The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1189 Power Domain

Chapter 1189 Power Domain
Gao Jiuding laughed and said, "I'm sorry, it's just that I have improved my cultivation level. Everyone here has also made great progress."

As soon as these words came out, the human and the monster beside them felt much more comfortable.

Indeed, everyone present has gained something.

The demon girl and the young man thought in their hearts that they really got a lot this time, so they will study it when they go back.

"By the way, what's in the palace?" Gao Jiuding asked suddenly.

As soon as these words came out, the surroundings were unusually quiet. The demon girl and the young man looked a little embarrassed, and they turned their heads to wait and see one after another.

Everyone saw those two guys and they were blown out. There must be something wrong with the palace not far away.

"I don't know what's there, but I feel like I can't get into it." The young man directly explained the reason.

After Gao Jiuding heard this, his face was surprised, and he turned and walked to the magnificent palace.

Sensing the different changes, Gao Jiuding's face was shocked!
When he came to the Bronze Palace, he suddenly felt a rush of momentum!

He could sense that momentum, ancient and vicissitudes.

In front of everyone, there is a huge copper palace, magnificent and majestic, almost as big as a small city.

The copper hall has not collapsed, it is still intact, the walls of the hall are covered with green rust, it seems that it has been eroded by the long years!

This kind of hall has an aura of simplicity and grandeur. As long as you get a little closer, this aura will rush to your face, giving people a sense of desolation.

Taking a step forward, Gao Jiuding's feeling was different. He could feel the heavy breath from inside, which made people feel oppressed.

As soon as Gao Jiuding came here, he clearly felt the air was heavy, as if pressing down on a mountain, it was amazing.

He kept walking, walking step by step, but was shocked to find that the pressure was getting heavier and heavier.

"What's going on?" Gao Jiuding stopped walking, his face was full of surprise!
He stared at the bronze gate not far away, guessing in his heart, is there still a strong man alive?It can't be the pressure caused by the momentum from this hall, right?

As soon as this idea came out, Gao Jiuding almost frightened himself, if this is true, then it will be troublesome.

And Song Yue and others followed, their faces were all shocked, obviously feeling the heavy pressure.

She and Yihu are at the Dharma phase, and they are not ordinary Dharma phases. They also felt the pressure.

Obviously, they also had the idea of ​​Gao Jiuding. Such arrogance is obviously not something that a dead thing can have.

This is an aura, a powerful coercion, or simply a will.

"What kind of breath is this, why is it so heavy?" Song Yue asked cautiously.

Among the group of people who came here, the demon girl and the young man looked wary. They stared at the bronze gate with lingering fear, as if there was something terrible.

At first, the two wanted to rush in first, but unfortunately they were inexplicably shaken out, and they still have lingering fears.

Now that they are approaching here again, they feel very uncertain in their hearts, but they are reluctant to part with the treasures that may exist inside.

"Go in and have a look!" Gao Jiuding's face was fixed, determined to go in and see what happened.

Without hesitation, he quickly approached the bronze palace gate in front of him. The closer he got, the more pressure he felt. Even after approaching the gate for ten meters, he felt unable to move forward.

This place is under heavy pressure. Standing here, Gao Jiuding feels as if there is a mountain on his body, which is amazing.

Gao Jiuding looked in shock, he never thought that there would be such pressure, what exactly caused this pressure?
It's not gravity suppression, but pure momentum?Or mood?is the field?Then there is only the realm of immortals!
boom!He was a little unbelievable, as soon as he stepped on the stairs, the ground shattered with a bang, and the cracks spread away.

This step seems very difficult!
It is really shocking to sink three inches below the footsteps.

But Song Yue and the others who came up changed their complexions drastically, and felt the pressure suddenly increase, as if they could no longer take a small step forward.

At this time, Gao Jiuding's physical strength was no less than that of Song Yue's gorilla incarnation.

"So strong pressure, what exactly is it?" Her face was shocked, and she was curious inside.

Not only her, everyone present was curious to see what was inside the palace.

Where does this pressure come from?What is the power emanating from?

The middle-aged man and the others had serious faces and blood rumbling in their bodies, resisting this terrifying force.

As they approached, everyone felt more and more heavy, and their breathing became short of breath.

However, what scares these people even more is the unknown!
After walking a few steps, the distance between the crowd has become very different.

The first person was Gao Jiuding, who was walking slowly step by step, without stopping, and quickly distanced himself from the crowd.

And next, three meters away, are the leaders of the three major forces, including the middle-aged man and the young man!

