The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1163 Inheritance of Immortals

Chapter 1163 Inheritance of Immortals
The golden thigh in Gao Jiuding's hand is equivalent to a mace. Although it looks smooth, its power is definitely not weak, but even so, it can't stand up to the seemingly weak bone knife.

clang!The sparks splashed and clanged endlessly, even shaking the surrounding ruins, and finally collapsed with a bang, setting off a huge cloud of smoke and dust that filled the air.

The damage caused by this blow was huge. A huge wave of air erupted from the center of the two of them, sweeping across the sky rumblingly, rolling up bone dust and scattering it in all directions.

Click!Suddenly, there was a crackling sound from the smoke, and I was shocked to see that the golden weapon in the hand of one of the figures was cracking rapidly, and then shattered into fragments on the ground with a bang.

Gao Jiuding's face was shocked. He looked at the top-level magic weapon in his hand. This is a full-level nine-level magic weapon. Is it broken like this?

There are countless restrictions inside, are they all broken?
The golden thighs scattered all over the ground, making Gao Jiu really unbelievable.

This was refined according to the ancient method of fighting with weapons. At that time, the old tortoise still swore that there was nothing indestructible about this thing.

But now it was destroyed by a bone knife. This was the first time he used it, and it became the last time.

Gao Jiuding knew very well that this was the strongest thing on his body, of course, except for the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, but the pagoda was used for defense.

Besides, Gao Jiuding was also reluctant to use the pagoda to resist the monster's slashing, it would make him feel distressed to the point of suffocation.

What should I do now that my strongest weapon is broken?
boom!It's a pity, before he could react, a surge of power rushed in!

With a bang, the orc monster directly sent Gao Jiuding flying, causing him to fall a hundred meters away.

His figure smashed into the ruins, smashing the already fragile building into pieces, billowing smoke and dust, raging in all directions.

"Roar! Human race, you are just a group of weak things, what qualifications do you have to come here?" The leader of the monster race roared like thunder, shaking the surroundings and making the earth tremble.

His face was ferocious, and his whole body exuded a terrifying evil spirit. Even the other three monsters felt a little trembling, because they were frightened.

But at this moment, Gao Jiuding, who was in the ruins, was in even more pain. His bones all over his body were rattling. When he was struck by this force, he really felt like his body was going to be broken, which was very terrifying.

The attack power of this monster is not only powerful, but also extremely fast. He couldn't dodge just now!

"This is the destructive power of a million catties?" Gao Jiuding was shocked, and rushed out of the ruins, with a blush hanging from the corner of his mouth.

Along the way, Gao Jiuding has never thought that the difference in strength and speed can make such a big difference!

This discovery made him affirm that the power of this orc leader definitely exceeded a million catties, and this power was more concentrated, more destructive, and more explosive than his power, which was a difference in quality.

It's as if Gao Jiuding's current body is as hard as the Tongtian Lingbao, and the strength of the leader of the monster clan on the opposite side is concentrated, and the strength and defense that are as tough as steel and surging like a tsunami are nothing at all .

If you keep it for a long time, you will lose. Facing the general trend of cultivation, or even going further, the guy who has cultivated the domain, dodging and defending are all stupid moves.

"Then I will use my fists to kill you today, use your bones to pave the way for my strength, and use your blood to water my defense!" Gao Jiuding was furious when he suffered a loss in the first close combat.

He is not easy to provoke, besides, he has too many hole cards, even if he does not use the magic weapon, he can directly turn into a blood shadow and swallow this powerful monster clan.

However, Gao Jiuding didn't want to do this, since he couldn't die anyway, he might as well train himself.

Gao Jiuding came striding forward, his face was cold, his words were sonorous, a huge murderous intent surged in his heart, and he was about to burst out
When this sentence came out, the anger of that monster race suddenly rose!

The weak human race in front of him threatened to kill him in front of him?
Use bones to pave the way?Watered with blood?This is a huge insult.

"Let me see if you have the ability!" The leader of the monster clan also said angrily.

He roared and shook his body, the beast's blood boiled, and his strength rumbled.

This is a cohesive power, as if it is a whole, the cohesion of power is extremely terrifying.

boom!He stepped on it, and with a bang, the metal floor cracked!

Then his body jumped up high, and he rushed towards Gao Jiuding, slashing at the head with a knife.

This knife is mighty, even a little bit more violent than before, the sharp edge whistling, piercingly cold.

The power brought by the blade directly imprisoned Gao Jiuding!

At this time, Gao Jiuding felt that even a cultivator at the Dharma Aspect Stage would not dare to release his Dharma Aspect at this time, because the power of the sword could cut his Dharma Aspect into pieces in an instant.

If you don't put it outside, then use it internally, Gao Jiuding tried his best to mobilize the blood in his body!

He had a solemn face, clenched his fists, and the blood in his body was boiling and roaring like a tsunami!
Gao Jiuding felt a huge force erupting out like a volcano, accompanied by his figure, and punched him with fists.

