The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1160 Ancient City Ruins

Chapter 1160 Ancient City Ruins
"Town!" Seeing the appearance of the secret realm, Gao Jiuding shouted happily.

Following his voice, the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda suddenly appeared and suppressed on the phantom.

The rich khaki aura instantly followed the ripples and filled the void, and at this time the phantom became a lot more solid.

"Boom!" The pagoda vibrated incessantly in the space. It seemed that using the pagoda to suppress this secret realm was also very difficult.

However, the pagoda is only fixed in the secret space for a period of time, so it doesn't seem too difficult.

At this time, the inner space of the pagoda is even much larger than that of the secret realm, that is, the large spiritual veins inside it are much weaker than that of the meteorite secret realm.

Originally, Gao Jiuding thought that the spiritual veins in the Meteorite Secret Realm were about to disperse, but the situation above the main peak later proved that it was not what he thought at all.

Previously, the space around the secret realm was shattered, probably because the secret realm wanted to be born and smashed through the surrounding void, so that Gao Jiuding could obtain great benefits and obtain countless space fragments.

If there is no secret realm for a long time, just like the waves, constantly washing away the surrounding void, how can the space be damaged?

Metal has fatigue, and space also has it. Gao Jiuding met it by chance.

"Meteorites appear once every ten years, maybe in the next ten years, we will still get a large number of space debris!" After thinking about this, Gao Jiuding said happily.

"Then what are you still doing with this secret realm? Anyway, it will appear again in ten years!" Song Yue rolled her eyes and said.

"Why? Naturally, it is necessary to open up the teleportation array leading to the Devil Star. At least a teleportation array needs to be copied. Otherwise, how can we communicate with the Devil Star?" Gao Jiuding said with a smile.

"You still want to go in? It's not easy for us to break through the space this time. No one knows how long the pagoda can hold the secret realm. Be careful, and you will be left in the secret realm!" Song Yue said with a white look at Gao Jiuding .

Gao Jiuding laughed and said: "Look, the opportunity has come, with its help, we will be sure this time!"

Looking at the pangolin being led out from the space, Gao Jiuding said with a smile.

The incarnation of the Zijin bee handed over all the harvest to the pangolin, and naturally let it bring it out, especially the small and exquisite bronze palace, a magic weapon of space.

After getting the bronze palace, Gao Jiuding said: "This thing is probably damaged. Sure enough, there is a problem with the spirit gathering array, and it is no longer possible to use the large spiritual vein in the secret realm. It cannot be connected with the earth vein, so naturally it will be damaged." It is impossible to control the entire secret realm, this is the control core that runs the secret realm, that is, the town object!"

Bloody light emerged, and Gao Jiuding refined the bronze palace at an extremely fast speed. Just after refining, Gao Jiuding received part of the information.

The information is incomplete, but Gao Jiuding can still get some questions he wants to know through this information.

"Let's go, I'll take you into the secret realm!" Gao Jiuding said with a smile, stroking the exquisite bronze hall in his hand.

"I was searched by someone just now, what's there to see? With this time, it's better to eliminate more demons, maybe we can find some secret caves here!" Song Yue naturally didn't want Gao Jiuding to take risks.

Yihu also said: "It's better to let an avatar go in!"

In order to suppress the secret realm, Gao Jiuding came here with the pagoda in person. Song Yue and Yihu were naturally not happy to enter the secret realm to take risks.

Gao Jiuding raised his hand, and said: "The history of this secret realm is longer than that of the Beastmaster Sect, but the Beastmaster Sect has indeed been the master of this secret realm, or it is the legacy of the Yulingzong Sect, no matter what, The value of this secret realm is not bad, at least there is a large spiritual vein!"

"The longer the history, the more dangerous it is!" Song Yue said.

Gao Jiuding smiled and said, "It's really not that dangerous. What we entered is the center of the secret realm, not the previous secret realm space. Let's go, you will know when you enter!"

Speaking of Gao Jiuding, he urged the true energy in his body to pour into the bronze palace in his hand.

With the influx of true essence, the bronze palace was aroused and shone brightly, but something seemed wrong.

No matter how Gao Jiuding moved the bronze palace, nothing seemed to change.

"Uh, what's going on?" Gao Jiuding withdrew his true energy, looked at the small palace in his hand, shouldn't this be a treasure?After passing it, shouldn't one enter the secret realm again?
"Could it be that you can't push it?" Song Yue looked at Gao Jiuding and said.

Yihu also smiled and said: "Maybe it's because the spiritual energy in the secret realm is consumed too much, so we can't lead us in!"

Gao Jiuding silently released the Blood God Son from his body, and directly merged into the bronze palace in his hand.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and after more than three hours, Gao Jiuding opened his eyes again.

There was a wry smile on his face: "You really guessed it, that secret realm can no longer be opened, and it's not for nothing that it opens once every ten years!"

