The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1157 The Final Harvest

Chapter 1157 The Final Harvest

"Isn't it a town thing?" Gao Jiuding looked at the small palace in his hand in surprise, and the small palace put away the big palace?It's kind of amazing!

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding has not refined this bronze hall now, nor can he use it to affect the secret realm outside.

Although a little confused, Gao Jiuding had no time to waste.

When a disciple of an unknown sect rushed into the cave, Gao Jiuding was gathering thousand-year-old spirit grass in a spirit grass garden covered by a bronze hall!
Falling in the spiritual grass garden, Gao Jiuding looked at the somewhat confused spiritual grass in doubt. The supply of spiritual energy here is insufficient?Or was it the bronze hall that affected this elixir garden?
While collecting spirit grass, Gao Jiuding was studying the earth veins under this spirit grass garden. There are still spirit veins hidden in the earth veins, but the spirit veins are very weak.

This is actually quite inappropriate. In this secret realm, the aura is densely concentrated in the main peak, and there is no sign of aura weakening outside. Why is it here instead?

If the spirit veins outside the secret realm were drawn away, it must have been drawn into the main peak. Therefore, as long as the spirit veins of the main peak are not exhausted, the elixir garden here should not be affected.

But the fact is just the opposite, the Spirit Grass Garden here has been affected.

"It seems that something has been overlooked!" The incarnation of the Zijin bee focused on the bronze hall in his arms. This thing is now only the size of a palm, but it is very heavy. Is this because the sacrificial training is too superficial?

Without complete refinement, naturally there is no way to control this treasure.

"If it's a town object, wouldn't it be useless?" Gao Jiuding still felt that his guess was right. A treasure with the same shape as the secret exterior appeared in this secret realm, and it might be the core town object of the secret realm.

Hearing footsteps outside, Gao Jiuding knew that he had no time to study.

Putting away the bronze palace, Gao Jiuding concentrated on dealing with the millennium spirit grass in front of him.

He doesn't know most of the spiritual herbs here, so he collects each one carefully.

The collection of these spirit herbs is actually the most time-consuming effort. Since Gao Jiuding entered the secret realm, along the banks of the stream, only seven spirit grass gardens have been encountered, but it took two days to collect spirit herbs. , What a time-consuming thing.

There are various precautions for collecting spirit grass, otherwise it will damage the spirit grass itself and greatly reduce the effectiveness of the spirit grass, the more advanced the spirit grass is, the more so.

Therefore, when a monk came in, Gao Jiuding had just started collecting the second millennium spirit grass!

This was the process of entering the cave, and he casually knocked down several passages on both sides to gain time.

Seeing that it was Gao Jiuding, the monk obviously hesitated for a while, because the strength that Gao Jiuding showed in front of everyone a few times was really daunting!

But this cultivator still couldn't resist, the temptation of thirty or forty thousand year old spiritual grass in the spiritual grass garden slowly approached the spiritual grass garden vigilantly.

Gao Jiuding didn't stop him, but just immersed himself in collecting the third spiritual herb. The monk finally felt relieved and entered the spiritual herb garden to start collecting!
Later, monks entered the cave one after another and joined in the looting of the spirit grass!
At this moment, Gao Jiuding finally understood the scene on other mountain peaks!

In just a short while, nearly forty thousand-year-old spiritual grasses and nearly a thousand five-hundred-year-old spiritual grasses were looted in this two-acre spiritual herb garden.

Gao Jiuding left as early as the collection of spiritual grasses. He only collected varieties that he did not have, and then collected nine thousand-year-old spiritual grasses. After the Spirit Grass Garden was collected, it might be another scuffle!
The incarnation of Gao Jiuding will definitely be the target of besieged by everyone.

Along with Gao Jiuding, there were three other monks under him, disciples of other Devil Star Tribes.I can't care about it anymore.

At this time, there are only two or three hours before the closure of the secret realm, and many monks will inevitably fall into the final madness, and start cruelly hunting each other, competing for the resources in their hands!

At this time, the only ones he could trust were his fellow monks, so the most important thing was to gather his disciples together.

Through the explanation of a centurion, Gao Jiuding knew that Mu Qianye had brought two or three companions to the other two passages.

Without saying a word, Gao Jiuding led the three of them into a passage.

This passage is where the monks of the Dongfu usually make alchemy and crafts, but at this moment it is already in chaos!
Gao Jiuding looked in from the entrance of the cave, and found that Mu Qianye and two monks were being besieged by seven monster clans!

The situation is already in jeopardy, and there are other monks fighting with each other.

A monster monk grinned and said, "Human bastards, I will leave the three of you here today, and my monster clan will be able to secure victory before the secret realm is closed."

Mu Qianye didn't say a word, but tried her best to resist the siege of the monster clan. The other two fighters cooperated with all their strength. The three of them had been injured in many places, and they were about to die.

The three people behind Gao Jiuding were in a hurry, and they were about to shout for support, but Gao Jiuding quickly reached out to stop them.

