The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1180 The meeting of the wind and clouds

Chapter 1180 The meeting of the wind and clouds
Feeling free to move his mind, Gao Jiuding felt that his boxing was one step closer. He originally thought that his fists were not powerful enough, but now he has no such thoughts at all.

For example, fighting cattle across the mountains, such as Yangguan Sandie, he can easily send out powerful attacks, and he can send and receive them freely.

This is a boxing method that he has comprehended alone, and it is swayed freely and seamlessly, as if it is instinct.

Fist intent has been comprehended a lot, but his strength really hasn't increased.

Gao Jiuding checked for a long time, but found no difference. The only difference was that the blood inside the body seemed to be a little thicker.

Gao Jiuding was surprised to find that the blood in his body was rumbling like a torrential river, as if it was more ferocious.

He even felt that the blood in his body was thicker and a bit heavy, as if it was about to turn into a sticky pulp, which was amazing.

"It seems to be true, the power has reached a bottleneck, so although the blood strengthens the body, it does not strengthen the strength, but strengthens the blood of the body, as if there is more blood, more powerful and full of vitality .”

Gao Jiuding found that his blood had changed a little bit more than before. Although he didn't understand it, he felt powerful.

It seems to be an increase in quality and quantity, which must be an improvement in overall quality!
Moreover, he found that his current physical body is stronger than before, and he can use his power more smoothly. It seems that he has changed a lot. This is an improvement.

"Blood." Gao Jiuding murmured, his eyes flickered, as if thinking of something, but he was not sure.

However, since there is no problem, don't think about it anymore. Anyway, I feel that my strength is stronger, which is an overall improvement.

Next, Gao Jiuding flipped his palm and took out a crystal jade talisman to check.

This is the thing he obtained from that hall just now, the only one that can be snatched, and the rest were taken by others.

"What is this?" He was a little puzzled.

Because Gao Jiuding inspected it for a long time but didn't see any use, it's really weird.

Using divine consciousness to detect, did not find any hidden information inside, but found some tiny runes outside the jade talisman.

There is no information inside, but ancient runes are recorded on the outside.

Looking at the countless runes, Gao Jiuding was stunned. Miniature carvings are fine, but what does it mean to carve so many runes?
Is this an article?Otherwise, how could it be expressed with so many runes?
Seeing so many runes piled up together, Gao Jiuding was very puzzled.

This small jade talisman is a character created by the ancient human race?But what these words mean is difficult to figure out.

Staring at the jade talisman in the palm of his hand, he couldn't understand it, let alone how to understand the so-called runes in the jade talisman!
"Perhaps it's not that difficult. The runes that are combined together must represent a specific meaning. This metal tablet, as well as the jade in the underground of Xiantian, have something to show. Just study carefully and decipher these runes. It's not impossible!"

"It's really tangled, and I didn't explain it clearly, and I didn't learn it directly. How do I understand this? It's better to pass on the jade slips!" Gao Jiuding murmured.

He couldn't understand the secret of the so-called jade talisman, but Gao Jiuding knew that the jade talisman in front of him must be of great use. What was even more amazing was the civilization that created this kind of rune. How brilliant are they?
It can absorb the chaotic spiritual energy in the void, evolve the fairy spring, and then transform the fairy field, and it can also cultivate blood spiritual rice.

Thinking about the blood elves that can fly freely, and the possible utility of these blood elves, Gao Jiuding knew that the value of this ancient city ruins was even greater than he imagined back then.

Well, there is also the bronze token, and the four bones that he absorbed energy from, all of which are of great value.

Creating runes and developing the methods of the immortal family, this sounds very high-level, and Gao Jiuding felt horrible just thinking about it.

He couldn't understand what such an existence was like, and how to create these things so that they contained mysterious and powerful power.

"What kind of power does this thing have?" He was a little pensive, thinking about the so-called runes in the jade talisman, what kind of mysterious power does it have?

Finally, a light flashed in Gao Jiuding's heart, as if he remembered something.

"Those symbols must be those mysterious symbols!" He suddenly remembered this matter.

Ever since he entered the ancient city, he had noticed some mysterious and ancient symbols engraved on some buildings, and he had always doubted the function of these symbols. Looking at it now, it seemed that they were really so-called runes.

How many metal monuments are there?Although there are many jade stones under the fairy field, they are not as many as the city walls!
Gao Jiuding's face was full of excitement, and then he became ecstatic. He finally had a chance to find out what these runes were.

However, a problem came up, how he understood these runes, the mysterious symbols, was simply a headache.

"Forget it, I don't understand it now, I will find a chance to study it in the future." In the end, Gao Jiuding didn't struggle anymore.

This jade talisman mysteriously contains some ancient runes, and these runes are very strong and have mysterious power, this is the key point.

