The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1152 Eight Heavenly Palaces

Chapter 1152 A Heavenly Palace

Hearing that Gao Jiuding was about to leave, the man said with some regret: "Fellow Daoist, if you just stay in this mine and continue to dig Tiangang Sand Mine, this secret realm is probably very chaotic, and your life may be in danger at any time."

Gao Jiuding said with a smile: "In another six or seven days, it will be time for everyone on the island to attack the main mountain in the center. I need to meet up with all the tribe brothers."

The man suddenly said: "That's right, you must be a disciple of the big tribe. Naturally, you will participate in the battle of the main peak in the end. There is only one person here. You should hide here and dig mines, begging for a drought or flood."

Gao Jiuding didn't pass that person, and walked towards another mountain peak.

Gao Jiuding has already seen three of the five peaks in the secret realm. In recent days, he has seen many restrictions on the edge. Now as long as he understands the restrictions on the five main peaks, Gao Jiuding will have a general understanding of the secret realm here. .

The mountain in front of me is the shortest among the five peaks, but it occupies the largest area, and the aura is also the strongest. The largest branch is on this mountain.

At this time, the mountain was already bare, and there were still many traces of fighting skills along the way. Obviously, the wrestling of all parties had ended, and the monks had gathered according to their sects to make final preparations for the trip to the main peak.

After spending another day, Gao Jiuding, who came alone, obviously attracted the attention of the monks in the mountain!

Gao Jiuding, who was regarded as a fat sheep, was intercepted and killed three times in a row. The first time was two disciples from an unknown tribe. Gao Jiuding killed them in a short time.

After Gao Jiuding's incarnation condensed the vajra's protective qi, it became more open and closed in battle, coupled with the real vitality and physical strength provided by the great Asura's undead body, this originally thin incarnation became even stronger.

Originally, his monks in the blood pill stage could only display the combat power of the late stage of hemolysis at most, but now it is different. His combat power in the blood pill stage, coupled with the assistance of the magic weapon in his hand, has been perfectly displayed.

The most important thing is that his control power has been enhanced. Even if he uses the initial combat power of the bleeding pill, it will not destroy the stability of this small space.

At this time, Gao Jiuding also saw that the countless restrictions in this small space are stabilizing this space, if the restrictions here are broken, this space will also become unstable, and will eventually be destroyed.

So, up to now, Gao Jiuding still has to be careful, absolutely not breaking the restriction here with fragments.

As for the restrictions in the Spiritual Medicine Garden and some caves and palaces, those can all be restored. Besides, the more restricted and guarded the place, the safer and more stable it is.

Therefore, many people will only break some of the restrictions here for some specific purposes.

Being able to use the strength of the early stage of the bleeding pill, let Gao Jiuding become more casual. In this way, facing a circle of monks in the late stage of hemolysis, wouldn't he just kill him casually?

There is a big difference between the blood pill stage and the hemolytic stage, which is a qualitative improvement. With the combat power of the blood pill stage, he can easily kill all the hemolytic disciples who surrounded him!

When they reached the mountainside, monks who didn't know Gao Jiuding's details besieged Gao Jiuding again, this time with five people, including a monster!
Naturally, Gao Jiuding would not be polite, he came out with both swords, killing three people in a blink of an eye, and the remaining two, one used secret techniques to escape, and the other threw the storage bag to Gao Jiuding, turned and ran away.

The two fights, on the mountain that had already calmed down, naturally seemed very abrupt, which aroused the curiosity of the monks on the top of the mountain!
After finding out that it was Gao Jiuding, Mu Qianye and his family hurriedly sent someone to help him, so that no bigger conflict was caused.

Gao Jiuding harvested another six storage bags, except for the sixth one which was dropped by the fleeing monks to cover himself from escaping, and there was nothing good in it. He harvested a thousand 500-year-old spirit grasses and ten thousand-year-old spirit grasses , nearly [-] spirit stones, and five or six bottles of elixir.

This is Gao Jiuding's biggest gain after entering the secret realm!
He silently sorted out his income. It seems that everyone on this mountain has gained a lot!
Fortunately, although he had attracted the attention of the monks on the top of the mountain in his previous two fights, no one knew who won or lost the fight, otherwise people would eventually know what kind of wealth he had hidden in him.

Gao Jiuding was not afraid of being besieged, but he was afraid that the pangolin would be targeted.

Originally, Mu Qianye was the best choice, and Gao Jiuding's harvest could be taken out by him!

It's a pity that Mu Qianye's heart is not too big, he wants to follow the devil star monk who was attracted by him, and return to the devil star.

This mountain is very close to the main peak in the center, so after the elixir on the mountain is robbed, the battle will come to an end!
The crowd did not leave, but waited here for the final opening of the ban on the main peak.

Gao Jiuding listened to Mu Qianye talk about what happened on this mountain. There were about 40 monks from various sects who participated in the final battle. In the end, more than [-] monks fell here one after another. The battle can be described as tragic. .

During and after the battle, monks came one after another, and now the number of monks on the main peak has returned to 40.

At this time, there are 44 monks left in the Gao Jiuding family, and 42 monks in the Yaozu family. The difference between the two sides is not big!

