Chapter 1158 Bullying
What next?Everyone looked at Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding didn't know what to do at this time. According to the main body, he stayed here as a marker, letting the main body mark this secret realm hidden in the void.

It would be best if he could collect the secret realm, but if he couldn't, he could finally teleport directly to the Devil Star through the teleportation array.

Mu Qianye understood Gao Jiuding's meaning, he pondered for a moment, and said: "We still have to meet the monks of those small tribes. After all, they are allied. If they ignore it at the last moment, it will be difficult to get along with them in the future."

Everyone also knew Mu Qianye's purpose, and they all agreed. At this time, everyone in Gao Jiuding had already gained a lot. Strength to survive.

Everyone didn't separate, they searched everywhere on this main peak, and united other human monks together!
After a while, six or seven people gathered together, the news spread, and another four or five people came after hearing the news.

At this time, Gao Jiuding and other people knew that the monks of the Yaozu were on the peak at this time, wantonly killing the monks of the tribe and amassing resources!
Obviously, they have realized that in this competition with the human race, they have already lost the wind, and now the monks on the main peak are hiding everywhere.

Mu Qianye saw that 22 people had already gathered, which should be a force that can run rampant on the main peak, so he said: "Let's go, go and find the bad luck of the monster race, we can't let them mess around like this."

Now that he has decided to enter the Demon Star, he naturally has to submit a certificate, and now he can't go wrong if he wins over the human monks.

A group of more than [-] people walked towards the area where the battle was most intense!
Along the way, I found two or three other human monks, two of whom were still hiding outside the main peak, just because the monks had to be on the main peak if they wanted to teleport out of the secret realm at the last moment!

The two had no choice but to enter the main peak at the last moment, but they unexpectedly caught up with the last madness of many monks.

They searched all the way and killed several blind monks. At this time, they saw a monk from the direction of the back mountain, rushing towards Gao Jiuding and others in a panic, and the three monks behind were chasing him.

When he got closer, Gao Jiuding realized that the monk who came running was exactly the stubborn monk he had met in the Tiangang Sand Mine, and the three monks who were chasing after him were not from other families, but from the Yaozu.

It's really a narrow road to enemies, Gao Jiuding turned his head and said: "Everyone, the cultivator in front is just a friend of my younger brother, and he will first help me to destroy the monster clan bastards behind."

Everyone said loudly: "It should be so!"

Several monks rushed away from both sides, cutting off the back path of the three. Gao Jiuding took the lead and said: "Brother, come here."

At the same time, the flying sword in Gao Jiuding's hand was already attacking the three people behind him.

When the monk saw Gao Jiuding, his expression was happy, but he hesitated when he saw the people behind him!

This timid guy finally ran towards Gao Jiuding!
After running over, he whispered to Gao Jiuding: "The monster monks in front found a cave for monks in the Faxiang period."

It was too late when the three monsters who chased and killed Gao Jiuding discovered everyone!
The three monsters who were taken from the rear wanted to send a signal to other monster monks, but they were instantly killed by the crowd surrounding them, and the spoils of the three were divided.

Gao Jiuding heard what the timid monk said, and hurriedly asked what was going on.

The timid monk said: "The monks from the Yaozu family and the 36th cave discovered a Faxiangqi cave here, and the two departments made an agreement to enjoy the treasures in the cave exclusively. In order to prevent the news from being leaked, especially to prevent you You know, the two factions began to frantically hunt and kill monks from other factions around the cave to prevent news from leaking!
After entering the main peak, I accidentally ran into guys from the two departments, and was about to break through the protective formation, so I fled in a hurry. Fortunately, I met you, otherwise I would have been miserable. "

Mu Qianye said: "Brother, how many people did you see?"

The timid monk said: "About thirty or so people."

Mu Qianye looked at the crowd behind him, including the cowardly monk, 25 people had already gathered, and immediately said with a smile: "No matter what you say, we can't let them take it all to themselves, let's go get a share too."

Everyone laughed, so the cowardly monk led the way to the direction of the Houshan Cave Mansion. Many monks got a rest along the way and joined Gao Jiuding's ranks one after another.

Many monks joined in because they were outraged by the drastic measures taken by the monks of the two schools in order to obtain the treasures of the cave.

Previously, due to the powerful forces of the two schools of monks, they did not dare to provoke them, but now that Gao Jiuding is taking the lead, they naturally responded one after another.

Gao Jiuding saw more and more monks gathered around him, and couldn't help sighing at the strength of the monster race.

In order to suppress the human race, the monks of the monster race did not hesitate to resort to unscrupulous means of hunting and killing the monks of the race, which caused public outrage!
Although these monks are relatively soft-spoken in their respective tribes, they are all the best monks of the same rank in each tribe. With the improvement of their cultivation level in the future, the right to speak will increase. It is the time when the Yaozu are unlucky.

