The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1168 Bronze Battle Body

Chapter 1168 Bronze Battle Body
Faced with enormous pressure, Gao Jiuding clearly realized that his body, including his will, could be recast and tempered to an even more astonishingly powerful level by relying on these two mighty powers.

Click!With one step, the hard metal ground cracked and cracked, and even the feet sank a foot deep.

Once again approaching ten meters, Gao Jiuding felt very deeply, as if he was carrying a huge mountain on his body.

Gao Jiuding stepped out again, his whole body trembled, his bones rattled, as if they were about to be broken, but to his surprise, there was a trace of strange sharpness in these two powers, which was merging into Gao Jiuding's body little by little. within.

clank!A clank sound came, like the clang of gold and iron, shaking people's hearts.

Gao Jiuding was taken aback for a moment, and then he was pleasantly surprised to find that his body was a little stronger, and he felt a lot less pressure.

He suddenly raised his head, staring at the cyan skeleton, a surge of admiration suddenly surged in his heart.

This is admiration for the martyrs of the human race. This is a human race like him, an ancient and powerful human being.

"The demeanor of the seniors should be a role model for us!" Gao Jiuding murmured, and the blood in his body suddenly boiled, as if it caused the bones to argue.

In an instant, Gao Jiuding seemed to see the skeleton and turned his head to look over. A strong idea was faintly brewing in a pair of empty eye sockets.

This sudden change shocked Gao Jiuding before Gao Jiuding could react in shock.

On the blue skeleton, a light blue gas suddenly surged, and swept over, drowning Gao Jiuding's figure.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding was terrified, but unable to react, he could only watch these mysterious gases pour into his body and quickly fuse into his bones.

Clanking and clattering bones, Gao Jiuding's entire body trembled as the mysterious blue gas merged.

Afterwards, Gao Jiuding was shocked to find that the blue human bone gradually faded, and finally turned into a thick white bone.

Then, that bone shattered to the ground, and the bones of the human race that stood proudly were shattered.

Such an accident made Gao Jiuding dazed for a long time, unable to recover, this is really too incredible.

"Broken?" Gao Jiuding suddenly came to his senses, his face changed drastically, and he stepped on it in three steps.

Standing in front of this pile of broken bones, he was in a daze, and his mood was turbulent for a while, and it was difficult to calm down.

That proud skeleton was actually broken?It's hard to imagine, let alone believe it.

It took Gao Jiuding a long time to wake up, and he respectfully saluted with a solemn expression.

"Thank you senior for your generosity, and this junior is here to thank you!" Gao Jiuding saluted.

Now Gao Jiuding's heart was extremely moved, and he finally realized that it was this ancient human race powerhouse who spontaneously gave him the mysterious blue gas in his body and bones.

It's a gift, there's nothing wrong with that, it's a gift like an empowerment.

It turned out that when Gao Jiuding read martial arts novels, the main characters accepted the teachings of their predecessors, but this time, it became a reality.

Gao Jiuding felt very clearly that it was the lingering thoughts of this ancient strong man that gave all the remnants of himself to Gao Jiuding, a descendant of the human race.

Gao Jiuding looked inwardly, his cultivation had not increased, but his bones had become different.

Since Gao Jiuding deduced the nine-turn body training art, he has been practicing to the fourth-turn Faxiang state, which is the physical strength of a monk in the Faxiang stage.

Such strength is generally difficult to achieve in the blood pill stage!

It can be said that Gao Jiuding believes that he has reached the extreme that Xuedan can achieve in the middle stage.

However, now his face is swollen from the beating, so it has always been the best, there is no extreme, only better, only to break through again.

A person's potential is unlimited, now Gao Jiuding can feel that his strength has increased again, and his physique has also increased, and this time the breakthrough comes from the bones of the body.

The skeleton supports the human body, it is like the keel of a ship, without its support, a human being is just a mass of rotten flesh.

And now Gao Jiuding's bones have truly reached the state of jade bones. The ultimate goal of the nine-turn body training method he deduced is to let the body cultivate to the point of flawless dirt and ice muscles and jade bones.

Unexpectedly, this time he received a gift from a human senior, which directly allowed him to cultivate jade bones. After that, as long as he strengthened it, he believed that ice muscles would not be difficult.

With icy muscles and bones, King Kong is not bad, if he can still cultivate the immortal body of a great Asura, he will really be immortal in the future!
"With this kind of physical strength, the cultivation base can be quickly raised to the peak of Xuedan!" Gao Jiuding was a little emotional when he withdrew his divine thoughts.

The accumulation of retreat for nearly a hundred years is not as good as what you can get all at once, so chance is really important.

He worked hard to accumulate, using the time and space gods, dividing it into two stages, exercising his body, absorbing and merging the spiritual objects of heaven and earth, and trying his best to accumulate a solid foundation, so that his cultivation reached the peak of Jindan and Xuedan in the middle stage.

