The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1193 Breakthrough Again

Chapter 1193 Breakthrough Again
Soon, Gao Jiuding came to the end of the passage, and found that it was a magnificent hall, cast in bronze, the whole body was ancient and mottled, full of traces of time.

Moreover, there are traces of fighting everywhere here, and there are scratches on the copper wall, which are sharp and clearly visible.

After observing for a while, Gao Jiuding walked directly into the bronze hall. As soon as he entered it, he immediately felt a sharp edge rushing toward his face.

clank!A strike of metal and iron, clank and indestructible, shook the hall, reverberating endlessly!

The sharp edge pierced into the bone marrow, causing pain like needle pricks all over the body.

Gao Jiuding's face changed drastically. He felt his blood being aroused again and began to boil, and his whole body began to growl faintly, as if he was ready to throw a powerful punch at any time.

"This is." Gao Jiuding stared at the hall, where a tall figure was lying there, mighty and mighty, with heat waves rolling in, making it suffocating.

The hall was empty and silent, so the billowing heat wave was even more abrupt. Through that breath, Gao Jiuding saw a skeleton burning in front of him like a furnace.

I saw a huge skeleton lying in the center of the hall, the whole body was cast like gold, shining brightly, and the heat waves emanating from it were breathtaking.

"Another skeleton!" Gao Jiuding's face was serious, and there was a hint of horror in his heart. He was not very happy to see a complete golden skeleton again.

This golden skeleton is even bigger, with a body of four meters and a huge head. If you look carefully, you can see that the golden skeleton is shining with light, and the flames are dancing, and the golden glow is brilliant. This is a golden flame. Gao Jiuding has seen it.

He was cautious in his heart, and walked towards a heat wave. When he got a little closer, Gao Jiuding suddenly felt a clanging sound, and his murderous aura rose to the sky.

He looked up in shock, only to find that there were two weapons inserted into the huge golden skeleton, one sword and one spear.

An iron sword, with mottled rust, and cracks in the sword body, but it is sharp.

It went into the heart of the golden bone, and bored into the ground, where it was nailed.

What's even more astonishing is that on the iron hilt, there are five snow-white phalanxes, holding the hilt tightly without dissipating.

Gao Jiuding's face was shocked, he looked down and found a pile of crystal powder on the ground, extending to the sword body, it was bone powder.

There was a turbulent wave in his heart, which was the powder scattered after a skeleton was turned into ashes.

Gao Jiuding could even imagine that this figure must hold an iron sword and stab into the heart of the golden skeleton, but he himself died here and turned into powder.

"Who is this person, so powerful?" Gao Jiuding's heart trembled, staring at the powder in front of him, he could still see crystal light flickering.

He looked at another weapon in a blink of an eye. It was a copper gun, with mottled green rust all over, but it was deeply inserted between the eyebrows of the golden bone, halfway into the ground.

A bronze spear also crucified this golden skeleton, pierced through the eyebrows, and nailed it to the ground.

What is even more astonishing is that a snow-white bone hand was found on the copper gun shaft, holding the gun body tightly.

On the ground, there was also a pile of crystal powder scattered. This is the powder of a skeleton, which has been scattered.

But a bone hand still tenaciously held the gun and did not let go.

Gao Jiuding's face was serious, but his heart was like a stormy sea, which could not calm down for a long time.

After a long time, he walked forward and came to the front with the terrifying heat wave emanating from that golden bone.

Ding!He tapped it lightly, and the golden bone still emitted bursts of clanging sounds, unbroken like gold and iron.

This is definitely not a mortal bone. It has been eroded for a long time and is still as tenacious as gold and iron. It is hard to believe how powerful and terrifying it was during its lifetime.

Suddenly, Gao Jiuding's expression froze, and from the two rusty weapons, he felt a sense of unyielding.

Moreover, he could still vaguely hear a trace of contention, which was the unyieldingness of ancient weapons.

"An iron sword and a bronze spear." Gao Jiuding murmured, and he was finally sure that the sound came from these two weapons. This was the sound of killing and cutting, and it was immortal after years of erosion.

Ding!Gao Jiuding stretched out his hand and gently held the bronze gun, and there was a crisp clang, and the bone hand turned into pieces and scattered, unable to hold on.

However, the next moment his expression changed.

Gao Jiuding could only feel a majestic force coming from the gun body, like a mountain torrent erupting, surging out.

With a bang, the figure flew horizontally and hit the copper wall, causing the hall to tremble slightly before slowly sliding to the ground.

Gao Jiuding's face was pale, his whole body trembled violently, his bones rattled, as if he had been cut by countless murderous auras.

His blood boiled all over his body, his true essence roared, and his killing intent gushed out from his heart!

Gao Jiuding calmed down, and after a while, he shattered this murderous aura and completely devoured it.

In an instant, Gao Jiuding felt that his killing intent was stronger, even three points stronger than before.

This is a horrifying scene, it is unbelievable that such a terrifying and murderous aura enters the body as soon as one holds the gun.

