The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1154 Rapid Search

Chapter 1154 Rapid Search

Gao Jiuding was of course very happy when he found a magic weapon of flying escape. Unfortunately, because of the long time, even if it is a spiritual weapon, its spirituality will be completely lost. It is already very good to be able to maintain the state of a ninth-level treasure. , it is possible to re-sacrifice into a spiritual weapon.

Therefore, in this secret realm that has been submerged in the long river of time for an unknown number of years, the top magic weapons that can be found are generally ninth-level treasures.

As for the spiritual weapon, there are very few that can survive like the Sun Moon Seven Star God Ax and Longevity.

Looking at the magic weapon in his hand like a cloud, Gao Jiuding was very satisfied, but he didn't know how fast it was. Now is not the time to try the magic weapon, but it won't be too slow if he thinks about it.

There is also a ninth-level fire-attribute magic weapon - the fire dragon cover, but this magic weapon does not match the attributes of the Zijin bee incarnation, and he has already put it away!
He was also pleasantly surprised by five or six bottles of cultivation elixir, which was the best elixir in the blood pill stage, and it was just right for this avatar to use.

He casually piled up some of the remaining spiritual herbs in the storage bag.

A whole day has passed by this time, and the battle on the main peak has become more and more intense!
On the contrary, Gao Jiuding felt quite strange. He had never met any monks, not even monks from his own lineage. This made Gao Jiuding, who was always on guard against the coming battle at any time, very puzzled.

When Gao Jiuding met the third cave, he was not far from the top of the mountain.

This time Gao Jiuding knew that he had bumped into a treasure, and the three-colored guardian formation outside told Gao Jiuding clearly that this was at least a cave for monks in the blood pill stage.

Gao Jiuding controls the "Fan Tian Yin" to attack the formation continuously, but the three-color formation is still radiant and endless!
On the contrary, the continuous roar of "Fan Tian Yin" and the scattered colorful light attracted the attention of other monks, and the distant noise gradually spread.

Gao Jiuding put away the "Fan Tian Yin", gritted his teeth and took out a talisman, it was a talisman treasure!
This talisman is naturally used by Zijin Feng's incarnation to save his life, so he can't care about it now!

He directly poured his true essence into it, and with the true essence now incarnated by the Purple Gold Bee, in just a moment, a yellow light flashed on the surface of the talisman!
Three huge rocks appeared above the cave, and amidst the loud noise, the colorful brilliance dimmed for a while, but they still guarded the cave from being broken.

In desperation, Gao Jiuding could only stimulate the talisman in his hand again. As the talisman turned into powder in his hand, the guardian formation finally collapsed under the bombardment of the boulder technique.

Gao Jiuding couldn't care less about Fu Bao. At this moment, the noisy voice was getting closer, and he hurried to the cave.

The cave was still as messy as he had seen before, he collected it, and only three things caught his attention.

One is a flying sword. This flying sword looks plain and unadorned, but Gao Jiuding found that there is an astonishing sharpness exuding from this flying sword!

The vigorous sword energy is hidden in it, as if bursting out at any time to choose someone to devour!

This should be a top-level flying sword, it must be a top-level flying sword that exceeds the level of a treasure weapon and reaches the level of a spiritual weapon, and it must be higher than the level of the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword cultivated by Gao Jiuding.

Maybe it was Tongtian Lingbao before, otherwise how can it still have such momentum?

Gao Jiuding's heart was greatly moved, it was the first time he had seen a top-level flying sword.

The second piece is a storage ring. There is nothing surprising about this storage ring, but it has a larger capacity than the usual storage bag, and it looks more fashionable. 1
Although this storage ring is not small, it is equivalent to the size of five large storage bags. At best, it is only a ninth-level treasure, because storage bags are difficult to advance to spiritual weapons.

The key is that in this storage ring, there are three low-grade spirit crystals that Gao Jiuding has never seen before but definitely knows!

One is equivalent to one hundred top-quality spirit stones, and here are three!

Spirit crystals cannot be compared with top-grade spirit stones, because spirit crystals contain a trace of fairy spirit, which is a fairy thing.

Gao Jiuding didn't expect to find a spirit crystal here by accident, even if it was a low-grade spirit crystal, Gao Jiuding felt dizzy for a while.

How could there be a spirit crystal in this secret realm?This is only possible to produce a large spiritual vein, or a giant spiritual vein!

So does it mean that there really is a giant spiritual vein here?
Because only the low-grade spiritual crystals in the giant spiritual veins can be mined. If it is a large spiritual vein, if the spiritual crystal is mined, it will cause irreversible damage to the large spiritual vein.

Obviously, the origin of this secret realm is more complicated than Gao Jiuding imagined.

This is not the time to find the root cause, Gao Jiuding immediately cleans up other harvests.

The third item is the pill. On a wooden frame, Gao Jiuding found three bottles of pills used by Fa Xiangqi, and these three bottles of pills were even more valuable.

Because Gao Jiuding knew that refining the elixir used in the Faxiang period was very troublesome, because it required at least tens of thousands of years of medicinal power to refine it.

