Chapter 1195
Knowing the situation he was facing now, Gao Jiuding calmed down slowly, his face was cold, and he stared at the huge golden figure in front of him.

What kind of race creature is this guy?To devour his consciousness?To snatch his body?

"Who are you?" A simple sentence, full of clanging killing intent, Gao Jiuding's killing intent actually caused two ancient weapons around him to vibrate, and they all exuded terrifying murderous aura. The three intertwined together, unexpectedly made the golden ghost Some vibrations.

"Good boy, such a strong killing intent, not bad, not bad, this deity just likes it." The golden phantom clapped his hands suddenly, and the void rumbled violently, as if it was about to shatter.

Gao Jiuding's face changed when he saw it, this is his sea of ​​consciousness, and the golden phantom in front of him wants to swallow him, so how should he fight against such a weak consciousness?

After carefully checking the surrounding situation, he could feel everything in the sea of ​​consciousness, but he couldn't see the familiar scene!
This golden phantom is indeed very powerful, it can even affect his sea of ​​consciousness, but so what?
He could clearly feel that there was a cornucopia eager to try in one side of nothingness!
Gao Jiuding has never been so happy. The cornucopia has been silent for so long without any movement. He did not expect to be so active this time.

"It's okay to tell you, let you die to understand, this deity is the sun fire god, you can die in peace." The golden phantom said so proudly.

As soon as these words came out, Gao Jiuding was puzzled immediately, what is the Fire Clan?

Where do they live?What era do you live in?And what is the cultivation level of the golden phantom in front of him?
At this moment, Gao Jiuding remembered the bloody handwriting that he encountered before, with the symbols of the sun and flames on it. Now it seems that these golden creatures are the so-called fire clan.

"Fire family? I haven't heard of it!" Gao Jiuding murmured, but suddenly felt a deep hatred surging from the depths of his heart!

He felt a burst of disgust for no reason, as if he was full of hatred for the Fire Clan in front of him.

This is a kind of throbbing from the depths of the blood, as if a natural hatred for this race, which is the enemy of the human race, the hatred even spreads deep into the blood, indelible.

Gao Jiuding was startled, this is definitely not his feeling, but this feeling comes from a force in his body?
"You want to take my body?" Suddenly, Gao Jiuding stared at the golden phantom with a cold face, and there was an angry killing intent faintly revealed in his words.

The face of the golden figure couldn't be seen clearly, only a hazy golden flame was boiling, and the golden fire burning all over his body distorted the surrounding void for a while, as if it was about to be shattered.

The golden giant shadow's words were icy cold, and he said solemnly: "Human race boy, this deity couldn't take your body originally, because the blood of the human race is different from my existence of the fire race, there is a big difference.

However, you kid actually has a real fire of the sun from our family, which is really a godsend opportunity. This is the hope of this deity's resurrection. I have told you so much, but this deity is actually recovering its strength. Now, you can die up. "

The sun is really hot?Gao Jiuding was a little dumbfounded!

The real fire of the sun that he had condensed was actually taken by this guy who doesn't know how high he is?
This made Gao Jiuding a little happy. The exercises he deduced by himself are really good!

As soon as the golden phantom finished speaking, he waved his huge arms with a sneer, and struck loudly, causing the void to tremble and shatter.

This blow was very terrifying. The real fire of the sun came, swept across the world, and shook all directions.

Gao Jiuding's face changed, he didn't care much, he instinctively grabbed the ancient battle gun at the side, and swung it angrily, the violent killing air rumbled and resounded through the void.

As for using the cornucopia, Gao Jiuding didn't have this idea at all. It's not the moment of crisis yet, and he still wants to know more about this guy's situation.

Besides, looking at the performance of the eager little broken pot, it is coming, and it must want to swallow this phantom. This is not what Gao Jiuding wants. He also wants to swallow this phantom. Will he condense the primordial spirit?
It is impossible to think about it, if this is really a primordial spirit, Gao Jiuding would have been killed long ago, even if there is a cornucopia, it is useless.

After countless years, no matter how strong the original golden phantom is, it is not enough to easily overwhelm Gao Jiuding now.

Gao Jiuding's soul also has the strength of Fa Xiangqi, this is Gao Jiuding's self-confidence.

Boom!The front vibrated, the gray void rolled like a sea, and suddenly a golden flame shattered, revealing a small figure flying out, this is Gao Jiuding's conscious body, trembling unreal at this time, as if it would collapse and disappear at any time .

This time, the confident Gao Jiuding finally realized the horror of that huge golden phantom.

Although he defeated the golden flame with the help of the ancient spear, he was blown away by a terrifying force.

In the distance, there was a burst of wild laughter, and then the golden phantom suddenly solidified a bit, as if it was about to transform into a real body, which was shocking.

However, this person's appearance is still blurred, covered by raging flames, he can't see his appearance clearly, only feeling a majestic and mighty power sweeping over, rumbling and trembling, the void trembles to shatter.

