard formation Law.

The power of the formation is getting weaker and weaker, and the atmosphere of everyone is getting more and more tense!

Sixteen monsters, under the command of a monster master in the early stage of blood core, four monsters were separated from each side to protect the two sides, buying time for others to enter the cave first.

The human monks of Demon Star approached Gao Jiuding and the others slowly from both sides!
As soon as they moved, it aroused the vigilance of the monster master, and then he turned his head to the fellow monks on both sides, and ordered something.

At this moment, there was a sound of "boo", and the protective formation outside the cave burst like a big bubble on the water surface. Before everyone could take back the magic weapon in their hands, all the monsters of the monster clan began to rush towards the cave.

The cultivators from the Demon Stars on both sides came diagonally from the side at the same time, trying to divide the Yaozu group into two ends, and at the same time followed the Yaozu masters into the cave to become the second group.

Unexpectedly, the Eight Demons, who were behind the demon tribe, suddenly moved away, revealing the originally blocked hole, and at the same time, they were beating all around with the magical weapons in their hands!
Now the monks who were originally following the three major groups also became the target of attack!

The situation outside the cave suddenly became chaotic, and everyone attacked blindly, huddled together at the entrance of the cave, and beat indiscriminately.

Gao Jiuding, Mu Qianye and other quick-responsive ones flashed into the cave before the demon cultivators disrupted the situation, and came in together with a few monks from the Demon Star.

The two teams, together with the eight monsters who broke in before, ransacked the cave mansion. Anyone who thought it was useful had no time to look at it, so they put it in the storage bag. If it was really useless, they still threw it on the ground. pulpy.

The cave mansion is very large, apart from the largest cave after entering, there are many small caves around, and the caves are connected with each other, like a small maze.

Gao Jiuding wandered in the cave, and quickly put away the things that seemed to be useful in the cave, but Gao Jiuding still could see that there were not many valuable things in this cave, or he hadn't come across them yet.

The items in the cave are very messy, but it doesn't look like it was looted before. It seems that the owner of the cave should have taken away the useful things in the cave after being attacked, and then closed the cave.

Turning around a cave, Gao Jiuding saw more than a dozen jade boxes with sealing talismans on top of the rotten wooden frame!

The ones in full bloom should be spiritual grasses, and there are two jade bottles beside them, I don't know if they are medicine pills or what!
The magic weapon Gao Jiuding doesn't like it, but the elixir is useful at any time, even if it fails, you can study the formula.

Gao Jiuding's face was overjoyed, and just as he swept all these into the storage bag, he heard a roar of magic power, and some monks started to move their hands in the cave.

He was about to leave the cave where he was, when the roar in the cave outside suddenly increased!

It seems that the things in the cave are almost robbed, and everyone began to focus on the cultivator who has gained something.

Gao Jiuding shook his head, and was about to go out to find Mu Qianye and the others to join him. He didn't want to be the target of public criticism, to be bombarded with mana, and to die of injustice.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew, and at the entrance and exit of the cave, two monks galloped forward, one behind the other!

Gao Jiuding looked around in astonishment, only to see that the person in front of him was a monk from the monster clan!
When the monk saw that there was already a person in the cave, and he was a human monk who was the enemy, so this person was naturally the unlucky guy who stood in his way!
Without saying a word, the Yaozu monk raised his hand, and a dagger came towards Gao Jiuding's face.

Gao Jiuding was annoyed for a while, at this moment he had clearly seen the monks chasing after him!
Thinking of the four people who besieged him earlier, and wearing the same clothes as these people, Gao Jiuding didn't like it even more!
Regardless of the moment, Gao Jiuding sacrificed a pair of Ice Soul Cold Light Swords, separated the two treasures, and attacked the two of them at the same time.

"Arrogance!" The cultivators of the human and monster races burst into rage. They are only disciples of the first level of hemolysis. When did they become so arrogant?
The loud noise of the collision of two magical instruments came at the same time.

"Extreme treasure!"

"It's actually a superb sword art!" Two exclamations came one after the other, and now both of them put away the contempt on their faces and began to concentrate on fighting the enemy.

Gao Jiuding's incarnation is equivalent to spreading out the divine consciousness in the late stage of hemolysis, and he can investigate and understand the situation inside and outside the cave!
Although the soul of Zijin bee's incarnation is a bit short, the realm is at the blood core stage after all. Compared with the monster monks and demon star monks who don't practice the soul, they can basically be on the same level.

He knew that everyone was going to the cave where the battle broke out first, so he didn't hesitate anymore!
Fan Tianyin flew out again, but this time because of the height of the cave, he couldn't drop it in the air, but changed it to hit it.

Amidst the exclamation of the monster monks, Fan Tianyin knocked him onto the stone wall of the cave with a force of destruction!
The demon's chest and ribs were severely deformed, and blood was sprayed everywhere as if he didn't want money.

The devil star cultivator behind screamed in fright: "Two top-grade magic weapons, how is it possible?"

Gao Jiuding didn't bother to pay attention, the two swords merged, and the sword wave roared past. Where the devil star cultivator was standing, there were seven or eight more corpses.

Gao Jiuding took the storage bags of the two of them in his hands, and looked at what the monster monk was holding at the same time!
The two of them should have come here just because of this thing.

Gao Jiuding picked it up and took a look. It turned out to be two pill recipes. He didn't bother to look at it in detail right now, because the roar outside had become more and more chaotic. It seemed that monks from outside the cave had also attacked.

Gao Jiuding waved his hand and burned the two corpses on the ground to ashes. If there were two corpses of a monster and a human cultivator here, anyone would know who did it.

When Gao Jiuding got out of the cave, he saw Mu Qianye and others rushing over!
He looked back, and the demon star cultivators that Mu Qianye had wooed were gone. Gao Jiuding originally wanted to win him over to see if he could get in with the demon star.

Gao Jiuding couldn't help asking: "Where are the others?"

Mu Qianye's expression darkened, and he said: "Those two brothers fell, they were the murderous hands of the Yaozu family in the melee, but they didn't get any advantage, two of the Yaozu also died, and a monk from other tribes also died. , we don’t suffer.”

Gao Jiuding originally wanted to say that he had killed two more, but on second thought, forget it.

Everyone rushed to the door, not knowing what happened to the few people who were blocking from the rear of the palace outside.

On the way, Gao Jiuding found out that the three groups that rushed into the cave finally met in the real alchemy room of the cave!
There are two alchemy furnaces in the alchemy room, but one is already empty, leaving only a treasure-level alchemy furnace next to it!

 Thanks for the reward from the brothers of the queen of the earth and the king of the earth!

(End of this chapter)

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