The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1175 Bronze Cauldron

Chapter 1175 Bronze Cauldron
"The Great Hall of Medicinal Medicine?" Gao Jiuding came to the main hall, and was surprised to find that there were these four incomplete characters on the half-collapsed doorway, ancient and mysterious, it was the Great Hall of Medicinal Medicine.

Seeing this, Gao Jiuding was very excited. He was faintly excited and looking forward to it. Are there still some ancient and magical pills left in it?
Without even half a moment's hesitation, he rushed in with a flicker.

Finding a pill hall is equivalent to having the opportunity to obtain some ancient and precious pills.

Yep?As he approached, he rushed in expectantly, but as soon as he entered the hall, Gao Jiuding's smile froze instantly.

With a suspicious expression on his face, he stared sternly at a corner, where there was a figure.

The moment Gao Jiuding rushed in, a figure in the corner opened his eyes suddenly, and he also saw Gao Jiuding's sudden arrival!
Both of them were shocked in their hearts, and both felt very annoyed.

"It's you!" Gao Jiuding's face darkened, staring at the figure who was slowly standing up in front of him, it was the witch he had seen before.

The expression of the latter changed even more, she glared at Gao Jiuding who rushed in, and said coldly: "I found this place, what are you doing here?"

The witch had a strange expression on her face, and her eyes were flickering coldly.

Gao Jiuding was shocked, and quickly scanned the entire hall, and found some collapsed rocks and metal fragments, as well as the messy situation of the place, there was nothing useful at all.

All the pill shelves here have been turned over, and many crystal jade flakes are scattered on the ground. These are some broken bottles, and there is still a trace of fragrance permeating the air.

"You took all the pills?" Gao Jiuding froze suddenly, staring at the witch in front of him, with a faint murderous intent flickering in his heart.

In this situation, it is clear that she has taken it without looking at it, so should I kill her to snatch it?
Don't think about it, people who are not of my race will have a different heart, and this witch must not stay.

The witch on the opposite side also showed her murderous intent, her blood was boiling, her eyes were fixed on Gao Jiuding, and her heart was filled with terrifying murderous intent.

This witch just entered this hall and got a lot of precious pills, and one of them has already been taken by her, which has increased her cultivation a lot.

Boom!All of a sudden, two figures rushed towards each other, each punching with their fists. With a bang, the hall trembled, and there was a rustle of plaster falling down.

This attack contained a test of their respective eight levels of strength, but they took three steps back from each other, looking at each other with a surprised face, feeling incredible.

"Have you broken through the limit?" Gao Jiuding's expression turned ugly. It turned out that this woman didn't dare to fight him like this, but now, she has nothing to stop her.

Sure enough, this demon girl is just like the demon clan he has seen before, she is good at using the power of the body and domain.

The demon girl in front of him is much more powerful than the two demon clan leaders he had seen before, which shows that she has broken through the limit, and her combat power is no longer at the initial stage of pure magic!
She is obviously not in the realm, but her combat power is very strong. If Gao Jiuding took advantage of body training in the early stage of Faxiang, the two of them can be regarded as the same level.

But the situation is different now. I'm afraid this is also the reason why the witch is so confident when facing Gao Jiuding.

In such a situation, the only possibility is that the demon girl is here to gain benefits, and she was sitting here just now taking some pills, which gave her a chance to break through.

"Your body is actually stronger than our monks?" Facing Gao Jiuding, the witch was even more shocked.

Originally, after she came to this elixir hall, she obtained some precious elixir, and after taking it, she gained a huge force, and finally broke through the limit of her body, so that although she did not break through to the stage of the law, her combat power reached the early stage of the law limit.

Originally thought that such power could completely overwhelm Gao Jiuding, but she never expected to use the superior power of the Yaozu to touch Gao Jiuding, and the two of them were even the same. How could this not shock her?

The demon girl was very annoyed at this time, she thought that the medicine pill she swallowed just now had not had time to digest it.

It's a pity that she didn't think about it, Gao Jiuding came here this time with his body, and his potential is even more infinite. She thought that the chance was great, but Gao Jiuding didn't give up.

Gao Jiuding has absorbed the power of four skeletons. Although his current strength is still at the blood pill stage, his combat effectiveness has definitely surpassed that of the Faxiang stage, and it is not much worse than that of the peak monks in the early stage of Faxiang.

Gao Jiuding's mind turned quickly. His original physical strength was no worse than that of Yaozu, and his soul was even more powerful. Now, because he absorbed the power of four skeletons, even his true essence was no worse than the mana of a cultivator in the Dharma Phase Period. Come on bad!
It can be said that Gao Jiuding's current overall quality has fully surpassed that of the early monks of Dharma Xiang.

With this kind of strength, it is not too bad to face the demon girl whose strength has been strengthened a lot.

The faces of the two changed, and they stared at each other, as if they had the slightest fear.

Gao Jiuding was wary of the witch in front of him, and felt a mighty blood energy from her body, which was gradually strengthening, which was due to the elixir.

