The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1196 The Artifact of the Great Dao

Chapter 1196 The Artifact of the Great Dao
In that pitch-black black hole, there seemed to be a terrifying monster, making the golden phantom tremble all over!
What did the golden phantom see?Let his huge figure shake like a sieve.

The golden phantom was terrified, and he roared frantically: "Damn it, it's not true, how could there be such a thing, it's just a legend, it's not true."

He was roaring angrily, extremely crazy, and the huge figure came out mightily, suppressing all directions.

Gao Jiuding's sea of ​​consciousness was turbulent because of it, and the large flame began to boil, as if it was about to roar.

Why is this giant golden shadow so frightening?I saw his figure turning around quickly, wanting to rush out of this sea of ​​consciousness, as if there was something horrifying here.

"Dao Qi, how can this human kid have a Dao Qi?" The golden giant roared wildly as he ran away, as if seeing a hellish ghost.

And while he was running, he looked back at the pitch-black cave entrance. There were streaks of terrifying rays of light intertwined in the cave, forming a huge net, blocking something.

"Tao weapon? A tool of the great way? Only the magic weapon that controls the rules can be called a Tao weapon!" Xu Ying seemed to be going crazy, but Gao Jiuding was not. He really learned something from this guy.

Don't think about it, the Taoist artifact mentioned by the golden phantom is a cornucopia!

Thinking of the characteristics of the cornucopia, this guy has really mastered a kind of law of heaven and earth!
As long as there is enough energy, any matter between the heaven and the earth can be copied. This is the rule, and it is a powerful rule.

Mingwu rose in Gao Jiuding's heart, the cornucopia in his hands is really not a simple treasure!

This treasure that flew out from under Mount Tai was originally a treasure to suppress the earth's dragon veins. Gao Jiuding really didn't expect that this thing would be a Taoist weapon!
Magical artifacts, treasure artifacts, spiritual artifacts, Tongtian Lingbao, Dongtian Lingbao, these things can all be advanced into Dao artifacts, but whether it is a person or an artifact, how can it be so easy to master the rules of the Dao?

It is the immortal who masters the rules, a powerful existence that is a level higher than half-immortals such as pure yang monks and Huashen monks.

The cornucopia in Gao Jiuding's hands has the power of rules, maybe it is seriously damaged, maybe his current real level is the Tongtian Lingbao, which can't even reach the Dongtian Lingbao, but it has mastered a rule!

Jin Ying yelled in horror, and ran away frantically, it was so cruel to fly out of the sea of ​​consciousness space at this moment.

He seemed to be very aware of the power of Dao Artifacts, that's why he panicked and wanted to escape Gao Jiuding's sea of ​​consciousness.

It's a pity that at this moment, the terrifying black hole rumbled after him, and even a terrifying pressure came down and suppressed his figure.

"No..." In an instant, the body of the golden giant shadow shook, and was pinned down here, unable to move.

His face was terrified, and his expression was very frightened. He was looking at the roaring huge black hole, like a huge millstone being suppressed, with terrifying rays of light shining inside.

He was terrified, struggling and roaring: "No, I don't want to be swallowed, I won't snatch his body, I won't snatch it anymore."

The rumbling void trembled, and the black hole rumbled down, about to swallow this huge golden shadow.

Although this golden giant shadow is very powerful and can even shake all directions, it is a pity that it still cannot resist the swallowing of this black hole.

He struggled in terror, roaring to break free, but unfortunately he was still being swallowed bit by bit, and even the flames outside his body were being swallowed quickly, and his body tens of meters high was actually shrinking.

"It's amazing, how much this guy wants the energy of the soul!" Gao Jiuding was staring at everything in front of him dumbfounded, unbelievable.

He knew that the cornucopia was powerful, but he didn't know it was so powerful, it was a bit hungry!

It seems that since the first time the cornucopia was activated, this guy has been chasing the energy of the soul. Whenever it encounters it, it has only one choice, and that is to devour it.

No matter how powerful an existence is, it will be swallowed by the cornucopia, as if it has never disappointed Gao Jiuding.

The first time was in the inheritance secret realm of the Shenzhou Dao League, as if the inheritance Taoist monument was destroyed by it.

Later, the Burying Soul Flower, the flower fragrance of that thing is an incomprehensible devil to lower creatures, but Cornucopia can easily deal with it.

But now, facing the 30-meter-high golden phantom, it doesn't seem too difficult to deal with it.

At this time, Gao Jiuding couldn't be clear, this huge golden phantom is a powerful soul.

Gao Jiuding was already happy in his heart, it seems that he still doesn't understand Taoism, and he doesn't know what kind of great existence Taoism is!

At this time, there was a terrifying black hole in Gao Jiuding's sea of ​​consciousness, like a huge millstone, it was turning rumblingly, emitting an astonishing aura, which almost shook his mind away.

And the most astonishing thing is that the golden giant shadow that was going to swallow Gao Jiuding was actually swallowed by this black hole, as if a terrifying thing was swallowing the golden giant shadow.

