Chapter 1167
Holding the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword in his hand, Gao Jiuding pushed it with all his strength and delivered the strongest blow!
How can the flying sword of the long-range imperial envoy be more powerful when held in the hand?
So the sharpness and body finally made the face of the leader of the monster clan change.

He didn't expect that Gao Jiuding, who looked like a weak human being, was so strong, his strength was comparable to his own, and his moves were so fast and changeable, he really couldn't believe it.

However, there is no time for him to think about it now, the leader of the monster clan can only instinctively raise the bone spear to meet him.

When the two weapons collided with each other, there was a clang, sparks flew, and the waves of air swept away rumblingly.

"Damn it, how did these humans become so powerful so quickly?" The leader of the monster clan was furious.

He has seen a lot of humans, and even captured a lot of them. Moreover, countless humans died in his hands. He never thought that these humans would be so powerful!

Thinking of this, he roared angrily: "You damn humans, only our monster race can get the battle city. How do you weak races have this qualification?"

"War City!" Gao Jiuding stared at the Yaozu with a serious expression, hearing this address again.

He is very curious about the so-called battle city, as the name suggests, it should be a battle city, right?

Or Battle Castle?Even a city like the exquisite bronze palace he got?

If it's about the dilapidated ancient bronze city he saw, then Gao Jiuding can understand it, but with such a huge area, it's definitely worth it for him to snatch it from the Yaozu!
"Go to hell!" The leader of the monster clan came to kill him. He seemed to have only a few tricks, and he seemed to have no other means except the power of a similar field.

As long as he is familiar with the routines of these monster races, Gao Jiuding's strength is no worse than him, so naturally he will not be afraid.

Sure enough, Gao Jiuding quickly went up to him, and the two swung their weapons at each other.

boom!There was a roar, the earth shook, and the center of the two sank down, and a series of terrible cracks spread away.

In the end, a mighty force swept across, sweeping away everything within a 50-meter radius.

There was no trace of anxiety on Gao Jiuding's face. At this moment, he only felt the blood in his body boiling, and an incomparably concentrated force surged out of his body.

boom!The two figures each took three steps back, both with a strength of more than a million catties, and they were at this level, so naturally no one could do anything to the other.

However, just as Gao Jiuding took two steps back, he quickly turned around and struck with a sword.

clang!Sparks splashed and clanged continuously, and Gao Jiuding stabbed twenty swords in a row, and afterimages roared towards him, with little sharp edges, faintly trying to penetrate the heart of the monster cultivator.

At this time, the face of the leader of the monster clan changed wildly. Feeling the mighty power coming, wave after wave of bombardment came, and finally he couldn't grasp the bone spear, and his whole body was wide open.

Puchi!Fresh blood splattered, flashing a little bit of light blue, this is the blood of the monster race.

The leader of the monster clan was pierced through the heart, and the heart was pierced by the long sword, and the whole person froze.

"No, it's impossible." The leader of the monster clan looked down at his heart with disbelief!
At this moment, his heart had already been pierced through, and blood gushed out like a spring. In the end, his eyes went dark, and his body slammed to the ground.

The powerful leader of the monster clan was killed by Gao Jiuding with more than 20 swords in an instant and a swift attack.

If the original power has not been condensed into one, it will definitely cost a lot more to kill the leader of the monster clan.

It's a pity that after killing a monster leader, Gao Jiuding's power has grown and condensed into one body, which is the strength of having complete control over himself.

Gao Jiuding was still very embarrassed when he killed the leader of the monster clan before, but now, he had no trouble killing a leader of the monster clan at the same level.

"What is a human battle bone?" Gao Jiuding didn't look at the dead monster, but stared at the unyielding human skeleton in front of him!

The whole body of this skeleton is black and blue, as if it was cast from bronze, with a faint clang and a frightening aura.

His heart was shocked, and he really wanted to know clearly, what is a battle bone?This stuff feels important.

Then, Gao Jiuding raised his feet and walked towards the two standing skeletons, approaching step by step, but felt the pressure was as heavy as a mountain.

Yep?Suddenly, Gao Jiuding's eyes flashed, staring at the blue skeleton!
Gao Jiuding carefully found that there seemed to be a strange thing hanging around his neck!

Looking carefully, I found that it was a bronze token.

"What is this?" Gao Jiuding's heart was burning, and he continued to move forward without hesitation.

Ahead, on a standing blue human bone, there is a bronze token flashing.

Gao Jiuding looked surprised when he saw this thing, guessing it must be something ancient.

Moreover, it has not broken and dissipated until now, which proves that it must be very valuable.

"This is a treasure, you can't miss it." Thinking of this, he kept walking, step by step towards the two powerful bones.

As it got closer, every step was very heavy, as if a huge ancient mountain was pressing down.