Gao Jiuding itself is the ultimate breaking state of cultivation, which can make both Jindan and Xuedan cultivate to the twelfth level!
If you add the profound background every time, his strength should be invincible among the monks of the blood pill stage.

Therefore, here he met two peak blood pills and the powerful leader of the monster clan, and they were easily defeated by Gao Jiuding.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding even suspected that he would be able to surpass a large level and kill the early monks of the Dharma Aspect. Of course, this was without relying on the Dharma Aspect and the magic weapon. If he used those powers, Gao Jiuding would definitely be able to crush the early Dharma Aspect monks.

He didn't have much confidence before, but now he has it, because his body definitely exceeds the strength of a monk in the early stage of Dharma Phase.

Now he just didn't convert the alchemy into mana. In terms of mana, he was a little less than the Dharma phase monks, but he completely suppressed the ordinary Dharma phase early monks in terms of body, strength, spirit, and magic weapons.

"Time is the most critical issue in accumulating strength in this way!" Looking up, Gao Jiuding was a little emotional.

If there is no Time and Space God's Domain, he will have to spend a hundred years to accumulate the current foundation.

But now he has only used it for more than ten years, and the difference is ten times, which allows him to go further!

"Senior, this junior wants to take your bones back for burial, offended!" Without hesitation, Gao Jiuding carefully put the pile of bones in front of him into the storage ring.

His heart was moved, and he planned to take the bones of this ancient human race back home for burial.

After finishing these, Gao Jiuding picked up a small object from the ground, which is a bronze token.

However, the next set of information made him dumbfounded, somewhat shocking and unbelievable.

"Bronze battle order?" Gao Jiuding's consciousness fell into the sea of ​​consciousness, and he actually received the information about the bronze medal.

After digesting this information, Gao Jiuding realized that this is actually an existence similar to the jade pupil slip, but this method of carrying memory and inheritance is more advanced than the jade pupil slip.

One of the most important advantages is that it can be spread for a longer time!
Copper itself has the attribute of immortality, and the spiritual copper with rich aura condensed in the cultivation world is even more immortal.

Being able to engrave the memory in the spirit copper is even more clever.

This is like ordinary people, who can leave information on very tiny silicon crystals, it is the same method.

On this bronze battle order, there is a complete ancient cultivation technique of the human race, which can be cultivated according to this technique to condense a bronze combat body.

It's not a battle bone, but a battle body!

It's a pity that the flesh is still a little weaker than the bones, and I don't know what the senior human race here has experienced. His flesh and blood have completely disappeared, and now only a pair of bones remain.

Forging a bronze combat body and condensing an immortal body, this is a complete cultivation technique, powerful!
Gao Jiuding discovered that at the moment of condensing the combat body, the will is integrated into the whole body. Isn't this the integration of his soul into every cell of the body?
In fact, this is the same routine as the cultivation method of the great Asura's immortal body, but the level of power used is different, and the effect of the cultivation is also different, but it is similar.

Just after reading some simple introductions, Gao Jiuding was overwhelmed with emotion. The cultivation civilization of ancient human monks is so brilliant!
Maybe it's because the environment they live in is more difficult?
Facing powerful enemies and a cruel living environment, if they don't practice, they are waiting to die.

Just a simple introduction shocked Gao Jiuding's heart, and he couldn't calm down for a long time. It can be said that Gao Jiuding was dumbfounded for a while!
Seeing this bronze token, Gao Jiuding couldn't help being excited. This is the first time he has obtained such a high-level body training technique along the way.

Moreover, it is a complete set of exercises, so its preciousness can be understood without thinking.

"Bronze combat body, it is still a bit difficult to cultivate!"

Gao Jiuding noticed these words in this introduction, all of which revealed a strong and unyielding will, as well as an ancient and desolate atmosphere!

Holding this bronze battle order, Gao Jiuding seemed to see the paleness, proud body, and unyielding will of the ancient ancestors, as old and tenacious as bronze, and this is also a state of cultivation!
Bit by bit, Gao Jiuding studied it carefully. He was extremely excited, and finally understood how those monsters cultivated.

In particular, their cultivation level information allowed Gao Jiuding to capture a trace of mystery, which made Gao Jiuding extremely happy.

"Refining strength, congealing body, quenching blood, forging bone, copper skin, iron bone."

"This doesn't seem to be a realm division, but a pure cultivation process!" After studying for a while, Gao Jiuding felt something was wrong. He frowned deeply, as if he felt that this realm division was not right.

He thought, the first realm is the realm of strength refining, so the next so-called condensed body is condensed body instead of body refining?
By exercising strength and strengthening the body, followed by blood refining, which is not much different from the training system above the demon star. After that, there is no process of coagulating blood pills, but special training of bones, and finally into copper skin and iron bones.

(End of this chapter)

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