"Help me, Human Race boy, save me quickly." The golden giant figure seemed to see hope, and roared continuously, the scene was very terrifying.

However, Gao Jiuding himself didn't understand why the cornucopia suddenly became so powerful, how could he save it?
Well, one command and one thought can save him, but why did Gao Jiuding save him?

Let this guy be your own grandfather?Forget it, this guy from the fire clan is a deadly enemy with the human race.

This guy took one look at Gao Jiuding, causing Gao Jiuding to arouse hatred deep in his heart. How could it be possible to resolve the hatred that could be turned into substance?

Moreover, this guy wanted to swallow himself, which was naturally not a good thing, how could Gao Jiuding save him.

But the giant golden shadow struggled in horror, and its body slowly rose into the black hole.

He was completely flustered, and shouted: "Quickly control your magic weapon, don't let this seal swallow me, I am willing to recognize you as master, I don't want to die!"

The void in front of Rumble is shaking, and the black hole is rumbling, this is the rhythm that wants to devour everything!

Gao Jiuding clearly felt that although the black hole was powerful, it didn't swallow anything in the sea of ​​consciousness, it just wanted to swallow this golden phantom.

And what the giant shadow said shocked Gao Jiuding's heart, as if there was some secret in his body.

The seal in his words is also the ability of the cornucopia?The cornucopia will be sealed now?Good thing!
Can't swallow this guy because he knows a bit too much!

Knowing this, Gao Jiuding hurriedly contacted Cornucopia to ask him to collect the memories of the golden phantom. This is wealth!
"Master, I have recovered a lot, and I will definitely save the impurities that are not easy to digest for you!" The cheering voice of Xiao Popanzi resounded in the depths of Gao Jiuding's heart.

Gao Jiuding was a little speechless. The impurity mentioned by this broken basin should be memory information, right?

What it needs is pure soul power, not memory!
Knowing the plan of the cornucopia, Gao Jiuding didn't care!
At this time, even if Gao Jiuding swallowed the golden phantom, Gao Jiuding didn't dare, because he didn't know how powerful the golden phantom was.

Anyway, Gao Jiuding knew that he couldn't swallow this strong man, in this case, it's better to let the cornucopia swallow it.

This guy has been in a deep sleep since he got some chances after entering the Beast Master Dojo.

Unless Gao Jiuding is in danger, it is absolutely impossible to wake up.

When Gao Jiuding was in danger several times, it was the cornucopia that saved him. Gao Jiuding was very relieved about the cornucopia.

This treasure that automatically throws himself into his arms and recognizes him as the master, he watched it recover bit by bit. During this process, every slight change of the cornucopia was under his attention.

In this process, it can also be said that Gao Jiuding was cultivating it. This treasure was cultivated step by step by Gao Jiuding. Apart from the Earth Lingzhu and the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, he is one of the most successful treasures in Gao Jiuding's refinement.

Such a treasure can be regarded as his natal magic weapon, so Gao Jiuding naturally doesn't mind if it improves his cultivation and accumulates foundation.

The golden giant shadow was still roaring crazily. His huge body was already close to the black hole, and was being obliterated bit by bit. His body crumbled and dimmed little by little.

As the crisis ground the golden phantom bit by bit, he kept promising, all kinds of benefits, and all kinds of anecdotes.

"I can help you control the War City"

"I can take you into the earth fairy world."

"Our Fire Clan covers the entire universe, I can help you fight for whatever you want"

"Don't think I'm talking empty words, as long as you save me, I can open the passage to my hometown"

"My fire clan has countless resources, a large population, and strength beyond your imagination. Your human race is weak, so you have to think clearly."

Gao Jiuding looked at the crazy golden phantom, he said a lot of precious information, and he confided it without going through the brain, which made Gao Jiuding very moved.

However, even if what he said is true, Gao Jiuding will not save him, but is happy to see him wiped out.

Think about it, just now I was swallowed by this giant shadow, it was a feeling of death.

"It's delusional to ask me to save you, I want to kill you!" Thinking of the danger just now, Gao Jiuding's face became very cold, he exuded a terrifying murderous intent, and finally waved his fists and rushed towards the golden giant shadow, If you don't fight at this time, when will you wait?

"Damn it, you'll regret it, human kid, you're cursed by me, you won't end well." The golden giant roared angrily, struggling violently, but it was useless.

"Kill!" In an instant, Gao Jiuding rushed forward, swinging his fist to kill.

With a bang, the entire sea of ​​consciousness vibrated, killing intent erupted, and he killed with an incomparably fierce punch.

The golden giant shadow was dumbfounded, staring at the fist that came to him and smashed it on his body!
In an instant, the golden light of the golden phantom became dim, the flames began to collapse, and even a piece of the body was shot out.

"Human boy, you will die badly, I curse you, I curse you to die under endless calamity in the future, I, the fire clan, will destroy the human race!" The golden giant roared sternly, cursing crazily.

 Thanks for the reward from the brothers of the queen of the earth and the king of the earth!

(End of this chapter)

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