The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1166 Immortal Realm Powerhouse

Chapter 1166 Immortal Realm Powerhouse

"These are definitely humans, so here is an ancient city of ancient humans. What race of creatures are they fighting with?"

With this question, along the way, Gao Jiuding became more and more confused, and even had a strong curiosity, wanting to explore the secrets.

It's a pity that he checked all the way, but he didn't find a complete skeleton, and even many hard broken bones, all of which shattered into dust at the touch of a touch!
The ruthless years have obliterated the powerful demeanor of these ancient humans and creatures.

In the past, there were countless powerful human beings here, who could be attacked by a group of unknown creatures, and a tragic life-and-death battle took place, so countless bones piled up here.

"Ancient humans? Is it the ancient human race? Is there any connection with the current human race?" Gao Jiuding lowered his head and pondered all the way, remembering the words of the monster race he heard before before he died.

Now, seeing the bones all over the ground, I really have to think, is this the so-called ancient human race?

His face was extremely solemn, and his heart was shocked, thinking how powerful the human race was in ancient times?

"This is the head of a human being." In front of Gao Jiuding, there was a head hanging on a high place in the ruins, staring at it solemnly.

This is a human skull, shining with crystal luster, as if it is a crystal skull, very amazing.

Gao Jiuding watched for a long time, and finally spared the collapsed ruins and came to the back.

As soon as he came here, the whole person was terrified, his face was extremely horrified, and he stared at the scene in front of him with huge eyes.

"This is." Gao Jiuding's face changed wildly, his body shook suddenly, and he kept stepping back.

Gao Jiuding's face was horrified, and he stepped back ten steps in a row, feeling unparalleled in his heart.

He stared at the front with a pair of eyes, and there was an incredible light flickering.

"What is this?" His face was shocked, looking ahead, there were countless bones piled up into mountains.

Numerous broken ancient weapons were stuck on the bones, many of which had been shattered into pieces, but still exuded a sharp edge.

Many of these skeletons are relatively complete, and most of the skeletons are still shining with golden light, as if broken gold is shining.

But half of the bones were crystal clear, carved like jade, exuding a chilling aura.

Gao Jiuding's face was shocked, looking at the pile of bones in front of him, he could vaguely hear the sound of clanking.

He was shocked in his heart, he couldn't imagine that so many bones hadn't been turned into ashes, and still exuded a strong aura.

As soon as he came here, Gao Jiuding felt a huge aura rushing towards his face, frightening his mind, and his body backed up again and again, which made him feel very shocked.

The aura emanating from these skeletons can actually shake Gao Jiuding back continuously. It is unimaginable how powerful the owner of the skeletons was before he was alive?
These are not the most astonishing, the bones piled up into mountains have all been broken and scattered all over the place.

However, on top of the mountain of bones, there are two complete skeletons standing. It is not mistaken, they are two complete skeletons.

"Whose skeleton is that?" Gao Jiuding stared at one of the skeletons with a terrified expression!
The complete skeleton stood proudly, exuding a scorching aura, and the heat wave was rolling in, shaking people's hearts.

This is a golden skeleton, the whole body is watered like gold, shining brightly, very frightening.

Such bones still exude a terrifying aura, and the heat wave is rolling, as if there is an extremely strong temperature.

Gao Jiuding's face was solemn, staring at the golden skeleton in front of him, he found that this skeleton was taller than ordinary people, at least three meters high, and the bones all over his body were filled with brilliant gold.

Especially this skeleton has been dead for countless years, but it is still so powerful that it is difficult to get close to it.

Gao Jiuding felt the great power emanating from it, and while his heart was shocked, he was a little awe-inspiring.

However, the chest of the skeleton was pierced by a blue hand bone.

In other words, this powerful golden skeleton was killed by a blue skeleton in front of him during his lifetime.

In front of the golden skeleton, there is such a complete human skeleton, the whole body is black and blue, shining with a bronze luster, as if it was cast from bronze.

This blue-colored skeleton was clanging all over, exuding a biting aura, filled with a sense of unyielding.

Even, the moment Gao Jiuding saw this cyan skeleton, his body trembled slightly, and the bones quarreled for a while, as if he was being guided by something.

He looked at the blue skeleton in front of him in shock, and felt from the bottom of his heart that this was a human being.

He could clearly sense a kind of desolation and unyielding, as well as a breath of trembling blood, which belonged to human beings.

"This is the remains of an ancient human race?" Suddenly, such an astonishing sentence came from the side, which woke up the shocked Gao Jiuding.

He suddenly turned around, and saw three burly figures walking quickly!

These are three burly monster races, their transformations are perfect, Gao Jiuding can't tell what kind of monster race they are, but the soaring monster aura proves that they are not human race.

