Chapter 1187

The demon girl's complexion was not good, and she was also very shocked, and felt more and more threatened by Gao Jiuding's strength.

She watched the two of them fighting, as if one of them would never give up until he died, a thought suddenly came to her mind.

"There must be good things in that hall. If I go in now, I will be the first to get more good things." The witch's heart flickered with such thoughts, and her heart was moved.

In fact, not only her, but also other people had such thoughts faintly flashed in their hearts!

In the end, the demon girl and the young man took a step ahead, and they rushed over quickly, not to kill the general of the demon clan, but towards the magnificent hall, but they immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The middle-aged man was the first to notice, and his face immediately changed. He hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth and ran away, trying to catch up with the two figures and enter the hall.

The actions of these three people shocked everyone present and angered their hearts. They were obviously stimulated.

These people actually left Gao Jiuding alone to fight against the enemy, and they ran to which hall first, wanting to snatch the treasure?
"Damn it, these nasty bastards!" The invisible guard on the periphery was furious.

There was a shocking murderous intent on his face, and then he said: "We can't let them succeed, catch up, or they will catch up with them first."

Glancing at Song Yue and Yihu who were motionless, another female guard also wanted to rush, but hesitated!

She looked at Gao Jiuding who was fighting in front of her again. It was obvious that the patriarch was being chased and beaten by the Yaozu general.

It's a little strange here, the Patriarch can't get away, so can't the wife and the second Patriarch also leave?

Ah. Suddenly, a scream came!
When everyone looked at it, they suddenly found that at the entrance of the main hall, two figures screamed and flew out, smashing into the ruins 30 meters away.

This sudden change made everyone present dumbfounded, especially the middle-aged man who was rushing past, his face changed suddenly, he stopped rushing forward quickly, and retreated again and again.

"What's going on?" The middle-aged man stared at the broken bronze gate with a suspicious expression on his face.

He saw very clearly just now that the two witches who had just approached flew out without any accident.

At this time, the two figures in the ruins stood up, their faces were pale, and blood was dripping down!
Their eyes were full of horror and disbelief, as if they had encountered something terrifying, but they actually didn't understand what was going on in their hearts!

As soon as they approached, they were hit by a huge force and flew out directly. Afterwards, their bodies were shattered. It was obvious that there was a great terror in the palace.

"Kill!" A roar woke up these people, and only then did they realize that Gao Jiuding and the Yaozu general had reached a critical moment.

The barbaric and primitive fighting was bloody and tragic, the armor was broken, and the flesh and blood flew everywhere, but they still killed together.

Boom!Gao Jiuding's eyes were red, and he swung his fist to hit him!

With a bang, he and the Yaozu general continued to savagely fight!

The situation was tragic and frightening, and everyone who watched was horrified.

Boom. Boom. There was a muffled sound in front of it, rumbling, and a terrifying fist wind swept across, setting off smoke and dust.

In the smoke and dust, two figures were fighting, savage and cruel, punching to the flesh, bloody and terrifying.

This is a bloody battle between a human being and a monster, fists swaying, and strength rumbling.

The figures of the two intertwined, and the fight between fist and fist caused the surrounding ruins to rumble and collapse, and many buildings were rushed over and collapsed by the figures of the two.

This brutal battle lasted for a long time. From the beginning, Gao Jiuding was suppressed and beaten, but now it was a tie.

boom!Gao Jiuding's fists were shining, electric arcs were circling, and the air was rumbling and vibrating, creating a huge pressure, even as strong as a monster general, he had to deal with it carefully.

He fought more and more courageously, his fists swept away, and the smoke and dust rolled up and spread rapidly.

But the Yaozu general on the opposite side was even stronger, his savage fist seemed to be a terrifying savage beast, its strength was frighteningly violent.

Gao Jiuding has been fighting until now, still relying on that golden liquid for support, otherwise his body would have collapsed and died, but he never thought of using other means to defeat the enemy.

Now the blood in his body is boiling and roaring, moving with the rumble of his fists, overflowing his body, intertwining into a wave of bloody smoke, straight to the sky three feet.

The body is constantly being destroyed, but it is also constantly being repaired. During this process, Gao Jiuding feels that his body is constantly being strengthened.

He likes this feeling, even in pain, he will persist!
"Kill!" An angry kill, accompanied by a mighty blood, intertwined into a faint phantom, like a bloody beast roaring, rushing to kill.

The Yaozu general's face was horrified. He was already feeling a little tired after the fight, but he had to go forward, otherwise he would have died here tragically.

boom!The two fists, one small and the other big, are evenly matched, and no one can do anything to win the other.

However, the surrounding people carefully discovered that Gao Jiuding's aura was stronger, as if he was about to surpass a limit.

He was full of blood, as if he had turned into a bloody beast, his fists were brutal and violent, releasing the most primitive power, fighting bloody with the monster general.

