The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1188 Go to the next level

Chapter 1188
boom!The figure flashed past, and the fists hit the body. The Yaozu general only felt severe pain all over his body, his bones trembled and crumbled, and blood sprayed out from his mouth and nose. The scene was bloody and terrifying.

But this is not over yet, when Gao Jiuding flew out of his body, his breath completely restrained, he lowered his waist and clenched his fist, gathering the most powerful force in his body, as if brewing a powerful punch.

"The killing punch relies entirely on the killing intent to increase its power. Then this punch is a full-strength blow that is condensed like the Dharma. Strength and mana can be fused together to form a powerful punch, because in this punch, the condensed against my will!"

Gao Jiuding's aura soared, because he wanted to increase his strength, so his strength increased.

This is the will, his will, which can cause miraculous changes in his body at this time.

Dharma is the belief of monks, but Gao Jiuding's body has not broken through to the stage of Dharma, but his will, at this time, has allowed his body to break through to the realm of Dharma.

His blood pill didn't turn into a dharma form, but his will condensed mana, and formed a dharma form, and he shot it out all at once.

This kind of attack is no worse than that of a Dharma Aspect Stage cultivator, so the Monster Race General, a Dharma Aspect Stage cultivator, no longer has any advantage.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding's aura restrained to the limit, he whispered this in his heart, and then his figure rushed like lightning, as if a terrifying beast was rushing to eat.

He raised his arm and swung his fist for a powerful blow!
Condensing two powerful forces, the attack power is naturally powerful.

One is the aura of terror and killing, and the other is the will of wild beasts. Both of them fuse together to create an even more terrifying effect.

The fist wind brought up a shriek, shaking all directions and frightening people's hearts.

This punch actually condensed into a lifelike beast, but the beast looks a bit strange, but no one pays attention to this at this time.

Everyone looked at Gao Jiuding, his whole body was filled with bloody murderous aura, his face was full of ferociousness, and he frantically culled him away.

In an instant, the Yaozu general's mind was shaken. He was frightened by this power and stagnated for a moment, and it was this slight opportunity that caused him to suffer the most terrifying blow.

puff!The fist was smashed, and there was a sound of collapse, flesh and blood flew, and broken bones scattered!

The mighty monster general was blown away by half of his body with a punch, and the scene was extremely bloody and terrifying.

The tall monster general in front of him, half of his body was broken, and only half of him was standing. His ferocious blue face was full of incredible expressions.

"This, it's impossible. How do you have it?" Yaozu General said halfway through his words, the remaining half of his body collapsed, causing smoke and dust to fly, which lasted for a long time.

This powerful monster general, the strong man in command, was killed here!

There was silence all around, no one spoke, and they all silently looked at a tall and straight figure in front of them.

At this time, everyone was shocked, because they knew what the Yaozu general wanted to say.

Why is the Yaozu general so powerful?Why can so many masters present be beaten into dogs?Isn't it realm suppression?
It is because of the high realm of the Yaozu general that he suppressed everyone. He can cause fatal damage to everyone present at any level, but these people cannot hurt the Yaozu general.

One level higher realm, not only the combat power is strong, but also the defense power is extremely strong.

In simple words, their attacks can't break the defense at all, so whoever can injure the Yaozu general is a master.

But what did Gao Jiuding do now?He shattered half of the Yaozu general's body with one blow. This kind of attack has already crossed a big realm.

Everyone looked at Gao Jiuding dully. Under the eyes of everyone, he improved his cultivation step by step and broke through a big realm?This is impossible!
Although everyone didn't believe that Gao Jiuding had broken through a big realm, the truth was before his eyes!

At this moment, the glory belongs to him, to this young man, this young leader who rises like a comet.

"If he doesn't die, he will soar into the sky in the future!" This is the true portrayal of the middle-aged man's heart at this moment.

The evaluation of Gao Jiuding has reached the highest level. This is a powerful youth leader with a dazzling light.

In the future, if he doesn't die halfway, he will definitely be able to break out of his own world.

"Damn it, why is he so strong all of a sudden?"

This guy's performance was too terrifying. She had experienced the power of the Yaozu general, but he was still killed by him.

Now, the witch's inner vigilance towards Gao Jiuding reached the highest level, and she even felt that he was the most threatening among the human race.

Like the witch, the young man's eyes were shining with a dangerous light, and he murmured: "It seems that this person must have acquired an amazing treasure, otherwise it would be impossible to become so much stronger all of a sudden, but the future is uncertain."

Several masters snorted coldly in their hearts. Although he is very strong now, they all have the confidence to catch up soon, and Gao Jiuding can't kill them now.

"So strong!" Not to mention them, even the guards around Song Yue were shocked.

