Chapter 1153

"This is to tap spiritual energy in the weakened cave!" Song Yue said.

"This is extracting the spiritual energy in the cave!" Yihu said.

"This is to weaken the forbidden power within the cave!" Gao Jiuding said.

The three of them spoke almost at the same time. After speaking, they glanced at each other, and then all laughed.

"No, they seem to be pulling this secret realm out of the dimensional space!" Next, Gao Jiuding lost his smile.

Maverick said thoughtfully: "I also seem to be pulling this secret realm to appear in the normal space, but why?"

Song Yue said: "Could it be to obtain this secret realm?"

Gao Jiuding said: "I'm afraid I want to settle in this secret place wandering in the dimensional space!"

Yihu said: "I'm afraid that's the case. Otherwise, entering once every ten years would be too long."

Song Yue suddenly said: "Tell me, how did the Emperor Beast Sect use this secret realm thousands of years ago?"

Gao Jiuding knew the strength of the Beast Sect best. He said directly: "I'm afraid this is the back garden of the Beast Sect. The current situation can only be caused by the great war that year."

"This is a good thing after all, and the next step is to see the performance of the disciples who entered the secret realm." Song Yue said.

Gao Jiuding has seen this kind of method before in Daxue Mountain, but it is just to extract spiritual energy and weaken the formation, so that it is easier to break the restriction in the secret realm, so as to obtain more benefits.

It's good that the secret space has manifested, it will be more conducive for Gao Jiuding to lock the target.

A heavenly palace building hidden in the void, as long as the design is reasonable, it can still be collected.

Seeing the target, everyone around Gao Jiuding took action.

Gao Jiuding didn't move, he sat down and carefully perceived the situation in the secret realm.

As the secret realm manifested, some aura leaked out, and Gao Jiuding sensed the aura of the incarnation of the Zijin bee. He knew that he might be able to communicate with the avatar by taking this opportunity.

Although the distance between the two is not far, after all, they are separated by a layer of space, as if they are in two worlds. If there is no accident, Gao Jiuding would not be able to feel the situation of the Zijin bee incarnation, but now it is different.

At this time in the secret realm, all the monks looked at the mountain peak not far away, and the spiritual power of the formation was gradually weakening. At this moment, the entire secret realm seemed to be shaken, shaking for a while.

Mu Qianye hurriedly turned back and said: "The blood pill monks outside the island have temporarily blocked the operation of the secret formation. I will quickly break through a part of the mountain protection formation in order to rush into the main peak as soon as possible."

After all, a group of 44 people formed a simple formation, and Mu Qianye chose a place with weak formation fluctuations under the mountain peak to attack.

Other forces on the mountain also took action one after another. They all knew that whoever advanced to the main peak would be the first to seize the opportunity and reap the greatest benefits.

Zijinfeng's incarnation is still two ice soul cold light swords, the two swords are flipped up and down, and everyone in his line is attacking the place selected by Mu Qianye!
Two days have passed since this attack, and the fluctuation of the formation is still weakening. In the place attacked by everyone, the formation is as weak as a piece of paper, but it is the aura of this formation that is as thick as a piece of paper. Under the attack of everyone's hard work, it did not break.

During the two days, everyone took turns to rest, recover mana, and maintain strength. At this time, Gao Jiuding, the avatar, had the advantage of retreating for a few days before, and it was revealed.

I specially let the Zijin bee incarnate to practice for a few days. At this time, his physical recovery ability has been greatly strengthened!
Now he can face the formation and maintain the same powerful attack power. When everyone had to stop to recover their true energy due to the exhaustion of mana, he was still attacking, which made all the monks quite admire.

Of course, Gao Jiuding would not run out his true energy like a fool, but would stop to recover his mana when half of his true energy was consumed, so as to maintain his own strength.

Due to Gao Jiuding's contribution, plus everyone in his line, there are already two more people in his line than the first line of the Yaozu. It was time for the monks to recover their mana to attack the peak protection formation.

After Gao Jiuding recovered his mana, he saw that the Yaozu family was gradually catching up regardless of the loss of mana, so he walked up to the formation, sacrificed the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword again, and performed the "Yin and Yang Liangyi Sword Art" respectively. ", a burst of indiscriminate bombardment against the formation!
In the exclamation of the monks' "extreme magic weapon", all the monks paid close attention to it!
The monks of Gao Jiuding's family were overjoyed. Seeing the flickering formation, they sacrificed magical weapons to assist Gao Jiuding in attacking.

After Gao Jiuding, the incarnation of Gao Jiuding, initially cultivated into the immortal body of a great Asura, not only his recovery ability skyrocketed, but his potential also increased a lot.

At this time, not only did he have the divine sense compared to ordinary monks in the blood core stage, but his cultivation base also allowed him to use two flying swords to perform sword arts with ease.

In less than a cup of tea, only a crisp sound of "Kerala" was heard, and Gao Jiuding's attack formations shattered!
Except for their lineage, the expressions of the rest of the monks changed.

Gao Jiuding was the first to rush into the formation, because there is a forbidden formation in the main peak, and he cannot fly!

