Chapter 1149 And Baby
On the wooden shelves around the alchemy furnace, there are a large number of jade boxes containing elixir, and dozens of jade bottles containing elixir, in addition to jade slips, elixirs, etc.

Due to the disorganized arrangement of various things, the monks of the demon clan who came in first swept half of the jade slips, jade bottles, jade boxes, pill prescriptions, etc.!
Mu Qianye and other cultivators followed closely behind. Mu Qianye saw that the Yaozu had seized the opportunity, so he didn't go up to fight with the Yaozu like other monks, but a few people went all out to snatch the alchemy furnace.

Although the other two group monks also have their eyes on the alchemy furnace, they are still not as good as Gao Jiuding's group of united will.

When the two groups reacted from the jade bottle and jade box, Mu Qianye had already collected the pill furnace.

Hearing what Mu Qianye said, Gao Jiuding paused in his heart, and put his consciousness into the storage bag!
He found that there were thirty jade boxes and thirteen jade bottles in the two monks who died in his hands!
Among them, the Yaozu monks had more things in their hands, and the few pills and jade slips should not be as good as the last two in the hands of the Yaozu monks.

In addition, there are nearly 500 spirit stones, more than a hundred [-]-year-old spirit grasses, and a few magical artifacts and other sundries.

Gao Jiuding roughly calculated that he had nearly 500 spiritual grasses that were [-] years old on his body!
Adding four thousand-year-old spirit grasses, the harvest is quite a lot.

In addition, nearly fifty jade boxes were harvested in the cave, and I don't know how many 500-year-old spiritual grasses are inside.

More and more monks poured into the cave, and the cave suffered another looting!
Gao Jiuding and other five people got out of the cave to join the monks at the back of the palace, only to find that of the eight people at the back of the palace, only five remained!
Three people died in the chaotic battle, Mu Qianye gathered 15 people, and now only ten people are left!
Because Mu Qianye and the others all had armor defenses, they were seriously injured at most, and none died at all. The ones who died just now were basically the demon star monks who were recruited.

These monks were miserable and had a high death rate.

These small sects or small tribes on the Demon Planet don't have enough combat power, magic weapons, and even less life-saving means. They may only have cultivation.

Without a magic weapon, relying solely on one's own combat power, it is simply impossible to compare with the powerful body of the Yaozu, so it is conceivable that the damage will be more.

Although it didn't take long to break into this cave, the battle was fierce. It can be said that in the small space, everyone who met would either die or be injured.

In less than a stick of incense, the monks in the cave came out one after another. Obviously, the most important benefit was for the first three groups to enter!

The rest of the monks just got some leftovers, and a few unwilling monks checked in the cave, hoping to get some unexpected benefits.

Gao Jiuding took a look, there were more than [-] people outside the cave at first, but now there are only about forty people left!

Except for the 15 people on his side, there are only ten people left. The Yaozu group won the No. 1 entry into the cave, but they paid the price of seven. There is only one big tribe monk, with eight Yaozu, Hastily returned to Spirit Medicine Mountain.

In addition, the scattered demon star monks, half of the ten people left, also left in a hurry.

Gao Jiuding looked at everyone and said: "The matter here is over, everyone rush to other peaks as soon as possible, there may be a fight there, we have to hurry over to help."

Mu Qianye glanced at Gao Jiuding vaguely, and said: "I still have some things to deal with, I'm afraid I'll have to go later."

Gao Jiuding frowned, and said in displeasure: "The situation is urgent now, one more person is a chance of winning, and besides, where can the harvest be compared to the tops of other mountains?"

Mu Qianye said with an embarrassed smile: "I got advice from these brothers, and I'm going to visit a few places."

Gao Jiuding took a few glances at the remaining two demon star monks, and was very satisfied. This kid Mu Qianye should not look loyal, he is actually a black-hearted ghost suitable for being an undercover agent.

Gao Jiuding's expression suddenly eased, and he didn't say any more!

He smiled and said: "Since it is a friend's advice, then junior brother should hurry up, but be careful, no one here can trust anyone except our own people!"

Mu Qianye also had a deep understanding of this, and immediately thanked her after hearing the words.

"Remember to join us in the last three days. In the end, all the monks must gather at the main peak of the center. That's the time for the decisive battle." Gao Jiuding reminded.

Flying is not allowed here. If you want to enter the main peak, you must walk step by step. According to the speed, everyone will rush there in the end.

After Gao Jiuding bid farewell to everyone, he no longer hurried on his way, but carefully observed the formation here.

Although Gao Jiuding didn't practice the formation technique specially, and he didn't have a high level, but he was well-informed and understood some restrictions.

After walking a few mountains, Gao Jiuding has discovered that the most central mountain in this space may be the hub of all the formations.

Gao Jiuding is actually not very interested in entering such a secret realm, and restricting his strength to not exceed the blood pill stage.