Roar!The Yaozu roared again and again, and kept waving their fists, trying to smash the hateful human in front of them to death. Gao Jiuding gave him the feeling that it was getting more and more dangerous.

This human being was suppressed and beaten by him before, but now he is beating more and more fiercely, it is simply tireless, it is terrible.

His fist roared, with a swift blow, and with a bang, Gao Jiuding was finally sent flying again, blood spilled all the way, bright red and glaring.

But just when he wanted to chase after him, there was a roar in the air!

The sharpness reached his body, it turned out that it was a sharp long arrow that came in front of him, and he had to be stopped.

The Yaozu general was furious, he waved his hands and slapped, and with a click, the bone arrow shattered.

Only then did he realize that it was that human woman who was sneaking up again, and the Yaozu general was blown out of his lungs, making him want to kill her and kill her.

collapse!The female guard's face was calm, she kept opening her bow, shooting sharp long arrows one after another, and rushed towards the Yaozu general.

She shot nine sharp arrows in a row, one arrow after another, forming a straight line, and everyone was stunned.

Suddenly, she pulled the bow and shot the ninth arrow. The whole bow couldn't bear the huge force, and it directly shattered from the middle!
The female guard once again fired an arrow beyond the limit, which contained astonishing lethality.

With a clanging sound, the Yaozu general waved his arms again and again, shooting down those sharp arrows coming through the air!
Eight consecutive arrows failed to perform meritorious deeds, all of which were smashed and scattered.

However, in the end, there was an arrow that was stronger and faster, reaching the body in an instant.

The sharp edge pierced through with a whistling sound, and with a splash, the blood sprayed into the sky, piercing one eye of the monster general, and the sharp edge pierced through the bone.

Roar!With a scream, the Yaozu general's eyes were pierced and he was severely injured.

He roared violently and rushed towards the direction of the female guard, but at this moment, a figure was already blocking him.

"If you think about it, let's go through it with me first!" Gao Jiuding said coldly, his waist sank immediately, and his feet sank three inches into the ground.

The blood in Gao Jiuding's body was boiling, roaring and rolling like the sea, and the blood condensed and flowed out, rushing straight out of Tianling.

Ah. With a roar, Gao Jiuding completely erupted. He seemed to be an ancient ferocious beast waking up at this moment. An extremely terrifying murderous intent was brewing in his body, which rumbled out like a mountain torrent.

At this time, Gao Jiuding's aura reached its peak, and he couldn't raise it any further, but the next moment, his whole body trembled, his bones creaked, and finally his body was so tall that it reached three meters.

"Kill!" It was another killing punch, and with the wind of the punch, this time it was stronger and more powerful than before, causing the rushing monster general's inner crisis to pervade.

It was impossible for him to stop, but it was too late, he could only bite the bullet and rush forward, waving his fists to meet him.

In an instant, the fists of the two touched together, and there was a loud bang, which finally formed a terrifying wave of air rumbling past.

The powerful blow actually caused the Yaozu general to retreat back and forth, taking nine steps before he stopped!

The Yaozu general's face was flushed, and his blue skin was flushed. This time, he was shocked greatly.

"Punch me again!" At this moment, there was another shout of anger, and the figure of Gao Jiuding flashed, waved his fist, and condensed the strongest blow.

The fist was filled with traces of blood-colored gas, and then quickly condensed and intertwined, turning into a blood-colored ominous beast phantom!

This is a roaring blood-colored ferocious beast. It roars, as if announcing its appearance.

Roar!The roar shook the sky, shaking the four directions, leaving everyone dumbfounded and unbelievable.

They didn't believe it at all. It was simply too unrealistic for a person to be able to punch such a punch. How could a monk use his body alone to strike like a dharma?

How amazing is it that the power of a punch is condensed like a dharma?
There was even a faint illusion in everyone's heart that Gao Jiuding was not a human being, but a ferocious wild beast!
The ferocious beast was roaring crazily, and the power condensed from that punch was really like a ferocious beast roaring, forming a bloody shadow to kill.


It's a long story, but it's only for a moment, the fist hits the monster general's chest with a bang!

A terrifying murderous intent erupted like a volcano, flooding his body like a mountain torrent.

There was a clicking sound, the bones shattered, and blood sprayed three feet!
The tall figure of the general of the Yaozu flew straight and slid out ten meters, and crashed into a ruin, and the surroundings became quiet.

hiss!After a long time, there was a sound of gasping around!

They were all horrified, Gao Jiuding's hair was flying, and his blood was swirling around, steaming like a huge furnace.

I saw Gao Jiuding suddenly raised his head, roared and rushed forward, and when he came to the ruins, he waved his arms and punched again.

This punch was even more ferocious, full of vigor, gathering a huge beast, roaring and rushing into the ruins.

(End of this chapter)

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