The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1173 Immortal Spring Gold Liquid

Chapter 1173 Immortal Spring Gold Liquid
"No wonder the ginseng in my hand, no matter how many years it takes to cultivate, will not evolve into a ginseng doll. It turns out that it lacks fairy spirit!" Gao Jiuding realized that it is not so easy to want a Zhiren Zhima ginseng doll.

"Hey, this metal tablet is well preserved!" After wandering around, Gao Jiuding suddenly found a metal tablet in Xiantiannei. Whether it was written on it or some mysterious symbols, it was very clear.

Gao Jiuding's consciousness was released a little bit, and a stream of information appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness.

"Blood Spirit Rice: It is evolved from low-grade blood rice after long years of growth. Taking it can increase the blood energy of the human body, improve the basic quality of the human body, strengthen the muscles and bones, and long-term consumption can wash away the talent and increase the life span. It is an extremely precious and rare spiritual rice."

Seeing this information, Gao Jiuding opened his mouth slightly, feeling very unbelievable. Is this the effect of the so-called blood spirit rice?
This is a precious blood rice?It's not that Gao Jiuding has never seen blood rice, he has seen the world, but he never thought that these blood elves would be evolved from blood rice.

After analyzing the information obtained, Gao Jiuding knew that even if the blood rice could cultivate bleeding elves, or the blood spirit rice, there must not be many of them.

Since it is mentioned in the information recorded here that it takes a long time to evolve, one can imagine how difficult it is to cultivate these blood spirit rice.

It takes 3000 years to grow, 3000 years to bloom, and 3000 years to bear fruit. It takes almost 1 years to cultivate such a piece of blood spirit rice. Ordinary monks do not have such a long lifespan until this piece of blood spirit rice matures.

So, no matter where it is placed, in which era, the quantity is very rare, but the effect of this thing is amazing!

When Gao Jiuding analyzed these blood spirit rice, he couldn't believe it was real. It was unbelievable that such a spirit thing existed.

"A good thing, it really is a good thing. With this thing, as long as the energy is produced, it will definitely improve the physical fitness and talent of the entire force, and even the entire human race."

Gao Jiuding's face was excited, and his whole body trembled a little. This thing is too precious.

And just now, if he didn't come here, or if he didn't compete for these precious blood rice, it would be a huge loss.

Judging from the personalities of those two dead guys, they would definitely hide them privately, or the two major forces would hide them privately.

What Gao Jiuding thought of was a bigger problem. He is not the only one who knows about this place. It seems that the place is going to be cleared. If possible, this secret place, including the ancient city, needs to be occupied.

Previously, I already knew the existence of some powerful monster races, but now along the way, I saw bones all over the ground, and those golden bones were the most amazing.

It is not clear what kind of race these are, and their strength is absolutely terrifying. If such a race still exists, they will face an even greater crisis.

Therefore, this blood spirit rice is very precious and important. As long as the energy is produced, they will definitely get a huge improvement and improvement in the long run if they eat these precious blood rice.

And this is the foundation of Gao Jiuding's standing. Their weak strength is a flaw. If they want to survive in such a dangerous starry sky, they must find ways to improve themselves. These blood spirit rice is a key.

As for putting it away, it's even easier. Although ten thousand years is long, Gao Jiuding has many methods in his hands to speed up the growth of the blood spirit rice.

Even if the effect of the spirit field is scarce, and he can only use a good large-scale spirit vein to form a small part of the fairy field, he can still use ten times the time to speed up!
In this way, he can cultivate a batch of blood spirit rice in a thousand years, which is considered very lucky. Gao Jiuding believes that many people he accepts should be able to live for a thousand years, and they should be able to enjoy this benefit.

"How to put it away?" At this time, Gao Jiuding's face returned to calm, looking at the medicine field more than 100 meters wide in front of him, thinking about how to put it away?

Regardless of whether this secret realm can be collected or not, the most important thing is to hide this fairyland now.

He observed while meditating, and was soon surprised to find that the dark red blood rice was actually breathing out mist.

He didn't pay much attention to these fogs at first, but now it seemed a bit different, as if the blood rice swallowed these fogs to survive.

"Could it be that this mist is also spirit energy? It doesn't look like fairy spirit energy!" Thinking of this question, Gao Jiuding felt a little headache.

He thought, such a precious blood spirit rice must contain powerful aura, otherwise how could it have such a powerful effect.

Then, he leaned down.Sniffing it gently through the nose, I immediately felt a cool breath inhaled into the body, and the whole person felt extremely comfortable.

This feeling made him feel that his body seemed to be a little lighter, and it made his blood boil, as if his whole body was supported by a powerful energy, making him more energetic.

"It's really spiritual energy?" Gao Jiuding asked with a shocked expression.