If it wasn't for discovering some heaven-level materials, and some alchemy formulas, it would be a waste of time for Gao Jiuding to simply harvest those century-old or thousand-year-old elixir.

There may not be much to gain here, but this secret place must be explored.

Compared with some inheritances and spiritual objects found here, Gao Jiuding paid more attention to this secret realm.

It is a great benefit to be able to connect to the devil star, and if you can control this dense, the benefit will be great.

Entering the secret realm this time, and meeting the cultivators of the monsters and monsters above the Demon Star, it was also an opportunity for Gao Jiuding.

Especially after discovering some good things, after a conflict broke out, it must be a reshuffle of the forces on the devil star!
Of course, the final result still depends on the trip to the main peak of the center!
The harvest is secondary. Gao Jiuding mainly wants to see if he can use the chaos to get involved with the demon clan. You must know that this incarnation of Gao Jiuding is also a demon.

With all kinds of small thoughts in mind, Gao Jiuding naturally wouldn't rush into the muddy water.

Walking slowly, Gao Jiuding soon caught up with the pangolin.

Before entering that cave, Gao Jiuding released it, and now the pangolin is already waiting for him in front.

After the people outside the cave left, Gao Jiuding also walked towards the woods on the back mountain. He spread his consciousness, looked around vigilantly, and then clapped his hands!
The ground covered with dead branches and rotten leaves in the woods suddenly rolled up, and the pangolin, which had been fat and black like a mouse, was exposed to the ground with a pile of rotten leaves on its top.

The pangolin looked around with its small eyes, and when it saw Gao Jiuding, it jumped up, shook off the dirt on its body, and climbed directly onto his shoulders.

When Gao Jiuding saw the crowd attacking the guarding formation of the cave mansion, he had a sudden idea to let him try to enter the cave mansion ahead of time from the ground!
So when everyone attacked the formation, they put the pangolin on the ground while others were not paying attention!
This pangolin is indeed good at burrowing and burrowing, especially the ability of burrowing is so powerful that it disappeared on the ground in the blink of an eye.

Gao Jiuding had planned it just in case at first, but he didn't expect that the pangolin really found a flaw in the formation underground!
Perhaps this is also the reason why the cave was unearthed this time. In short, it arrived in the cave before the protective formation of the cave was broken.

Gao Jiuding followed the pangolin to its treasure location. The pangolin first dug out three bottles of elixir from the ground. Gao Jiuding picked it up and saw that it was just the pangolin used by monks in the late stage of hemolysis!

The little demon is just a little demon, without much knowledge, in its view, this is the top pill, right?

It is suitable for it, so it is very precious, but for Gao Jiuding, this thing is useless.

Although it was useless to him, Gao Jiuding still had a smile on his face. After all, it was a windfall, and it couldn't dampen the enthusiasm of this little thing.

Seeing Gao Jiuding was happy, the pangolin became excited too, and dug out two jade bottles from the soil.

This time Gao Jiuding's eyes lit up, but the medicine bottle was actually made of jade crystals. You must know that Yujing itself is a mid-level spiritual material at the prefecture level. Could it be...

Gao Jiuding opened it and saw ten golden pills inside, but there was no smell of pills coming out of the jade bottle!

Gao Jiuding could recognize it, it was exactly what he had seen in the formula of "Ice Spirit Pill", it was an earth-level panacea that could purify the blood and purify the essence of monks in the blood pill period, which showed that this The secret realm is also related to the Beastmaster Sect, but it's a pity that this bottle of elixir has expired!

Gao Jiuding opened the second bottle again, and inside were ten gray pills!
There is no luster on the surface of the pill, and there is no scene of the pill in the blood pill stage at all, but Gao Jiuding knows that this may be a better pill than the Bingling Pill, but Gao Jiuding has never seen it before, so he doesn't know this kind of pill The name of the medicine.

It was an unexpected joy to discover the Ice Spirit Pill, which shows that this secret realm, or the broken star outside, is related to the second galaxy of the South Gate or the Imperial Spirit Sect on the Demon Star, or even the place where the Great War broke out. Among them, a shattered planet, or a part of Longevity Mountain?

With this thought, Gao Jiuding was even more eager to control this secret realm. If it was part of Longevity Mountain, could he use it to repair Longevity Mountain?

Gao Jiuding continued to look at the harvest of the pangolin, but he didn't expect it to surprise him.

The pangolin should have taken out all the most important things in the cave in advance except for the pill furnace!

Gao Jiuding was about to praise the pangolin, but when he saw it burrowed into the soil again, Gao Jiuding was overjoyed, could there be a baby?

While the ground was shaking, the pangolin rolled a round bead with its pointed nose and climbed out of the ground.

Gao Jiuding played with the beads in his hands, and saw that there seemed to be a warm cloud in the middle of the beads, churning inside!

His eyes narrowed involuntarily, as if he had seen or heard of this thing somewhere.

(End of this chapter)

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