The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1156 Bronze Palace

Chapter 1156 Bronze Palace
The reason why Gao Jiuding brought such a gourd was because it had a characteristic, that is, it could keep the aura of the spirit liquid in the jade gourd from dissipating.

It is precisely because of this feature that Gao Jiuding intends to use it to hold some spiritual fluids and elixirs.

Of course there is no need for it now, he plans to use this jade gourd to hold some spiritual water and use it to water the spiritual field and spiritual grass garden and other things.

He sacrificed the jade gourd, and filled the whole gourd with the stream water from the source!

At this time, Gao Jiuding couldn't help but feel a little regretful. If he knew that the spiritual water resources here were so rich, he should have waited for a few more jade gourds to come over, so that he could store more spiritual water.

As early as when Gao Jiuding came to the peak, he released the pangolin. However, the whole mountain was under the double protection of the forbidden formation and the peak protection formation, and the pangolin could not go deep into the ground. This made Gao Jiuding attempt to The wishful thinking of harvesting the Ju Lingzhu again fell through.

Although it is a pity, the top of the mountain has changed, so Gao Jiuding can only go back.

The stalemate in front of the cave was finally broken, and it was unknown who was the first to strike first, and all kinds of magic weapons and spells flew randomly on the top of the mountain!
Accompanied by the sound of "ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping-pong," the large array of guard holes kept shaking.

Gao Jiuding chose to keep a low profile this time, and sacrificed a low-level flying sword he had snatched, and joined the attack of everyone on the field.

At this time, Mu Qianye suddenly sent a voice transmission to Gao Jiuding: "Patriarch, your magic power is the strongest. After a while, the magic circle is broken, and you are the first to rush into the cave to grab the treasures inside. I and other brothers will secretly stop others for you." .”

Gao Jiuding nodded secretly, knowing that in front of the Xuedan cultivator's cave, even the alliance would be unreliable. When he wanted to explore other Xuedan caves before coming here, Mu Qianye and others had already noticed something.

As the closing time of the secret realm is getting closer and closer, everyone at the peak did not work this time!
In just one hour, the formation outside the cave was extremely weakened!

The atmosphere of everyone on the field suddenly became tense!

Unknowingly, Gao Jiuding stood at the forefront with the secret cooperation of his monks.

I don't know whose Magical Artifact became the last straw that broke the camel's back. The formation burst apart amidst the roar, and everything in the cave was displayed before everyone's eyes.

The entrance of the cave was actually facing south, and the faces of the scattered monks were overjoyed, because they were the closest to the entrance of the cave.

But just as they showed a hint of joy, Gao Jiuding turned into a golden light and rushed out first.

Although Gao Jiuding's incarnation of Gao Jiuding's golden light escape method is not in place, it is unique among a group of low-level monks.

Watching Gao Jiuding disappear, the monks of other tribes also ignored other things at this time, they swarmed towards the entrance of the cave, scrambling to come first.

The other monks were naturally not to be outdone, and while they were rushing towards the cave, they didn't know who would strike first, and dozens of magic weapons immediately smashed towards the heads of the monks of other factions!
Although the several sects of monks were prepared, they still left four or five corpses under such a large-scale blow.

Afterwards, the peak became a melee state again, and the falling dust was shaken up again, gradually covering the surroundings of the cave.

While Gao Jiuding rushed out, Mu Qianye and others scattered behind him, and most of the magic weapons that hit him in front of him and on both sides were blocked by them!

Gao Jiuding sacrificed a water attribute treasure that he did not know who got it on top of his head, and the flying sword flew in front of him, catching the attacks that slipped through the net one after another, and he arrived in front of the cave in a blink of an eye.

I saw Gao Jiuding flicked his left hand, and "Fan Tian Yin" was like a galloping iron mountain. With an unstoppable momentum, it directly smashed a big hole in the wall of the cave!
Gao Jiuding broke in through the hole, just in time to meet the two tribe monks who rushed into the front hall of the cave mansion first.

Gao Jiuding saw that in the front hall of the cave, there were three roads leading directly to the lower part of the cave, so he chose the middle one and rushed in!
At this moment, there was also a loud noise on the west wall. Obviously, the way of Gao Jiuding inspired the monks of the Yaozu!
The monks in the remaining 36 holes glanced at each other, each chose a path and rushed in.

Afterwards, the large troop of the monster clan rushed in. Looking at everything in the cave, they wanted to go directly to the middle road, and anyone would have thought that there might be the greatest harvest, but they seemed to have thought of something, and chose instead. A passage on the left, rushing down.

Then all the monks rushed in, as long as they were not acquainted with the same sect, the two sides would beat each other when they met each other!
The monks from the Yao clan also joined in, and the back wall of the palace was also broken. The monks rushed in one after another, and the front hall of the cave was in chaos.

After Gao Jiuding rushed into the ground, he released the pangolin to move freely, and his speed was even faster.

After advancing a distance of 30 meters, his eyes suddenly lit up!
This is a crypt with a radius of tens of sheets, and the space is larger than the cave in the belly of his mountain!
Gao Jiuding looked at a small palace built close to the stone wall, and rushed in directly.