Of course, there are leading parties at all times, and the 36th hole obviously does not have much conflict with the Yaozu. If the 36th hole is not extremely powerful, then they are traitors and traitors.

At this time, Gao Jiuding, who had gathered 50 people, no longer had the slightest scruples. The monks from the Yaozu who were guarding the outside had already passed the news back.

When everyone arrived in front of the cave, a multi-colored protective formation appeared in front of them, which made everyone happy.

Mu Qianye "haha" stepped forward and said: "Fellow Daoists from the Monster Race, fellow Daoists from the 36th Cave, you all found such benefits, why didn't you inform us? It's not a good habit to take it all in private."

The leading master of the Yaozu had already gritted his teeth with hatred, and stepped forward and said, "How are you doing?"

Mu Qianye said seriously: "Every monk present, regardless of the number of people, will have a representative. After breaking through the cave, each representative will search inside according to their ability. Everyone is not allowed to fight in the cave. Whoever strikes first will come out." What about the end of a public outrage?"

The Yaozu was already in a daze at this time, apparently not aware that Mu Qianye was plotting against him, he said angrily: "Why? Not to mention that I discovered this cave, but in terms of strength, those who only have one How can a small tribe of two monks compare with my monster clan?"

As soon as the demon cultivator finished speaking, the cultivators present were dissatisfied first!
Mu Qianye snorted coldly, and said: "You have only lived two years longer than us. Since you are talking about strength, well, my tribe has ten famous monks, and they are the crown of strength among all the tribes present. Lost, but also my tribe suffers the most!

Now we haven't said that we don't want to, what can you Yaozu have to say?Could it be that there are only eight people left in your monster clan, and you still have to sit on an equal footing with us?How about we have a contest? "

The cultivators of all factions on the field had already started clamoring at this time, accusing the Yaozu of their faults one after another.

The leader of the Yaozu already knew that he had fallen into the trap of Mu Qianye's words, he looked angry, and was about to say something, when a monk in Cave 36, who had seen the situation clearly, said : "In that case, then follow what this fellow Taoist said."

Although the disciples in the 36th hole are human races, they are in the same spirit as the monster race. Knowing that public anger is hard to offend, they have no choice but to submit.

The happiest ones were the monks from the small tribe present. There was either only one or two of them. Originally, they did not expect to see the scene of the Faxiang cave, but now an opportunity was in front of them. Naturally, they were ecstatic. Looking at Gao Jiuding and the others, they looked kindly.

The closing time of the secret realm is getting closer and closer, everyone makes a move together, and the formation is broken in a moment!
Among the seventy or eighty monks present, only fifteen representatives came out.

You must know that there are more than 100 tribes participating in the opening of this secret realm. Not to mention other things, there are only 36 holes, which are 36 forces, and the monster tribe is a typical representative of disunity.

In addition, in the past few decades, the monster race suffered heavy losses in foreign wars, and it is even more powerless to restrict the development of the human race!

By the time they entered the secret realm this time, the situation of their strong outsiders and paper tigers had been figured out by the monks of the human race.

If it wasn't for this, it would be absolutely impossible for the human monks present to be so stubborn when facing the monster monks.

Being oppressed by the demon clan for thousands of years, it would be nice to be able to linger on. How can you have the courage to resist the demon clan?
At this time, Gao Jiuding remembered the No.1 human monk he saw in this secret realm!
That person seemed to be wearing an Earth attire. Thinking about it now, how could Gao Jiuding still not understand that the Devil Star should be infiltrated into a sieve by the Earth's cultivation world, right?

It was also after thinking of this that Gao Jiuding agreed to let his subordinates enter the Demon Star, even his incarnation of the Zijin bee.

Gao Jiuding had the advantage in numbers, and the Yaozu had no way to object, so they naturally agreed to their proposal.

Gao Jiuding still played on behalf of his department, not only because he was the strongest, but also not because Mu Qianye was seriously injured!

If it wasn't for this reason, Mu Qianye would definitely stand out and replace Gao Jiuding to attract firepower.

Everyone has seen Gao Jiuding's strength, so he naturally has an advantage in hunting for treasures in the cave.

Gao Jiuding stood in the middle of a group of 15 people from each faction, facing the main entrance of the cave, and everyone didn't have any opinions. His side is currently the strongest, so this kind of treatment is naturally given.

The Yaozu and the 36-hole cultivator and others next to him couldn't say anything!
Right now, the situation is stronger than others, besides, most of the people on the field have seen Gao Jiuding's strength!

A pair of high-quality flying swords are really extremely sharp!
There were even rumors that he could calmly use more than two high-level magic weapons. Although everyone didn't believe it, they also speculated that there should be another high-level magic weapon on him.

In the last quarter of an hour, 15 people rushed into the cave one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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