"It's so dangerous!" Cold sweat dripped down Gao Jiuding's forehead, he felt lingering fear, feeling that this was too dangerous.

Just a little bit, he was really shaken to a pulp by that majestic killing aura.

He had a serious face, and after he calmed down, he stepped forward again.

In his heart, Gao Jiuding felt a wave of excitement instead, nothing wrong with that excitement, the excitement of that murderous spirit.

"The stronger the killing intent, the greater the power of the killing punch. I want to swallow this majestic killing spirit."

Of course, it seems that swallowing is not very competitive, but it is not wrong.

As long as he overwhelmed this murderous aura, it meant that Gao Jiuding's murderous aura was stronger than that weapon. Therefore, the heavier the murderous aura of the bronze spear, the faster Gao Jiuding's killing intent would increase.

This is Gao Jiuding's most sincere thought at the moment, a little crazy, but he has this kind of confidence.

It is naturally not easy to swallow and fuse the killing aura in the ancient war gun, that is, the evil spirit. It is a weapon left over from ancient times, and it has killed countless people.

Although after a long time of erosion, perhaps the murderous aura dissipated somewhat, but it was obliterated to become more pure and concise, full of lethality.

hum!There was a buzzing sound, followed by a gust of murderous aura, gushing out from the gun body, shaking all directions.

Gao Jiuding held the gun body again, and this time he was fully prepared, but Gao Jiuding still felt that the murderous aura was too powerful to resist and bear.

With a puff, blood sprayed out, and Gao Jiuding retreated six steps before stopping.

His face was shocked, and he stared at the mottled battle gun in front of him, unexpectedly containing such a terrifying murderous aura.

Just now, he couldn't bear the murderous aura rushing into his body, he felt the murderous aura raging in his body, his body was in dilapidated condition, and even his internal organs were almost strangled into a pile of powder.

Fortunately, there is a powerful energy hidden in his body, forming a torrent of energy, and he is constantly repairing his body, so that he can resist the erosion of this terrifying murderous aura, and finally swallow it into his own killing intent.

rumble!In Gao Jiuding's body, the blood roared, and the killing intent boiled endlessly!
With just one breath, it grew crazily, and then the artistic conception of killing was pushed to a higher level, reaching a terrifying level.

Gao Jiuding's face was terrified, and his heart was finally moved with horror. He couldn't imagine how much murderous aura was hidden in that gun?
And the iron sword on the side seemed very quiet, with mottled rust and no brilliance, but faintly revealing a terrifying aura.

It's too scary. Such a thing is ancient and unknown, and it contains terrifying power, which cannot be moved by ordinary people.

Even Gao Jiuding at this moment felt terrified. The evil spirit just now gave him the illusion of death, which was very terrifying.

"Continue!" Gao Jiuding stepped forward to continue with a solemn expression.

He held the gun body again and again, bearing the impact of the vast and boundless killing air, his body almost collapsed again and again, but he recovered tenaciously and became stronger.

This is a tyrannical strengthening process, break and then stand!
This is not the first time he has experienced such a thing, as long as there are enough resources, the more damaged the body is, the stronger it will become after recovery!

Gao Jiuding's face became more and more excited. As the killing energy was swallowed up, his killing punch became more powerful.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding felt his whole body boiling with fighting intent, and the killing intent he comprehended was even stronger, and he could even feel his killing intent roaring, as if it was about to spill out of his body!

With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, sure enough, the murderous intent really appeared outside his body, forming a bloody murderous aura, circling endlessly.

Is this the realm of killing?No, it should take the realm of killing one step further!
Feeling the current situation carefully, Gao Jiuding knew that his current killing mood had reached an extreme, and it was absolutely different from the shallow killing domain he had comprehended before!

But Gao Jiuding didn't stop. Instead, he held the gun tightly, letting the mighty killing aura hit him, without moving a bit.

Boom!After a long time, a huge murderous aura suddenly erupted from Gao Jiuding's body, and now the murderous aura almost condensed into a solid body, similar to the existence of a qi gang.

At this moment, the killing intent accumulated in the body was finally unable to be compressed, and finally all burst out, forming a terrifying and destructive force.

However, Gao Jiuding's body was recovering rapidly, and as soon as the damage was restored, the killing intent condensed into one strand, and finally turned into a more tenacious and purer killing intent.

"It is indeed a domain. The artistic conception controlled by the mind, doing whatever you want is a domain. It seems to go beyond the basics and reach a very high level!"

Gao Jiuding was puzzled, he had only practiced artistic conception for a short time, and he had to condense his will only when he met the monster clan.

He knows that his soul is strong, so his will is firm, so it is easier to form his own special artistic conception.

For example, Fist Intent and Killing Intent finally formed the field of strength. I didn't expect to comprehend a field of killing now.

After careful study, Gao Jiuding discovered that the field of strength came from the strengthening of his body, while the field of killing came from the will of God.

(End of this chapter)

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