The furnishings in the palace are extremely simple, far less gorgeous than the exterior. This is a place for monks to live and practice!
On a stone platform where monks were obviously practicing, there was a gray-white futon. On the futon were a purple jade slip, a jade bottle made of chalcedony, and a brocade box sealed with layers of seals. Other than that, there is nothing else in the room.

Gao Jiuding put away the four items including the futon, and then left immediately after confirming that there was nothing else in the room with his spiritual sense.

As soon as Gao Jiuding walked out, the pangolin appeared in front of him, pulling him to the side!
Gao Jiuding's spiritual sense had already discovered an elixir garden on the other side, and was about to go there, but saw the pangolin pulling him to another place. Gao Jiuding was curious and followed.

As soon as he walked over, Gao Jiuding saw a elixir garden that wasn't even half an mu in size, and he couldn't laugh or cry immediately!

Although there are several thousand-year-old elixirs inside, they are not important enough to come here to collect them first.

Hearing the noise outside the cave getting closer and closer, Gao Jiuding thought about it, it would be a waste of time to go back, so let's gather the spirit grass in this small garden first.

As soon as he stepped into the spiritual grass garden, the scenery in front of him suddenly changed!
Where is this spiritual herb garden less than half an acre? This is clearly a large spiritual herb garden with a size of five mu. Could it be that this is a space formation?
When Gao Jiuding was lamenting the wonder of this formation, he heard a "squeak" sound, it turned out that pangolins had also entered.

Gao Jiuding was about to praise it, but found that the pangolin was dragging him away!

Gao Jiuding said strangely: "Little guy, this is such a big spiritual grass garden, let's collect the spiritual grass here first, it's too late."

The pangolin was still relentless, and continued to grab Gao Jiuding's trousers and drag him out!

Gao Jiuding was helpless, but also wanted to see what it meant.

Gao Jiuding took a step back, and suddenly appeared outside the Lingcao Garden. This time he obviously felt something was wrong. This place is not a formation, but a magic weapon.

The pangolin led Gao Jiuding to dig on the ground for a while, as if to prove something.

Gao Jiuding looked at everything in front of him, and finally understood that this is a large space magic weapon that people can freely enter and exit!

This is a method unique to the ancestor of Faxiang. Could it be that this is the cave of the ancestor of Faxiang?
Gao Jiuding shook his head. If it was the cave of Faxiang Patriarch, the monk who broke through the secret realm back then would never miss it!
After all, this space has been placed here for countless years, and I don't know how many years it has been patronized by others. If this is a Dharma Xiangqi cave, it is absolutely impossible to stay until now.

Besides, if this place is really a peripheral force of the Beast Controlling Sect back then, then there must be a lot of ancestors here. If one of them didn't notice, there are many ancestors of the monster clan and ancestors of the human race, so why not search for it?

Although he was puzzled and a little skeptical, Gao Jiuding still found the body of this large space magic weapon!

Gao Jiuding used a little real energy to blend into the elixir garden, and immediately came into contact with this treasure.

After closing this magic weapon of space, Gao Jiuding discovered that this is a small and exquisite bronze palace, which is exactly the same as the great hall outside.

It should be said that the body of this space is the palace he saw when he walked in!

Everything he feels now is entirely caused by the folded space inside the bronze palace.

"This bronze hall is a bit similar to the scene of the secret realm manifesting outside!"

When the main peak was opened earlier, the avatar of Zijin also felt the thoughts of the main body outside, and naturally knew what happened outside.

"Could it be a treasure like a secret realm stone? The secret realm is formed by cultivating countless formations, which is equivalent to the formation source and town object of this large-scale composite formation?" Gao Jiuding groped the surrounding space to see if he could It cannot be refined.

Finally, he walked out of the bronze hall again, stood outside, facing a place that looked like a gate, and stretched out his hands.

The incarnation of the Zijin bee poured her true energy into the bronze gate, intending to refine this treasure!

But when he really started refining, Gao Jiuding discovered that this bronze hall seemed to be a bottomless pit, devouring all his true essence!
The roar of spells outside was getting closer and closer. Obviously, the bondage of the monks in the front hall delayed the arrival of everyone!

In addition, Gao Jiuding acted quickly after entering this place, and his monks in the temple delayed intentionally or unintentionally, so that Gao Jiuding took the lead, but now he is a bit too late.

Gao Jiuding held two high-quality Huiyuan pills in his mouth, speeding up the input of true essence into the palace-shaped magic weapon!
Finally, before someone came in, the palace boomed, and the spirit grass garden on the ground floated into the air, and slowly folded in half again, just like a piece of paper, folded continuously, and finally joined together.

Afterwards, the bronze hall, originally four or five meters high, was finally shrunk down to the size of a brick, and fell into the small palace in Gao Jiuding's hands.

 Thank you~ Brother Awakened for the reward of 200 coins, thank you Brother Emperor Queen of Earth for your reward!
(End of this chapter)

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