Seeing the situation clearly, Gao Jiuding waved his hand and sacrificed his Feifei sword, and sneaked towards the backs of several monster clans.

The three of them were amazed. This place is more than 40 meters away from the demon monks, which has already exceeded the range of ordinary monks' consciousness. How could Gao Jiuding attack the magic weapon so far away?

They came here with their real bodies, so naturally they couldn't do it, but they knew that Gao Jiuding, the Patriarch, was not his real body, but just an incarnation of a monster with not very good aptitude. How much strength does such an incarnation have?
In an instant, the Feijian had already approached the Yaozu cultivator more than [-] meters away, and the Yaozu cultivator's spiritual sense could reach him, and immediately discovered the flying sword that was sneaking up!
The monsters resisted quickly amidst exclamations, but it was too late, and one of the two monster monks was punished immediately, and the other was seriously injured.

A monster clan who was obviously the leader turned his head and saw Gao Jiuding and the others galloping towards him, and shouted bitterly, "It's you again! Let's go!"

After all, the remaining six people hurriedly left to one side.

Mu Qianye shouted loudly: "It's not that easy!"

A net-shaped magic weapon flew out of Mu Qianye's hand, and caught the seriously injured cultivator of the Monster Race who fell at the end!

The magical artifacts of the other two had already flown over, and another monk from the Yaozu died.

The group of people couldn't care less about greetings, the matter here was over, Gao Jiuding and seven people hurried out of the cave, and went to another passage to meet the others.

The third passage is connected to the study room of the monks in the Dongfu. This is where the master spends his days trying to figure out formulas, refine talismans, and study formations.

When Gao Jiuding and others arrived, the place had already been ransacked, and the bookshelves, tables and chairs placed in the study had been broken to pieces!
When they found another group of their own people, a group of five of them were chasing and killing several 36-hole disciples!
The crowd rushed forward, like chopping melons and vegetables, and smashed the four people to death several times, scaring the other monks in the cave to avoid them.

A soldier took out several jade slips from several monks, and said happily: "Haha, if you dare to cut my beard, you will die, right?"

During this trip to the mansion, none of the 11 people died, only Mu Qianye and the other three were seriously injured, everyone was naturally very excited!

After getting out of the cave, the people did not stay, and avoided the main peak far away, waiting for the final secret realm to be closed, and everyone was sent out.

Talking about the situation in the three passages, Mu Qianye said: "In the cave where I am, the most important benefit should be that we get it. The boys in the back are the second to go in and kill many monks in Cave 36 of the Demon Star. Several bottles of high-quality elixir are said to be bottled with jade crystals, and they should be used by monks above the blood elixir stage!

They also had to take away a lot of the spiritual grass, spiritual materials, and magic weapons inside. I only snatched a small part, and because of a spiritual weapon grade pill furnace, I had a conflict with him. , I can’t explain it there. "

A centurion who was cited later also said: "My place was robbed first by the monster clan, but I went in and took a lot of things. Among them was a set of inheritance jade slips about the chain formation, which was stolen by several powerful people." The monks of the monster race snatched a few, and then those monster races were attacked by the human race again!

They didn’t expect to meet us in the end, and they wanted to take care of us as well. Well, those unlucky ghosts they met when everyone came here, now this set of inheritance is in our hands again. "

Gao Jiuding wanted to ask the two of them if they had any jade slips about this secret realm!

But seeing both of them looking at him, it was obvious that they were looking forward to what they would gain!
Gao Jiuding smiled and said: "It's nothing, just some spirit herbs and spirit pills, the bottle should look good."

Gao Jiuding took out some jade bottles, the most eye-catching ones were those made of chalcedony.

Everyone exclaimed for a while: "It's actually a chalcedony bottle?"

"This is not..." A centurion lowered his voice, but still couldn't hide the excitement in his expression, and said, "It's really a chalcedony bottle? It is said that the chalcedony bottle was used for the elixir used by the ancestors of the Dharma phase. ?”

Gao Jiuding nodded and said, "It is indeed a chalcedony bottle."

Mu Qianye also couldn't wait to ask: "Could it be the cave of the ancestor Fa Xiangqi?"

Gao Jiuding thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "It shouldn't be, but it should be a monk of the blood pill stage with a prominent status."

Everyone obviously didn't believe that it would be the cave of the ancestor Fa Xiangqi, because no one had ever heard of the cave of the ancestor Fa Xiangqi.

At this time, there is still an hour before the secret realm will be closed. In order to get more resources, some powerful guys have already started to form cliques!
The monks with little power don't show weakness, and they will stay far away from powerful groups, and when they meet lonely monks, no matter which tribe you belong to, you can kill them.

For a while, chaos broke out on the main peak again, but this time the battle seemed much duller. Many battles came very suddenly and ended very shortly!
Everyone raised their vigilance, fearing that the fight would last too long, and the monks who rushed over after hearing the news would take advantage of them, and all they wanted were one-hit kills.

Gao Jiuding and his party seemed extremely abrupt at this time. They were the largest in number and powerful, and no monks came to provoke them.

(End of this chapter)

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