Chapter 1151 Dapai monk?

The mines are very clean and organized. Gao Jiuding found that these neatly trimmed mines are more like training rooms or retreat places, but they are not like mines anyway.

No matter how Gao Jiuding looked at it, this mine seemed to be used to condense Jinsha, and the sand pile outside and some mess inside the mine, needless to say, must have been caused by the random digging of latecomers.

Shaking his head, Gao Jiuding didn't like those outsiders who broke into here.

If only he came in by himself, he would also be sustainable.

However, it is still necessary to strengthen the strength of Zijinfeng's incarnation!
Gao Jiuding never paid much attention to this incarnation. Not only did it not deliberately condense Tiangang Disha, it even didn't cultivate several life-saving supernatural powers, such as blood-light supernatural powers, immortal supernatural powers, and so on.

The most important thing now is to let the Zijin bee incarnate and refine his body. As long as his physique is strong, he can practice the undead body of the great Asura initially. In this way, as long as he is not injured by a sudden death, he may recover.

I chose a mine that was mined by a branch vein, and released the pangolin. Unfortunately, it is only extremely sensitive to the fluctuation of spiritual energy. If it is allowed to distinguish the rich and poor of the vein in the mine, it will be difficult for it.

However, with the pangolin's talent for digging holes, it is also a good helper for mining. Unfortunately, the pangolin's strength is too weak. For Tiangangsha, which has a ground-level A-level at the lowest quality, its claws are tofu.

Gao Jiuding could only shake his head as he looked at the pangolin carefully digging in the sand. As long as it touched any grain of Tiangang sand, the pangolin's claws would be injured.

In desperation, Gao Jiuding had no choice but to go into battle in person. He used a lighting technique in the dark mine, chose a direction, and used a giant ax magic weapon that he did not know from which monk to pass through the mine. Smashing!
Then pick out the ores that contain golden minerals. After a whole day, I only screened more than 1000 pieces of rough ore, and I don’t know how much Tiangangsha I can get.

Fortunately, Gao Jiuding didn't plan to dig too much. After destroying a branch, Gao Jiuding finally found a place where the golden evil was so strong.

Although the golden evil produced here does not reach the level of heaven, it is numerous and very rich.

There are a large number of prefecture-level first-class ones, which are just suitable for the incarnation of the Zijin bee to melt into itself and cultivate into a vajra body protection.

Gao Jiuding has rich experience in condensing Tiangangdisha. After all, whether it is his main body or incarnation, he has practiced it several times!

Moreover, he has also deduced in the visualization space many times. He has rich experience in how to integrate high-quality evil spirits, and the fusion speed is very fast.

Taking out a few spirit-absorbing gourds, while absorbing the rich Jinsha, the purple gold bee incarnation carefully condensed the Jinsha.

Although experienced, but the body of Zijinfeng's incarnation is too weak, so Gao Jiuding still took the safe approach.

At the beginning, slowly smelt the evil spirit. After smelting a trace, the next step will be easy, one trace after another, one strand after another.

Two days later, Gao Jiuding felt that time was running out, and his avatar had reached the limit of smelting.

After all, it is the incarnation of the demon bee who has never had much aptitude, and its potential is too weak. It has only reached its limit after smelting three inches of stellar energy.

The body strengthened a lot, Gao Jiuding immediately controlled the avatar, and began to practice the immortal body of the great Asura.

Fortunately, since this incarnation was refined by Gao Jiuding, it has broken its own limitations and strengthened its spirit a lot. Otherwise, with the characteristics of the immortal body of the great Asura, let alone grinding his spirit and melting into the flesh, As long as one is not careful, its spirit will collapse.

Be careful no matter how careful, in the end Gao Jiuding is only a preliminary fusion of a little soul power into the body!

At this level of cultivation, it is enough to be reborn from a drop of blood. The power of the soul can control the rapid recovery of the body cells, and even automatically absorb the aura of heaven and earth to recover from damage. It is still possible.

Of course, with this level of cultivation, the body still cannot be damaged too much, otherwise, even if the body can recover, the speed will be very slow.

Fortunately, neither the monks on the demon star nor the demon star have any means of attacking the soul, so even if the body is severely damaged, as long as the soul is not damaged, the body can be quickly repaired by the soul's control, and even revived.

In fact, this can only be regarded as entering a state of suspended animation. The body seems to have suffered a lot of damage, but there is a trace of soul hidden in the body. Under the influence of the soul, the most subtle control of the body can make the physical damage complete. The smallest, the strongest recovery ability, this is the strength of the great Asura's immortal body.

Sighing, Gao Jiuding stood up. For the Zijin bee incarnation, he can only do so much. The background is too poor, the training time is too short, and he is not prepared. If he wants to mix into the devil star, the chance of surviving Still too low.

Although the hope is slim, Gao Jiuding still wants to give it a try. After all, this is the incarnation of Zijin bee, and he can afford to sacrifice it.