"Boy, you can go to die, this deity will be resurrected with the help of your true fire!"

The huge golden phantom roared, the void was turbulent, and the huge figure rushed forward with a bang. The vast power was the two ancient weapons, both of which seemed a little difficult, as if they could not compete.

The terrifying golden phantom, swirling the golden fire of the sun all over the sky, rushed forward in an instant!
He stretched out his hands, and a huge force came. Only then did Gao Jiuding realize that he was holding a weapon in each of his hands!
Gao Jiuding was horrified to find that this huge golden phantom had opened his mouth and swallowed it in one gulp, which made him lose consciousness completely.

In the main hall, Gao Jiuding's body trembled, and traces of blood sprayed out, staining the ground red.

Even the blood was accompanied by wisps of astonishing flames, which were golden flames with an extremely high temperature, and obviously, this flame did not belong to Gao Jiuding.

The temperature of the main hall rose sharply, even as high as hundreds of thousands of degrees, and the surrounding area was burning red.

However, the Copper Temple is very miraculous, with shimmering rays of light and jumping symbols, intertwined into strange lines to block the high temperature.

The real fire burned, and the armor outside Gao Jiuding's body had been melted into molten iron flowing, his body was cracked and blood was flowing, the scene was terrifying and frightening.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding only felt vaguely conscious, as if he was swallowed by something and was about to dissipate.

He is very clear in his heart, he knows that as long as he summons the cornucopia, all these will disappear, but he is not reconciled.

"The dead and the birds are up to the sky, and they will not die for thousands of years!" Gao Jiuding felt ruthless in his heart, and immediately summoned the cornucopia.

Fuck, it's already this time, he doesn't want to continue taking risks!

Conscious sea space, a mysterious and unknown place, this is the most mysterious place of the human body, and it is setting off boundless storms!

Amidst the wind and waves, a piece of golden light shone brightly, as if a huge sun had risen.

Boom!A real fire burned the sky, burning most of the sea of ​​consciousness world!

The real fire spread rapidly, as if it was devouring the whole world.

This is Gao Jiuding's sea of ​​consciousness, but its sea of ​​consciousness is being swallowed, if it is really swallowed, then he will disappear in the world.

That huge phantom was excited, and the raging golden fire was boiling all over his body, quickly spreading to the entire sea of ​​consciousness.

Moreover, he swallowed Gao Jiuding's consciousness in one gulp, and was about to digest it quickly, and now the situation is going smoothly.

Hahahaha This huge phantom is laughing, laughing wildly, with a body of 30 meters high, full of incomparable oppression.

The mighty golden flame burned in all directions, and the whole world was about to collapse and dissipate, which indicated that Gao Jiuding would come to the end of his life.

It's a pity that this huge phantom hadn't laughed enough, but the crazy laughter stopped abruptly, as if it had been cut off.

In the beginning, Gao Jiuding was greedy and careless. He didn't expect that the gap with the golden phantom was so big, and he was swallowed without the slightest resistance.

However, after being swallowed, Gao Jiuding also has the ability to resist, and even he can come back!

Ah. There was a scream coming from the void, horrifying and terrifying, shaking all directions. The screaming in this life even set off a storm, rumbling past.

Gao Jiuding's entire sea of ​​consciousness boiled in an instant, and the gray gas was rioting, as if a piece of chaos was roaring.

I saw that golden figure tens of meters high suddenly began to tremble, and then let out a miserable scream, like a ghost screaming from hell, it was creepy.

"Impossible!" The golden giant roared, his voice full of inconceivable, as if he had encountered something terrible.

Then, I saw him waving a pair of huge arms boomingly, shaking the four directions, and setting off a storm of flames.

In an instant, the golden fire burned the sky, and the sea of ​​consciousness was in turmoil, as if it would be destroyed in the next moment.

However, at this moment, a mysterious fluctuation emanated, and then radiated the entire sea of ​​consciousness, instantly calming down the turbulent sea of ​​consciousness.

At this moment, as if time stood still and space was imprisoned, all forces subsided!

The real fire disintegrated, and the flame storm roared and rolled back, returning to the body of the golden giant shadow.

Roar!A roar, the momentum is frightening, causing the sea of ​​consciousness to rumble and frighteningly turbulent, and it is about to shatter.

However, the strange thing is that the sound wave was only emitted, and was melted and dissipated by a mysterious wave.

The giant golden shadow roared again and again, constantly waving its arms to hit the void, stirring up the sea of ​​consciousness and the world, as if it wanted to open up the world, but all this seemed to be in vain.

boom!He thrust one arm into the void, stirred for a while, the void trembled rumblingly, and then the Sea of ​​Consciousness was really pierced by him.

This blow actually pierced the sky, revealing a terrifying black hole, but the golden giant shadow trembled in fright, and retreated quickly.

"Impossible, this is not true!" The golden giant figure went crazy, a pair of golden eyes revealed an incredible light, and he stared at the huge black hole with fear on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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