Chapter 1174
After looking at the golden liquid in the spring for a long time, Gao Jiuding regained his senses.

He slowly fixed his eyes and saw that there was a pool about ten meters in size, the liquid was clear, but it was glowing with a faint golden light, and that boundless blazing glow made him lose his mind for a while.

"What kind of liquid is this, I want to find out!"

Gao Jiuding looked serious, walked up to the spring, and carefully pointed it down with his finger!
It was sparkling and golden, and then he raised his finger to feel the water of Didi Xianquan carefully.

Gao Jiuding felt the aura flickering on his fingers. This is definitely a high-level aura condensate, even higher than the fairy aura.

Gao Jiuding didn't dare to drink the water from the fairy spring that was too rich, because it must be a kind of spiritual thing that surpassed the heavenly level, that is to say, it was a kind of fairy-level spiritual water.

The spiritual water dripped into the pool and re-integrated into the pool, but it didn't emit any spiritual energy. This thing also has a strong spirit-gathering effect. Maybe this pool is equivalent to a spiritual vein.

Well, maybe that spring eye is a fairy vein.

Passing through the misty pool, Gao Jiuding circled around the pool, and finally saw a metal monument that remained intact.

The consciousness was lifted slightly, and a set of messages came.

"Heaven and Earth Spirit Spring: It attracts the chaotic spiritual energy of the void, condenses it into spring water, and has magical effects, which can improve the system and enhance talent. Long-term drinking can also delay aging, increase lifespan, and water spiritual things. It is a rare spiritual liquid. "

This is a rare heaven and earth spirit liquid with powerful effects and rare in the world. Its rarity is no less than the precious blood rice just now, and even more precious.

Gao Jiuding's face was full of surprise, he widened his eyes, and looked at the ten-meter-square spring in front of him, which was full of these heaven and earth spirit fluids, which was simply unbelievable.

The pale golden liquid in this spring must weigh at least several thousand catties, right?
Moreover, Gao Jiuding vaguely guessed the origin of these liquids, which is where the spring is located.

This spring is man-made. It is made of countless precious jades, and it is integrated. It connects to the void, absorbs the chaotic spiritual energy in the void, and thus attracts the spiritual energy to form such a fairy spring.

Absorb the aura of chaos and form a fairy spring!

This has already involved the supernatural powers of good fortune and magic. How can it be possible for ordinary monks to create things in the void?

Where is the chaotic aura?How to attract?How did they gather? How did such a fairy spring form?
But Gao Jiuding knew that the space of this ancient city was in the void, without the support of the earth at all. It was really absorbing the aura in the void, and this should be the aura of chaos, right?
"The dark energy and antimatter in the universe are the aura of chaos? Otherwise, what is chaos? Maybe it's the so-called vacuum?" Gao Jiuding murmured.

Modern science says that the void of the universe is a vacuum, but facts have proved that there is no absolute vacuum in this world. If you can't see things, it can only mean that your technology is not in place.

Therefore, the chaotic aura should exist, but the ancient monks were able to use it, which is amazing.

It's a pity that even if he knows that there is a full set of technology here, Gao Jiuding has no ability to absorb the spiritual energy in the void, otherwise this time it will definitely be a terrible harvest.

However, just the blood spirit rice in this medicine field and the spring in front of him is enough to say that it is a bumper harvest.

The liquid from this spring can not only be drunk to improve the body and talent, but also can be used to water spiritual things. This is the most critical thing for planting spiritual things. It is difficult to artificially plant without spiritual spring watering.

"Good stuff, we must poach it, poach it!" Gao Jiuding was jealous, his face flushed with excitement, and he was almost going crazy.

The combination of these two things is a perfect combination. As long as you get it back, it will definitely improve the internal strength and foundation of the entire force.

Without hesitation, he frantically pulled out a flying sword and started digging around the spring.

There was a clanging sound, which continued to come from the ruins, but unfortunately no one could hear it, and there was only one person here.

Soon, Gao Jiuding was amazed to find that within a radius of 30 meters of this spring, it was entirely made of jade, and it was not easy to excavate it completely.

But it doesn't bother him. Now that he has more than a million catties of strength, he can't dig this thing out, so he can't justify it.

Regardless of whether this ancient city can be occupied or not, it is better to move this fairy spring spirit pool first, because no matter who sees it, they will go crazy.

Gao Jiuding didn't want to be missed by all the masters of the two races, so before being discovered by others, he had better strike first.

After a while of frantic digging, Gao Jiuding was delighted to discover that the entire spring went six meters deep into the ground.

Moreover, there are pieces of crystal jade stones laid underground. Some symbols are engraved on these jade stones, which seem to be connected into a mysterious pattern, exerting magical effects.

