The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1159 Fishing in Troubled Waters

Chapter 1159 Fishing in Troubled Waters (100 Monthly Pass Plus Changes)

A cave can withstand fifteen monks coming to raid the house, not to mention that the valuables at home are usually carried with the owner at any time, and there are actually no good things left in it.

After some "ping, ping, ping, ping, ping" sounds, Gao Jiuding came out first, and handed Mu Qianye three jade crystal bottles, a top-level guardian armor and a bottle of blood-dissolving pill.

Looking at the jade crystal bottle in his hand, Mu Qianye couldn't believe that there was such a bottle of medicine in the cave of a cultivator of Faxiangqi?
It was indeed a bottle of blood-dissolving pills, and there were only ten of them. Gao Jiuding originally thought that this was also a monk who was proficient in alchemy, but he didn't find any alchemy furnace and other things in the cave!

Seeing that most of the things in the cave had already been owned, Gao Jiuding didn't like the remaining bits and pieces, so he came out first.

Mu Qianye didn't expect that Gao Jiuding would only bring out such a small amount of things during his trip, and he was immediately disappointed.

Afterwards, everyone also left the cave. The cowardly monk found Gao Jiuding and told him privately that he had found a set of six middle-level treasures. The power of the combination was equivalent to a high-level magic weapon. , you can try to make an envoy.

Gao Jiuding remembered that in the Tiangang Sand Mine that day, a cowardly monk's set of mother-in-law flying knives withstood the attack of two monks of the same rank, knowing that he was good at using a complete set of magic weapons, so he congratulated him.

While the two were talking, the main peak shook again!
It's finally time for the secret realm to be closed. Each monk has an attracting talisman issued by the elders of his own sect. At this time, it turns into a ball of white light, frantically absorbing the aura of heaven and earth above the main peak.

After the spiritual energy accumulated to a certain level and the white light flashed, many monks disappeared in the main peak.

At this time, more than 30 real blood pills on the devil star were once again arranged into a summoning teleportation array, and the platform of the teleportation array also emitted a strong aura once again!

After a burst of white light went out, everyone in the main peak appeared on the platform.

Many Xuedan cultivators frowned when they saw the 90 or 100 people on the platform. After more than a thousand people entered, less than [-] people came out?This loss is too great!

After waiting for a while, no problem was found, and a group of monks in the blood pill stage didn't bother to ask the reason, and hurriedly called their juniors to get off the platform!
Then, the platform sank into the ground again amidst a loud rumbling noise.

The once-in-ten-year Meteorite Secret Realm opens and finally ends, and it will be visited again after ten years of waiting.

In the process of opening the secret realm in the past, although the monks who entered the secret realm had frequent fights, more than half of the monks survived. Unexpectedly, this time the opening of the secret realm was reversed, and the number of monks who lost directly reached nine. layer.

The blood pill stage monks from various tribes, when their disciples returned, carefully asked about what happened in the secret realm. When they heard that a total of nine blood pill stage monks' caves were unearthed before and after this secret realm, it was these blood pills. The early monks were also surprised.

Although monks often carry their valuables with them when they leave their caves, there are no good things in the caves, but there are exceptions to everything, and no one knows if there will be unexpected items handed down .

Gao Jiuding's expression was calm. Only he knew that there were at least ten caves above the blood core stage on the island. Some people might doubt the one he got alone, but he didn't leave any evidence, so everyone can only guess.

The monks of the small tribe cast their envious eyes on Gao Jiuding, Yaozu and the monks of 36 holes!
Obviously, the biggest benefit on the island was obtained by these three monks!
At the same time, everyone knew about the conflict between the two factions of Gao Jiuding and the Yaozu, so they were all waiting for a good show.

The incarnation of the Zijin bee couldn't stand the siege of more than 30 monks in the blood pill stage here, and he had already thought of a countermeasure. Seeing that everyone was gathered together, he moved quickly.

The incarnation of the Zijin bee caught a large number of talismans, and when the talismans appeared, they were immediately urged to fly into the sky.

"Boom, boom, boom" a series of fireballs flew towards the monster clan and the monks in the 36th hole.

As they have many high-ranking monks and are strong, it is natural to deal with them for the first time.

The power of the Seven-Star Lianzhu Fireball Talisman will definitely not be able to hurt the monks at the late stage of the blood pill, but the third-order talisman researched by Gao Jiuding is not something that ordinary monks at the early stage of the blood pill can resist.

Of course, monks are not wood, and they will not stand still and be beaten. They will immediately activate the magic weapon to protect the body, but so what?
A series of explosions made all the monks at the blood core stage look ashamed, and some unlucky ones were even seriously injured.

They absolutely did not expect that here, someone would dare to attack them.

"Boom" was another series of explosions.

"Activate the formation!"

"Trap those. Don't make a mess"

Some masters reacted, but how can the field not be chaotic at this time?
Some masters at the early stage of blood pills are lying on the ground, how can low-level disciples not be afraid?
They have just come out of the secret realm, and they have all gained something more or less. It is a great loss to die at this time!

