The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1171 Spiritual Blood Elf

Chapter 1171 Spiritual Blood Elf
After checking for a while, all the medicine fields that Gao Jiuding saw were ruins, and lost their original function under the erosion of time, without any plant growing.

These medicine fields are not far apart, very neat, but unfortunately nothing is growing.

What can be seen now is only a thick layer of powder, and even some medicine fields have collapsed.

Following Gao Jiuding's in-depth inspection, he was surprised to find that there were still some handwriting left on some metal tablets.

After careful identification, it was determined that these handwritings were ancient characters, which belonged to pictographic characters, and obviously recorded some information.

When he saw this, curiosity arose in his heart, and he walked quickly to check some broken metal monuments, hoping to find some useful information.

Soon, a broken metal tablet was found for him, and some words were recorded on it.

The engravings of these characters are somewhat blurred, and under the erosion of years, it is difficult to fully identify them.

Gao Jiuding carefully identified it, and finally got such a fragmented sentence: "Cultivating spirits and cultivating immortals, gods and demons eat blood."

These fonts are ancient and blurred, and they are no longer fully recognizable, but they can vaguely guess the meaning of these words.

Here, a spiritual or immortal elixir is planted. The efficacy is unknown, but they are the blood food of gods and demons.

"The one planted here must be a precious elixir. Maybe it is a fairy like a ginseng doll. Otherwise, how could it be a blood food? A pure elixir is food, not a blood food." Gao said. Jiuding felt a little unbelievable.

He stamped his foot in the medicine field, and the whole medicine field was overturned directly, but unfortunately there was nothing there.

In the end, he walked helplessly and didn't stay any longer, but wanted to check other medicine fields.

Sure enough, with the continuous in-depth inspection, Gao Jiuding was shocked to find that there were a lot of elixir planted here, and there were even some things recorded on the metal tablet. He didn't know what it was, and he had no impression at all.

But there are some things that are familiar. For example, there are some spiritual medicines recorded on some metal tablets, such as Zhu Guo, Ganoderma lucidum, ginseng and other spiritual things that can be recognized.

However, like some blood vines, golden scale fruit, vine snake grass, etc., it is not clear what it is.

The only thing that can be seen is a simple name introduction, and the specific information is not clear at all.

Gao Jiuding regretted it while walking in shock, imagining the glory of this ancient city back then.

From so many medicine fields, it can be seen that for the prosperity and prosperity of this city, the residents in the city must be very powerful.

"I don't know if it is a relic left by the human race, but I can still see what kind of brilliance this place has, but how did it end up like this?" Gao Jiuding had many unsolvable questions in his heart.

He even wondered if it was because of the invasion of that golden-skeleton creature that this mighty civilization perished, otherwise why would there be no information recorded?

His inner doubts could not be answered, so he could only bury them in his heart, waiting for future research.

Gao Jiuding quickly shuttled through these huge medicine fields, in fact, he was secretly looking forward to it, hoping that some elixir could survive until now.

The entire medicine garden is very large, and it is extremely vast at first glance. One piece after another, huge medicine fields are located in an orderly manner and are widely distributed. Only a little bit of information can be obtained based on the incomplete records on some metal tablets.

"Once upon a time, this was a glorious and powerful ancient civilization, what a pity"

When Gao Jiuding came here, he felt a lot of emotions in his heart. Of course, he was more yearning for the prosperity of this ancient race. That was the era when the real strong were like clouds, and the era when heroes came forth in large numbers. It's a pity that I was born at an untimely time.

Soon, Gao Jiuding came to the innermost part of the medicine garden, and found that these medicine fields are relatively small, and it seems that there are not as many medicinal materials planted outside.

Then, he came to a relatively complete metal tablet to check, and finally clearly understood that the medicinal fields here planted real elixir, and only the medicinal materials that evolved to be called elixir can be called elixir.

After reading the records here, Gao Jiuding was sure that his deduction was correct, only medicinal materials like ginseng dolls could be regarded as panacea!

"This is the Spirit Medicine Garden. No wonder all the medicine gardens in the Beast Controlling Sect are called Spirit Grass Gardens. They are really different!"

Although the Emperor Beast Sect has a profound background, they can only cultivate spiritual grass. Even if it is a ten thousand-year spiritual grass, there are no such spiritual things as Zhirenzhima and ginseng dolls.

This place is different. If Gao Jiuding reads it correctly, these medicine fields here are treasures that can breed spiritual things for thousands of years.

Gao Jiuding rubbed his eyes, afraid that he was wrong, but after careful inspection several times, he found that he was right, and he could really grow spiritual things.

Of course, medicinal materials full of spirituality can grow into spiritual things in less than a thousand years, so there are not only ten thousand-year spiritual things here, but also thousand-year spiritual things.