However, it takes time to figure out these things.

Now, Gao Jiuding doesn't have the time and energy to check, the most important thing is to find the treasure, otherwise it will be his own loss.

Whoosh!A figure flashed past, and Gao Jiuding rushed out of the ruins and rushed into the distance.

He ran quickly all the way, raising a puff of smoke, checking all the surrounding buildings, hoping to find some good things.

There are quite a few people in the entire ancient city. He had ordered his guards to bring people in before, and now a large number of people should have entered the ancient city.

However, at this moment, Gao Jiuding felt a little worried. His team was very strong, but he might suffer a disadvantage when meeting those monster clans.

Just like himself, all he met at the beginning were powerful monster leaders, isn't it a disadvantage?

What's more, those monster clan leaders will each have one or two powerful monster clan warriors with them.

It's nothing if it's just these monster clan warriors, but the key is that there are many monster clan leaders here, and the specific number must be quite a lot.

This place is probably part of the Outer Space Battlefield. Gao Jiuding was a little less optimistic when he thought that a large number of demon clans besieged Earth monks and demon star monks in the Outer Space Battlefield.

Outside the ruins of the ancient city, I don't know how many monster warriors there are!

Fortunately, in that asteroid belt, there were no large numbers of monsters, but the appearance of that witch showed that the monsters were also paying attention to this starry sky.

For some unknown reason, Gao Jiuding did not encounter a large number of monsters before, but only after entering here, but this also proves that there are still many powerful monsters here.

I don't know how many demon clans at the commanding level there are!

And in Gao Jiuding's speculation, there must be more than he imagined.

In a large sect above the demon star, there are more than a dozen monks in the late Jindan period, right?

As the overlord of the Yaozu on a planet, even if this is just a branch battlefield, there will be no less than dozens of Yaozu who want to lead the level.

This is the background of the Yaozu, and Gao Jiuding is here, and now he has met six leaders of the Yaozu, and they have all been killed, and the rest do not know how many exist.

"Apart from that demon girl, is there any demon clan stronger than the leader of the demon clan?" Gao Jiuding thought of this question.

This question made Gao Jiuding faintly worried!
The fighting power of the leader of the Yaozu is not weak. If there are more numbers, he is really not easy to deal with.

Rumbling. Suddenly, smoke and dust in the distance shot up into the sky, and there was a rumbling sound, shaking in all directions.

Gao Jiuding's figure stopped in an instant, with a surprised expression on his face. He stared at a puff of soaring smoke and dust in the distance, and felt a pressure in his heart.

There must be powerful figures fighting in the distance, and the rumbling sound and the terrifying power all prove this point.

Phew. Right at this moment, there was a whistling sound from a distance, with a sharp edge reaching the sky. It was a sharp arrow, which could be clearly seen from a distance. It was a bone arrow.

Seeing this, Gao Jiuding's face changed, he felt the strong evil spirit in the bone arrow.

"Go and have a look!" Gao Jiuding immediately changed direction, and rushed over as fast as he could.

And at this moment, not only him, but most of the people in the ancient city have noticed the movement over there.

In front of the ruins, the middle-aged man Gao Jiuding had seen looked suspicious, wondering what was going on there.

In such a fierce battle, you don't need to think about it to know that you must be grabbing something. If there is no benefit, who would fight like crazy for no reason?

The middle-aged man just thought about it for a while, and decided to rush over to have a look. As for whether to participate, it depends on the situation first.

Like him, both the demon girl and the young man found out. They were each surprised, guessing and thinking about something in their hearts, but rushed over quickly.

At the same time, in a corner of the ancient city, there is a swift figure flashing out, it is a woman.

The person who came was Song Yue's incarnation, she was looking into the distance, her pretty face was anxious and angry.

She didn't hesitate, the figure disappeared in a flash, and rushed over quickly.

Not far from her side, there was also a figure with a shocked face, looking up at the whistling in the distance, his heart was shaken.

Maverick looked serious, and rushed over there without hesitation.

Roar!There was a loud roar from the center of the ancient city in the distance, and the evil spirit soared to the sky, shaking all directions.

This roar contained a kind of violent will, and even possessed a terrifying murderous intent, which made the faces of everyone who came from far away changed.

"Damn it!" Gao Jiuding's galloping body stopped, but at the next moment, his figure leaped away ferociously, spanning a distance of more than 40 meters, and rushed forward quickly.

He was anxious in his heart, and his speed increased to the fastest, even surpassing his own limit, but he still disliked being too slow.

A guard of Gao Jiuding in the center of the ancient city is facing the biggest crisis in his life!

Between life and death, she was not afraid, but instead had a trace of regret in her heart, as well as a sense of concern.

(End of this chapter)

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