The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1162 Domain Power

Chapter 1162 Domain Power
"The houses here seem to be made of metal, but what do these symbols mean? What are their functions?" Gao Jiuding came to a half-destroyed building and was looking at it curiously.

From the ruins in front of you, you can still see the complete wall with some ancient and mysterious symbols carved on it.

These symbols are very mysterious, and have an unknown function faintly, not just for the sake of beauty.

Gao Jiuding could only give up after checking for a long time, because he didn't know what these things were, what meaning and function they contained.

He quickly walked in the ruins, and carefully found that there were a few or more mysterious symbols on some buildings that were not collapsed and broken, but he couldn't understand their purpose and function.

If it is a rune, with Gao Jiuding's current knowledge, he should be able to recognize some, but he just doesn't know any symbols!
But if it wasn't for runes, then what happened to these ancient metal cities that have been preserved for an unknown number of years?

If there is no protection by some power, the ancient city that has existed for an unknown number of years would have been destroyed by time long ago, right?
Therefore, Gao Jiuding suspected in his heart that these ancient and mysterious symbols must have a huge effect.

It's just that he still doesn't know the key to it, so he just vaguely senses that it's very important.

Even so, he didn't think too much, and was quickly following some footprints, and finally came to a relatively spacious place.

Looking from here, it looks like a square at first glance, but it's not right when you look closely.

Gao Jiuding soon discovered that this place was not a square, but more like a military camp.

That's right, if you look closely, it's clear that this place is clearly a military camp, a place where soldiers of the army are stationed, or a place for rest and training.

"Is it really a military camp?" Gao Jiuding looked cautiously, staring at the huge ruins in front of him.

Most of the buildings have collapsed, and some black metal tiles can still be vaguely seen scattered, not completely weathered.

And some huge metal pillars have collapsed, leaving only a bare bottom!
That person hugged the thick metal pillar, and there were countless mysterious symbols on it!
This kind of thing was destroyed by people. From now on, it can be imagined that it was attacked by a strong enemy back then.

From some dilapidated metal buildings now, Gao Jiuding can still see the prosperity and prosperity of that year, but it is such a place that has fallen to the current end.

Gao Jiuding walked into the ruins, walking cautiously, without any carelessness.

He didn't know whether there was a terrifying crisis inside this ancient city, but there was nothing wrong with being careful.

Yep?Suddenly, Gao Jiuding walked to a corner, but suddenly felt that there was a breath coming.

After careful identification, he clearly guessed in his heart that this is a unique aura of the monster race, and there is a monster race ahead.

Sure enough, as he walked forward cautiously, after observation, he found that there were several burly figures standing in front of a huge building ruin.

These are the monster monks. There are four of them in total. Three of them are more than two meters tall. They each hold a sharp bone spear in their hands.

The most astonishing thing was the lead orc, with a blue face and long fangs, covered in solid bone armor, holding a huge skeleton knife in his hand, with sharp edges and a terrifying aura.

This is a big monster whose strength is at least at the peak of Xuedan. He is more than three meters tall, and his whole body is oppressive and heavy.

Even Gao Jiuding suspects that this is a demon clan that has reached the combat strength of the Dharma phase.

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding couldn't distinguish the specific strength of these monster races, but he knew that the power of these monster races was absolutely powerful, even stronger than some Dharma phase monks that Gao Jiuding met before!
He could feel that the aura of one of the monster clan was oppressing him faintly, and that big monster was probably stronger than him.

"This monster clan is stronger than me!" Gao Jiuding just took a look, and he had this kind of understanding.

His face was serious, and he felt that this Yaozu was much stronger than him. This was an intuition, and the feeling for no reason was very deep.

He firmly believed in his own feeling, which was an instinctive feeling produced after his body was strengthened to a certain extent.

However, this situation is obviously wrong. Gao Jiuding's body should be crushing the monks of the blood pill stage. At this time, he felt the danger, and it was a bit unreasonable!

Suddenly, the face of the leader of the Yaozu turned cold, and a pair of dark eyes swept over him, and he found Gao Jiuding's figure.

At this time, the other three monster clansmen looked over in a hurry, and finally found Gao Jiuding's figure, and their faces were a little surprised.

"Human race?" The face of the monster race headed by it was first startled, then suddenly, and finally furious.

He turned around and stared at Gao Jiuding who was walking out in front of him, exuding a terrifying murderous intent all over his body.

"Commander, how come there are people here?" A demon clan asked with a ferocious expression.

And the leader of the monster clan leader looked angry and shouted: "Damn human race, it's you hateful human race again, the people outside must have been killed by them."

"Damn, kill him!"

"Slaughter and eat!"

"It's best used for alchemy!" Several monster clans were suddenly angry, shouting and roaring, their words were very scary.

