The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1197 Devouring the Gods

Chapter 1197 Devouring the Gods
Looking at the golden phantom that went crazy, Gao Jiuding was a little stunned!
He looked at his fist again. He didn't expect to use the killing fist here to cause such a terrifying lethality. The huge golden giant shadow was smashed into pieces.

The golden figure was shattered by his punch?Gao Jiuding's heart was hot, and his murderous intent was boiling, rushing away like a volcanic eruption.

When a fist hit, the void trembled to shatter, the entire sea of ​​consciousness was shaken, and even the black hole began to tremble slightly.

"Is this the power of the will? It is also the power of the soul! Kill!" Gao Jiuding swung his fist and struck out a powerful blow.

He condensed the will of his whole body and fused a terrifying killing intent. The punch he formed was powerful and terrifying. With one punch, the entire world in the sea of ​​consciousness was shaken.

The power of the killing fist is already huge, but after being tempered by the killing energy of the ancient heavenly weapon, the killing fist has been pushed to a higher level, resulting in the terrifying scene at this moment.

boom!The fist reached to the body, the golden giant trembled, and then cracked with a crack, and the cracks spread all over the body.

At this moment, the golden giant shadow was terrified and screamed miserably, but was finally punched into pieces.

A burst of golden light, like an explosion from the sun, rumbled across Gao Jiuding's boundless sea of ​​consciousness, and was finally swallowed by a mysterious black hole.

But at this moment, Gao Jiuding's mind was excited, he felt a surge of majestic energy, his body rumbled, and then he rose rapidly.

This is his consciousness body, which is growing crazily!
Moreover, there is still a huge wave of information surging in, merging into the soul and mind, and submerging Gao Jiuding's mind and consciousness.

The vast expanse is gray and gray, as if the chaos has not yet opened.

This is the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the gray gas tumbling, roaring like chaos, shaking the sky and the earth.

In the center of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the black hole trembled, then quickly healed, and finally disappeared.

And the golden flames all over the sky collapsed, turned into bits and pieces of gold and sprinkled on the sea of ​​consciousness, swallowed and melted by the mysterious sea of ​​consciousness, and became the nourishment for the growth of a phantom, that is Gao Jiuding's soul consciousness.

There was a loud bang, the void was turbulent, and a tall figure was growing rapidly. This was the soul body of Gao Jiuding.

In just an instant, Gao Jiuding's soul reached five meters, and was still growing crazily, and finally stopped when it reached nine meters.

Tall body, gray feeling, but full of oppression, there is an ancient and desolate atmosphere permeating, shocking the world, as if he is the master of this world.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding's soul body is standing here, unmoving, as if standing in chaos, with a dark and heavy breath.

He didn't wake up, at this moment Gao Jiuding's consciousness was hazy, erratic and elusive.

However, in Gao Jiuding's soul consciousness, there is a storm sweeping, this is a huge memory, countless memories from ancient times, this is the memory of a fire master.

However, these memories are dilapidated and incomplete, making it difficult to distinguish and absorb them.

Even Gao Jiuding felt that he couldn't tell who he was, whether he was from the fire clan or the human race?Is it the golden giant shadow, or Gao Jiuding?
"Who am I?" A murmur radiated like ripples, instantly covering the entire sea of ​​consciousness space.

It was a slight question, Gao Jiuding asked himself unconsciously, as if he was asking who he was?

He was very confused and crazy, and even more irritable, his consciousness was chaotic and entangled, and the two memories were entangled, almost driving him crazy.

This is from the ancient and huge memory, and compared with my little memory, it is just like a drop of water in the ocean, so small and invisible.

How long did Gao Jiuding live?At most, there are only a few dozen years of memory!

Even if you add ten times the time of the Time and Space God's Domain, it's only 70 to [-] years!

Compared with that master of the fire clan, he is like a heaven and earth, and he cannot be compared.

At this moment, he was confused and couldn't tell who he was.

Just when he was about to get lost and be swallowed up by that huge memory, two terrifying sharp edges came from the sea of ​​consciousness, killing and attacking the sky.

clank!Antiquities clank.

There are two sharp edges roaring over, exuding a murderous aura!
These are two weapons, ancient human war weapons, containing powerful power, and both of them penetrated into his soul.

In an instant, the wind and cloud changed, and the sea of ​​consciousness rolled and surged, as if the entire chaos was roaring.

As soon as the two ancient weapons entered the body, they killed and attacked the sky, exuding a wave of unyielding human race, mighty and powerful, sweeping the world.

Gao Jiuding suddenly woke up, his consciousness recovered, and he finally remembered who he was. He was the human race, not the golden giant shadow of the fire clan.

"Thank you!" Gao Jiuding looked at the two weapons floating in front of him, they were clanging endlessly, killing soaring to the sky.

