Chapter 1172
The young man uttered malicious words, and the middle-aged man became angry when he heard it. His face was so gloomy that he could drip water.

Anger rose in his heart, and he felt that it was useless to say more, it would be better to kill this guy first, and then take away the things here.

As for how to get it, he has no idea in his heart. After all, he doesn't have such a large storage equipment, so he can only kill the guy in front of him first and then figure out a way, otherwise everything will be empty.

"Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you!" The middle-aged man roared angrily, then swung his saber to gather all the strength in his body, and rushed forward brazenly, with a slash to the head.

This saber was as powerful as a mountain, surging forward, making the young man's face heavy.

Although he looked disdainful, he was very vigilant in his heart. The middle-aged man in front of him was no weaker than him, so he naturally had to be cautious, and his big words were just satirizing him.

Gao Jiuding also looked at these two people in amazement. The exercises they practiced were the routines of those other monsters, especially the middle-aged man, whose sword was like a mountain. Gao Jiuding really saw it in his sword technique. The phantom of a mountain, this is the sword intent, and it should be regarded as a kind of domain.

clang!The figures of the two rushed forward at the same time.

Each of them hit each other, sparks splashed and clanged endlessly.

Then, a wave of air erupted from the center of the two and swept away, blowing away the smoke and dust all over the place.

These two people have at least [-] catties in their own strength, and they are both very strong.

However, after seeing this, Gao Jiuding felt that there was no need to read any further, and walked out directly.


"Who!" The two who were about to continue fighting stopped at the same time, and shouted angrily.

Then, they turned around and saw a figure walking out of the ruins. It was Gao Jiuding who came.

Seeing him approaching, the expressions of the two of them changed and became ugly.

Even, the middle-aged man's face was livid, and his whole body trembled with anger. This person is a master.

"Which side are you from?" The young man's expression changed wildly, and he looked at Gao Jiuding approaching, feeling extremely vigilant in his heart.

He is very clear that this young man seems to be the same age as him, but his aura is unusual. He can perceive it with his spiritual sense alone. This is an existence of the same level as his grandfather.

The behavior of the middle-aged man was different. After seeing Gao Jiuding, he was full of murderous intentions. He hated Gao Jiuding's arrival. It was enough to deal with the young man, but it was a bit strange to have such a master. anger.

"Boy, I discovered this first!" The middle-aged man's words were faintly warning.

"That's right. Although our strength is not as good as yours, you have to think about the key points." The young man also said cautiously.

Gao Jiuding walked up to him, ignored the two people whose expressions changed, and looked at a metal monument in front of him.

Sure enough, there were some ancient texts recorded on it, which were the information about the plants in this medicine field.

"Blood Elf: 3000 years to grow, 3000 years to meet, 3000 years to mature, [-] years to reincarnate"

These fonts were a little fuzzy, but they were still vaguely recognizable, which shocked Gao Jiuding, and then became ecstatic.

This is a rare spiritual plant, it is definitely a good thing and cannot be let go.

"Which family are you from?" Gao Jiuding looked at the middle-aged man.

"Li family, our two families have lived together peacefully for ten years, you don't want to break it yourself, do you?" the middle-aged man said coldly.

Gao Jiuding was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect these two people to be from Earth?But how did they get here?
You can still meet people from the Li family here, their family is indeed rich in heritage.

He knew that An Shenxiu had reached a settlement agreement with the Li family, so he didn't think about breaking the agreement, but the harvest here cannot be given to them.

"Let's go, the things here are not for you to take." Gao Jiuding stood up and directly issued the order to evict the guests.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the two of them changed drastically, and the anger in their hearts rose.

The meaning is that they want to snatch these things. This is simply the behavior of robbers.

"You're a robber, you've insulted your identity by doing this." The young man's face was ugly, and he drank loudly and didn't want to give up.

And the middle-aged man even raised his saber, with murderous intent in his heart, and snorted: "Gao Jiuding, don't think you are really someone. Others think you are the leader of a power. In my eyes, you are nothing."

"If you want this thing, let's see if you have the ability!" The middle-aged man said plainly, and the meaning was obvious.

In his opinion, how long has Gao Jiuding been cultivating?It's only been a decade or so since he's done his best, and his cultivation is not much stronger now, that's why he dares to say that.

Moreover, there is another person on the side. Together, the two of them will definitely be able to deal with this guy.

Even, both of them were faintly excited, thinking that after killing this guy, his power would collapse, and that would lose a lot of power.

This is the fearlessness of the ignorant. At the beginning, the young man was afraid of Gao Jiuding because he felt the strength of Gao Jiuding.

However, the performance of the middle-aged man later dispelled the awe of the young people!
After revealing Gao Jiuding's identity, the little care that young people had had completely disappeared.

He has also heard of Gao Jiuding. After all, there are a large number of Gao's fleets active in the starry sky, so there are not many people in the world of cultivation on earth who do not know the legend of Gao Jiuding.