Previously, in the spiritual grass garden here, the elixir with a potency of four to five thousand years was found at most, which made Gao Jiuding look down on him a bit, but the elixir in front of him at this time proves that there must be more than just This is now.

The Wannian Ling Medicine Garden has degenerated into the Breitling Medicine Garden.

Seeing that there was nothing around, Gao Jiuding left decisively.

As soon as Gao Jiuding left, several monks followed to the front of the cave, looking at the cave that had obviously been searched, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

After a while, a monk said hesitantly: "If I'm not mistaken, this should be a cave that is at least a blood pill real person?"

Everyone was silent for a while, and then a monk said: "It seems so!"

Another monk said: "This place is not far from the main peak, could it be the one who came first?"

The monk who spoke for the first time nodded and said: "It should be him, and there may be monks from other tribes. If he is alone, it would be too outrageous."

Everyone finally found a reasonable explanation, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

If only one person broke the restriction outside, that would be too powerful.

Now that they came to a high-level cave, everyone who did not give up, went to the cave to take a look, and sure enough, they harvested some spiritual herbs and materials!
Gao Jiuding's search was too hasty, he was unwilling to let others know about his unique acquisition of Dharma Xiangqi cave, he just took away the interesting things inside, some scattered spirit herbs, spirit pills, spirit materials, He can't care about the low-level magic weapon.

When he reached the top of the mountain, Gao Jiuding found two more spiritual grass gardens, and these two spiritual grass gardens belonged to the upper class in terms of area and quality of the spiritual grass. He picked a total of 500 [-]-year-old spiritual grass and [-] A millennium spirit grass.

At this time, Gao Jiuding was getting closer and closer to the top of the mountain, and the battle on the top of the mountain was already ringing out, and there were still many sounds of spells and magic weapons attacking the formation. Obviously, the monks made another important discovery on the top of the mountain. Only then did they compete with each other. Of course, Gao Jiuding would not miss it.

When Gao Jiuding reached the top of the mountain, the first thing he noticed was not the fight between the monks, but a heroic aura on the top of the main peak.

The entire mountaintop is no longer a mountaintop, but a world with a radius of one kilometer, uneven, and dusty!

This was the main battlefield of the Great War back then, and the entire mountain peak was shattered by one-third of its height by forceful spells, resulting in its current appearance!

And this is also the biggest reason why the spiritual vein of this mountain was hit to a large spiritual vein.

At this time, the peak had already become a battlefield for monks to fight, and the flying dust covered the eyes thickly, and the place ten meters away was blurred, and the surrounding scene could only be judged by divine sense.

Gao Jiuding spread out his spiritual consciousness, and every move in a hundred-meter square radius was completely presented in his mind!
Hundreds of meters ahead, there seemed to be a bright light like a rainbow, faintly visible in the layers of dust.

The creek on the main peak originated from this peak, and Gao Jiuding walked along the creek towards the center of the peak!
The vision on both sides of the creek was relatively good, and he gradually discovered that the aura in the creek was gradually getting stronger, and it seemed that it was already close to the main vein of this legendary large spiritual vein.

Amidst the dust, from time to time magic weapons attacked from both sides of the river bank, but Gao Jiuding ruthlessly blocked them back with his ice soul and cold light swords!

Now is not the time to reserve strength, and he is extremely vulnerable to besieged when the enemy's situation is unknown.

Fortunately, when Gao Jiuding's pair of flying swords broke the formation under the main peak, it left a deep impression on people. The monks who were attacked by the envoy's magic weapon immediately died down when they saw this pair of gorgeous flying swords.

Gao Jiuding advanced another hundred meters. This time, there were no blind-eyed monks to provoke him, but he still sensed through his divine sense that there were two groups of monks on both sides of the bank, and they all followed his direction and gathered together!
Perceive it carefully, and find that there are five to seven people on each side!

It seemed that he was still being missed by others, Gao Jiuding smiled wryly, fortunately the monks on both sides didn't know about his divine sense, they had already discovered them.

That being the case, the only way to do it is to act first.

Gao Jiuding stretched out his left hand, and the "Fan Tian Yin" flew out from the ring on the ring finger of his left hand!

Now that he has a larger and more convenient storage ring, he will naturally use it. Gao Jiuding sorted out all the spiritual herbs, spiritual mines, spiritual materials, and unused magic tools on the main island this time. Put it in some unused storage bags, these will be taken by the pangolin later.

And this purple gold bee avatar needs for his own cultivation, daily use and precious items, which are placed in his storage ring and carried with him.

"Fan Tianyin" roared out, and hit the six people on the left side of the river with the force of Mount Tai. Everyone exclaimed: "Where did the magic weapon come from!"

"It's the ultimate magic weapon!"

"Who, who is plotting against Lao Tzu?"

Gao Jiuding didn't care about these, while the "Fan Tian Yin" was pressing down, the flying sword had already followed.

Regardless of whether it was Fantianyin or a pair of flying swords, after many times of urging, they could be regarded as non-stop training, especially Fantianyin, which the Zijin bee incarnation could already manipulate very skillfully.

 Thanks to the king of the emperor, the queen of the earth, poisoning you thousands of times, and Yuchen's little cute brother for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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