The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1169 Origin Flame

Chapter 1169 Origin Flame
"Don't think about it for now, and study it when you get back. This is definitely something." Gao Jiuding knew that this body training exercise was definitely the strongest exercise he had obtained so far.

Most importantly, he is a complete system!

After waking up, Gao Jiuding knew that now was not the time to think about this.

He immediately put away the bronze battle order carefully, and then turned to look at a golden skeleton beside him!
Facing this golden skeleton, Gao Jiuding immediately felt a huge heat billowing towards his face, which was a remnant of power.

"What kind of skeleton is this?" Gao Jiuding stared cautiously at a golden skeleton in front of him.

A two-meter-tall skeleton, with a golden body and a scorching aura, is shocking.

This is a strange and mysterious skeleton. It is not clear what kind of creature the skeleton is, and it is somewhat similar to humans.

However, Gao Jiuding can be sure that this is not a human bone, this is a feeling in his heart, as if there is an inexplicable hostility faintly.

"What kind of creature is this?" Gao Jiuding stared at the golden skeleton in front of him. It was ancient and mysterious, and its origin was unknown.

He felt the sharpness rushing towards his face, a kind of sharpness, a very targeted breath!

The momentum is very strong, even with a trace of resistance, but this is just a will.

Just broke through once and got rid of the oppression of will, but Gao Jiuding didn't feel much at this time, as if he was not afraid of these strong targeting breaths at all.

Gao Jiuding looked surprised, and carefully inspected his body, no matter whether it was the body or the soul, he found that there was no slight change, even after the blue gas entered the body just now, there was no change at all.

But he obviously felt that his physical fitness seemed to be stronger, and his bones were faintly stronger.

He felt some changes in his flesh and bones, but unfortunately his strength didn't increase, but he had a strange feeling that he was stronger than before.

"This bone contains another powerful aura. I wonder if it can be absorbed?"

This was Gao Jiuding's first feeling. From this golden bone, he could feel a powerful aura.

He stared at the golden skeleton in front of him, and faintly felt a trace of golden flame permeating the air. It seemed to be a terrible flame, because just by noticing it, one could feel a tingling pain like a needle.

Seeing this, Gao Jiuding's heart moved, and he instinctively reached out to touch it.

With a bang, the entire golden skeleton was suddenly shattered and turned into a raging fire.

But this flame was a golden flame, the temperature was so high that even Gao Jiuding was engulfed before he could react in time.

In an instant, he felt scorching all over his body, and even an extremely strong pain came, and his whole body was burned.

"Damn it, what kind of flame is this?" Gao Jiuding's face was terrified.

boom!With a bang, the huge golden skeleton shattered into pieces, turning into a wave of brilliant golden flames.

In an instant, Gao Jiuding was burned by the fire, and the blazing golden flames actually engulfed him.

At this time, Gao Jiuding only felt severe pain all over his body, and a heart-piercing pain came, which made him roll over and scream unbearably.

Ah. Gao Jiuding rolled on the spot, setting off waves of dust and bone meal, but it was difficult to extinguish the mighty golden flame on his body.

This burst of flame was very hot, gushing out from the golden bone, burning the whole body, and invading into the flesh.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding discovered in his heart that these golden flames penetrated into his body from his mouth and nose, and then burned blazingly inside his body, as if to burn him into ashes.

Suddenly, there was a slight contention in the body, the bones were trembling, and there was a terrifying sound of gold and iron, the sound was clear and clear, and it shook all directions.

This cry made Gao Jiuding feel his whole body relax, and the severe pain subsided, and he was surprised to find that the bones in his body were constantly filled with strands of cyan sharpness.

It was these sharp edges that moved, piercing and smashing the golden flames pouring into the body, and then devouring them one by one and merging them into the body, as if something terrifying was devouring them.

Gao Jiuding's face turned cold. Seeing this scene, he simply doubted whether his feelings were wrong, but it was obvious that his consciousness was pulled into his body, and he saw such a strange scene.

Those golden flames were really pierced by those tiny sharp edges, and then were mysteriously swallowed up, as if they had never appeared before, and even suspected that they were an illusion.

"No, those sharp edges seem to have a metallic aura, but where did this aura go?"

Suddenly, Gao Jiuding's heart was shaken, and he finally felt that there was a terrifying murderous aura in those sharp edges.

Then, he was shocked to discover that a huge flame burst out of his body. Is this a spiritual fire?No, it is a kind of heaven and earth origin flame, a heaven and earth spiritual creature of the same level as Xuanhuang Qi.

