The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1194 Golden Figure

Chapter 1194 Golden Figure
Strengthening the body can form a field of strength, strengthening the soul can form a field of killing, so can a unique field be formed during the process of refining qi?

The five elements refine qi to form the field of five elements?
This probably also involves the soul, because controlling the five elements also requires a strong soul.

After shaking his head, Gao Jiuding didn't think any more!
After he suppressed the killing intent all over his body, he realized that there was no killing energy coming from the ancient battle gun in his hand, as if it had dried up, but it definitely wasn't.

Gao Jiuding clearly felt that there was a raging murderous aura hidden in the body of the gun, and it didn't come out again, as if he recognized him, acting strangely.

"Is there something wrong with this golden bone?" At this time, Gao Jiuding wanted to pull out his battle gun, but he hesitated in his heart, worried that this golden bone would mutate again.

This is not unreasonable, looking at the golden bones that have not yet turned into powder, Gao Jiuding faintly feels a terrifying heat wave permeating the air.

In the end, Gao Jiuding decided to destroy this golden bone first, otherwise it would be his own trouble if something happened.

He waved his fist without hesitation, gathered a terrifying killing intent, and punched it down brazenly.

when!There was a loud noise, and the arm trembled, as if it was about to shatter in the next moment. This blow scared Gao Jiuding.

He looked shocked, staring at the golden skeleton in front of him. He couldn't imagine that this skeleton was so hard that it couldn't be shaken by a single punch?

He didn't believe it. He gathered all his strength and punched down with one punch after another. The golden light shone and his anger dissipated. It seemed that it was possible to shatter this golden bone.

Dangdang. In the main hall, such terrifying bangs continuously echoed, as if a bell was roaring, shaking all directions.

Gao Jiuding's face became more and more solemn, and he kept waving his heavy fists, punching him down one after another!
The golden bones trembled and clanked endlessly, but they remained motionless.

All of this shocked Gao Jiuding inexplicably. This golden bone seemed to be immortalized, and it couldn't be broken at all, not even a crack appeared.

Gao Jiuding didn't believe it, he got angry, took out a bronze spear, and stabbed down.

There was a roar, and then sparks splashed, clanging endlessly, and the entire hall resounded with the sound of metal and iron colliding.

"It's not broken?" Up to now, Gao Jiuding was a little scared in his heart.

He realized that he still underestimated this ancient golden skeleton. He stared at the huge head of the skeleton. In those empty eye sockets, there were two golden light spots faintly shining, which were some flame symbols beating.

Gao Jiuding even suspected that the golden skeleton was not dead, but still had some indestructible will left, which was really scary.

He didn't dare to imagine it. If such a long time would not die, it was really beyond what he could imagine now.

"I don't believe that you can still be immortal!" Gao Jiuding said with a cold face, "No matter how hard your bones are, I will smash them to pieces. Although I don't know what kind of creature you are, but the one who killed me Definitely the enemy."

Boom!Gao Jiuding's power broke out completely, and he swung his spear and smashed it down. The hall shook rumblingly, and the situation was terrifying.

However, his face became stiff the next moment, and he stared at the bronze spear in his hand, which actually broke into two pieces from the middle.

Seeing this situation, Gao Jiuding's heart ached for a while, and then his anger rose to the sky again. He directly held the ancient battle gun with both hands, and suddenly exerted force.

Click!A crisp sound came, and Gao Jiuding clenched the ancient spear with both hands and turned fiercely, and then pressed down violently.

This time, the golden skull cracked directly, and the cracks spread in all directions, and finally the entire bone was twisted into pieces.

The huge golden skull was twisted into pieces by an ancient spear, even Gao Jiuding was a little stunned!

He didn't expect that even his weapons and fists could not crack the golden skeleton, but he was so easily crushed by an ancient bronze gun.

boom!Suddenly, as the golden skull shattered, a strong golden light gushed out!

During the violent vibration, the golden bones turned into a monstrous golden flame, which completely submerged Gao Jiuding in an instant.

The sudden change made his hair stand on end in shock, and he wanted to avoid it, but unfortunately it was too late.

The entire golden skeleton collapsed in an instant, turning into a golden flame that swept over and filled the entire hall.

Gao Jiuding's face was cold, and he was burned by an endless golden flame, and he was not calm anymore.

He had encountered such a situation before, and he was fine in the end, but it seems to be different now.

Hohohoho!The golden fire boiled and blazed, burning Gao Jiuding's armor into slag in an instant. His hair and skin were scorched black for a while, and he became bald.

Gao Jiuding was startled, and saw a flash of golden light and shadow rushing towards him with golden flames all over the sky, rushing crazily into the space between his eyebrows.

Ah. The flames entered his body, and Gao Jiuding rolled on the spot in pain, but it was a pity that these golden flames could not be extinguished.

But the strange thing is that these flames seemed to penetrate into one place, and Gao Jiuding, who was rolling violently, suddenly froze, and his eyes lost their spirit.