Gao Jiuding saw a waterfall hanging from the top of the mountain in front of him, so he rushed to the water pool!

Occasionally, 500-year-old spiritual grass grows beside the road, but Gao Jiuding ignores it. He uses the golden light escape method, slides quickly across the pool, and then goes up the waterfall countercurrently like stepping on stairs, towards the top of the main peak. and go.

Zongdi Jinguang is the supernatural power of the dragon and elephant. When Gao Jiuding sorted out the dragon and elephant's supernatural power, he automatically obtained the top supernatural power of the gold system - the Zongdi Jinguang escape method.

This Zijin bee incarnation is also a metal monster, very suitable for learning the golden light escape method, so when I retreated earlier, I deduced the golden light escape method by the way!
In fact, he has only just groped for a little way, not even a beginner, otherwise, it would not be the current performance, but directly transformed into a golden light, either flying into the sky or falling into the ground.

This is mainly because the cultivation base of Zijinfeng's incarnation is too weak, especially the accumulation of true energy is too poor, which is not enough to activate this top-level supernatural power.

This is also mainly because the time he has cultivated the immortality of the great Asura is too short, even if he has increased some background and potential, but the time is too short, and the accumulation is still too little.

However, this is enough, after all, how many monks below the blood core stage can activate the supernatural powers?

Gao Jiuding's actions directly stimulated all the monks.

When Gao Jiuding entered the main peak, the people following him scattered in all directions, or in groups of two or three, and ran towards the top of the main peak from different directions!
The 500-year-old spirit grass on the road was directly pulled out forcibly, regardless of whether it would lose the medicinal properties of the spirit grass.

Mu Qianye stayed at the end. After all the monks of their series went in, he looked at some scattered monks in the distance, and smiled slightly at the monk who was staring at the entrance!
Mu Qianye quickly slapped a piece of talisman towards the formation, and as the light flickered, the broken formation squeezed towards the middle again, and it returned to its original state after a while.

Mu Qianye laughed and left amidst the curses of all the monks.

The Monster Clan is also at the last moment, a powerful monk of the Monster Clan, with a livid face, looks at Gao Jiuding and the monks who are going away, secretly hating him!

He had no choice but to urge everyone to speed up their progress, and finally, after an hour, he rushed into the main peak with everyone who had spent half of their real energy.

At this time, some monks united with the 36 holes of Devil Star and the major tribes are also making their final efforts.

Gao Jiuding went up along the water, and the elixir garden along the way was directly crushed by him with the "Fantian Seal". At this time, Gao Jiuding discovered now that it was also a top-level treasure, and the damage caused by the "Fantian Seal" to the formation Power, much stronger than Feijian.

In the Spiritual Grass Garden, as long as it is a 500-year-old spiritual grass, regardless of whether it is mature or immature, it will be quickly collected by Gao Jiuding!
Three hours have passed, and Gao Jiuding has been on his way, breaking through formations, and gathering spirit herbs!
After passing through four spiritual herb gardens in a row, the 500-year-old elixir on his body reached a total of 20 plants, and the [-]-year-old elixir also increased by more than [-] plants.

At this time, Gao Jiuding saw some cave ruins built on both sides of the small river, and there were two intact caves among them!

He went in and took a look, and the inside was empty, obviously searched by the monks who had entered here before.

After breaking open a spiritual herb garden again, Gao Jiuding finally saw a newly born cave mansion, and the guard mansion outside was full of spiritual light, apparently no one had ever entered it.

He held a high-quality Huiyuan Pill in his mouth to make up for the exhausted spiritual power at any time, and sacrificed the "Fantian Seal". After only three ups and downs, the formation was broken!

Gao Jiuding was stunned. With such a weak formation, it is obvious that the monks in the cave may not be very strong.

Sure enough, after a while, Gao Jiuding only harvested a few magic tools and cultivation pills and came out.

Encountering a spiritual grass garden guarded by a small formation again, Gao Jiuding smashed it with the "Fantian Seal" nine times before breaking it open, which made him look forward to it!

Sure enough, the twenty thousand-year-old spirit grass growing in this small spiritual herb garden is obviously an important place!
Gao Jiuding couldn't care less about joy now, the roar of spells from a distance already indicated that monks from other sects had come in!
The early advantage of his department has disappeared, and he has found a good place again, and monks from other factions will come to compete with them at any time.

Gao Jiuding spread his consciousness in all directions, controlling everything within a [-]-meter radius!
The hidden forbidden formation still exists, but fortunately he chose to follow the river to the mountain, and the flowing river can often reveal these remaining formations.

When he reached the mountainside, Gao Jiuding finally met the second cave!

The protective formation of this cave is quite powerful, and it took [-] blows from him to break through it!

The things inside did not disappoint either, Gao Jiuding found a ninth-level flying escape treasure in the cave mansion!

This kind of magic weapon, which is specially used to fly away, and has unparalleled speed, is very rare!

It turned out that Gao Jiuding was on, and he only bought a Tiandun Shuo, which was still useful. As for the flying escape magic weapon like the Five Elements Lotus Platform, it only had strong defense power, and it didn't have much speed advantage at all.

(End of this chapter)

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