Chapter 1186
Roar!Suddenly, the Yaozu general roared violently!
An extremely terrifying power erupted, and with a bang, the saber fiercely swept across the four directions, blasting all four figures into the air.

Just when the orc general was about to chase and kill a figure, several sharp edges roared from the void!

It was nine sharp arrows coming to him, which forced him to stop!
The general of the Yaozu struck angrily with both hands, smashing the flying arrows.

"Go to hell!" The Yaozu general went berserk. He suddenly lifted a huge rock beside him, and with a whoosh, he threw it at the figure in the distance!
There was a terrible rumbling sound in the air, and a huge boulder flew in, which shocked the face of Song Yue's guard!
She didn't expect that the Yaozu general would throw a huge boulder. It was at least more than ten meters huge and weighed thousands of catties.

The boulder roared towards it at an incomparably swift speed!

Boom!A huge boulder flew over and smashed down, the ruins collapsed immediately, smoke and dust flew up, and the gravel pierced through the air.

There, there was a petite figure flickering and jumping quickly, dodging in a panic!

Her pretty face was pale, and she dexterously dodged some gravel from the air strike!

After the boulder passed, she stood a hundred meters away, looking back with lingering fear.

"It's dangerous!" Her face was pale, and cold sweat dripped down.

Then, she turned around angrily, drew the most powerful arrow with her war bow, and with a bang, the mighty longbow broke into two pieces.

Afterwards, a sharp edge roared away, stronger than any previous arrow!
The speed of this arrow was swift and fierce, and it rushed to the front of the Yaozu general with a whistling flash, with murderous intent.

Puchi!A splatter of blood, bright red and gleaming blue light, is the blood of the monster general.

It is unbelievable that the mighty Yaozu general was shot through the shoulder by an arrow.

The female guard was a little stunned. Didn't expect this arrow to hit her?

Although this was her most powerful arrow, an arrow that surpassed her limits, she was shocked to be able to injure the Yaozu general.

But around Gao Jiuding and the others just stood up, they were also surprised, and even a little bit unbelievable.

Not to mention them, even the monster generals were a little dumbfounded, feeling incredible.

Roar!There was a roar, and the monster general went berserk, his blood boiled and sprayed out from the wound.

That pair of gloomy eyes stared at the female guard with scarlet eyes, and unexpectedly came to kill her without hesitation.

Gao Jiuding's face changed, knowing that he could not hesitate.

With a quick charge, he blocked the monster general with his body, and then swung his arm and punched him.

boom!It's a pity that the general of the Yaozu was violent, and he rushed over with a knife!

With a bang, Gao Jiuding flew across his body and vomited blood, and was cut again.

He slid far away, but stood up quickly.

Regardless of his own injury, Gao Jiuding shook his fist and killed again!
He wanted to block the Yaozu general's footsteps and not let him get close to the female guard, otherwise he would be in big trouble.

Gao Jiuding's face was resolute, and the strength of the vibration was a killing punch. The violent killing intent broke out, and even hit the flesh. The blood was shaken out from the pores, and he was injured again.

The fist technique with concentrated killing intent is powerful, and it also has a great impact on oneself. If the body is not strong, it cannot exert more and greater power.

Sure enough, these powerful things are not so easy to display, and the necessary price must be paid.

However, Gao Jiuding still waved his fist without any hesitation, and punched out a killing punch, wanting to kill the Yaozu general.

That killing intent boiled, rumbled and swept away, waking up the berserk general of the Yaozu.

when!The general of the monster race cut his sword!

When there was a loud noise, the two of them took three steps back, but they were repelled.

Gao Jiuding was surprised, and found that the general's strength seemed to have decreased, but this was absolutely impossible.

Then the only possibility is that the killing fist is more powerful. It seems that because of the use of boxing to tear and kill, he has a deep comprehension.

boom!Sure enough, Gao Jiuding waved his arms, his killing intent gathered in his fists, and he struck with a rumble, causing terrible oppression.

The fist was as heavy as a mountain and as powerful as the sea, and it instantly hit the monster general's chest.

The sudden explosion caused the Yaozu general's face to look pained, his chest cracked, and his battle armor cracked, and then his body flew ten meters away before stopping.

At this time, other people were shocked to discover that the Yaozu general had been sent flying.

Afterwards, everyone came to their senses, and they rushed forward with ecstatic faces, wanting to kill the monster general and get the spoils of war.

They didn't have this kind of thinking before, but now it's different. For such a powerful Yaozu, everything on his body is a treasure. Not to mention anything else, just say that the knife held by the Yaozu general is a treasure.

"Kill!" The young man shouted violently and rushed forward.

"The spoils belong to me!" The demon girl had a ferocious face, and she came at the fastest speed. She unleashed a powerful blow and wanted to kill the demon general to gain the greatest benefit.

The middle-aged man was also not to be outdone, he swung the earth-level long sword to kill, and slashed down violently, causing huge wind pressure, as if the monster general's blood was splashed on the spot the next moment.

