Chapter 1192
The endless empty space, the indescribable silence, this is Gao Jiuding's first feeling after entering the bronze side hall.

The surroundings are groggy and blurry, and only a little scene can be seen faintly.

He turned around and looked, his face was shocked, because he couldn't find the door to go in and out!
There is no exit here, and he seems to have entered a vast and empty world.

"Where is this place?" Gao Jiuding was vigilant in his heart, and found that this place seemed to be a desert, empty and dead, without life.

In the dimness, it can be seen that the mist is rising and spreading, and time seems to be stagnant here, like a lonely world.

The bronze hall is very empty, with a faint black air permeating it, hazy, and the edge cannot be seen at a glance, as if it is endless, and the edge cannot be seen.

The gray gas exuded a wisp of heavy pressure, making it suffocating.

Here, Gao Jiuding feels as if he has come to the beginning of chaos, there is no life in the four directions, not even a single sound, and the emptiness is so disconcerting.

Gao Jiuding's heart was awe-inspiring, the hairs all over his body stood on end, he felt very uneasy.

As soon as I entered, I came to such a place inexplicably, which is too surprising, the unknown is the most frightening.

Click!With a crisp sound, Gao Jiuding lowered his head and found a corpse lying on the ground!
Covered in dust, revealing a dark white color, it shatters into bone powder as soon as it is touched, and disappears.

This is a human skeleton, but after a long time, it can no longer be kept intact, and it will be turned into powder when it is touched.

He felt a little awe-inspiring in his heart, feeling a lot of uneasiness, everything was too quiet here.

As far as the eye can see, there is a piece of gray powder, three inches deep, and when you step on it, the bone powder will immediately splash.

From time to time, Gao Jiuding could still see some broken bones, dense and white, crisp and broken, and finally turned into powder.

These are all bone meal, a terrifying scene formed by countless bones over the years.

The floor is covered with bones, and some metal copper pieces are scattered here and there, gleaming and faintly sharp, but it is a pity that it has lost its aura.

"What happened here?" Gao Jiuding walked slowly, without seeing the end, only countless broken bones and fragments.

There were breaking swords and fighting swords whining, as if they were telling the tragedy of that year.

As he walked all the way, his face became more and more solemn, and he felt that the air around him was a bit oppressive and suffocating.

Gao Jiuding guessed that a tragic battle took place here that year, with bones everywhere and piles of bones, as if entering an ancient battlefield.

In the distance, a kind of roar oscillates, like the roar of a war drum, which makes people's blood boil.

Gao Jiuding stood there for a long time, listening carefully, and was surprised to find that this was an echo, echoing endlessly in the bronze hall.

It seems that in that long time ago, the roar of war drums and the constant killing sound have not dissipated here.

Vaguely, Gao Jiuding could even hear roars, shouts of killing, screams, and clangs faintly, intertwined into one piece, as if the sound of a demon from hell.

A desolate breath permeated the air. The white bones and broken weapons still exuded wisps of breath, as if they were an unyielding will, wanting to become immortal.

"That's it?" Suddenly, a vague shadow appeared in front of him.

In the mist, looming, this made Gao Jiuding feel awe-inspiring!

Approaching quickly, Gao Jiuding suddenly realized that it was a skeleton, standing upright.

This is a snow-white human bone, the bone body is crystal clear like jade, the luster is warm and moist, and there is a sound of clank.

What is shocking is that this human bone still stands tall and straight despite the erosion of the years.

This is a man, holding a broken sword in his hand, the edge is not there, but the murderous intent is faint.

Gao Jiuding came to him, observed carefully, and found that the man's jaw was open, as if he was roaring to the sky.

"Written?" Gao Jiuding was startled, and found some blurred handwriting on the front of the human bone, so he squatted down to check and identify it carefully.

"Those who offend our clan's war city, kill!" There are several ancient and vigorous characters, and the last word "kill" seems to go through the air. From this word, it reveals a sense of unyielding iron and blood.

Gao Jiuding looked puzzled, but he couldn't get an answer.

These fonts have been blurred, especially some other handwriting, which have lost most of them under the erosion of the years, making them completely unrecognizable.

Click!He stood up, but suddenly found that the human bones standing proudly in front of him shattered into a pile of powder with a click, and even the black sword in his hand turned into iron powder and dissipated.

Gao Jiuding regretted it, and sincerely admired the human skeleton in front of him!

After countless years of death, he is still standing still, and the bones have only turned into a pile of powder until now. It is impossible to imagine how powerful he was during his lifetime.

To be able to leave the bones of the body, and it is still intact under the erosion of an unknown number of years. It can be said that he was very strong during his lifetime, and he must be a peerless powerhouse of the human race.

"There was a big war here, it seems that another race invaded the human race." Gao Jiuding guessed in his heart, faintly feeling that the answer was in the fog.

He continued to move forward, walking across the Gobi desert paved with desolate bones, and the bone meal under his feet was flying. How many bones of living beings are these dusts?

