The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1165 Powerful Golden Bone

Chapter 1165 Powerful Golden Bone
Playing with a bone knife in his hand, it is not made of natural bones, but a special weapon formed after forging and purification.

This thing is similar to bone china on earth, but they are much harder than bone china.

I don't know how many years the inheritance of these monster races has been, but even ancient weapons can still be made up to now.

After studying for a while, Gao Jiuding found that even if he got some weapons, he couldn't make them by himself.

After dealing with the follow-up, he had time to look around here, and he was sure that this was a camp in the ancient city.

He looked carefully, and from the collapsed buildings around him, he could vaguely see the grandeur of the entire camp.

"Over there, it seems to be the center of the camp, go and have a look."

He walked in one direction, guessing that it should be the center of the camp.

As Gao Jiuding walked all the way, his expression became more and more solemn, and he was even faintly surprised and shocked.

Because, along the way, I encountered many broken bones, one after another.

There are even some relatively complete ones, for example, there are a few hand bones in front of you, and you can vaguely see traces of crystal luster flickering.

Ka. Gao Jiuding stepped on it, and there was a crisp cracking sound, and the bones shattered in response.

These bones are very old.It is already amazing that it can be preserved until it is completely turned into powder, but now it is directly turned into a pile of powder when you step on it.

With a serious face, he stared at the thick dust on the ground, all of which were powdered by these bones.

In the white powder, from time to time, you can see a little bit of crystal color, shining like a little bit of gemstone.

"What kind of skeleton is this?" Gao Jiuding came to a corner of the ruins and stared at him in surprise.

In the ruins, there is a huge hand bone with five fingers clearly visible.

And the most astonishing thing is that this hand bone actually shone with a little bit of gold, which is very weird.

This light golden bone hand does not seem to be a human hand, but it is very human.

Seeing this, Gao Jiuding felt faintly in his heart that this was not a human skeleton, and it was not clear what kind of creature it was.

Are these bones related to the bone knives in the hands of those monsters?

Ding. There was a crisp jingle, Gao Jiuding's face changed, and his heart was extremely shocked.

Because, he just tapped it with a sword, but there was a sound of gold and iron, which was very crisp.

The Ice Soul Cold Light Sword he is holding in his hand is a ninth-level spiritual weapon, which is only one step away from condensing a spiritual body and becoming a treasure that can reach the sky.

Gao Jiuding really didn't expect that even a ninth-order spirit weapon would not be able to affect this arm in any way.

This is just a hand bone, but it is as strong as steel, it is really terrifying.

Gao Jiuding couldn't even imagine how strong the owner of this hand bone was in order to strengthen his own bones to this extent?
It's not that Gao Jiuding has never seen a body-refining monk. He has also seen countless skeletons in the Beast Control Dojo, and those are the results left by the body-refining monk.

However, those can only remain incorruptible. As for the strength, they will definitely not be able to withstand the destruction of Gao Jiuding, let alone the stabbing of the ninth-level spiritual weapon.

The bone in this hand in front of him is very big, at least as thick as two adults, and it shone with a little bit of golden light, brilliant and dazzling.

And the solid bones are astonishing, even the flying sword has a crisp sound of gold and iron, which is very frightening.

This time Gao Jiuding was not afraid of bad luck, he directly picked up the hand bone.

This is a treasure, it is so hard, even if it cannot be refined into a weapon, relying on it alone can still have powerful lethality.

Looking at the golden hand bone in his hand, Gao Jiuding was already thinking about how to use it.

The true essence is injected into the arm, and the little golden light is connected together. This hand bone can be trained by the true essence, and it is very smooth, without any hindrance. Don't think about it, this is definitely a treasure.

The transmission of spiritual energy is so smooth, now it can be used as a magic weapon envoy.

Such a good thing, no matter how many there are, I will never dislike it, but unfortunately, Gao Jiuding searched all around, but never found another one.

He could only shake his head regretfully, then stood up expectantly, and continued walking forward!
Because, he found that there were more broken bones in front of him, and even vaguely saw a little bit of golden brilliance flickering.

Gao Jiuding was careful, without the slightest carelessness, and was walking along the broken bones all over the ground, wanting to see what good things were there, but unfortunately, he really didn't see anything other than these bones along the way.

However, in the thick bone powder, some broken metal fragments can be found from time to time.

These metal fragments are very hard, and some of them can even draw a trace on the bone knife used by the leader of the monster clan, which is frighteningly sharp.

Fortunately, Gao Jiuding didn't use the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword to test it out, otherwise the ninth-level Lingbao flying sword might have been damaged.

Of course, the ninth-level spirit weapon has the function of automatic repair. The flying sword is equivalent to the body of the spirit weapon. As long as the spirit weapon is not injured, it can be restored.