They looked at Gao Jiuding in front of them in shock, and their hearts were shocked. This is the gap.

And beside the three of them, there was a figure, Song Yue.

Song Yue's incarnation of a monster is known for its strong body, so it doesn't feel too much pressure at this time.

Even if Song Yue hides her strength at this time, she can still be on par with the demon girl and the others.

Although the speed of the crowd was slow, they were all very firm.

Song Yue stared at the figure in front of him, his face was flushed, his blood was boiling endlessly, and soon reached the limit.

At this time, she was already five meters away from the bronze gate, but she couldn't make it any further. His body was trembling and he was about to bend down.

The other people on the side also noticed this situation. Their faces were ugly, and they stared at a figure in front of them, trying to catch up, but found that they could only continue to work hard!

Slowly, step by step, everyone felt the heavy pressure.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding's face was also flushed, the blood in his body was boiling, and the blood qi condensed in his body, circling crazily.

He was approaching, three meters, two meters, one meter, and finally approached the bronze gate, and stepped in the next step.

Boom!Stepping in, in an instant, what greeted him was a terrifying power!
The majestic, overwhelming power swept over him, instantly blasting him away, sliding out a distance of 20 meters.

"Be careful." Song Yue was shocked, and as soon as the breath leaked out of her body, she was sent flying by the majestic power, and she slid ten meters before stopping.

Then, Maverick was also impacted by that force, and his body quickly slid out!
After standing still, Yi Hu came to the two of them and carefully helped them up.

"Brother, are you alright?" Maverick was a little anxious.

Gao Jiuding shook his head slightly, didn't speak, just wiped a blush from the corner of his mouth, his face was extremely solemn.

At this time, the others are still insisting, and no one backs down!

It's not easy to think about moving on.

They all held the weapons in their hands. Obviously, they were able to hold on better than Gao Jiuding, and they must have used other means.

On the side, Song Yue said with a solemn face: "What is in that bronze palace? How can there be such a terrifying power? It is simply too scary."

Indeed, Gao Jiuding felt scary!

He took the last step to step in, and was immediately blown out. Could this be a good knock?Gao Jiuding really doubted that there were still people inside.

However, after pondering for a long time, he shook his head and denied this guess.

The turbulent power coming from inside the bronze palace cannot possibly be the breath of life, but has a lifeless smell.

"The two of you are holding these spiritual liquids. If you can't hold on to the injury, drink a little. This is an opportunity to sharpen yourself, so you can't miss it!" Gao Jiuding took out a jade cup and handed it to Song Yue and Yihu.

What is contained inside is naturally the water of the fairy spring. These golden liquids have powerful and magical effects.

Gao Jiuding deeply felt the benefits of body training, so he naturally wanted to benefit his brother and wife.

Song Yue put away the jade cup, her heart was not disturbed at all, she had never drunk this kind of treasure, so naturally she didn't know the powerful and miraculous effect of this liquid.

"I'd like to see what exists in this ancient bronze hall!" Gao Jiuding walked quickly with a firm face, and continued to walk towards the bronze gate without any hesitation!

Gao Jiuding quickly caught up with the others, and then overtook them under everyone's horrified expressions.

"Damn guy, are you still letting people live?" The demon girl was furious and yelled angrily, but as soon as her breath leaked out, her whole face changed, and she was rushed out with a bang.

Keke She climbed up from the ruins, coughing in embarrassment, her face was gloomy, and her heart was very unhappy.

Seeing the blushing faces of the other people, the witch suddenly went crazy inside, and he directly made a decision.

"Laugh, I'll let you laugh, let's see who laughs at whom later!" A trace of madness appeared on the demon girl's face, then she flipped her palms and took out an exquisite jade bottle.

Then, under the stunned expressions of everyone, he swallowed a pill!
This is the only treasure in her hand, bright red and fragrant.

After swallowing a elixir, the witch's aura rose sharply, and there was a hint of excitement on her face!
Seeing this situation, the young man who was allied with the demon girl couldn't calm down anymore, he immediately took a pill!
Judging from the scene, what the young man swallowed seemed to be a great treasure.

Almost instantly, a terrifying aura rushed from his body, and then traces of blood filled it, forming a bloody aura, just like Gao Jiuding's before.

The witch's face was shocked, and then she laughed wildly, and his aura became stronger and stronger, even surpassing others.

"Hahaha, so that's the case, I finally broke through, so this is the field of power!" the witch roared with ecstasy, looking very excited.

The faces of the people were shocked, and they stared at the witch. What they were thinking about was the so-called power field.

(End of this chapter)

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