The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1161 Unknown Civilization

Chapter 1161 Unknown Civilization
"Look, the passage ahead is much wider." Just entering the ancient city, a voice came from the front, it was a commander who took the lead.

He looked a little happy, and walked quickly, and then everyone followed, and soon came to a relatively spacious place.

Here, it looks like a huge space, but many rocks have collapsed around it, and some huge pillars can be seen, as if it is an underground palace.

However, Gao Jiuding and the others did not check carefully, but continued along the passage ahead.

Here, there is nothing useful, and it is only clear what is there when you go inside.

Along the way, everyone found that many footprints were human footprints.

This discovery made everyone present feel awe-inspiring and anxious, and they speeded up unconsciously.

They didn't know how long they walked, but Gao Jiuding and the others felt that the passage was getting wider and wider, and finally they could see some dilapidated buildings on both sides, all of which were buried in the mountain.

"Here we are!" In front of a spacious exit, a group of people were standing here in shock, staring blankly at the front.

This is a shocking scene, and what comes into view is a huge city.

That's right, what Gao Jiuding saw was an incomparably huge city, which was an ancient city.

From here, the houses inside the city are neat, but they have collapsed into ruins, and the ancient and desolate outline can still be vaguely seen.

"Ancient city?" Yihu's face was surprised, and the three generals leading the way were looking at everything in front of them in surprise.

This is an ancient city, and everyone who saw it stood here in shock!
As they approached, they finally saw clearly that what was in front of them was an ancient city.

"What should we do now?" The two generals took the lead to look over.

Gao Jiuding's mind sank into the bronze palace in his hands, his face changed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

He really didn't expect that there was a big city hidden inside this bronze palace.

But no matter how he refines it, the palace in his hand is still a palace, not like a city at all.

Isn't this the town of space?But if it weren't for the town of space, how did it lead everyone into here?
Gao Jiuding can be sure that this is indeed a space with a hidden meteorite secret realm. Apart from the central space that is opposite to the outside space, how can there be such a huge space here?
The information he got was too fragmented, and Gao Jiuding couldn't figure out what was going on here!

His eyes flickered, looking at the huge city in front of him, he couldn't see the edge at all, he could only vaguely see the outlines, and there were many buildings that had not completely collapsed in the ruins.

This city is too huge, and with several people entering, it is simply impossible to guess how big it is.

At this time, everyone's minds are active when they come here, and they must want to explore independently.

"Choose a direction each, let's see our luck!" Gao Jiuding left without saying a word, leading Song Yue and Yihu away.

The two of them were worried about Gao Jiuding, after all, he came here in real body, so naturally they had to follow him.

Everyone is very interested in treasure hunting, but no one pays much attention to what to do with the treasures that can be found.

The people who were able to be brought in by Gao Jiuding, Song Yue and Yihu were all their most trusted guards. If these people still couldn't believe it, who else could they trust?
The guards knew that the master would not treat them badly, and they would get what they used.

Seeing the three masters leaving with their own people, the remaining guards left without saying a word.

After walking for a while, Gao Jiuding and the others stopped. At this time, Gao Jiuding was carefully staring at the huge city in front of him.

This ancient city seems to be built underground, but it is certain that this is not an underground city, is it a buried city?

However, Gao Jiuding was puzzled and surprised that the area around the city was empty!

In other words, there are no mountains around this city, so it should be a lonely city.

"What should we do now?" Song Yue asked.

Gao Jiuding pondered for a while, then suddenly said: "What did you find?"

Gao Jiuding's question caused a shadow to flash out from the corner beside him. The person who came was an invisible guard.

The time to get the Invisibility Grass is not short. Now Gao Jiuding and others have secretly cultivated a group of top-level guards. They can be invisible, have great strength, and can levitate out of thin air.

Without landing on the ground, without activating aura, he can remain invisible, and his attack power is not weak. Such a group of invisible guards hiding around him will naturally reassure Gao Jiuding and others.

Gao Jiuding was relieved, but Yihu was startled, and he was relieved after seeing the person clearly, and his heart was even more shocked.

He didn't expect that someone had been hiding nearby without being discovered.

If Gao Jiuding hadn't called him out, maybe Yihu still knew that there was a person, which really shocked him.

The most important thing is that this incarnation of Yihu has also refined the invisibility grass, and he can also be invisible, but now, he was slapped in the face by another comrade.

