The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1191 The Dead World

Chapter 1191 The Dead World
But what surprised everyone was that Gao Jiuding approached slowly step by step, stepped on the steps, and approached the bronze gate.

Didn't this guy feel the terrifying pressure?Everyone lifted their steps, but they were pressed down heavily, making it difficult to move forward.

This situation surprised everyone. They were shocked by Gao Jiuding's strength and the horror of that power.

"This guy, don't you feel it?" The young man's face was gloomy and he felt uncomfortable.

The middle-aged man didn't look at Gao Jiuding, but stared at the mottled ancient temple in front of him. He murmured: "What era is this copper temple? Why does it have such a terrifying aura? Is there still life alive in it?"

What he said made the bodies of the people around him feel cold and their hair stand on end!

If there were still life alive in the Copper Temple, what kind of existence would it be?Just thinking about it makes me feel cold all over my body.

The magnificent palace, the bronze is shining, the atmosphere is heavy, ancient and mottled.

The most important thing is that the breath coming from the bronze gate is terrifying, and the pressure is as heavy as the sea, making it difficult for people to lift their feet and move forward.

"It's such a strong pressure, I want to go in and have a look!" Gao Jiuding's willpower remained unwavering, even if his face was flushed and his blood was boiling and roaring, he would not be moved.

Gao Jiuding formed an air shield formed by the transpiration of blood energy outside his body, resisting the terrifying pressure.

The bones of his whole body were moving, although his steps were slow, but he stepped on them firmly, and slowly distanced himself from the crowd.

It was getting closer, approaching the bronze gate again, but Gao Jiuding felt it again.

The first time I stepped in, I was instantly knocked into the air, but now after getting close again, the pressure seems to be a little more terrifying.

quack!He raised his right foot, the bones creaked, as if tied to a huge mountain, it was difficult to cross into it.

The power ahead was as vast as the sea, turbulent and mighty, Gao Jiuding roared unwillingly in his heart, and took a heavy step, stepping into the bronze gate.

In an instant, everyone was surprised to see him spurt a mouthful of blood, and bend down tremblingly.

Gao Jiuding was injured, his whole body was completely intact, but his eyeballs were bulging and bloodshot, as if the eyeballs were about to explode.

Ah. Suddenly, Gao Jiuding stood up with a roar, straightened his body, exuding a sense of unyielding.

Even though the pores of his body overflowed with bright red blood, and his bones trembled to be broken, Gao Jiuding still refused to give in.

He thought angrily in his heart, if he couldn't bear even a little breath, how could he fight against those powerful unknown beings in the future?

"I'm not reconciled!" He roared angrily, stepped out again, and finally entered the bronze gate with both feet. Gao Jiuding's whole body was suddenly engulfed by a cloud of hazy smoke and disappeared.

The people behind were dumbfounded. They stared blankly at Gao Jiuding's figure, who was engulfed by a billowing mist and disappeared before everyone's eyes, as if he had never appeared before.

"Big brother!"

"Patriarch!" Several exclamations came, and Gao Jiuding's guards and others suddenly came to their senses.

They were shocked to find that Gao Jiuding was engulfed by a hazy mist and disappeared here.

They raised their feet and were about to rush up, but unfortunately, the huge pressure, like a heavy mountain, made it hard for them to breathe, let alone go up.

Several people were anxious, but they couldn't overcome this pressure, so they could only grit their teeth and persist.

Song Yue and Yihu were relatively calm in their hearts. After all, they had the confidence to break into the hall. The reason why they didn't go in was because they didn't want to expose their strength, and the other was because Gao Jiuding had the upper hand.

As for Gao Jiuding's accident and being swallowed up by the ancient bronze palace, is that a thing?
These people are here, don't they just want to enter the ancient bronze palace?
As for the danger, both of them had unlimited confidence in Gao Jiuding's ability to survive.

"What about others?" Yao Nu and the others were dumbfounded, their hearts were cold, from head to sole.

This Gao Jiuding was fine, why was it swallowed up by a puff of smoke?What is that smoke, and what about others?

They all felt terrified, each of them had the idea of ​​retreating, but they also thought that if Gao Jiuding entered it and obtained the treasures inside, they would not be willing to give up.

"Damn it, he must have gone in, there must be a lot of treasures inside, we can't let him occupy it by himself." The young man roared angrily, striding over with difficulty.

His words had some effect, and even woke up the worried guards. It seemed possible.

Then, several guards saw the second Patriarch and the eldest lady next to them, and their expressions immediately became firm, but they did not stop their movements.

Several guards continued to grit their teeth and stepped out, walking up the stairs.

They thought that Gao Jiuding must have entered it, otherwise he would not disappear inexplicably.

A group of people were anxious, and some were even more resentful, and they gritted their teeth and approached the bronze gate.

But that force was too powerful, and it felt overwhelming when it got close, making it difficult for everyone to breathe.