He also has a strength of more than a million catties, and his physical defense is not too bad.

Boom!After a loud muffled sound, there was a rumbling shock in all directions, smoke and dust shot up into the sky, and the ground sunk a large section, forming a huge pit!
And Gao Jiuding was standing in this pit, with huge cracks forming around his feet.

The hard metal ground was shattered by the collision of the two people, and the cracks spread ten meters before stopping.

Gao Jiuding was shaken all over, his blood was boiling, his face was flushed, and a mouthful of blood finally spewed out from his mouth.

boom!His figure flew across, unable to stop the terrifying force of this blow, he flew tens of meters away before stopping.

But just as he stood up, he saw the Yaozu brazenly attacking him, and then he slashed down with a sharp knife, trying to split him in half.

This leader of the monster clan is very powerful, and his strength is condensed into one, very tenacious and violent.

It seems that Gao Jiuding's strength has not yet been condensed, as if it is countless scattered forces, unable to condense into a confrontation, which makes it seem a bit of a disadvantage.

"Hundred Step Fist!" At the critical moment, Gao Jiuding shook his body and used his most familiar punching method.

This Yaozu's domain is formidable, but his Hundred Steps Divine Fist can hit bulls in the air.

Roaring and waving his fists, with a bang, the air waves rolled and the wind howled.

As if a terrifying angry dragon was roaring, a huge force suddenly rushed towards the Yaozu people in front.

In an instant, that monster's face was shocked, and he stared at it with wide eyes!
He was very unbelievable, because he really thought that a dragon came to kill him!

The monster clan was almost intimidated, but fortunately, it woke up after a while.

However, such a momentary stagnation brought Gao Jiuding a huge opportunity. His fist roared and hit the monster's chest with a bang.

boom!The violent power surged out, and with a bang, the three-meter-high body of the Yaozu flew horizontally, sliding a distance of 30 meters before stopping.

The blow was so sudden that the monster monk was caught off guard and couldn't believe it.

At this time, the three monster monks who were watching the battle were all dumbfounded. They didn't expect their commander to be sent flying. This is really unbelievable.

Roar!With a roar, a monster cultivator rushed forward in a rage, wanting to kill Gao Jiuding.

But before he rushed over, a burly figure rushed towards him angrily, the leader of the monster clan grabbed him with one hand, threw him out, and smashed into the ruins.

"You bastard, you dare to meddle in this commander's affairs?" The leader of the monster clan was furious.

Shocking and roaring, the remaining two orcs shivered and backed away, not daring to look over.

This is a kind of deterrence, not only in terms of strength, but also in terms of status, as well as a level of suppression and deterrence.

This is the hierarchy system of the monster clan. The blood of the higher monster clan is noble, the cultivation speed is faster, and the cultivation level is higher, which is not comparable to that of the lower monster clan.

Just like the leader of the monster clan in front of him, none of the other three monster clan dared to disobey, and even faced his roar, they were terrified in their hearts.

"You are not bad, you were able to blow me away!" The leader of the monster clan's face was cold, his eyes were bloody and cruel, and the two sharp fangs in his mouth were gleaming with luster, and his inner anger broke out.

"You can go to hell!" The demon clan burst out with momentum, swept across, and then rushed forward with the bone knife raised high, and slashed down on the head with his roar.

This knife was shining brightly, as if a terrifying wild beast was roaring, roaring and rushing towards Gao Jiuding's figure.

Gao Jiuding felt the air wave coming, the murderous intent pierced his bones, but before the knife arrived, the power was suppressed, which shocked him.

Gao Jiuding really has no good way to deal with this kind of domain power that can suppress the surrounding environment and make the surrounding environment change according to his will.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding can only resist!

His face was cold, without any panic.

Gao Jiuding tried his best to mobilize the blood in his body. The blood in his body was boiling endlessly, as if a boiled ocean was surging out, accompanied by the killing intent brewing in his heart, it erupted together, like a tsunami soaring into the sky.

boom!A burst of murderous intent exploded, Gao Jiuding let out a roar, and then went to meet the monster.

Who wouldn't gather momentum?With more battles, such an invincible momentum will naturally condense!
This is mainly due to self-confidence, a kind of extreme self-confidence in oneself, so as to form a general trend and eventually evolve into a field force.

Among the domain forces formed by himself, he is the only god, who can do whatever he wants.

This is the realm of immortals, Gao Jiuding suddenly realized.

The monks above the demon star also took the road of body training, but they went astray.

Although the demon star monks are also refining blood, their blood refining method is more like refining qi.

But now Gao Jiuding is facing a different monster race. He is a real body-refining cultivator, and even his fighting methods are true warriors.

There are immortals in the Yaozu, even if they are gone now, they must have the inheritance of immortals, otherwise the monks of the Yaozu would not be so powerful.

 Thank you, the king of the emperor, the king of the earth, and the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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