Chapter 1179
At this time, Gao Jiuding was full of blood, and even outsiders could see that there seemed to be a layer of blood burning around his body.

And such a scene appeared after killing the two monster clan leaders. It was killing them and obtaining two powerful essences of blood energy that caused such a scene.

Gao Jiuding can be regarded as a dog that can't be changed. Well, eating meat and blowing up two powerful monster leaders, naturally can't be wasted, so Gao Jiuding couldn't help but sneakily swallowed up all the blood of the monster clan.

After devouring the blood of a dozen demon clansmen one after another, Gao Jiuding is a bit overwhelmed now.

Roar!On the side, the remaining two monster clan leaders roared one after another, and then screamed and were bombarded to death.

The first person to kill the leader of the Yaozu was a middle-aged man. A terrifying long sword in his hand pierced into the heart of the Yaozu, smashing his blood sea space, and he was killed on the spot.

Then, followed by the young man, the jet-black long spear flickered, pierced through the brow and brow of the leader of the monster clan, and directly killed the powerful leader of the monster clan. .

The demon clan lost one after another, no matter how powerful the demon girl was, she still couldn't react. At this time, she could only hide in a corner, watching Gao Jiuding and the other three vigilantly.

However, soon their eyes were attracted by Gao Jiuding.

They looked at the figure in front of them in horror, the bloody gas was circling around Gao Jiuding's body, the rumbling sound, the terrifying power emanating, shocked people's hearts.

"It's scary, what's wrong with this guy, what kind of medicine did he take?" The young man's face was ugly, and his heart was extremely shocked.

He was shocked by Gao Jiuding's situation at the moment, and had a strong crisis, thinking of killing him.

Like him, the witch's face was the ugliest, it could be said to be extremely livid, and she even stared at Gao Jiuding tremblingly.

When this guy didn't make a breakthrough, he was just like her. Now it seems that he has made a breakthrough, so will she be crushed?

Only the middle-aged man in the field was okay, he just looked surprised, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

He was only surprised by Gao Jiuding who came from nowhere.

"Everyone, this guy's aura is too terrifying. We might as well kill him together, otherwise you and I will both be killed." The witch said with a frantic expression.

As soon as these words came out, the other two were silent and did not answer.

However, in their respective eyes, there was an astonishing brilliance, as if there was a cold murderous intent permeating the air.

"You guys want to join forces to kill me?" Gao Jiuding raised his head suddenly, looking at it with a pair of calm eyes, but it made the hearts of the three present feel cold.

This is a pair of eyes full of killing, without the slightest fluctuation, only the cold killing intent.

Gao Jiuding swept across the three of them, the bloody aura all over his body gradually dissipated, and finally disappeared, but the three people opposite him suddenly felt their minds sink!
They only felt a powerful oppression pervading, as if the air was suddenly heavy.

The faces of the three of them changed slightly, and they felt that Gao Jiuding was a little stronger, as if he was more terrifying than before.

And they each really wanted to jointly kill him, because the other party felt too dangerous to themselves, so they had to come up with the idea of ​​jointly bombing and killing him.

"Don't hesitate, the three of us will join hands to kill him, and then divide up his harvest!" The witch said with a ferocious expression.

At this time, she was really crazy and had no choice but to propose!
As long as the heads of the three major forces join forces to kill Gao Jiuding and then carve up his background, there will definitely be huge gains.

Gao Jiuding's strength is so strong, no one would believe that he has no foundation.

The young man's eyes flickered, his whole body was full of murderous intent, finally nodded, raised his sword and pointed forward, the murderous aura clanged and pierced the bone.

But just when the two thought that the middle-aged people would agree to join forces, an unexpected change happened.

I saw that middle-aged man pondered for a while, and then came to Gao Jiuding with a blink of an eye.

"You want to join forces with them to kill me?" Gao Jiuding spoke calmly without any fluctuation.

Unfortunately, the middle-aged man shook his head slightly, and said seriously: "I would rather cooperate with you. If I join hands with them to kill you, then they will join hands to kill me."


"You bastard!" The demon girl and the young man were furious. When they heard this, they were so angry that they really wanted to rush over and kill him first.

It's a pity, looking at Gao Jiuding's icy eyes, the murderous intent is congealing all over his body, as if a bloody battle is about to start in the next moment.

Originally, they wanted the three of them to join hands to kill Gao Jiuding, but the middle-aged man was not stupid, so he refused them decisively and stood by Gao Jiuding.

It was obvious that the young man didn't care that the witch was a demon, but the middle-aged man did.

Gao Jiuding looked at the two people and the monster with special meaning, saying that the monster race is not united, now look, where is the human race united?
This time it was two against two again, the atmosphere at the scene was dignified, and the atmosphere of the battle was very strong.

"Do you want to fight? If you don't hit me, I'm leaving. I don't have time to stare here with you two!" Gao Jiuding broke the silence. He put away his killing intent and prepared to leave.

He didn't want to do anything, one is that it's not the time yet, and the other is that the middle-aged people around him may not be willing to do their best, because that would not be good for him.