This is the unyielding will of the human race. Feeling this, Gao Jiuding sincerely thanked him. He was very grateful to the two ancient weapons in front of him, and it was them that woke him up.

He stood here, looking at his body in astonishment.

Nine meters tall, this is his soul.

However, this is the most astonishing phenomenon, as if he swallowed that phantom.

Gao Jiuding scanned all directions, and found that the mysterious black hole formed by the cornucopia had disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

Looking at the cornucopia lying motionless beside him, Gao Jiuding smiled.

The cornucopia probably didn't expect that that black hole-like existence didn't completely swallow the golden phantom!
It certainly didn't expect that Gao Jiuding would suddenly strike and shatter that golden giant shadow!
This accident allowed Gao Jiuding to obtain part of the energy of the giant shadow, the energy of the soul.

"Is that a god of the Fire Clan?" Gao Jiuding finally understood some secrets after absorbing some broken memories.

That huge phantom is the so-called god condensed from the Fire Clan. It is extremely powerful and terrifying.

He then learned something from the broken memory of the god, some secrets about the ancient times!
The most important thing is to find out where the fire god came from. He said that he can directly teleport back to his hometown through the passage in the war city.

If the channel is a teleportation array, the hometown of the fire gods should not be far from here, otherwise, how could it be possible to teleport easily?Even gods don't have so many resources, do they?
From these memories, he learned some ancient secrets and understood many things that he didn't know before, which felt very shocking.

But when Gao Jiuding saw a star map, he was still terrified and almost doubted whether it was true or not.

From the sporadic information obtained from the memory of the fire god, Gao Jiuding knew that it couldn't be fake.

So, the entire galaxy is the sphere of influence of the fire clan?

This seems a little impossible, at least the human race has not been wiped out by the fire clan!

Besides, this fire god doesn't know how many years he has been imprisoned here, how does he know the current situation in the Milky Way?

"No matter what, there are great dangers in the Milky Way, but there are also great opportunities!" Gao Jiuding sighed.

This universe is too complicated, just one fire family covers all the stars outside the Milky Way.

The denser the area of ​​perseverance, the more fire clans will be born. These natural fire spirits directly devour the growth of flames in the universe. They are a kind of existence similar to demon heads. Every trace of their growth needs to swallow a lot of fire spirits. Fire resource.

Human beings need the heat provided by the stars to grow, so naturally they can't bear the wanton destruction of the stars by the Fire Clan, so the war between the two clans will come.

"Natural enemies, just like the demon clan!" Gao Jiuding finally understood where the hatred between the two clans came from.

After a long time, Gao Jiuding calmed down, feeling that there were too many secrets that he didn't know.

It's a pity that the memory of that god is scattered and broken, many things are no longer available, and even most of the memory is broken and dissipated.

Now, it is a great opportunity for him to obtain some broken memories.

Even, because of this, it devoured some of the broken soul energy of that god, and strengthen oneself, this is the most important thing.

Gao Jiuding carefully inspected his soul, and he could clearly feel that his soul had been strengthened by more than 30 times, that is to say, the current soul was huge compared to before.

It has been strengthened thirty times at once, but now his soul is still in an illusory state. Even though he is huge now, it has become very clear, but Gao Jiuding knows that his soul is still far from the realm of primordial spirit.

Yuanshen is in a state of condensing into a solid body, and Gao Jiuding's current soul shows no sign of condensing into a solid body.

Not to mention condensed into a solid, even if there is no sign of condensed into a liquid.

Gao Jiuding has seen the primordial spirit of the dragon elephant, and then practiced the cultivation of the primordial spirit with the incarnation of the dragon elephant. However, the cultivation of the primordial spirit by the dragon elephant is ignorant, so Gao Jiuding did not get much from the incarnation of the dragon elephant. learn from.

But Gao Jiuding knew that the bigger the soul, the better. In his current situation, he had to grow stronger under unavoidable circumstances.

When the soul grows to a certain level, it should condense and start to change qualitatively, but Gao Jiuding has no way to cultivate the soul, so he can only let it grow freely.

No, after getting a lot of soul energy, Gao Jiuding's soul can only grow in size, but there is no qualitative change.

And at this moment, Gao Jiuding received another message.

Gao Jiuding was a little speechless, this was the feedback from the cornucopia, and it was a little bit of memory fragments.

The fire spirit is indeed powerful, Gao Jiuding almost lost it after devouring so many fragments of its soul.

"The memory is too scattered, and I don't know if this fire god has a way to cultivate the soul, it would be great if there is!"

Gained too many memories all at once, and Gao Jiuding couldn't digest them at all. At this time, he could only hope for plums to quench his thirst.

Looking at a large group of soul energy separated from the cornucopia, Gao Jiuding didn't dare to approach casually.

If Gao Jiuding's main consciousness had not been awakened just now with the help of two ancient artifacts, perhaps he would have been lost in countless memories now.

(End of this chapter)

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