The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1181 Killing Domain

Chapter 1181 Killing Domain

"Don't you dare!" Suddenly, an angry roar shook, shaking in all directions, the earth trembled, and a large area of ​​ruins collapsed, causing smoke and dust to billow.

In the distance, there is a monster with a particularly burly figure, who raised a huge foot and wanted to slam it down.

At this time, a woman was lying on the ground, covered in blood, her battle armor was broken, and her pretty face was pale and bloodless.

Gao Jiuding recognized at a glance that this was one of Song Yue's guards.

At this time, her face was pale, and there was a blood hole in her chest, the blood pooled, bright red and glaring.

She was severely injured and faced the crisis of death. She had never felt death so close.

At this moment, the guard was calm and faced the crisis of death without fear.

A sudden smile appeared on her face, she closed her eyes and waited for death with a trace of regret, this is the moment of death.

In her opinion, it was impossible for her own people to arrive in time, and she had come to an end this time.

"Dare!" Suddenly, a charming shout came from a distance, and the sound wave rolled and shook, startling the guards who had closed their eyes and waited to die.

Sure enough, there was a rumble from the ruins ahead, and then a figure leaped over quickly, holding a bone spear high and angrily projecting towards it.

The bone spear whistling, its sharp edge clanging, finally made the face of the tall monster who stepped down change slightly.

With a ferocious face, he stared at the roaring bone spear and slashed at it without any hesitation.

clang!Sparks splash and clang endlessly!

The female guard felt the rumbling blast, and the tall Yaozu was directly pushed back by a distance of more than four meters, unable to trample her to death.

At this time, a figure rushed to the front with a bang, shaking its fist violently.

This is a terrifying fist, containing traces of frightening electric arcs, bursting out with astonishing murderous intent, roaring away.

boom!That monster was very strong, and hastily blocked it with a horizontal knife. With a bang, his fist hit the huge bone knife, and it flew ten meters away in an instant before stopping.

It was Song Yue who came, and she quickly turned around and squatted down in front of the guard.

Song Yue's face suddenly became gloomy. At this moment, she was filled with incomparable anger, unprecedented anger, and a vast killing intent was brewing.

Song Yue was furious to find out that the guard's chest was pierced by a sharp weapon, almost piercing his heart, and if he shifted a little bit, he might really die.

But now, even if she is not dead, she is still severely injured. If she is not treated in time, she may die soon. This situation stimulates the violent emotions in Song Yue's heart, as if a volcano has been ignited.


puff!Before the guard finished speaking, he spurted a mouthful of blood, and the bright red color stained the dust all over the place.

Her face was pale, and there was no light in her eyes, only a gloomy look, as if she was going to disappear in the next moment.

"Don't talk, you'll be fine!" Song Yue stopped her from speaking.

Carefully lifted her up, and quickly took out a small wooden cup.

In the cup, there was actually a small cup of light golden liquid, which was fragrant and refreshing, very miraculous.

Although the guard was surprised and puzzled, he drank it in one gulp.

Although, she wondered what these things were, but this was not the time to think about them, and she felt different after taking a sip of the pale gold liquid.

"This" not to mention that the guard was puzzled and surprised, even Gao Jiuding who just arrived was also full of surprise.

Gao Jiuding himself had a good chance, but Song Yue had never thought that the chance would be even greater. The thing just now was already a living and dead human flesh and bones, right?
Gazing at the scene in front of him, Gao Jiuding only had joy on his face.

I saw that after the guard drank the small cup of pale golden liquid, a golden light emitted from his body, and then spread rapidly, and all the wounds healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Moreover, she had lost a lot of blood, but also recovered at this moment, reached the peak, and was even much stronger than before.

Power, this is a feeling of power!

The guard's face was horrified, and he stared at Song Yue with a cute face, his heart was extremely shocked.

She clearly felt that her strength was growing fiercely, and after reaching a limit, she still hadn't stopped.

boom!A slight roar, like a thunderclap, came from inside her body, and then, a strong blood was flowing out.

This is the guard's body, which is exuberant to the limit, and finally emanates from the body, forming such a situation, which is very magical and frightening.

Originally, the guard's cultivation base was only in the middle stage of hemolysis, but in such a short period of time, she had broken through to the late stage of hemolysis, and her aura was still rising, and she was about to reach the peak of the late stage of hemolysis.

Seeing this situation, Gao Jiuding could sigh, his foundation is still too weak, otherwise, how could Song Yue's guard only have a mid-stage hemolytic cultivation?

It is still too dangerous to enter the starry sky with the main body!

Gao Jiuding's face was surprised. Looking at the changes in the guards, he did not expect to break through the limit so easily. This is simply unbelievable.

Roar!At this moment, there was a roar, and then the wind and waves roared, and there was a terrible murderous intent.