He didn't know what level of existence this kind of aura was, and the mist that was constantly rising and filling in front of his eyes actually had an effect on him.

You must know that the current Gao Jiuding, even if he absorbs some of the spiritual energy stored in the top-quality spirit stone, it will not have much effect.

Although his body does not have an advanced dharma appearance, the quality of the spiritual energy refined in his body has definitely reached the highest level of spiritual energy.

Even the best aura, he can't feel the improvement of his cultivation base if he absorbs less, so what level of aura is this mist?

With just one sip, Gao Jiuding felt the changes in his body. This effect is comparable to some heaven and earth spirits.

No wonder these blood spirit rice grows so well, and they have been here for an unknown number of years, and they can still live so well. This is definitely due to the fog.

However, countless years have passed here, why is there such a strong aura?
When he thought of this, he immediately looked around, thinking that there must be some treasure, otherwise, where did the spiritual energy come from? This is a key question.

"The aura is absorbed from there!" After observing for a long time, Gao Jiuding was surprised to find that the aura seemed to be absorbed from a distance.

As for how to absorb these spiritual energy, the metal monument next to the medicine field is the key.

After Gao Jiuding observed carefully, he found that this jade tablet was shining with mysterious light, and there were faintly small symbols flashing, exuding a mysterious luster, and the surrounding spiritual energy was quickly absorbed, and transmitted to the medicine via this jade tablet. In the fields, the land is nourished.

"Over there." Gao Jiuding looked joyful, and found that the source of spiritual energy was the center of the whole medicine garden, so he quickly caught up.

Soon, he came to the center of the medicine garden, where many buildings collapsed.

What is amazing is that the entire building is made of jade, which is very luxurious.

The ground is paved with many jade stones, and the surrounding buildings are all made of jade, all of which are engraved with densely packed mysterious symbols, which are ancient and mysterious, and their effects are unknown.

Gao Jiuding stared blankly at everything in front of him. Even the collapsed building could still see its luxury.

They are all made of high-grade spirit jade. The speed at which this thing absorbs and gathers spirit energy is really too fast. Even if Gao Jiuding doesn't know what level these spirit jades are, he also knows that the quality must be very high.

He couldn't imagine how such a place was built.

And he walked through the jade ruins in front of him, and finally came to a place where jade stones were laid all over the ground, and symbols flickered, as if he was still alive.

"This is?" Gao Jiuding came here with a shocked face, looking at the fog in front of him.

That's right, he saw an incomparably thick mist rising here, rolling and surging like a sea of ​​clouds, which was very magical.

The sea of ​​clouds in front of it is misty, covering a radius of [-] meters, and grains of spiritual light are flickering, interweaving into strands of glow, revealing misty clouds and mists, as if a piece of fairy light is falling from the nine heavens.

Gao Jiuding was in a daze, looking at the miraculous scene in front of him, really wondering if he was in the fairy world?
He walked forward, and found that there was a golden glow in front of him, and the auspicious air shrouded it.

And the most astonishing thing is that there are traces of glittering and translucent colors faintly shining in these fogs. With a slight smell, the blood flow of the whole person accelerates, and the bones of the body tremble slightly, as if they feel a lot easier all of a sudden.

These fogs must be more advanced fairy spirits, wisps of precious light pervading, steaming, intertwined, very dazzling.

Gao Jiuding came to his senses, full of horror, how could there be such a strong fairy spirit here?
This is the key, he didn't stop, and stepped into the aura that was rolling like a sea of ​​clouds, and came to the center where the aura was most intense.

There is a flash of golden light here. When I got closer, I found that it was a spring.

The spring eye with a radius of ten meters exudes golden ripples, bright and eye-catching!
The spring water is like a blazing glow, and the light is warm, just like a round of golden sun, which is dazzling.

Gao Jiuding's face was startled, his eyes widened and he looked over, it was really a mouthful of springs.

The spring water is flowing like a golden liquid, and the ripples are rippling, as if a morning light is diffused, which is very surprising.

This is a miraculous spring, all around it is made of jade, which is dazzling.

And on the jade stone, there are still mysterious patterns flickering, absorbing traces of magical halo.

The jade is crystal clear, like a natural top-quality jade, without any flaws, and you can even see the scene on the opposite side through the jade.

What kind of jade is this?Gao Jiuding didn't know at all, but the only thing he knew was that this spring was the source of spiritual energy.

"These golden liquids, are they spirit liquids? No, this must be a fairy thing, this is a fairy spring!"

Gao Jiuding squinted his eyes. The rays of light intertwined in the eyes of this spring were as bright as the golden light in the sky.

 Thanks to the king of the emperor, the queen of the earth, poisoning you thousands of times, lads4017 brothers for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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