The leader was a burly monster. After seeing the bone mountain, he also looked shocked. As he walked, he kept his eyes on the two skeletons.

To be precise, he was staring at the blue skeleton.The mystery seems to be clear in the words.

"Here, there is a human war bone with a strong breath, but it has not been broken. It must have been an undead strong man. Its bones are clanging and hard like gold and iron. It can be brought back to forge powerful war weapons."

The monster's words were astonishing, and his grim face was full of shock and joy, as if he wanted to take away this so-called human battle bone.

But his words caught Gao Jiuding's attention, what is a battle bone?What is a weapon?

"What is a battle bone?" Gao Jiuding narrowed his eyes and stared at the monster clan in front of him. He felt that he was no worse than the previous leader of the monster clan. Know the origin of this cyan skeleton.

However, what are the so-called battle bones in his words, and what kind of realm is the realm of immortality?
Gao Jiuding felt that these things were very important to him, so he secretly kept them in his heart, waiting to find some time to go to to find out if there was any information about this.

"Commander, there is a human here!" At this time, a monster clan discovered the existence of Gao Jiuding, and then said such a sentence.

And the leader of the monster clan suddenly woke up, his face gradually turned cold, and he stared at the figure in front of him.

He grinned grinningly with his fangs: "A little human being came here unexpectedly. I really doubt how you got here under the protection of our clan?"

"These humans must have come in from other places. Our demon race is the most powerful race. We just need to kill all these humans." The leader of the demon clan roared violently, and then the two demon cultivators came to kill , wanting to destroy Gao Jiuding, a weak human being.

These two monsters held bone knives in their hands, their auras were strong, and their cultivation bases didn't look much weaker than Gao Jiuding's.

Unfortunately, after learning about the fighting methods of these monster clans, Gao Jiuding didn't pay attention to the two monster clans at all, he just stared at the leader of the monster clan.

Gao Jiuding really wanted to know, what secrets did these monster races know, and what was the battle city they heard about twice?
And the battle bones, can they refine the seemingly indestructible bone knives in their hands?

"Humans, go to hell!" The two monster races rushed to them, and they swung their bone knives at a rapid speed.

The two monsters, one on the left and one on the right, sealed off all the blind spots of Gao Jiuding to prevent him from escaping and escaping.

The main reason is the inexplicable strength of the blades they cut out, which makes it difficult to grasp. If you are not careful, you may be drawn into their blades.

Gao Jiuding's body is fairly strong, and his strength is even stronger, so he can resist that unreasonable evil energy.

This is also because he is careful enough. If he is not careful, he does not know the fighting methods of these monster races. He will definitely suffer a loss when he first contacts, because if he is not careful, he will be locked by them, or even pulled by inexplicable force, and sent to him automatically. under their swords.

In the face of such an attack, not to mention not being able to fly into the sky, but also let the magic weapon be released, because there are all kinds of evil forces around the two monsters, and any magic weapon that enters here will be controlled immediately. guide!
Feel carefully, the cyclone is automatically generated around the two monsters, and there is actually a little four or two to pull a thousand catties, and the effect of using force to hit people, not to mention the magic weapon of control, even their own bodies can't be controlled.

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding, who had been prepared for a long time, didn't even want to escape, let alone run away.

There was a cold murderous intent in his eyes, and without a word, he raised his hand and stabbed away quickly.

Puchi!In an instant, there was a flash of sharpness, and there was a sound of puffing, and the two monsters covered their necks at the same time.

As long as he stabilized himself and was not disturbed by the dark energy of the two monster races, Gao Jiuding was almost sure to hit him.

Before the two monster races could reach the front, they were stabbed to death by Gao Jiuding with two swords in an instant.

This change caught the attention of the leader of the monster clan. He was stunned for a moment, and then he was furious.

"Damn human, dare to resist?" The leader of the monster clan was furious, roaring, and rushed forward. A huge bone spear slammed down, and the wind and waves howled, killing him.

The blow was very violent, and the strong energy directly rolled Gao Jiuding, making him motionless.

Gao Jiuding's pupils shrunk slightly, and feeling the tremendous pressure, he could be sure that the strength of this monster leader exceeded a million catties.

With this kind of strength, the real combat power is definitely not weaker than that of the monks at the beginning of the Dharma Phase. Unfortunately, the real cultivation base of this monster leader is also the peak of Xuedan. This kind of cultivation base cannot absolutely suppress Gao Jiuding.

when!Gao Jiuding quickly swung the flying sword and struck, and with a bang, both of them took a step back.

Then, the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword in Gao Jiuding's hand roared away like a dragon sailing out of the sea, as if it wanted to pierce the heart of the leader of the monster clan.

Unaffected by the domain of the demon clan's dominance, but only using swordsmanship moves, these monster clan can't compare with the 5000-year-old brilliant civilization of the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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