Gao Jiuding waved his hand, suppressing Song Yue's killing intent!
Song Yue didn't come here with her body, but her avatar has mid-term fighting power. If she makes a move, how can he have anything to do with him?

Song Yue glared at Gao Jiuding, but in the end she didn't move.

Gao Jiuding smiled in satisfaction, and he turned around suddenly, with a terrifying killing intent in his eyes!
Gao Jiuding stared at the monster rushing angrily, this is a leader.

No wonder Song Yue's guards couldn't deal with them, and they were almost killed here.

If Song Yue hadn't come in time, she might have died here!

The guard didn't come here as an avatar, and if he died, he was really dead. Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding could no longer suppress the turbulent killing intent in his heart.

boom!An extremely strong killing intent erupted, rumbled, and gushed out from his body, like a blood-colored wolf smoke, straight to the nine heavens, shaking the wind and clouds in all directions.

In an instant, people coming from all directions stopped one after another, staring into the distance with shocking faces, that huge killing intent was really too powerful.

Some guys who knew Gao Jiuding were wondering if they were wrong.

"What a terrifying killing intent, it's that guy's aura!" The middle-aged man who had seen Gao Jiuding looked horrified, and his heart was almost frightened.

He was sure that it was Gao Jiuding's aura, and he seemed to be irritated by something.

He never thought that Gao Jiuding's body contained such a terrifying killing intent, it was simply not something a person should have.

In fact, Gao Jiuding himself couldn't believe that there was such a terrifying killing intent accumulated in his body.

He guessed, one is that he killed all the way, and then realized some artistic conception before he could new the killing field like the ship.

Gao Jiuding consciously stimulated the murderous thoughts in his heart and gathered the murderous aura. Only then did such a terrifying murderous aura exist.

"Kill!" An icy shout came, the four sides trembled, and the temperature suddenly dropped by a few points.

I saw that Gao Jiuding was full of murderous intent, his hair was dancing without wind, and he was quickly facing the startled leader of the monster clan.

Before the others arrived, Wei Shi took the lead in suppressing them, and then swung their fists to hit them straight. The air rumbled and shook, as if a huge mountain was coming to suppress them.

The fist was so powerful and heavy as a mountain, that the leader of the monster clan had no chance to evade or resist.

With a bang, it hit the monster leader's chest, piercing him, blood spraying three feet.

The leader of the monster tribe looked stunned, and looked down slightly, only to find that his heart had been pierced. His heart had already been blasted by a punch, and the feeling of death was surging.

"You, how could you." Yaozu's face was terrified, before he could finish speaking, his whole body collapsed, causing smoke and dust to fly up.

Gao Jiuding's expression was indifferent, and he slowly withdrew his fist. He felt a surge of understanding in his heart. His control over power and artistic conception seemed to be stronger.

It turned out that he punched, even if he had some artistic conception, it was impossible for him to have such a strong influence on a monster leader.

Even if they can imprison and influence the leader-level masters of the monster clan, it will definitely cause a bloody scene, the power cannot be controlled freely, and the monster clan will be beaten to death.

But now, he finally completely controlled the power of his body, and with the cooperation of the artistic conception, this did not cause such a scene.

The leader of the monster clan in front of him was only pierced through his heart, but his body was not torn apart by the violent force.

Gao Jiuding hesitated for a moment, but he quietly absorbed all the energy and blood emitted by the leader of the monster clan.

"Are you okay?" Song Yue said.

At this time, the guard had woken up from his stupor, and shook his head with a smile: "Madam, I'm fine, I'm completely fine!"

Indeed, at this moment she is completely healed, even stronger than before.

That huge force was completely condensed into a super strong energy.

Song Yue's face relaxed. She was really anxious just now, but fortunately she was fine.

Looking at Gao Jiuding walking by, Song Yue realized that the dead leader of the monster clan did not expect to die so easily.

When Gao Jiuding came to him, he was also very surprised!

He felt a strange aura from Song Yue, and Song Yue's strength seemed to be stronger.

Gao Jiuding was convinced that Song Yue's harvest this time must be good, as if the chance she got was no worse than him, otherwise she couldn't be so much stronger.

"Someone is coming!" Gao Jiuding looked up into the distance, attracting the attention of Song Yue and others.

The three of them stared into the distance together, and sure enough, they saw figures rushing towards them quickly, rolling up smoke and dust all the way, and they soon came not far away.

"Brother." A figure rushed over quickly, with an anxious expression on his face, and finally felt relieved after seeing that the guards were fine.

The person who came was Yi Hu, he didn't say much, but came to stand beside him, quietly watching several figures coming one after another.

These people were the witch and the other three who had rushed over. They each looked surprised, as if they were paying attention to the guard.

Each of them felt that such an injured female guard seemed to have a stronger aura, which made them faintly feel a little danger.

"This injured woman is not simple!" The middle-aged man looked serious. He felt that the people here are not weak, which is an extremely amazing thing.

(End of this chapter)

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