There are 36 monks in the 30th cave. There are more than 17 monks who came to this medicine mountain. Now there are only [-] people left. The loss is not small.

The disciples of other tribes suffered the most severe losses. There are probably only a dozen or so now, and nearly half of them have been lost.

The main peak is the center of this secret realm, and it is the location of a huge spiritual vein above the fallen stars!

Although the spiritual veins here have been damaged and have been reduced to large-scale spiritual veins, or even medium-sized spiritual veins, but every ten years, this place is still the focus of competition for monks who enter this place.

Compared with the Lingcao Garden above the main peak, the other hills are just an addition. More importantly, there are countless caves on the main peak. Because the spiritual power is weakened and the formation has not been presided over for a long time, the number will be different every time the main peak is opened. Dongfu was born.

Although the caves of high-ranking monks were all cleaned up by the patriarch Faxiang during the war against Shattered Stars, the caves of monks of other ranks are still huge in number!

And it may not be that there are no high-level monks' caves that have been missed by the ancestors. Once there is a Faxiang Daoist cave, it will be a life-and-death fight.

In two days, Gao Jiuding secretly put down the pangolin and told it to go underground to find the spirit beads formed by the source of spiritual energy!
There are many branch veins drawn from the main peak spirit veins around here. For thousands of years, there may not be no gathering spirit beads formed below.

This central mountain peak is extremely huge, and the terrain is also complicated. The pangolin has been digging a hole for a day, but it has just found the underground spiritual vein in the belly of the mountain!

Gao Jiuding was not in a hurry, it was a blessing to be able to form this kind of thing, and it was another level of luck to find it. Compared with other monks, Gao Jiuding was content.

On the last day, the pangolin finally found a spirit bead from its spiritual veins. Although it was still a miniature gathering spirit bead, Gao Jiuding was still overjoyed and rewarded it well, and then turned his attention to the main peak!

However, this pangolin's cultivation was too weak, its spiritual power was exhausted at this time, and it didn't even have a trace of strength. It was lying on the ground and no matter how Gao Jiuding called it, it refused to move.

After finally waiting for the pangolin to rest, Gao Jiuding discovered that the main peak of this secret realm was heavily restricted, and the entire mountain was tightly wrapped inside and out!
The pangolin is in the ground and can't get close to the main peak at all. In desperation, Gao Jiuding can only put the pangolin into the spirit animal bag to rest!
At this time, on the distant Demon Star, more than thirty blood core monks sat cross-legged at will!
A big demon in the blood core stage of the monster clan suddenly opened his eyes, counted the time, and said: "Everyone, the time is up. This is the time when the secret realm is opened and the formation of the main peak is the weakest. Come with me Make a move, block the secret realm again, and weaken the mountain protection formation in the secret realm."

More than 30 monks at the blood core stage, some have demons, most of them are dominated by demon monks, no matter how you look at it, they are all masters of the family.

The human monks were led, stood up upon hearing the words, and stood in a large formation according to their respective positions, obviously forming a formation!
They threw a large amount of spiritual stones and spiritual materials into the formation, and amidst the turbulent mana, a magnificent scene was formed!

I saw the luster of all kinds of mana radiating towards the sky, and the spiritual energy in the void was turbulent, and a huge wave of spiritual energy surged, like a tsunami, rushing into the distance.

If someone looks from a distance, not far from the Demon Star, countless auras seem to hold up a heavenly palace.

In the void at this time, Gao Jiuding looked at the scene of the Heavenly Palace in front of him, and was speechless in astonishment.

He knew that this scene represented the secret realm hidden in the void, but he did not expect that this secret realm was actually a heavenly palace!
"It's not a mirage, is it?" Song Yue's avatar said in surprise.

"Impossible, it must be a secret realm, or a cave!" Gao Jiuding said affirmatively.

"What kind of method is this, how did you make this cave manifest?" Yi Hu also asked with surprise on his face.

Gao Jiuding pointed to the surrounding aura tides, and said, "These sudden aura tides must be at work."

"Could something have changed in the secret realm?" Yihu said.

Song Yue shook her head directly, and said: "It doesn't necessarily mean that there has been a change in the secret realm, maybe it's outside the secret realm!"

Gao Jiuding said thoughtfully: "It's not that we did something wrong, it's the guy on the Demon Star?"

"Those monsters are so powerful?" Maverick didn't believe it.

Gao Jiuding said directly: "Not powerful, can we drive us humans out of the Devil Star?"

Yi Hu was speechless, he knew very well what was going on with the current monster star, and in this way, the monster clan was indeed very powerful.

"There is a teleportation array leading here on Demon Planet, they must have used the teleportation array to affect this cave!" Song Yue said with certainty.

Gao Jiuding and Yihu could only nod their heads, and this was the only possibility.

At this time, Gao Jiuding could also see that the strands of aura had completely wrapped up the manifested Heavenly Palace!
But the aura enveloping Tiangong didn't decrease at all, instead it was gathering!

Those originally thin aura tides have become more and more turbulent. Is this drawing the aura in the Tiangong?

 Thank you for the reward of 200 coins from the brother who poisoned you Wanbian, and thank you to the king of the emperor, the book friend 20190103004646188, and the little cute brother Yuchen for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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