At this time, let alone walking, even standing there seemed very difficult.

They couldn't even imagine how Gao Jiuding got there. Could it be that his strength has surpassed everyone by too much?
But the demon girl was very unconvinced, she was stepping on it tenaciously, her teeth were about to be crushed.

She was full of blood, and her strength was shaking. She resisted the terrifying pressure and walked up step by step.

She has also broken through strength, and her body has been able to control the field of strength. Logically speaking, she is no worse than Gao Jiuding, so she must be the only strongest person besides Gao Jiuding.

Now her strength was manifested, and the power derived from her blood supported her to move forward, and finally opened the distance between everyone and approached the huge bronze gate.

"Boy, I'm not worse than you, I'm not worse than you!" The witch roared angrily, blood splashing all over her body and splashing on the ground.

She was also crushed and her body was injured, and her blood flowed down to form a blood figure, but she was still roaring in the end.

Gao Jiuding's stimulation made her lose her composure, and her heart became crazy. The spirit of not admitting defeat was urging her to step into the bronze door step by step.

The people behind were horrified to find that the demon girl was really not afraid of death, she even straddled the other foot on her stomach and both entered the bronze gate.

Phew. Suddenly, another wave of mist rises, rushing from the bronze gate!

The mist opened its mouth like a terrifying beast, swallowed the demon girl's figure in one gulp, and then disappeared.

At this moment, another person disappeared, which really shocked everyone.

However, the middle-aged man felt heavy in his heart, his face was extremely serious, and he stepped on the stairs without even the slightest hesitation and continued to move forward.

He stuck the battle gun in his hand into the ground, stepped up little by little, and approached the bronze gate.

As it got closer, the pressure became stronger and stronger, to the point where he couldn't straighten his back.

"I can't fall behind!" The middle-aged man's consciousness was a little fuzzy, but he was determined not to fall down, as if there was a tenacious will supporting him, and he kept moving forward and forward, even if he was poured with blood, he didn't stop.

boom!In the end, this strong-willed man finally stepped into the bronze gate with his own perseverance!
The middle-aged man almost lost consciousness and passed out, but he stood up strong.

Then, under the gloomy expression of the young man, he was also swallowed by a mist and disappeared before his eyes.

Several masters entered it, and the young man could no longer keep calm in his heart.

"Damn it, you want to leave me behind, there's no door!" The young man gritted his teeth and climbed up crazily.

He was stimulated by the three of Gao Jiuding, so he had no choice but to climb up desperately.

Song Yue and the others behind him showed surprise on their faces. They watched this guy climb up little by little, leaving a long bloodstain.

He was covered in blood and was pressed out of his body, but he still gritted his teeth and crawled into the bronze gate.

"I've come in too, no worse than you!" The young man roared crazily, his voice was shrill, like a ghost, it was creepy.

Then a mist rolled out and swallowed it in, not even a sound.

hiss!Song Yue and the others felt a little creepy, as if everyone who entered the gate was swallowed by a mist.

What the hell is this? Why is there such a fog inside the bronze gate? Is it something terrifying?
Although they looked scary, they couldn't scare Song Yue and the others. They nodded at each other and walked resolutely towards the bronze gate.

grunt!The avatars of Song Yue and Yi Hu suddenly raised their heads, gulped down a gulp of golden liquid, then stepped up the steps suddenly, and quickly walked up to the bronze gate.

Since it is a trial, since you want to break through the limits of your body!
The two of them naturally didn't want to use other powers, so at this time they were also moving forward with their bodies.

Every time the two of them took a step, traces of blood spattered from their bodies, and the situation was terrifying.

After they swallowed the golden liquid, they gritted their teeth and persisted!

His body trembled and was crushed by a huge pressure, and he almost fell to the ground.

However, under the effect of the golden liquid, the damage to their bodies recovered instantly!

Looking at the door that was getting closer and closer in front of them, thinking that Gao Jiuding was inside, a tenacious will rose in the hearts of the two of them!

In the end, they both stepped into the bronze gate, and were swallowed up by a mist and disappeared.

"It disappeared again!" At this moment, the faces of the remaining figures were terrified, and they did not move forward.

They all stopped, and their faces kept changing. Everyone stared at the broken bronze gate. Why did they feel like a beast devouring creatures?
"To enter or not to enter?" These people are all subordinates of several other masters, and their respective strengths are very good, but compared with their respective leaders, there is still a big gap.

In the end, one person gritted his teeth and continued to step up.

At the same time, a Yaozu also followed suit!

They didn't retreat, because their leader and patriarch were inside, and they were definitely going to enter it, so no one stayed, and they all insisted on stepping on the steps.

And at this moment, where are Gao Jiuding and others?He seems to have fallen into a lonely world, but he knows that the scene in front of him should be illusory!

(End of this chapter)

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