And this discovery shocked him, and he couldn't recover for a long time!
Gao Jiuding has obtained many thousand-year-old spiritual grasses, but he has never obtained a thousand-year-old spiritual thing. However, he is very aware of its preciousness and power, and even more aware of its rarity, but he does not want to be able to plant these thousand-year-old spiritual things in batches here things?
"En?" Suddenly, Gao Jiuding's expression changed, and he raised his head to stare at the huge ruins in front of him.

From there, he heard some voices faintly, as if someone was there, which made his expression change a little.

"Someone came here first, did you find anything?" Gao Jiuding couldn't sit still when he thought of this, a murderous intent filled his heart.

Without hesitation, his figure rushed to the huge ruins in front of him in a flash, and he was carefully inspecting the front.

"I discovered this first, so get out of here, or don't blame me for being rude!"

In front of the ruins, there are two figures confronting each other, with a strong breath and murderous intent.

These are two humans, a middle-aged man with a gloomy face and murderous intent in his eyes.

He stared at a young man in front of him, his aura was extremely dangerous, as if a terrifying killing intent was brewing in his heart.

"I discovered this first, you'd better get out of here, or I will do you!" The middle-aged man's tone was cold and piercing.

However, although the young man opposite him had a cautious expression, he did not leave. Instead, he exuded a terrifying aura, as if he had killed him.

The young man sneered and said, "Old guy, I'm not afraid of you when others are afraid of you! Besides, what do you dare to do? Be careful of provoking those lunatics from the Yaozu!"

Sure enough, the middle-aged man was not moved. He was confronting the young man, and both of them seemed to be in the same breath.

"Boy, which family are you from? Do you understand the rules?" The middle-aged man's face flickered dangerously, and his words were even colder.

"Rules? Who doesn't know the rules to be able to enter here? Alliance rules, first come, first served, which one of us came here first?" The young man sneered.

The face of the middle-aged man became even uglier: "Don't blame me for bullying the small, the benefits here are not something you, a kid, can expect."

"Haha, I recorded the situation here with the jade sledge, you can try it yourself? It's a big deal, and the demon clan is provoked, and none of us will fall!" The young man said stubbornly.

These two people are obviously members of the alliance. They are not the native human race on the Demon Planet, nor are they the demon race, which surprised Gao Jiuding.

The strength of these two people is not much different, each other seems very cautious, and they are not willing to give up.

Not far from these two people, there is a huge medicine field, and in this medicine field, there are still some plants growing, and the mist rises and fills the air, which is very magical.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding looked at this side, his face was surprised, and then he was ecstatic, because there is actually a complete medicine field here, and the most important thing is that there are some plants growing in the medicine field, which is the most amazing.

These plants, shaped like modern rice, have a dark red sheen.

Gao Jiuding inspected it carefully, and found that the entire medicine field was at least [-] meters in diameter, very huge, and was covered with these dark red plants.

"What are these things? Could it be rice?" Gao Jiuding looked surprised, and guessed in his heart that the produce here is a spiritual thing. What kind of spiritual thing is rice?
Sure enough, the anger between the next two guys became more intense.

Both of them refused to give in, but there is a lot of spiritual creatures here, so it must be very special to see the scene.Never give up.

"I found these blood elves. You came here last, just to snatch them, and you didn't even see if you have the skills. Get the hell out." As time went on, the middle-aged man's face became very irritable.

Here, he was the one who discovered it first. He was a little excited when he met this guy. Now that the two of them didn't agree with each other, they were about to start killing.

No way, the plant here is something like rice, called Blood Elf. What it produces is not rice, but something like a flower fairy.

This thing can move freely, but it can't be too far away from the body, and it doesn't have any spiritual intelligence at all, but it is indeed a living creature, so it is a real spiritual thing.

This is the information that the middle-aged man found in front of the metal tablet. It recorded the names of these plants and some brief introductions. He naturally knew how precious this thing was.

A spiritual thing that can be mass-produced, not to mention refining it into a pill, it can be eaten directly. If you eat too much, you can quickly improve your cultivation.

This kind of blood elf is similar to elixir, but it has the characteristics of heaven and earth spirits, but there is no restriction on melting heaven and earth spirits. It can be said that as long as you can digest it, you can eat as much as you want.

This is amazing. Gao Jiuding has refined the spirits of heaven and earth, so he naturally knows the difficulty of refining the spirits of heaven and earth, and the time it takes is too long, but these blood elves don't have such troubles.

He is an expert in eating and digesting food. Of course, Gao Xianzhi is even more professional.

Therefore, after reading the information on the metal tablet, Gao Jiuding was also moved.

"Joke!" The young man sneered again and again, raised a bone gun and said, "You said you found it, so you found it? This is where I found it first, but I just checked other places, and I didn't expect to be run away by you." Just come, you are the one who wants to get out, otherwise you will be the ghost of my gun."

 Thanks to the king of the emperor, the queen of the earth, poisoned you thousands of times, and the book friend 20190103004646188 brothers for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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