When the gunpowder smoke cleared, the people in the field looked at each other in disgrace, as if there was no difference?
"A group of people are missing?"

"Those experts!"

"Which tribe are they from, does anyone know?"

“Looks like a small tribe”

At this time, Gao Jiuding had already taken a group of his men and ran into the vast mountain taking advantage of the chaos.

Surrounded by mountains, towering trees, almost thorns at every step, this place is more complicated than the tropical jungle environment, people in it, as long as they are careful to hide their body, it is difficult to be found.

If he hadn't seen the complicated environment here, Gao Jiuding would not have dared to act so resolutely.

"Be careful, there are poisonous insects!"

"Not only poisonous insects, but also poisonous snakes!"

"There are five poisons, be careful, it's best to wear a battle armor!"

"Report them all, and see how many earth escape talismans are left!"

"I have five!"

"I have seven more!"

"Three! More unlucky, encountered several crises!"

"I still have nine cards. It's not my luck. My brother gave them to me. What he came in was the incarnation of a monster, and he died with the enemy in the end!"

"Okay, let's help each other out. On average, one Earth Escape Talisman is one life, so use it carefully. The ones we came in are all our own bodies, so we can't afford to die!"

"Where is the head of the house?"

"Don't mind the Patriarch, what he came in was an incarnation, and he wanted to enter the Yaozu side!"

"Come on, as long as we integrate into those small tribes, we will have made great achievements!"

Watching his subordinates escape smoothly, Gao Jiuding popped his head out of a big rock.

He escaped with Zongdi Jinguangdong, faster and safer than his men.

Besides, the jungle environment is also suitable for the incarnation of monsters. Here, even a cultivator at the top of the blood core has nothing to do with him.

With a sway of Gao Jiuding's body, the Zijin Bee transformed into its original form, which was a palm-sized purple-gold bee.

Such a monster bee is absolutely inconspicuous on this demon star!
Because Gao Jiuding had already seen that many huge insects were crawling around in the jungle!

Of course, there are also flying ones, such as flying ants, which are the size of a puppy.

This demon star was more dangerous than he had imagined. Gao Jiuding flapped his wings and followed Mu Qianye and the others, wanting to send them off again.

When Mu Qianye and others walk out of the mountain safely, he will return to the jungle and practice for a period of time.

This time, there are a lot of pills brought into the Demon Star, and they are all suitable for the incarnation of the Zijin Bee. If it cultivates the immortal body of the Great Asura for a while and strengthens its soul, then this huge star can be easily killed. There are not many monks in his incarnation.

At this time, we must be steady and not waver, this is Gao Jiuding's plan long ago.

Sensing that the incarnation of the Zijin bee was not in danger, Gao Jiuding felt relieved. He stared at the void, grasping the sun, moon and seven stars axe, and slashed hard.

It has the aura of opening up the world, but it only draws a small trace in the void.

"Open!" Yihu was on the side, directly inserted his hands into the faint marks, and pulled hard.

"Help!" Seeing Yihu's appearance, Gao Jiuding knew that it was almost too late.

Song Yue next to her immediately made a move: "Roar!"

A pair of huge fists directly smashed into the faint marks.

Pfft, along the light marks, the space is like glass, a piece the size of a fist is shattered.

"Hey!" With the power of Song Yue's fist, Yihu exerted his strength again, and immediately, the broken fist print was dyed blood red, and then a burst of blood red flames burned in the space where the space was broken.

"Crack!" Urging the blood-light supernatural power, Yihu finally made a contribution.

"Start the traction array!" Seeing that the space was broken, Gao Jiuding immediately shouted.

As soon as Gao Jiuding finished speaking, the void around them lit up!

The three of them stood in a large formation, trying to perceive the unknown existence in the void.

Gao Jiuding didn't have an attracting talisman, and he didn't know how to attract his subordinates in the secret realm, so he had no choice but to adopt a stupid method at this time.

However, after closing the secret realm, the surrounding void became stronger than he had imagined. The three monks of the Faxiang period who could easily tear apart the void actually exhausted all their strength to shatter that little space.

But this was enough, Song Yue helped again, and broke a space crack that was one person tall!
With the activation of the traction array, the people in the secret realm who had prepared for a long time will be drawn and fly out of the secret realm.

"Whether you can make meritorious deeds, it's at this moment!" Gao Jiuding, who freed his hand, immediately released the sun, moon and seven stars axe.

The sun, moon and seven-star ax flew into the void, and immediately slashed towards the void without stopping.

Ripples emanated from the surrounding void, as if throwing a stone into the water.

With the appearance of void ripples, Gao Jiuding vaguely saw a building, which was no longer the image of Tiangong, but a bronze palace.

 Thanks to the king of the emperor, the king of the earth, and the little cute brother Yuchen for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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