But so what?After all, it is a small family without any background.

"That is to say, do you want to die?" Gao Jiuding's face was very calm, and there was nothing unusual about it, but there was a trace of terrifying killing intent in his words.

He looked at the two people who were cautiously guarding in front of him, their auras were exuding, and they were full of evil spirits, obviously wanting to kill him.

Seeing this, Gao Jiuding sneered and said: "In this case, you two should stop living, I will fulfill you!"


"Kill him!" The two yelled, unleashing their respective strengths, charging towards Gao Jiuding with the most powerful posture, and waving their weapons to greet Gao Jiuding.

The attacks of these two people were very powerful, and the wind and waves roared, rolling up dust all over the sky to cover all directions.

Here, a desperate situation was formed, and two sharp edges rushed forward, and they rushed to the front in an instant, pressing straight to the door.

A mountain, a hurricane, wrapped around Gao Jiuding, suppressed his figure and made it difficult to move. This is the fighting spirit and the domain. I don't know what they have experienced, but they have all learned the methods of the monster race.

However, Gao Jiuding didn't move at all, and even when the two were about to attack, he suddenly raised an arm, swung a punch, and actually used his fist to fight?
"Looking for death!" The middle-aged man in Li's family saw Gao Jiuding hit him with his fist, his face was furious, his heart exploded with murderous intent, and he swung his saber and slashed down.

In his opinion, this knife is definitely the tragic end of Gao Jiuding's blood spurting and his body being split.

It's a pity that his prediction was wrong, Gao Jiuding punched, the void burst, and the rumbling wind of the fist hit, even making the two people on the opposite side feel a sharp pain in their bodies.

When the two of them wanted to dodge in horror, it was too late. With a thud, they hit the middle-aged man's saber first, and the violent force sent it flying, before hitting his chest with undiminished power.

boom!A gust of flesh and blood spread across all directions, and the mighty middle-aged man was blown away by a punch, turning into a pile of broken flesh and blood, which frightened the young man who rushed forward to feel cold physically and mentally.

He reacted very quickly, dodging to the side with a dodge, trying to escape.

However, since Gao Jiuding was the killer, he definitely wouldn't let him live, otherwise there would be at least a little trouble.

"No, you can't kill me!" The young man looked terrified, but found that Gao Jiuding rushed to catch up, raised his fist and smashed it. The fist was heavy and powerful, and it swept over him, and finally hit him in the back of the heart.

Boom!After a loud bang, the young man discovered in horror that his heart exploded first, and then a mighty force erupted, tearing his body into pieces, spreading smoke and dust around him, and dyeing the ground red.

The two of them were blown away by Gao Jiuding's fists in less than a breath, and they couldn't die anymore.

Originally Gao Jiuding didn't want to kill them, but it's a pity that he let them go but he didn't cherish them, so he could only regret to kill them.

"Give you a way to live but don't want it, it's your choice, you can't blame me!" Gao Jiuding murmured lightly, then turned around quickly, and came to the medicine field to check carefully.

He was very curious, and even more vaguely expected, to what extent the effects of these so-called blood elves would reach.

As for fellow villagers seeing fellow villagers with tears in their eyes, that is impossible, it can only be when fellow villagers meet fellow villagers and stab them in the back!
"The mist seems to have a magical effect!" Gao Jiuding was surprised to find that there was a mist in the medicine field, which seemed to have a magical effect. Then, he reached out and carefully picked a dark red blood-colored ear of rice, Watch carefully.

An ear of rice is an ordinary ear of rice, but inside it is not like ordinary rice, it is rice, but wrapped one by one, like crystal clear gemstones like pomegranate seeds.

These gems are blood elves, because in the distance, where there are no people, some ears of rice are open, and the pomegranate seeds inside, which are like gems, actually fly out and dance around the ears of rice flexibly.

Blood-red bean-sized gemstones danced quickly, drawing red trails, just like an elf, so this thing is called a blood elf?

A spiritual object, like an elf, this is the first time Gao Jiuding has seen such a treasure.

"Is it like ginseng, after a long time of growth, it will grow into a ginseng doll? Fortunately, it is not in the shape of a doll, otherwise how would you eat it?" Gao Jiuding picked off a rice ear, held it in his hand, and carefully felt the inside of the rice ear blood elves.

The breath of life is very strong, but there is no soul fluctuation, which shows that this is not an intelligent creature.

Gao Jiuding walked slowly, he surrounded this spiritual field, no, this should be regarded as fairyland, fairyland in the world!

Only when you really get close can you feel that there are some fairy spirits under the thin aura.

It was only at this time that Gao Jiuding realized that it was not easy to grow these blood elves. At the very least, he needed a giant spiritual vein to condense the aura of fairy spirits in order to grow them.

(End of this chapter)

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