"Well, I still have to give away the latest harvest!" Gao Jiuding thought, all his harvest this time was stored in a storage bag, and then the storage bag was thrown into a pagoda, and the pagoda was directly handed over to the pangolin carry.

At that time, the pangolin will return with the pagoda, and this incarnation will directly enter the Demon Star through the attractor obtained from hunting the monsters.

After tidying up the Tiangang sand collected by pangolins in the past few days, Gao Jiuding was about to leave. Now that he knew the usefulness of this mine, Gao Jiuding didn't want to destroy it.

But just as he was about to leave, a loud and arrogant laugh suddenly came from the entrance of the cave: "Boy, do you dare to mine here alone? Thanks to you, you were able to find this place and hand over all the Tiangang sand ore , we may let you live."

Gao Jiuding's footsteps paused, and then he heard another voice, saying: "Hehe, what a big tone, my two brothers want to see if your fish is dead, and whether this net can be broken or not.

Your tribe, you are the only one who entered the Meteorite Mystic Realm this time, right?I heard you are still the best in your tribe?I don't know if you die here today, the price your tribe paid for entering the secret realm this time, is it considered meat buns beating dogs, and there will be no return? "

The man snorted angrily, and said: "This time the secret realm was opened, the Yaozu won hundreds of seats, the 36th hole also got hundreds of seats, and there are many other tribes with dozens of seats. How much did your tribe get?
Maybe only two of them entered the secret realm this time, so this is considered a great faction?It's really shameless, you two are sure you can eat it?If you get out of this Meteorite Secret Realm, it's not certain who will die by then. "

The previous arrogant voice yelled: "Your clan is just one Faxiang patriarch, but my sect has two patriarchs. How would you be afraid of your small clan? Stop talking nonsense, take your life!"

When Gao Jiuding came out of the cave, the battle between the two sides had already heated up!

The first monk he met in the mine was one against two. Although he was at a disadvantage, he was not afraid at all!

This cultivator has a set of mother-in-law daggers, a total of nine swords flying in the sky, resisting the attack of the two flying swords used by the monks of the big sect, and protecting himself tightly.

The sudden appearance of Gao Jiuding surprised the two monks of the big faction, they didn't expect that there was another person in the mine!
The previously arrogant monk suddenly wanted to say something!
Gao Jiuding gave him a chance, and the two Ice Soul Cold Light Swords danced into two sword curtains, covering the monks.

The cultivator of the small tribe who had seen Gao Jiuding saw Gao Jiuding's help, and immediately lifted his spirits. Nine flying knives shuttled back and forth in the air and attacked another cultivator, gaining the upper hand.

This reversal of the situation, the two of the big tribe did not expect it!

Under Gao Jiuding's wave-like uninterrupted attack, the arrogant cultivator used all his strength, but was still broken by Gao Jiuding's defense. His chest was numb, and a three-inch flying needle had already pierced his chest. core space.

It has to be said that the two flying needles in Zijin bee's incarnation are really suitable for sneak attacks.

It's not in vain that Gao Jiuding specially let the avatar practice the Thousands of Smoke and Cloud Needles during the past few days of retreat.

After training with the method of thousands of smoke and cloud needles, these two flying needles are hidden in the sword screen, and sneak attacks are almost invincible.

After getting it, Gao Jiuding took the arrogant monk's storage bag in his hand and checked it. There were also hundreds of 500-year-old elixir and two thousand spiritual stones in it. His net worth was obviously lower than that of the real disciples of the big tribe.

It was said just now that these two monks are disciples of a great sect, which is actually ironic. What kind of a great sect is a sect with only two seats?
"En, that's not right, two seats are really big!" At this moment, Gao Jiuding thought of it, he seemed to hear that there are only a few hundred seats for the 36th hole, so how many seats are there for one hole?more than ten?
If you want to come to more tribes, there may not be many who can get more than two seats.

It's a pity that it's on the Demon Star, and the Yaozu has the final say on the Demon Star, they directly occupy hundreds of seats.

Of course, the combined seats of all races definitely exceed the seats of Yaozu, but human beings are not united!

In fact, the monster clan can't unite much, but with the lessons of more than [-] years ago, they still need to unite more than humans. This is the key to the demon star being occupied by the monster clan.

At the moment when Gao Jiuding was out of his mind and thinking wildly, another cultivator in the air, seeing Gao Jiuding making three strikes, killed his senior brother, panicked and scattered his moves!

This monk who is single is not weak either. It is not easy to be able to obtain the only seat in the tribe and survive in a place like Devil Star where monsters are everywhere.

He seized the opportunity and stuck three throwing knives on the cultivator below him.

The man flew down and thanked Gao Jiuding for his help!
Gao Jiuding didn't take it seriously, just said it was a little effort, and at the same time offered to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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