The middle-aged man was afraid that after Gao Jiuding was killed, the other people and one monster would be bad for him, and it was the same for Gao Jiuding. If only he and Gao Jiuding were left, Gao Jiuding could easily kill him.

snort!The demon girl and the young man snorted coldly, then walked quickly and disappeared in front of the ruins ahead.

The rest of Gao Jiuding and the middle-aged man were looking at each other. After a long time, Gao Jiuding nodded slightly, turned and left with a smile.

At the scene, only the middle-aged man was left alone, and there were two figures lying not far away!

They looked at each other in blank dismay, but one of them got up tragically and staggered to catch up with the young man. This was one of the young man's subordinates.

"The young people of today are really amazing!" The middle-aged man sighed suddenly, then helped his subordinate, and the two left quickly, it seemed that they planned to continue searching for some treasures.

In front of the ruins, there was a figure standing for a long time, bowing his head in thought.

This person is Gao Jiuding, who came here to stop after leaving, but he was puzzled in his heart.

"Strange, why didn't my strength increase a little?" Gao Jiuding murmured while bowing his head in thought.

He found that after he killed the two monster clan leaders, his cultivation had advanced. At this time, he was already a monk in the late stage of Jindan and Xuedan.

After absorbing so much Qi and blood, no matter whether it is Jindan or Xuedan, they have broken through to the ninth floor.

If you don't break through the limit, Gao Jiuding can try to advance to the law at this time.

This kind of cultivation base is already very powerful in the Golden Core stage.

However, after breaking through the golden elixir and blood elixir, his body didn't change much.

Gao Jiuding originally thought that it would increase his strength, but now he found that it did not.

If the two commanders who were killed before were included, the total of four monster clan commanders would be swallowed by him, and he also obviously felt that his body had changed, but his strength had not increased.

This situation made him feel a little strange, but he couldn't figure out what went wrong.

Checking my physical condition, my physical fitness has improved a lot, but my strength is still the same, which is really weird.

Gao Jiuding looked inside and carefully checked his condition. The golden core and the blood core were all the same. After breaking through, he quickly stabilized his cultivation base. If he wanted to, he could mobilize the rich energy and blood stored in his body again and continue to work hard. Advance cultivation.

However, Gao Jiuding didn't intend to do this, because he felt that his body might continue to strengthen.

As long as his body continues to be strengthened, his body can carry more true energy, qi and blood.

"Huh? There is a slight change in the spirit?" After observing for a while, he didn't find any abnormalities in his body, but Gao Jiuding inadvertently noticed that his spirit had become more solidified.

"Swallowed several demon clans, could it be that the souls are the ones who benefit the most?" Gao Jiuding was a little bit dumbfounded, the souls of those monster clans were not considered powerful.

"Well, my soul is the weakest, right? The three treasures of spirit, energy and spirit are the weakest, so it seems to be growing the fastest at this time!" Gao Jiuding quickly realized.

His body and the blood pills in his body were too thick and heavy. Now that he has broken through a little bit of strength, he can't see it at all. On the contrary, his spirit is already weak, but now that he has grown a little, it is very obvious.

Gao Jiuding studied his spirit carefully, and it seemed that it had not strengthened a little bit.

Gao Jiuding's heart moved, and he deduced a set of boxing techniques in the sea of ​​consciousness.

In the sea of ​​knowledge, Gao Jiuding's soul was walking in small Zhoutian steps and punching a hundred-step magic fist.

"Fist intent? By the way, those guys have all kinds of artistic conceptions!" Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding laughed out loud.

Those monster races might not be too strong, but compared with him, their souls are not weak compared to the native human race of the demon star and demon star.

After all, they are in the field of cultivation, and they have cultivated some artistic conceptions such as fisting and sword intent. This is changing the direction of cultivating the soul, and it can also be said to be laying the foundation for the cultivation of the primordial spirit.

Therefore, the monster clan in this starry sky is definitely not simple, they are making up for the weaknesses of their own race.

If you don't cultivate the primordial spirit, you won't know the number of days, if you don't cultivate the primordial spirit, you won't know the way of tomorrow, if you don't cultivate the primordial spirit, it will be nothing in the end!

These all show the importance of the primordial spirit, but the monster race is born with a weak soul, and it is more difficult than the human race to unlock wisdom.

However, the method of cultivating the primordial spirit is very difficult to see. Gao Jiuding really didn't arrive first, he actually found clues in the Yaozu.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Gao Jiuding manipulated the soul to practice the Hundred Steps Divine Fist. This time, every punch he punched had a purpose, or a rule.

Sleepy, fist strength forms airflow.

Suppressing, punching hard to crush the target.

Capture, the strength of the fist traps the enemy, and captures it back.

It can be said that with the change of Gao Jiuding's mind, the strength of his punches will change immediately.

 Thank you~ 200 coins reward from Awakening Brothers!Thanks for the reward from the brothers of the Queen of Heaven and the King of Earth!
(End of this chapter)

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