"These jade stones are very important and cannot be damaged." Gao Jiuding looked cautious, feeling that these jade stones were very important, so he dug carefully without damaging them, and took out all these jade stones completely and put them away.

However, after collecting the jade stones, he was shocked to find that after the jade stones were collected, the spiritual mist that permeated the entire spring disappeared quickly, as if it had never appeared before.

Gao Jiuding went straight into the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda and appeared in a piece of jade.

Following his will, these jade stones quickly adjusted and soon perfectly replicated their original appearance.

Looking at the slowly forming spiritual mist, Gao Jiuding breathed a sigh of relief.

The mysterious symbols on these jade stones soon became an unknown rune, and they were combined to form a formation.

As long as the formation is complete, this formation, which is similar to the spirit gathering pool, can work again.

Now that it has been confirmed, Gao Jiuding is also relieved. This fairy spring is to absorb the chaotic aura in the void of the universe, not to gather the aura in the pagoda. Therefore, with this fairy spring, there is one more in the pagoda. An inexhaustible source of aura.

"This time, I really made a lot of money!" Seeing the thicker and thicker spiritual mist, Gao Jiuding burst into laughter.

With the harvest and more motivation, Gao Jiuding started to dig again desperately.

"Completed!" After a long time, Gao Jiuding finally sat in front of the ruins with a relaxed expression on his face. After spending a lot of effort, he finally completely dug out the entire spring.

His eyes were shining, he turned around and stared at the medicine field, his heart was so hot that it seemed to melt everything.

Gao Jiuding didn't even hesitate, and rushed over quickly, digging crazily again, this time digging up the entire medicine field.

"Damn, it's so extravagant, the medicine field is actually paved with jade?" At this moment, Gao Jiuding cursed while digging, feeling too extravagant.

Obviously, these jade stones cannot be ordinary jade or jade, but a high-grade material. Otherwise, how can it carry the aura that surpasses that of a fairy?
Gao Jiuding's face twitched, feeling very speechless, because the whole medicine field was actually made of jade.

This medicine field is half a meter deep, with jade stones laid underneath, engraved with countless mysterious symbols, connected into ancient lines, which can attract spiritual energy to nourish the land.

"It's too extravagant!" Such a project is unimaginable, so extravagant that even Gao Jiuding was a little shocked.

He couldn't imagine how these ancient people built these things, let alone how powerful they were.

However, at this moment, he was very excited in his heart, this medicine field was complete.

In this way, he can take the whole thing into the pagoda and take it back, directly obtaining a complete fairy field.

Then, Gao Jiuding dug and inspected each medicine field, and found that some jade stones had been damaged.

The formation is destroyed, and if the fairy energy is no longer gathered, the fairy field above it will naturally be abandoned.

Fortunately, those jade stones were not broken, and I don't know what grade of material they are. Now that the metal monuments have been weathered and smashed, they can still be preserved without being turned into ashes.

Up to now, these jades are still shining with luster, and the breath is warm, which is surprising.

There are also many mysterious and ancient symbols engraved on these jade stones, which made Gao Jiuding very curious for a while.

He is very curious about these ancient symbols, and wants to understand the meaning and function of them, but unfortunately now is not the time.

"Dig all the jade back!" Gao Jiuding looked excited, digging in one abandoned medicine field after another, looking for some unbroken jade, of course, he would not give up the broken ones, these are treasures.

These things are still useful, so it's not wrong to dig them back. Gao Jiuding is still going to see if he can get more Xiantian.

These things are the key to planting spiritual things. He didn't understand the secrets before, but now that he sees them, he won't miss them.

In the huge ruins of the medicine garden, many medicine fields have been turned upside down, and all the usable jade stones have been dug away.

It took a long time for Gao Jiuding to leave after finishing all this, leaving only a potholed medicine garden.

He thought, with such a large medicine garden in this ancient city, there must be a place about alchemy and medicine.

"Near the medicine garden, is there a place for refining elixir?" Gao Jiuding stood on top of a ruin to check.

He was looking forward to it in his heart, thinking that there must be such a place, otherwise, if the ancient people planted the elixir, it would be unreasonable if they did not refine some miraculous and powerful elixir.

He searched carefully nearby, wanting to see if there was a so-called alchemy place, which might be a place with treasures, such as some ancient elixirs.

Huh?After a long time, Gao Jiuding stopped with a suspicious expression on his face.

Gao Jiuding stared in one direction and looked carefully, only to find that there was a magnificent building over there.

Surprised and curious, he rushed over quickly, only to suddenly realize that it was a huge palace.

However, most of this palace has collapsed, and a little bit of bronze luster can still be seen, but it is a pity that it is already dilapidated.

(End of this chapter)

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