Gao Jiuding was concerned, thinking about what happened in ancient times?Why did the mighty ancient city become ruins?What kind of creatures are those golden bones?
The empty ancient bronze palace is barren, with no end in sight, only the unchanging nothingness.

There is no life, no vitality, just a place of dead bones and dust.

Ding!A jingle sound attracted Gao Jiuding's attention.

Gao Jiuding picked up a piece of copper and observed it, and found that it was a fragment of a saber, but it was a pity that it turned into a pile of powder after just touching it.

The weapons here seem to be more advanced than those outside, but why do they shatter into ashes when touched?

He was a little surprised, and then took out the fragments he had collected earlier from the storage ring, but was surprised to find that these fragments had all turned into a speck of dust.

"All turned into dust?" Gao Jiuding's face was silent, and he took out one piece after another, and finally all turned into dust and dissipated in his hands.

These weapon fragments were originally thought to be smelted and reused, but unfortunately they were still turned into ashes.

Finally, Gao Jiuding stood up and stood there for a long time before moving on.

He wanted to see what secrets this ancient bronze palace held, and who built this magnificent ancient palace.

Judging from the situation here, it doesn't look like a palace, but more like an independent space, a world.

It's a pity that this world has no life, only bones and powder all over the floor, some fragments can show the tragedy of the year.

Click!Ahead, a section of dark matter shattered, and smoke and dust flew up.

Gao Jiuding observed for a long time, and was stunned to see clearly that this is a tree root, which can be hugged by ten people. There are trees here?

That is to say, in the past, there were forests of trees and lush flowers and plants, and it was a world full of vitality.

However, this place has now turned into a dead zone, with bones everywhere, a lifeless Jedi.

Gao Jiuding couldn't imagine that there were such huge trees in a palace. What kind of palace is this?
He thought of a question, could it be that the interior of this ancient bronze temple is also a secret space?
"This is too incredible. No, there is nothing incredible. The ancient city outside is not a secret space. It is not incredible that there is a treasure in the sky inside the ruins of a large ancient city!"

When Gao Jiuding thought of this possibility, he immediately became excited. He felt that the harvest this time seemed a bit big.

However, this harvest may not be easy to obtain.

Who on earth can have such abilities?Casting such an ancient bronze palace?Can even form an independent world?

He didn't stop, and continued to move forward, wanting to see the secrets of this ancient bronze temple.

Gao Jiuding was looking forward to it, he wanted to know if there could be some unbroken things here, and this was the purpose of entering here.

Suddenly, there was a slight quarrel in the distance, as if there were weapons clashing, clanging.

The sound was very weak, and it was impossible to detect it without careful distinction, but Gao Jiuding heard it very clearly.

With a suspicious expression on his face, he stared in one direction, and vaguely saw a shadow.

In the fog, it is impossible to tell what it is, so I can only walk up carefully to check!

After passing through the fog, Gao Jiuding discovered that it was a door.

A door appeared ahead, but Gao Jiuding still didn't know how he got here.

Gao Jiuding looked a little stunned, turned around and looked back, but suddenly found that there was no barren Gobi behind him, behind him was a wall, a wall made of bronze.

"Could it be that everything just now was an illusion?" Gao Jiuding was terrified, a little terrified, this is a terrifying scene.

In that independent world just now, are the bones all over the ground an illusion?Gao Jiuding's heart moved, and a piece of weapon debris appeared in the storage ring, which was neither broken nor powdered.

Gao Jiuding sighed, he seemed to have thrown away a lot just now, what a waste!
Sighing, Gao Jiuding turned around and stared at the door in front of him, which was another bronze door.

The green rust on the door is mottled, and the breath of time is permeating, ancient and mysterious, making it even more gloomy.

That ray of contention came from here, coming out of the bronze door, faintly vibrating and clanging.

Gao Jiuding's face was serious, and he did not act rashly. Instead, he checked carefully and found that the bronze door seemed to have never been opened.

After rumbling for a long time, Gao Jiuding gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand. He pushed hard, and the bronze door rumbled and opened.

As soon as the door was opened, an astonishing sharp edge suddenly came through, piercing into the body, making people feel chills all over.

Gao Jiuding's face was slightly startled, and finally he heard the slightest quarrel, and the owner of the voice was inside the bronze gate.

As the heavy bronze doors rumbled open, a passage was finally revealed.

Da da da. Walking in the quiet and empty passage, there was a crisp echo, as if no one had been there for thousands of years.

Gao Jiuding was vigilant in his heart, his blood was boiling, his strength was concentrated in his hands, and his fists faintly seemed to be struck by thunder.

This passage is very long, empty and frightening, with echoes, as if coming from a cold and silent abyss, creepy.

However, Gao Jiuding was a bold man, he was not afraid, he just proceeded cautiously.

 Thanks to the king of the emperor, the queen of the earth, poisoned you thousands of times, and the book friend 20190103004646188 brothers for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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