"Shocked, right? This is equivalent to innate supernatural powers. You actually sent back all the magical herbs I left for you. Are you dumbfounded now?" Looking at the shocked Yihu, Gao Jiuding laughed out loud.

As soon as this person came to the front, his face was serious: "Patriarch, I came in to check just now, and I didn't go far, but there are some footprints in this direction, not like human race, but monster race, it seems that the strength is not too strong. "

Oh?Gao Jiuding followed what he pointed and looked in another direction.

He pondered, his eyes flickered continuously, and finally decided to go this way.

"Go, let's go this way!" After he finished speaking, he walked directly in that direction, and everyone went out from here, and finally stepped out of this ancient and mysterious city.

Along the way, Gao Jiuding's face was full of surprise, looking at the collapsed buildings around him, he couldn't guess when the city was built.

"Patriarch, look, this dust is very strange." The invisible guard looked serious, staring at the thick layer of dust under everyone's feet.

The dust is off-white, and many huge footprints can be clearly seen, which are obviously not human footprints.

Gao Jiuding checked, his face turned cold, and his heart was extremely shocked.

He found that the gray dust was not silt dust, but a kind of dust made of bones.

"This is bone meal." The faces of the other people were all terrified. When they stomped on their feet, they could faintly hear a crisp sound, as if they had crushed something.

Gao Jiuding flicked his feet, and suddenly found that some broken bones were exposed, and the gloomy white color was terrifying.

This is the bone meal of the place, and there are still broken bones. It is impossible to imagine how the dust here is so thick.

Could it be that the one-meter-deep bone powder was all formed by the weathering of bones?

"A lot of bones, these seem to be human bones, and there are a lot of animal bones." The invisible guard said cautiously after observing.

"The whole ancient city is too big, we may not find anything by exploring like this, one person searches in one direction."

"If you are in danger, send a signal. This place is too big. Let's search and see if we find anything useful, and collect it all for me."

At this time, Gao Jiuding directly gave instructions to everyone, and then he, Song Yue, Yihu and others each chose a direction and quickly explored away.

The invisible guards were exposed, and Song Yue and Yihu were not worried.

With so many guards following them, it would be unnecessary for them to worry.

Separated from several people, Gao Jiuding's figure rushed past quickly, following those footprints, and, along the way, carefully checked the surroundings, hoping to find something.

Unfortunately, he was disappointed. Along the way, except for the thick bone powder and some broken bones on the ground, he didn't find any valuable things or clues.

Even in the ruins of the row of houses on both sides, nothing was found.

The only thing worth noting is that in these ruins, some broken utensils can be seen from time to time, but unfortunately they are already incomplete.

Gao Jiuding even found the wreckage of some weapons, which were completely broken and lost their proper luster.

However, what surprised him was that these fragments were still very hard and sharp. It was really unimaginable how powerful these weapons were when they were intact?

These weapons are very hard, but they were shattered. Who can have such strength to shatter these weapons?
Also, these weapons don't look like magic weapons no matter what!

Gao Jiuding was really curious at this time, what period was this ancient city and who built it?Its style is not at all reminiscent of the handwriting of the Beast Sect.

Ding!In the ruins of a house, Gao Jiuding was holding a piece of debris to inspect it, and when he flicked his finger, there was a crisp arguing.

He was very amazed, looking at this small fragment, it was just a small piece of sharp metal, but it was still strong, not even much worse than the armor he specially made.

This place is obviously very old. I don't know how long it has been. The bones have been turned into powder, but these fragments are still so sharp and strong, it is unbelievable.

"It's amazing. Could it be that an unknown civilization has been discovered? It's impossible. Obviously, the Meteorite Secret Realm was originally controlled by the Beastmaster Sect. It's impossible for them not to discover it. Now that they have discovered it, how could it not be exploited?"

Gao Jiuding's face was shocked, and without hesitation, he collected these pieces one by one, guessing that they might be useful in the future.

Or, when there is an opportunity in the future, these metal fragments can be refused to cast a more powerful magic weapon.

Along the way, Gao Jiuding checked carefully, not in a hurry.

He knew that since he entered this ancient city, if he wanted to gain some benefits, he had to be more careful.

But now, some monsters have entered here first, which made him think, quickly find those monsters, kill them first, and then see if they find any good things.

 Thank you brother lads4017 for the reward of 200 coins, and thank you for the reward of the queen of the emperor and the little cute brother Yuchen!
(End of this chapter)

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