However, Gao Jiuding didn't care at all, because he knew that when humans ate monsters and used monsters to make alchemy, on the Demon Star, the monsters were also using humans as food and medicine.

How humans treat monsters on the monster star, how the monster race treats the human race on the devil star.

Gao Jiuding didn't object to the law of the jungle, instead he was a little surprised, looking at the few monsters in front of him, why did they come here?

Gao Jiuding stared indifferently at the monster clan in front of him, or to be more accurate, the monster clan, Gao Jiuding could feel that these monster clans were unusual, they seemed to be more hostile, at least fiercer than the monster clan monsters he had seen .

These monster clans were obviously different from those that Gao Jiuding had seen before, but more like the monster clans fighting humans in the videos he had watched when he first joined the Monster Star.

Those monster races who fought against the monster star cultivators and earth cultivators in the starry sky all had a sturdy aura. They didn't pay attention to long-distance attacks with magic weapons, but liked to fight in close quarters.

snort!The leader of the monster race came with an angry snort, brandishing a huge skeleton bone knife, and said, "I hate you human race the most. This time the war city is opened, and you rats got in before we arrived first. It's true."

Gao Jiuding was a little disappointed when the Yaozu stopped talking and stopped talking.

But more surprised, what does the Yaozu's words mean, and what is the so-called War City?Could it be this ancient city?

Although this ancient city is very majestic and strong, how does it look like a castle used for battle?

"Damn human race, go to hell!" Suddenly, the leader of the monster race rushed forward with a roar, and with a bang, the ground trembled, causing dust to fly around.

He rushed forward quickly, slashing his head with a slash, whipping up strong winds and raging, dust filled the sky, and bone powder raged.

This knife is very fierce and powerful, the pressure generated seems to imprison the surrounding void!
This kind of attack, if Gao Jiuding releases the magic weapon, he will definitely be knocked down immediately. Of course, even if he is not knocked down, his magic weapon is not easy to control.

Feeling this, Gao Jiuding's complexion was a little ugly. If he couldn't use the magic weapon, his strength would be greatly reduced.

At this time, Gao Jiuding also knew why, when watching the video of the outer battlefield, those monster stars and earth monks could only fight the monster clan in close combat.

This has already formed the existence of similar domains, and there is no room for magic weapons to be used at all.

He deeply felt the threat of the monster clan, he can be sure that this knife has definitely reached the attack level of the Faxiang level!

The strength of this knife must have exceeded the strength of a million catties.

These monster races are also taking the path of body training, and it is farther-reaching than Gao Jiuding's.

when!It was too late and then it was too late, Gao Jiuding had just urged the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword to fly out, when he felt the Bing Po Cold Light Sword let out a mournful cry, and it was actually smashed into the air.

Gao Jiuding felt his soul shake, which was a side effect of the Bingpo Hanguang sword being attacked.

Gao Jiuding already had a thought, and immediately withdrew the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword. His feeling was right, and he must not use long-range attacks to deal with these monster clans.

Gao Jiuding's thoughts turned quickly, and he changed his mind almost immediately.

He wiped the storage ring on his finger, and a golden weapon appeared in his hand.

when!Gao Jiuding raised a huge golden weapon and swung it with one blow!
When there was a loud noise, smoke and dust flew around, and the air wave rolled out and swept out, sweeping away all the bone meal within a radius of 50 meters.

But to Gao Jiuding's astonishment, he was sent flying ten meters away by a terrifying force, and he slid out a long trail before stopping.

Hum. The golden legs in Gao Jiuding's hands buzzed and trembled violently, as if he had received a huge blow.

And Gao Jiuding's spiritual sense keenly observed that there was a tiny crack on the golden thigh in his hand!

This heavy weapon, which was strengthened to the extreme by Gao Jiuding's solidifying talisman, was actually cut with cracks by that monster of the blood core stage. This kind of attack is really terrifying.

"Go to hell!" In an instant, there was a violent roar, and the sound waves rumbled, rolling up the sky and flying in the sky.

The leader of the monster clan stepped forward, raised the bone knife and slashed, and the air made a terrible humming sound, with murderous intent.

Gao Jiuding felt a wave of will, a fierce killing momentum. Surrounded by this momentum, Gao Jiuding could only passively respond to the enemy.

Gao Jiuding released all his divine thoughts, grasping every move of the monster clan, did he gain "potential" through cultivation?
Under the general trend, everything is invincible!
He didn't expect that such metaphysical things as sword intent and general trend could be seen in a monster.

Faced with such a ferocious knife attack by this monster, Gao Jiuding's face was solemn, his pupils shrank sharply, and the blood in his body boiled instantly, roaring like a volcano, the terrifying power was concentrated in his hands, and with the golden legs in his hands, he greeted him with a bang. up.

(End of this chapter)

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