Unfortunately, Gao Jiuding shook his head, feeling that the three of them were going to be unlucky.

As expected, the monster general stood up violently, swung the huge bone knife with a single swing, and there was a bang, the earth rustled and smoke rose into the sky.

The three rushing figures flew back quickly again!
This blow caused the three of them to fall to the ground, and they did not stand up for a long time.

The faces of the three of them were pale, and their hearts were shocked. They never thought that the general of the Yaozu would still have such power even now.

puff!The three of them spurted out a lot of blood, and then they quickly wanted to swallow the elixir.

However, the faces of the three of them became stiff the next moment, because they found out in embarrassment that the recovery pill had been taken.

This situation immediately made the three of them feel bad. After suffering heavy injuries, they ran out of pills. What kind of situation is this?
Gao Jiuding stood up and swallowed another mouthful of golden liquid, which made those people extremely jealous!
It's a pity that they dare not fight among themselves at this time!

I saw Gao Jiuding's body shaking, his blood rumbling and surging, boiling like a sea, as if he was about to break through the limit of his body in the next moment.

Outside of Gao Jiuding's body, because the blood energy was too thick, it actually condensed into strands of terrifying blood-colored gas.

This is a kind of pure blood energy, which is the expression of a certain degree of vitality, as if it is about to turn into a bloody flame.

Well, it's a bit similar to the blood fire qi derived from the blood shadow magic skill, but it's not, it's the most masculine energy, or it's an evolutionary version of the spirit qi that's extremely strengthened by the human body.

The blood fire qi comes from the blood, and after Gao Jiuding's body has fully evolved, it is a kind of yang and vigour, condensed from the whole body's qi and blood.

boom!Gao Jiuding's aura erupted, earth-shattering, causing everyone present to watch!
Seeing Gao Jiuding's situation clearly, they were dumbfounded.

I saw that Gao Jiuding was covered in blood, turned into arrogance, condensed into a stream of arrogance and rushed straight to the top of his head, forming a three-foot blood-colored wolf smoke, leaping into the air.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically. They never expected that a person's blood energy could be so strong!

It's too terrifying to condense into a wolf smoke of blood and go straight to the sky three feet above.

Suddenly, Gao Jiuding suddenly raised his head and yelled loudly, his figure rushed, he waved his arm and punched out, the rumbling sound shook all directions.

This is a fist full of killing intent, powerful and powerful!
The fist is really like a savage dragon, as soon as it appears, it immediately rushes towards the enemy crazily.

The face of the Yaozu general changed slightly, he shook his body, and the power surged out, and he even hit with his fist.

The monster general's sword had already flown aside, before he could pull it out, Gao Jiuding attacked, so he met him with his fists.

boom!The two fists struck and collided in the void, making a booming sound, shaking the surrounding fields and causing smoke and dust to soar into the sky.

The fist is violent, causing astonishing destructive power.

The earth split in response, spreading from the center of the two people, and then formed a huge pit, and a blast of air blasted out, sweeping away a piece of ruins beside them.

Gao Jiuding retreated nine steps in a row, each step was three inches deep, and barely stopped.

But the Yaozu general only took three steps back, the strength and weakness were instantly determined, and it was Gao Jiuding who was at the disadvantage.

However, this situation is already very good, at least much stronger than before!

Gao Jiuding was very satisfied without being blown away.

Everyone also felt that Gao Jiuding's cultivation seemed to be much stronger, guessing that it must be related to the golden liquid he drank.

"Kill!" With a roar, Gao Jiuding broke out with the greatest strength and swung his fists to hit him!

Gao Jiuding fought again with the Yaozu general in front of him. In an instant, the two of them formed a jeopardy with a radius of ten meters, flying sand and rocks, and smoke and dust raged.

Gao Jiuding unleashes his killing fist for a bloody battle, he wants to kill the monster general in front of him!
And the latter was even more resentful towards Gao Jiuding, and wanted to kill him before giving up!

Boom!The savage battle between the two, fist to flesh, blood spattering, the situation was bloody and tragic.

However, this seems to be able to stimulate the viciousness in each other's hearts even more, the fists are more violent, and the power is more ferocious, as if two terrifying beasts are fighting.

Gao Jiuding has fought many times with the masters of Fa Xiangqi, and he is always by his side in crisis, honing a fierce spirit.

The Faxiangqi cultivator killed not one or two, but this was the first time Gao Jiuding had seen such a powerful monster!
On the opposite side, the Yaozu general was even more emotional. It had grown up along the way, but it was the first time he had seen a guy as fast as Gao Jiuding.

However, the monster general with a super will to fight has no intention of retreating at all!
He punched and screamed, hitting Gao Jiuding almost to the point of collapse.

"Why is this guy getting stronger and stronger?" At this moment, the people watching around were even more shocked!

They stared at the two savage figures, and looked at the surroundings where blood spattered from fists, the situation was terrifying and tragic.

 Thanks to the king of the emperor, the queen of the earth, poisoning you thousands of times, lads4017 brothers for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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