Gao Jiuding's face was horrified, as he stared into his huge eyes, with an incredible light flickering.

He felt it deeply, and as he got closer to the two standing bones, he felt more and more pressure.

There were traces of clang and clang, like the sound of metal and iron, crisp and sweet, but it shocked the mind.

Even, Gao Jiuding felt a tingling pain in his muscles, as if thousands of tiny steel needles were piercing his body, it was terrifying.

The power emanating from those two skeletons came mightily, suppressing all directions. Even after countless years of death, one can still feel the powerful demeanor of their lifetime.

One of these is an ancient human race powerhouse, but what is that golden one?He doesn't know at all.

It's just that those monster races didn't know anything about it, maybe they knew it, but they didn't say it, so Gao Jiuding was very curious at the moment.

His footsteps were firm, one step at a time, sinking into the metal ground half a foot deep.

Gao Jiuding gritted his teeth and insisted, his face was flushed, the blood in his body was roaring, and his bones were contending, as if stimulated by some mysterious atmosphere.

At this time, Gao Jiuding had already walked ten meters in front of the two powerful bones, but it was difficult to take another step.

Even if it's just a small step, he feels like he can't do it!
Gao Jiuding's muscles were trembling, his blood was pumping, and mist was even rising above his head.

Quack Gao Jiuding gritted his teeth and insisted, his face was as red as blood, and the fog above his head was steaming and lingering.

At this moment, he was dripping with sweat, but he still couldn't take a step forward, as if he couldn't cross the past, which was amazing.

"I don't believe it!" At this moment, Gao Jiuding roared angrily!
Then Gao Jiuding roared: "No matter how strong they are, they have already died for countless years. Now they are just bones. If I can't even fight against a single bone, how can I become stronger in the future? How can I fight against those powerful monsters?"

boom!As he roared down, Gao Jiuding's aura boomed, as if it burst out instantly, and it became a little stronger.

His blood boiled all over his body, he roared with murderous intent, his footsteps slammed, and with a bang, the earth trembled.

At this time, Gao Jiuding broke through the imposing field blockade of the two bones and took a step.

However, just because of this step, it attracted two powerful forces to suppress it!

Gao Jiuding's body rattled, and blood gushed out from the pores and flew around.

Those two breaths permeated from the two bones, suppressing them, as if their majesty could not be desecrated after death.

Gao Jiuding's movement broke the balance of the original momentum of the two bones, and both of them came to suppress him instantly.

boom!Two terrifying powers swept over and suppressed, and with a bang, Gao Jiuding's face turned pale, and he vomited blood and flew out.

He slid a distance of 30 meters before stopping, and stood up with difficulty, feeling a little unbelievable.

It was just two remaining breaths, but it actually sent him flying, and he was injured and vomited blood, it was like a dream.

This is even scarier than Gao Jiuding crossing the stone bridge in the Beast Control Dojo.

And that stone bridge uses a formation method, superimposed with an unknown number of gravity restraints, to form that effect, and what is there?It's just two bones!
"Continue!" Gao Jiuding was furious, a wave of anger was brewing in his heart, this was too bullying.

Gao Jiuding felt more clearly the strength of these two bones, and was very angry at his feeling of weakness.

He could imagine that these were just two skeletons that had been dead for an unknown number of years. If the real person was here, wouldn't he even be able to get close?

Such a blow shocked Gao Jiuding's heart, as if he was intimidated by such a powerful figure.

Then, an incomparably vast desire suddenly burst out in his heart, which was an obsession with power.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding's pursuit of strength has reached a higher level.

Originally, he vaguely knew that he would encounter many powerful enemies in the future, but he never had an intuitive understanding, so he didn't know.

But now seeing the two terrifying skeletons in front of him, Gao Jiuding finally clearly felt what it means to be strong.

Both of these two auras contain a mighty force as vast as the sea, and it is terrifying to suppress the Quartet.

This kind of power should not be weaker than that of the pure Yang cultivator, right?
The world is sacred, are they all so powerful?

"Persevere, if I can't even overcome this, how can I become stronger?" Gao Jiuding continued to approach step by step, his face turned from anger to firmness.

His expression calmed down, without the slightest influence of distracting thoughts, he only wanted to defeat these two powerful and ancient bones.

After countless years of death, still standing still, and able to exude terrifying power to suppress living beings, is this the so-called bone of war?Concentration of fighting spirit?

What is suppressing Gao Jiuding now is a momentum, because Gao Jiuding didn't feel any spiritual fluctuations.

This may be a field condensed by a will, invisible, but real.

Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding's pursuit of strength has reached an unparalleled peak, and now he even thinks about using these two powerful bones to hone himself.

 Thanks to the king of the queen, the king of the earth, poison you thousands of times, lads4017, book friend 20190811125125021 brothers for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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