Chapter 1155 Space Gourd
When the six people on the left side of the river bank finally resisted the "Fan Tian Yin" with their combined efforts, the two swords of Bingpo Hanguang had already cut them in half!

The six people immediately shouted and cursed again: "It's that kid!"

"Looking for death, dare to hit six?"

"Oops, my arm, help!"

"Forgive me, ah"

In the blink of an eye, among the six people on the river bank, three lost their vitality in Gao Jiuding's consciousness, one lost an arm, and two escaped after being seriously injured by "Fan Tianyin".

The monks gathered on the right side of the river bank had already reached five people. Hearing the scolding from the other side of the river, they obviously hesitated for a while, but they didn't know what someone said, so they also shouted, and the five magic weapons flew towards Gao Jiuding .

Gao Jiuding used two ninth-level treasures in one breath, which already occupied most of his spiritual consciousness. Fortunately, before he started, he discovered through his spiritual consciousness that four of the six people on the left side of the river were monks of the Yaozu lineage. That's why we deal with their opponents first!

As for the five people on the right bank of the river, only two are human monks from Cave 36 of Demon Star, and the rest are monks from other small tribes, whose strength is weaker.

Gao Jiuding threw out five earth shield talismans in one breath, blocking the five magical artifacts!
The two magic weapons had already returned, and after Gao Jiuding took back the "Fan Tian Yin" again, the Bingpo Hanguang Sword killed them again.

The five monks on the right suddenly realized that something was wrong, and turned around to run away. Gao Jiuding and flying sword chased after him, only beheading a monk from the monster clan.

Gao Jiuding went to the left bank, took the three storage bags on the ground in his hands, and when he returned to the right bank of the river, the pangolin had already returned with the storage bags of the monster monks.

The spiritual grass in the four storage bags is obviously much more than what was harvested on the Medicine Mountain. There are more than 500 spiritual grasses that are only 23 years old, and [-] spiritual grasses that are [-] years old!
The spirit stones seemed inconspicuous, there were only [-] low-grade spirit stones, pills and other sundries, and Gao Jiuding didn't bother to count them.

Gao Jiuding continued to go straight up along the river bank. This time, no blind monks came to trouble him. Finally, when he was about to reach the source of the stream, he saw clearly the colorful rainbow light he found before, which was the guard of a cave. Great array.

It's another cave with a blood core cultivation level above. It seems that the ancestor Faxiang didn't have a good search method back then.

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded in front of him: "Patriarch?"

Gao Jiuding could tell that it was Mu Qianye's voice, so he said, "It's me."

He walked over and asked, "How is the situation?"

Mu Qianye said: "There are joys and sorrows!"

Gao Jiuding hurriedly asked the reason, and Mu Qianye explained: "The joy is, because the Patriarch showed great power, our family entered here in advance, and got more than 30 spiritual grass gardens and several monks' caves. After many monks came in, We also participated in it, and the rewards were considerable!
What's worrying is that the monks from the Yaozu lineage and the native monks on the Demon Planet started to join hands to boycott our lineage. Several brothers were besieged by them and the greedy monks who were instigated by them. Now we only have There are thirty people left, and there are seven more people on the Yaozu side than us. "

Gao Jiuding thought for a while, and said: "Now they are only three and a half more than us. I met a few short-sighted ones on the road, and I sneaked into them. I killed three and disabled one."

Mu Qianye and the cultivator behind him said excitedly: "Really? The Patriarch is the best."

Gao Jiuding didn't say much, he just said that he was a sneak attack, but this still made everyone admire him.

Mu Qianye reported what he had gained, and Gao Jiuding only said that he collected a few spiritual herb gardens alone and gave them some information.

Gao Jiuding heard that Mu Qianye only emphasized the spirit grass, so he asked, "Could it be that you have other gains?"

A centurion on the side smiled and said: "This time we also obtained a cave of a monk of the early stage of blood core alone, and participated in breaking down two caves of a real blood core with monks from other sects, one of which was blood core. Dan mid-term monks."

Gao Jiuding said: "How do you know whether the owner of the cave is in the early or middle stage of Xuedan?"

The centurion was surprised and said: "So the owner doesn't know? If the guard formation of this cave is three-layer color ban, it is the cave of the monks in the early stage of Xuedan; if it is five colors, it is naturally the middle stage; if it is seven colors, it is like The one in front of me is the later stage.”

Gao Jiuding looked at the colorful cave in front of him, his heart moved, and he asked Mu Qianye: "Then the cave we found on the other mountain belongs to the mid-stage Xuedan cultivator?"

Mu Qianye nodded and said yes, Gao Jiuding already knew at this time that the cave he had used twice on the road and smashed it with "Fan Tianyin" was a cave for early monks with three-color blood pills.

The reason why he got the resources that can only be used by monks in the Faxiang period must be because the monk in the Xuedan period is a rich man.

Perhaps compared to the current cultivation world, it was normal for the cultivation world at that time to be equipped with some resources beyond the grade.