The gold-type aura just turned into thunder, and the killing aura became more intense. It should be the mysterious aura that had been integrated into the bones before.

Gao Jiuding could feel that some tiny breaths, or simply some metal atoms, were colliding with each other, and during the collision process, they released powerful energy.

This actually feels a bit like nuclear fission. If this can't release the power to destroy the world, then is there any reason?
Boom!A roar, like thunder bursts, rumbled and moved, shaking the Quartet.

It's confirmed, this is the sound of thunder, accompanied by a huge surge of energy, smashing the equally terrifying golden flame, and then devouring it.

That's right, Gao Jiuding could see clearly that this golden flame was swallowed up.

These flames were completely swallowed up, and then those mighty energies disappeared into the deepest part of the body as if being swallowed by something.

Seeing this situation, Gao Jiuding stared and trembled all over, almost having a heart attack.

He couldn't imagine what was going on in his body, there was a huge amount of energy hidden in it, and it could devour flames.

But, how is this energy hidden in the body?And what suppressed him?Or was it swallowed by some force?

Now, the golden flame was swallowed, and then that energy disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

Gao Jiuding was in a bad mood. The unknown and uncontrollable power was hidden in his body, and it was so powerful that it was scary to think about it.

He couldn't be sure what terrible thing was hidden in his body, it was too weird to be able to devour that terrifying flame.

He couldn't keep calm in his heart, and he was a little afraid even if he didn't want to be afraid. This was an instinctive feeling for unknown things.

Gao Jiuding thought bitterly, what was in his body, he didn't know whether it was good or bad.

"Knock your mother, what the hell are you trying to get at me?" Gao Jiuding cursed inwardly, a little annoyed.

However, at this moment, he just couldn't find any problems, and he felt that his health couldn't be better.

However, when I thought of the weird scene just now, I couldn't calm down in my heart.

Before that, that weird scene is still unforgettable to this day.

He even suspected that there was a huge problem in his body, otherwise those golden flames were going to burn his body, but they disappeared into his body strangely.

This situation is absolutely unusual, and it is impossible to check it out now, so Gao Jiuding felt faintly uneasy in his heart.

Gao Jiuding's face was ugly, he scanned his surroundings, checked his body several times, and suddenly felt bad luck.

He checked his body again in disbelief, but he still didn't find anything unusual, so he gave up immediately.

He was a little worried in his heart. He didn't know what these golden flames were, but they were more terrifying than ordinary flames. The temperature almost scorched the flesh in an instant.

What he was thinking about was whether these flames were swallowed by his body, or whether the flames ran in by themselves. The meanings of these two situations are different.

If he swallowed it by himself, then it proves that there is a big secret in his body, and it is not clear whether it is good or bad.

And if the flame pours into the body by itself, it seems to be a huge danger. For example, after the owner of the golden skeleton dies, is there still a residual thought that lingers?

These problems are very critical, if one is not good, Gao Jiuding will be in tragedy.

He thought with a bad face, if a horrible thing lived in his body, it would be fatal.

"Tragedy, it seems that I have to be more cautious in the future, otherwise I won't know what to do." Gao Jiuding murmured unwillingly.

He checked carefully and found nothing wrong, and then checked the information, but found nothing added, there was simply no problem at all.

But it was because there was no problem that Gao Jiuding felt a little uneasy, that golden flame was not fake, so naturally he was a little worried and worried.

Gao Jiuding pondered for a long time here, and finally gave up thinking, because he didn't understand these secrets at all.

He gradually calmed down, kept these things in his heart, and waited for a chance to understand clearly.

"I don't know what era this ruin is. Be careful, otherwise it may be a tragedy." Gao Jiuding swept around, muttering to himself with a solemn face.

In the end, Gao Jiuding simply didn't think too much, just buried it deeply in his heart, turned around and left quickly, and continued to search for some useful things. Now he is not alone in this ancient city, there are many people there.

He thought of a question, did Song Yue and the others gain anything, or were they in danger?
Moreover, those monster clans who broke in were not good lords. If they met them, Song Yue and Yi Hu didn't know if they could handle it.

Those monster races are very powerful and have strange domains. If they are suppressed by their will, Song Yue may be able to carry them through with her powerful spirit, and the winged tiger will be in danger.

At least, for now, the winged tiger can't compare with those monster races. Of course, Gao Jiuding is not too worried, because the winged tiger's incarnation must have the attribute of immortality.

It is not so easy to kill a blood demon.

 Thank you for the reward of 500 coins from the brothers of the Queen of Earth, and thanks to the brothers who have poisoned you thousands of times!
(End of this chapter)

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