The power displayed by that punch was overwhelming and shocking, it was simply too scary.

While everyone was silent here, Gao Jiuding was shocked in his heart!

After killing this Yaozu general, a vast and terrifying blood essence surged and quickly entered his body!
The powerful force of Qi and blood transformed his physical body, strengthening his blood and bones.

"Sure enough, it's too powerful!" Gao Jiuding felt that he was even stronger after silently absorbing all the blood from the Yaozu general.

It took a long time for Gao Jiuding to wake up excitedly. He felt the blood in his body boil, more than three times stronger than before.

Especially the strength of his physical body, at this time Gao Jiuding can no longer use how many catties to measure the strength, because he feels that now his body can play with the strength he wants at will, a million catties is fine, ten million catties seems to be too not difficult.

His body, now able to support the exhaustion, he really can't imagine, what kind of situation is this?
Gao Jiuding was afraid that it was an illusion, because just after breaking through a limit, he would have a feeling of omnipotence, and he was afraid that this time it was also an illusion.

However, no matter how Gao Jiuding felt, he was sure that his body was really different.

Strength, no longer need to be afraid that the body will not be able to support it!
Of course, it is impossible to have infinite power, because the power that diverges is definitely not as lethal as the power that condenses into one.

"Control!" Gao Jiuding suddenly realized that the power lies not in a lot, but in control!
After trying to understand this point, Gao Jiuding knew that the control of power has already involved the rules. It is the power of immortals. Only immortals can have infinite power. Said that at this time he had not yet advanced the method.

Gao Jiuding's body at this time has the power of the Dharma phase, and it is in the middle phase of the Dharma phase. It is only one step away from the advanced stage, and only Chunyang has the combat power of a half-immortal. Therefore, Gao Jiuding has only touched one side of the power rule. horn.

He knows that if his body does not break through the Dharma phase, his body will reach its limit.

After shaking his body for a while, Gao Jiuding knew that he had absorbed all the energy and blood of a monster general who was at the peak of his mid-term combat power, and he could break through to the peak of Xuedan at any time.

However, now is not the time, besides, breaking through now will not increase much combat power.

Only when he breaks through to the Dharma phase will his combat power increase rapidly.

Gao Jiuding felt the blood churning in his body, but was soon completely suppressed in his body.

Now Gao Jiuding is not only accumulating Qi and blood in his stomach, he can clearly feel that as long as he thinks, every cell in his body can turn into a bottomless pit, absorbing countless Qi and blood.

This is the potential of the body, and this is the background of Gao Jiuding. He has already developed the potential of the body, and he just needs to keep accumulating it.

At this time, Gao Jiuding realized that as long as he thought about it, there would be no obstacles in breaking through to the Dharma Stage!
Gao Jiuding was overwhelmed with confidence, so naturally he had an indomitable momentum.

Glancing at the surrounding people, after killing the Yaozu general, these people became honest.

He looked down at the Yaozu general, and soon Gao Jiuding found an exquisite necklace.

He was not mistaken, it was really a necklace, and it looked a little weird when worn around the neck of the Yaozu general.

He picked it up and looked at it, and immediately understood that it was a storage necklace. He didn't expect that the Yaozu general would have such a magic weapon for storage, which is really rare.

Gao Jiuding was delighted in his heart, he didn't check it, and put it away carefully, seeing that the jealousy on the faces of several people nearby had turned into substance.

It's a pity that this monster general was killed by Gao Jiuding, so he naturally belongs to him, whoever wants to share a share has to weigh it.

They were temporarily intimidated by Gao Jiuding's might and did not dare to act recklessly.

"Are you alright?" Song Yue and Yi Hu came quickly and asked with concern.

The faces of the two were a little nervous, because Gao Jiuding's blood-stained appearance was really terrifying.

Gao Jiuding came to his senses. He looked at the two people who came to him, and nodded with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm fine. I've recovered to the peak, even stronger."

"That's good!" Song Yue nodded reassuringly, without saying anything.

They followed Gao Jiuding and looked to the side. At this time, there were several figures in distress walking towards each other. Their expressions were complicated, and their hearts were shocked.

They felt threatened by Gao Jiuding's toughness from the bottom of their hearts, and even felt a kind of horror.

This guy was so crazy, he was beaten by the Yaozu general just like them at the beginning, but in a blink of an eye he suppressed him and even killed him with one punch.

"Congratulations to this brother, your strength has risen to a higher level." The middle-aged man walked over heartily, and congratulated with a smile, which seemed to come from the heart.

Gao Jiuding didn't show any expression, and nodded with the same smile, which is a kind of politeness.

 Thanks to the king of the queen of heaven and the lads4017 brothers for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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