The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1164 Breaking the Limit

Chapter 1164 Breaking the Limit
The monsters that Gao Jiuding faced were different from those monster monks he had encountered before!

Those monster monks before are more like human monks. Although they are of different races, their cultivation systems are the same!

But now Gao Jiuding is facing a completely different cultivation system.

At the beginning, I didn’t get used to it, and I didn’t know how to deal with it. Naturally, I would suffer, but now it’s different.

Knowing the situation, Gao Jiuding naturally has no fear of a monster clan at the peak of Jindan.

As soon as he came in front of Yaozu, he waved his fist and punched fiercely, the violent power and raging killing intent merged together.

With a bang, the fists and bone knives of the two collided, and with a bang, there was a sound of metal and iron clanging, shaking all directions.

This blow condenses the strongest strength of each other, and it is the strongest blow of each.

However, it can be clearly seen that Gao Jiuding's strength seems to be inferior, but he still beat the Yaozu's body back three steps.

This is the effect of a burst of killing intent, forming a terrifying killing, which shocked the monster clan had to retreat.

Gao Jiuding himself quickly took four steps back, and then kicked in an instant, and rushed forward again with his fists waved.

"Destroy the heart!" After experimenting with the techniques of Baibu Shenquan and Geshan Da Niu, Gao Jiuding used the routine of heart-destroying palm again.

In close combat, the control of internal strength is more important. As long as the method is proper, the monster monks will never be able to defeat Gao Jiuding.

There was a roar of anger, and there was a burst of killing intent, rushing straight to the monster clan in front, shocking the other party's mind and being shocked.

At this moment, in a blink of an eye, it was too late for the leader of the monster clan to wake up, and Gao Jiuding rushed to him with his fist.

I saw a fist flashing with aura, and with a bang, it hit the Yaozu's chest!
Instead of simply competing for strength, but using skills, Yaozu is naturally no longer Gao Jiuding's opponent.

With the use of a dark force, the bone armor of the monster cultivator shattered, and the violent force blasted it all out, smashing it into the ruins tens of meters away.

"Kill!" Gao Jiuding yelled, his figure chased after him, jumped up brazenly, and rushed towards the ruins.

His killing intent erupted completely, like a volcanic eruption, which was out of control. The power was concentrated in his fist, which produced a trace of terrifying sparks.

Now Gao Jiuding's inner and outer vigor are integrated, and Nanming Lihuo is integrated into his body to achieve the current effect.

"Damn it!" Inside the ruins, the leader of the monster clan stood up with a clatter, roaring again and again.

It's a pity that what greeted him the next moment was an incomparable punch, which was falling from a high altitude and hit the head.

The poor leader of the monster clan underestimated Gao Jiuding's power, and even underestimated Gao Jiuding's insight.

Now Gao Jiuding punched him in the face, with a cracking sound, blood splashed and his figure slid down.

As soon as Gao Jiuding fell to the ground, he saw Yaozu's body staggering back, but he didn't fall down.

He didn't even think about it, he rushed forward with a flash of footsteps, swung his fist with his right hand, and hit him with a powerful blow.

boom!After a loud noise, the huge monster vomited blood and flew across the ground, falling to the ground, setting off a huge puff of smoke.

But when he stood up and wanted to vent his anger, he found a fist slammed in front of him with killing intent.

"No..." The leader of the monster clan looked terrified, and realized that he was being hit in the jaw by this punch!
With a click, the terrifying power broke through the tenacious resistance of the flesh, and the mighty killing intent swept across directly.

Facing the blow of a feminine force like Heartbreaking Palm, Yaozu's defense is a joke.

This punch, the most powerful blow of Gao Jiuding, contained a terrifying killing intent, and the power that erupted was extremely terrifying. It just tore the neck of the monster clan, and even smashed his head.

boom!Blood and brains were splitting, spilling all over the ground, staining the bone meal on the ground red, adding a bit of gloomy color.

This powerful leader of the monster clan was actually killed, and he was beaten to death by fists.

At this moment, the remaining three Yaozu were dumbfounded. They froze on the spot, as if they hadn't come to their senses yet.

They never thought that the powerful commander would be killed in such a way, it was really unbelievable.

Gao Jiuding didn't expect that the leader of the monster clan was beaten to death by him inexplicably. Even if this guy didn't cultivate the appearance of the law, why would he have a blood pill?Why does his blood pill seem to be useless at all?
Where is the soul?What about strong vitality?Wouldn't it just hang up because the head was smashed?

Gao Jiuding seems to have seen the weakness of these monster races, all the strength has been integrated into the body, and the soul is weak, so after being crushed, the death rate will become very high.

"Commander, is he really dead?" A monster from the demon race said foolishly. A commander with a noble bloodline and a strong cultivation base died just like that?
"Head is gone? He's really dead!" Another monster clan also said.

Then, the three monster clans all came to their senses, and then their faces changed drastically. They turned and ran away without thinking.