Suddenly, Gao Jiuding's figure moved, rushed forward and punched him.

This is the hundred-step magic fist with domain power that he comprehended!

Gao Jiuding's fist flickered, it was as heavy as a mountain, and it was powerful, the wind of the fist whizzed past, like a ferocious tyrannosaurus roaring.

On the opposite side, the demon girl's face changed wildly, feeling the mighty power, it was like a dragon coming to kill her, shocking her mind.

However, she was amazing in herself, she was not shocked, but she was shocked in her heart!

The witch can only re-estimate Gao Jiuding's strength, she knows that Gao Jiuding should not be underestimated, otherwise he will suffer.

In an instant, the demon girl roared and brandished a battle gun to kill fiercely!
This battle gun is obviously newly obtained, and the witch is not proficient in using it, but this battle gun is not simple.

The sharpness of the battle gun faltered, and a hazy light filled the air, as if a giant beast was roaring, roaring and rushing towards the opponent.

With a bang, the entire hall was almost lifted up, smoke and dust shot up into the sky, and air waves rolled past, rolling dust into the sky above the hall.

The blows of both of them were very violent, the huge force radiated from the center of the two of them, and there was a crackling sound on the ground, and cracks spread away, and finally sank down, forming a huge pit.

Gao Jiuding's face was surprised. His Hundred Steps Divine Fist, which has been evolved many times, has integrated powerful techniques such as "Beating the Bull from the Mountain", "Destroying the Heart Palm", "Craning the Crane and Catching the Dragon", "Mahamudra" and so on. , has been deduced by him to be very powerful, but the other party actually blocked it?

The opponent was not bad either, but it was only a tie.

Gao Jiuding was surprised, and the other party was even more shocked. Didn't expect this guy to use his fists to tie himself?

"Human boy, do you want to fight here?" The witch's face changed several times, and she finally said.

Now, both of them don't have this thought anymore, and they have to pay a price if they want to kill each other.

Moreover, Gao Jiuding didn't have time to fight with him, it was a waste, so he just shook his head with a chuckle.

"Unexpectedly, you got such an opportunity, I have no time to call you." As soon as Gao Jiuding finished speaking, his figure flashed past, and he rushed directly to a door in the main hall. The door had collapsed halfway, but he could still enter the door. in.

And the witch's face changed instantly, because there was only one place in the entire hall that she had never been to!
Originally, he planned to enter after taking the elixir, but Gao Jiuding suddenly rushed in, and now he rushed in first.

"Damn it!" The demon girl roared angrily, and rushed forward like lightning, followed Gao Jiuding's footsteps, and finally rushed into the door.

Gao Jiuding's face was calm, and he rushed into the door quickly. As soon as he entered here, he obviously felt a strange fragrance hit his face, as if he had eaten something, and his whole body was comfortable.

"That's it?" Gao Jiuding was startled, and then rushed over in ecstasy, without any hesitation, he came to a huge tripod.

This is an extremely huge bronze tripod, he didn't even have time to take a closer look, he directly waved the huge bronze tripod away.

And the witch who followed in just saw such a scene, her face changed wildly, her inner anger rose, and her murderous intent flashed.

The big cauldron that this guy put away must be a good thing, otherwise there would be no trace of strange fragrance.

"Damn human race, you bastards will come out and grab our things!" The witch looked extremely angry, and quickly swept around.

It's a pity that there is only a huge bronze tripod here, and the surrounding area looks very empty. There is nothing useful in a pile of dilapidated ruins.

Gao Jiuding ignored the witch, but searched carefully. This place should be a place for refining elixir. The big bronze cauldron just now, could it be a cauldron for refining medicine?

Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding became agitated, maybe there are still some pills left in the cauldron?

As soon as he thought of this question, his whole face turned rosy, and the witch was so jealous that she almost wanted to kill him again.

"I won't accompany you anymore!" Gao Jiuding walked past with a smile, then quickly rushed out of the hall and rushed in one direction.

He thought, since there is a pill hall here, is there a place where weapons are made?
Apparently, the witch seemed to have thought about it, and her face changed immediately, and she rushed quickly after his figure, without any intention of falling behind.

Just when Gao Jiuding and Gao Jiuding searched quickly and rushed towards the largest building ruins around them, there were two figures confronting each other inside the ruins.

"You have already obtained a piece of land implement, do you still want to snatch it?" A young man stared at a middle-aged man in front of him with a gloomy expression.

These two people are indeed human beings, pure human race, but the same race may not be able to coexist peacefully. Facing huge interests, they are forming a confrontation, and their breath is heavy and oppressive.

The most astonishing thing was that both of them were holding a weapon in their hands, a sword and a spear, with a sharp breath and sharp edges.

These are two extremely powerful weapons. The middle-aged man holds a precious sword in his hand, the whole body is black, with an astonishing edge shining.

 Thank you for the 200 coin reward from Shaqiang. Brother!Thank you, the king of the emperor, the king of the earth, and the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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