But how could Gao Jiuding be willing to damage the Lingbao that he cultivated bit by bit?
"These weapons must be more powerful when they are complete." Gao Jiuding looked at these fragments with an extremely cautious expression.

He guessed that these weapons were absolutely powerful before, otherwise, how could they be used as weapons?
Weapons must be stronger than the flesh and bones of creatures, right?

Now Gao Jiuding has also confirmed that, otherwise, it would be impossible for just a piece of fragment to scratch the bone knife obtained from the orc. This is just a few knives to smash the existence of the ninth-level treasure-level mace with beautiful legs in his hand.

Gao Jiuding felt very sorry when he thought that his one-legged golden leg made after imitating ancient weapons had been broken.

This is the most powerful weapon he has so far, and it is the only high-quality weapon he has refined, yet it is actually broken.

However, looking at the metal fragments in his hand, Gao Jiuding laughed.

Naturally, Gao Jiuding would not let go of such sharp metal fragments. He collected them one by one, wondering if he could remelt them and create a brand new weapon?

If he can use these fragments to study the internal rune restrictions, then he can once again forge a batch of solid magic weapons.

Gao Jiuding also likes to fight in his own domain very much after learning a little about the way of Yaozu's body training.

In fact, the space within the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda is equivalent to Gao Jiuding's domain. If the enemy can be included in the pagoda space, Gao Jiuding will be in his own domain there, and he can do whatever he wants and move instantly.

Thinking about it this way, consolidating one's own field is really a good way to enhance combat power.

"A lot of bones." Gao Jiuding walked to the ruins, staring at everything in front of him with a shocked expression.

Here, the ground is full of bones, most of which are broken, only a few broken bones are left, and the crystal luster is shining.

And in many bones, there are golden lights shining, which seem to be a little different from human bones.

This discovery made Gao Jiuding's face shocked, and his heart was a little awe-inspiring, guessing that this place should be an ancient human city.

In other words, it was a city of prehistoric humans, but it was invaded by unknown creatures, or by these golden skeletal creatures, and the two races had a tragic battle.

"What race are these golden bones?" Gao Jiuding's face was a little cautious.

He stared at the densely packed bones in front of him, many of them still kept their appearance, and they could be seen clearly. In fact, they were not much different from human beings. The only difference was that the bones were bigger, and the color seemed to be a little golden.

Standing in front of these unbroken bones, Gao Jiuding faintly felt a trace of scorching breath emanating, and his heart was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

It never occurred to him that these bones, which had been dead for an unknown number of years, still hadn't been turned into ashes, and there was still such a scorching breath. Could it be the characteristic of that race?

For example, those monster races that Gao Jiuding encountered!
There are many races within the Yaozu, and since there can be Yaoxian appearing, it is very likely that the Yaozu with powerful wisdom will also appear!

If there is a branch that is not much different from human wisdom, is it possible to develop a powerful civilization?Even the level of civilization is even higher.

What kind of creature is the golden skeleton in front of me? It has yet to be determined. Maybe it is some mutated human beings?

However, seeing these broken golden bones now, Gao Jiuding can definitely guess that there are other intelligent races in this world.

"It seems that there are still many things in this world that I don't know, so I have to be careful." Gao Jiuding thought about these things, and walked cautiously, pointing to them one by one!

Stepping on the bones, there was a crisp sound.

The clear and crisp contention of the bones seems to be the clanging of some gold.

It's a pity that due to the age, even though these bones have been preserved to this day, many of them are still shattered and dissipated into a pile of pale golden powder.

Nine out of ten were broken, only a small part survived, but these remaining bones are extremely strong!
"Is this really a human skeleton? Can humans forge such a powerful skeleton?" From the skeletons all over the floor, I picked out some crystal clear bones.

These bones are no different from human beings, the only difference is that they are too hard.

These bones are the same as those golden bones just now, they seem to be made of some metal, shining with little brilliance, crystal clear, very amazing.

Gao Jiuding really can't imagine that human bones can be so hard, how strong was he before he was alive?

Thinking about this situation, I feel chilling. His bones are now much harder than before, but they have not reached this level.

The hardness of this kind of bone is no worse than that of a ninth-order spiritual weapon, but it is a pity that it cannot withstand the erosion of time in the end, and it still has to be turned into a pile of powder.

If the inheritance can be left behind, even if you don't get the secret space this time, you will still make a lot of money!
It's a pity that there are no complete bones here. If there are, the complete runes can be preserved. Maybe Gao Jiuding can re-deduce a set of top-level body training exercises from these bones.

 Thank you~ Brother Awakened for the reward of 200 coins, thank you for the reward of the king of the Queen of Earth, the brother who poisoned you thousands of times!

(End of this chapter)

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