They didn't rush to avenge the leader of the monster clan, but turned around and ran away. This is to escape!
At this moment, Gao Jiuding was standing here, feeling the turbulent blood in his body, as if stimulated by a vast essence of blood energy, his whole body trembled.

Inside the body, the bones contend, the blood roars, and the flesh trembles, as if undergoing a huge transformation.

This is a kind of evolutionary transformation, the power finally breaks through that limit, finally breaks through.

Gao Jiuding's face was shocked, feeling the turbulent power in his body, it was miraculously condensed and turned into a more tenacious and cohesive force, as if all the power had condensed into one, it was very miraculous.

What was even more astonishing was that Gao Jiuding felt that with a random punch now, he had the strength of a million catties!
It is no longer necessary to deliberately concentrate the strength of the whole body, and you can easily hit the level of a million catties.

"This is lifting weights lightly, right?" Gao Jiuding's face was amazed, but his eyes narrowed suddenly, and he saw the three monsters running away.

Without hesitation, he kicked his feet suddenly, and the real person rushed forward like lightning, and came behind the three monsters in the blink of an eye.

Just as he was about to punch, Gao Jiuding stopped, and with a thought in his mind, the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword flew out.

"Roar!" Just as a pair of Ice Soul Cold Light Swords flew out, the two monster clans roared and were born at the same time.

The pair of flying swords that came behind them froze almost at the same time, and then the two monsters turned their heads at the same time and punched the two flying swords.

boom!The two Ice Soul Cold Light Swords were immediately smashed into the air.

Gao Jiuding's expression changed. He could feel the powerful impact inside the two flying swords. These monster races really have the means to deal with long-range attacks.

Instead of using the magic weapon, Gao Jiuding punched directly.

boom!Just one punch, just one punch, the violent power surged out, and with a bang, a monster was blasted into pieces first.

The power of this punch was terrifying, even Gao Jiuding himself felt terrified, he did not expect such horror.

He just punched casually and exploded a monster, which is really terrifying.

These monster races seem to have no magic weapon for protection, let alone strong armor. Without the additional power of will, general trend, and domain, they seem to become very weak.

Gao Jiuding stared at the two fleeing monsters with a sneer, and rushed forward in a flash, one person punched each other, there were two loud bangs, and a piece of bright red flesh and blood sprayed across the sky. This is the death of the two monsters. flesh.

The strength of these three monster clans is at least 30 jin. Unfortunately, the strength they have cultivated in a similar field cannot affect Gao Jiuding's body. There is no way to suppress his strength. It turned into a piece of bright red flesh and blood, and it couldn't die anymore.

"Strength, this is the real power!" Gao Jiuding's face was ecstatic, and he finally realized that the difference between strength and before is the most obvious difference in quality.

The power to break through the limit has grown to a level that makes him a little scared.

Now even if he doesn't use the blood shadow supernatural power, he can easily crush enemies with a higher cultivation level than him!

Gao Jiuding looked a little surprised, and found that after he killed the leader of the monster clan, his control over his body became much stronger!

He can easily mobilize the surging power in his body. It can be said that his heart moves at will. As long as he thinks about it, he can instantly condense into a powerful force.

"The power of the whole body can be condensed into one, that's amazing!" Gao Jiuding naturally knew that the power gathered in one point is powerful.

The strength of a million catties erupts from the whole body, how can the power of a million gold be gathered in one fist?
What if it condenses on one finger?Who can stop it?Isn't that just Qingtian Yizhi?
It's a pity that with Gao Jiuding's current physical strength, his single finger can't support a million catties!

Not to mention a finger, even the palm is enough, so he can only use his fist.

A fist is not the same as a palm. The main power of a palm is concentrated between the fingers, while a fist concentrates power on the entire arm, and even needs to be driven by the body. This is the biggest difference.

In the final analysis, Gao Jiuding's body became stronger, otherwise, he would have no strength and could not exert it.

It is the overall quality that supports the strength, and only when the overall quality is improved can the combat effectiveness be enhanced!

Knowing this, this battle is not a waste of time.

It is not that simple to kill a monk of the peak blood core monster clan easily. Anyway, Gao Jiuding could not do this before.

Therefore, the body still has the potential to be developed, but he doesn't know much about the Yaozu's body training techniques.

"Forget it, now I'm not clear about these so-called realms, I hope I can find a chance to understand them clearly in the future." He shook his head helplessly, and murmured with a wry smile.

Afterwards, Gao Jiuding carefully inspected the body of the dead leader of the monster clan, wanting to see if there were any treasures stored there, but unfortunately he was disappointed after the inspection, there were none at all.

In the end, Gao Jiuding collected the equipment and weapons of several monster clans. These things were all weapons, and they were weapons he had never seen before.

Gao Jiuding guessed that this should also be the means of using ancient warfare, and the most important feature of the refined weapons is sturdiness.

(End of this chapter)

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