In the hall, apart from Gao Jiuding's stiff body, there is also an astonishing battle gun in his hand!

The iron sword on the side suddenly screamed, the blade trembled, and the mottled rust was slipping off, revealing traces of shocking sharpness.

Zheng!hum!The sword chanted and the gun fired!

In an instant, that ancient iron sword and ancient spear both flew up!

The two weapons tremblingly pierced towards Gao Jiuding, piercing his eyebrows, but there was no blood splashing, and the scene was very strange.

At this time, Gao Jiuding was a little confused. He originally felt that his whole body was burned in pain, but he lost this feeling immediately, and then came to a strange place in a blur of consciousness.

Here is a gray area, boundless and empty.

Deathly silence, without a single sound or life.

His heart was awe-inspiring, and when he was wondering how he came here, a wave came, a rumbling vibration.

With a bang, a golden light shone in front of him, and then Gao Jiuding saw a large piece of golden fire burning for nine days, shaking the entire world of nothingness.

In an instant, Gao Jiuding felt something was wrong, he was uneasy, as if this gray world was very important to him.

But before he could react, he saw the tumbling golden flame in the distance suddenly stopped, then quickly shrank and condensed, turning into a huge figure.

The rumbling void vibrated, and the gray aura was rolling, as if coming to the chaotic world at the beginning of the sky.

And in the center of the world, there is a huge golden figure gradually condensing. This is a figure, burning with terrifying golden flames, resplendent and resplendent, like an ancient god.

"What is this?" Gao Jiuding trembled in his heart, staring at the rapidly forming huge figure in front of him, he felt an oppression in his whole body, and a strong crisis permeated the four directions, as if he was going to be wiped out in the next moment.

It was a huge golden figure, 30 meters high, like a golden giant, slowly raising its head, staring at it with a pair of golden eyes.

boom!With just one glance, Gao Jiuding only felt his head roaring, his mind was about to be shattered, and he was about to collapse and dissipate in the next moment.

However, at this moment, two terrifying slashes rushed forward, and the golden fire collapsed.

"Two human weapons? Both of your masters died at the hands of this deity, and you still want to sabotage this deity's resurrection plan?" A cold sentence, like a thunderclap, shook the world and lingered for a long time.

And Gao Jiuding's mind, which had just woken up, was almost shaken away, which was too terrifying.

He stared in horror at the huge golden phantom in front of him. The flames were blazing, and the heat wave was rolling across, as if it was going to burn and destroy the whole world.

But what surprised him was that there were two more weapons beside him, a gun and a sword. It was the two ancient weapons that pierced the golden bones in the hall, and they came here.

The originally mottled iron sword has all the rust gone, revealing a supreme edge, clanging and moving, trying to split the void.

This iron sword has a long and slender blade with cracks spreading, and it has a simple and desolate atmosphere permeating it, which is surprising.

On the side, an astonishing bronze battle gun buzzed and vibrated, exuding a terrifying and murderous aura, fighting against the mighty power of the golden phantom in front of it.

"What is this, and where is this place?" Gao Jiuding's face was shocked, and he couldn't keep calm in his heart. Everything in front of him was beyond his imagination.

It is not clear what the golden phantom is, but what is certain is that the owner of the golden skeleton has not died yet, and he wants to be resurrected?

But where is the gray place here?This made Gao Jiuding a little confused.

Gao Jiuding only felt that everything around him was very familiar, as if he had been here before, more like his own home.

"Human boy, your sea of ​​consciousness is very good. I like it. From now on, everything here will belong to me, including your weak body."

Suddenly, such a sentence came from the front, shocking people's hearts.

As soon as these words came out, Gao Jiuding was stunned at first, and then suddenly shocked. He knew the meaning of what this figure said.

It is precisely because of understanding that Gao Jiuding's heart is turned upside down. Is this the sea of ​​his consciousness?
Sure enough, when he checked his current body, he suddenly realized that his body was somewhat illusory, hazy and unreal.

"Have you really entered my sea of ​​consciousness?" Gao Jiuding murmured shockingly, feeling a little horrified, but more of a secret joy. What he was most afraid of was that others would break into his sea of ​​consciousness.

The situation just now seemed real and unreal, making him unclear about the environment he is in now, but as long as he is sure that this is his sea of ​​consciousness, what else is he afraid of?
His sea of ​​consciousness has changed so much, he didn't recognize it, it is absolutely unforgivable!
"Haha, poor human race boy, you still don't know the danger you are facing now? It seems that the human race has fallen. Sad boy, you can die in peace."

The golden phantom laughed loudly, his words were full of excitement and ridicule, as if he was very disdainful of the human race.

However, if you listen carefully, you can feel that the resentment in his heart is incomparable, as if the water of nine days cannot extinguish his hatred.

 Thank you, the king of the emperor, the king of the earth, and the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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