For the current monks, it is not bad to be able to get a spirit treasure in the blood core period, but thousands of years ago, it seems not surprising that the blood core period obtained the Tongtian Lingbao, because the resources in that era were definitely not as scarce as they are now .

Mu Qianye said again: "This time the main peak is opened, and the harvest is better than before. In the past, when it was opened here, at most three or five caves of blood core monks were unearthed, but this time, only the caves of blood core monks were opened. Seven, this does not include the Xuedan cultivator's cave that is uniquely acquired but unknown to others.

Among the seven caves, three were discovered by the monks of the demon clan and the demon star tribe. Among them, there is also a mid-term cave. "

Many monks have gathered around, and the fighting gradually subsided!
Everyone's eyes were fixed on this late-stage Blood Core Cave Mansion. At this time, there was only less than a day left before the secret realm was closed.

The main peak finally calmed down, and the flying dust had gradually fallen, and the scene on the top of the mountain appeared before everyone's eyes.

At this time, the main peak was clearly divided into four groups, and there were 29 people left in Gao Jiuding's family, occupying the east side of the cave!
The Yaozu is in the west, there are 32 people in total, obviously fell again in the scuffle just now!
In the 36 caves of Devil Star, some acquainted monks got entangled, and nearly 20 people formed a third group, which gathered on the south side of the cave.

Most of the remaining 30 monks from the scattered tribes gathered on the north side of the cave, and some monks were scattered around. Obviously, some monks came back from various places in the secret realm in the past two days.

The large formation outside this cave is obviously much more powerful than what Gao Jiuding has seen before, making it impossible for the monks on the top of the mountain to see the situation inside the cave!
Therefore, everyone couldn't tell where the main entrance of the cave was, and they could only occupy a position by luck.

This kind of formation guarding the cave is different from the formation protecting the mountain on the main peak!

As long as one part of the formation guarding the cave is broken, the entire formation will be broken, unlike the mountain protection formation, where if one part is broken, the entire formation will not collapse, on the contrary, it will be repaired slowly.

Everyone was still in a stalemate around the cave on the top of the mountain, no one was willing to attack the formation first, Gao Jiuding was bored, so he had to look around at the top of the mountain.

The creek that he has been flowing upstream originated not far away, and the origin is located in the center of the mountain top!
The aura here is rich, and it is the main vein of the large spiritual vein of the main peak!
The brook contained rich aura, and Gao Jiuding suddenly understood why he was able to obtain seven spiritual grass gardens and a cave for early-stage blood core monks along the way!
It is because of the rich aura contained in the brook that originates from the top of the mountain that the monks in this secret place opened up spiritual herb gardens on both sides of the brook.

Gao Jiuding's heart moved. This stream, especially at the source, contained a lot of aura in the water, far exceeding the amount of aura contained in his own pagoda!
Some of the water in this creek can even be brought back to water the spiritual grass garden, saving the spiritual spring water from being lost here in vain.

Gao Jiuding took out a magic weapon in the shape of a jade gourd, which was obtained from refining the spirit-absorbing gourd in his early years.

The original spirit-absorbing gourd can store spiritual energy, and naturally it can also open up space. As time goes by, Gao Jiuding has been able to refine the magic weapon of space.

Originally, this jade gourd was only made of treasures, and its attack power was not strong, so it could only be used as a magic weapon for storage, and its capacity was not large!
But all this has changed recently. Suddenly, he got a lot of space fragments. All the space magic weapons at Gao Jiuding's hand have been strengthened, and this space gourd is one of them.

Now the internal space of this jade gourd has reached thousands of meters, and it has two layers, the upper layer has a radius of one kilometer, and the lower layer has a radius of two kilometers.

Because the material is very good, the internal space has become a lot larger. If you continue to practice, the internal space may become even larger.

However, Zijin Bee's incarnation does not have much time to practice, so it is now just a ninth-level treasure space gourd.

If it wasn't for the fact that the incarnation of Zijin Feng didn't have many treasures to protect him, and he didn't have a few magic weapons for storage, Gao Jiuding would never equip him with this space gourd.

Maybe he was embarrassed by the space equipment in the early years, and spent a lot of spirit stones to buy space bags, which made people feel bad. Gao Jiuding has an obsession with space equipment, so he is most willing to refine space equipment.

With a lot of space equipment in hand, it is nothing to equip Zijinfeng's incarnation with some background.

Of course, Gao Jiuding didn't get too many good things, and put them on the incarnation of the Zijin bee, because its strength was really poor.

This space gourd, even if it is a good thing, contains some talismans, mainly some magic sealing talismans, forbidden breaking talismans, heavenly secret talismans and offensive talismans.

Offensive talismans are masterpieces, such as the seven-star Lianzhu talisman, the disposable machine gun, and killing a few monks at the peak of the blood core by surprise.

It's just that this is a life-saving thing. If it is not desperate, the incarnation of the Zijin bee will never be used.

Put away the talisman and urge the gourd, Gao Jiuding intends to collect some stream water.

(End of this chapter)

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