"Forget it, now that I know the location, I'll come back in ten years!" Song Yue waved her hand directly, expressing that she didn't want to go in.

Yihu also said: "There is nothing worth taking risks in the secret realm that was raided just now!"

Suddenly, Gao Jiuding laughed: "Haha, we have gained a lot this time. Although we can't enter the secret realm, we can enter the secret realm outside!"

"Outside the secret realm?" Maverick asked in surprise.

Gao Jiuding nodded: "Yes, it is the outside of the secret realm, or it can be said to be the main body of the secret realm. Don't talk nonsense, you pull me, and I will take you in!"

After refining it for three hours, Gao Jiuding gained a lot by taking in a Blood God Child.

Even at this time, the Blood God Son is still infiltrating the small palace in the palm of his hand.

This small palace is not simple, and Gao Jiuding's Blood God Son can't be refined in a short time.

Of course, Gao Jiuding is not in a hurry to refine it now, as long as he can pass through this medium and enter the secret realm.

Everyone was in a trance, and the group of people around Gao Jiuding were all wrapped in light and teleported into an unknown space.

"Is this a secret realm? Why does it look like a prehistoric relic to me?" Maverick stood in the secret realm with a shocked expression on his face and a little shock in his heart.

He looked at the ruins in front of him, the vague outline was really a city wall, the gate of the city had completely collapsed, and a huge stone mountain was pressing on the top.

And when he looked carefully, he also found some bronze luster flickering. It turned out that this was a bronze gate.

He quickly went forward to check it, and found that it was really a city gate made of bronze.

The huge city gate has collapsed, and the bronze surface is covered with rust, exuding the atmosphere of ancient vicissitudes.

This is something that is extremely old, and the breath of vicissitudes hits the face, shocking everyone's expressions.

"What age is this?" Song Yue murmured in surprise.

Gao Jiuding's face was also full of shock. He stroked the huge bronze door in front of him, and he could still see some mottled traces.

Even, densely packed symbols are engraved on the huge bronze gate, which are ancient and mysterious, and its use and meaning are not clear.

However, when Gao Jiuding touched these symbols with his hands, he felt faintly in his heart that these symbols were not simple.

He even guessed the function of these ancient symbols in his heart, but unfortunately he didn't know it at all.

"Don't look, let's go in and have a look!" Gao Jiuding said.

"What's the rush? No one is robbing us this time?" Song Yue said.

Gao Jiuding's expression froze, and he said: "It's really hard to say, those demon star demon cultivators don't know the situation, but the natives here are not easy to mess with!"

There is a reason why Gao Jiuding is so anxious. The longest living here is the demon group, and they are the local snakes here.

Every time a secret realm appears, the surrounding space is shattered, and it is the demons who are most likely to break into the secret realm.

But the demon swarm has never entered the space where the incarnation of the Zijin bee entered, so where have they all gone?Maybe just break into the core of this secret realm.

Playing with the bronze palace in his hand, this thing is the treasure of the secret realm, the core of controlling the secret realm, whoever refines it is the owner of the secret realm, but it is also damaged, so how did it get damaged?

Only by entering the center of the current secret realm can it be possible to destroy the town, because this is where the real authority of the entire secret realm lies.

If the Bronze Palace wants to control the secret realm, it must be connected to this center. It is through the center that it can control the huge secret realm space.

Thinking that someone, or even a group of demons, might have broken into this place, Gao Jiuding was naturally not in the mood to check these things outside!
He stood in front of that entrance, staring at the entrance in front of him. The collapsed rocks and soil buried most of it, but still exposed an entrance.

Yi Hu and the others came over, looked at the entrance in front of them, and could be sure that it was excavated artificially.

This time, they were even more anxious. It would be fine if there was nothing in it, but if there was something in it, it would be a big loss if they finished taking the treasure for others.

"Send a few teams in to explore the way!" Song Yue said before Gao Jiuding continued to give orders.

Yihu waved his hand and immediately dispatched the people around him.

He has the largest number of guards here, and most of them are incarnations of monsters. Naturally, let them come to explore.

If the incarnation of the monster beast dies, they still have a chance to make up for it. If the body dies, they are really dead.

"The two of you go in with me, and the others stay outside for the time being." Gao Jiuding also ordered directly, he only brought Song Yue and Yi Hu's avatars in, while the rest of the team stayed outside to guard.

Because, the entrance in front of you can only accommodate one person to enter. If a large number of people enter, it may have a great impact, and only a few people can enter alone.

Sure enough, as several people stepped into the entrance one after another, they discovered that the passage in front of them was really recently dug.

Gao Jiuding walked along the passage all the way, surrounded by collapsed rocks, the only way was the one in front of him.

And he doubted whether this ruin was sunk in ancient times, otherwise, it is obviously a bit strange why there is a huge stone mountain on top of the ruin.

(End of this chapter)

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