The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1198 Ancient Arsenal

Chapter 1198 Ancient Arsenal

The memories of the fire gods that Gao Jiuding digested now accounted for a fraction of the fire gods. Gao Jiuding knew that most of the memories should be suppressed by the cornucopia.

The cornucopia fell into a deep sleep again, it was digesting, or sealing the golden phantom.

Only when Gao Jiuding felt the state, the cornucopia would spit out some memory fragments for Gao Jiuding to digest.

Thinking about it now, that golden phantom is actually the soul of the god, or the body of the god, and it exists in the state of soul?All made of divine power?

If so, then what kind of state was the golden phantom in before?
Why did it kill Gao Jiuding's soul and occupy Gao Jiuding's body.

And the reason for all this is actually the real fire of the sun cultivated in Gao Jiuding's body?

The Fire Clan is not easy to deal with, but if you want to enter the Milky Way, you will definitely meet the Fire Clan!
This is the first intelligent race that Gao Jiuding has encountered, and they are much more difficult to deal with than the demons!
"Don't think about this for now, who can predict the future?" Finally, Gao Jiuding regained his composure, he smiled confidently, turned around, and his thoughts returned to his body.

As soon as he returned to his body, he suddenly realized that he was naked, and there was no hair on his head, which had been burned away.

Seeing himself like this, Gao Jiuding felt a little embarrassed. Fortunately, there were no outsiders here, otherwise he would be ashamed.

He quickly took out a piece of bronze armor and put it on, and then suddenly realized that his body was full of cracks.

hiss!Gao Jiuding moved slightly, and a heart-piercing pain came, and he almost fainted.

He immediately took out a glass of golden liquid, and swallowed it in one gulp!
After taking the elixir, it immediately turned into a strong anger and began to moisten his whole body.

Gao Jiuding felt much more comfortable, the scars were being healed, and the blood was recovering.

Soon, his whole body recovered completely, and the blood in his body was booming, and he had already recovered to the peak, even slightly stronger, which was the strength of Xianquan.

Wearing the bronze armor, Gao Jiuding finally realized that the skin on the top of his head was itchy, and after he touched it, he realized that black hair had grown from the top of his head, even reaching to his waist.

"Sick to death, why does your hair grow so much?" Gao Jiuding was a little dizzy.

However, he didn't pay much attention to it, it grew and he didn't pay much attention to it.

He was waving his hand and took out two weapons. After careful inspection, they were a gun and a sword, both of which were ancient human weapons, containing terrifying power.

It was these two weapons that saved his life, otherwise he would be lost in the vast memory, unable to distinguish himself, and eventually assimilated into another person.

Holding the iron sword, Gao Jiuding looked at the tiny lines on it. Needless to say, there are runes on it, which is a kind of mysterious symbol.

Gao Jiuding was able to confirm that this was an unknown rune, but it was different from any rune he had mastered.

Looking at the densely packed runes on the blade, Gao Jiuding felt a little dizzy.

These runes are very simple at first glance, as if they are not related to each other, but when you look closely, you can find that any rune seems to be connected with the surrounding runes, and there seems to be runes in the deep layer of the iron sword.

This iron sword seems to be made of layers of runes.

Therefore, this iron sword, at a sudden glance, seems to be densely covered with a layer of fish scales, but it is slightly solidified, and the fish scales are connected into pieces, forming a spiritual light, so that you can't see how these runes are connected together.

Even if Gao Jiuding had clairvoyance and was able to pass through the aura, he still couldn't see the changes in the internal runes.

Therefore, Gao Jiuding looked at it for a while, but didn't see anything.

I really don't know who cast this magical iron sword!

However, Gao Jiuding could perceive that this iron sword should have been battle-tested for a long time, accumulated countless murderous auras, it has survived for a long time, and it contains an astonishing sword intent.

This is an astonishing ancient sword, containing powerful power.

Gao Jiuding's expression was amazed, he stroked the blade of the sword!

There are some mottled cracks in the ancient sword, which should be able to recover.

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding doesn't know how to raise a sword. Although he has cultivated several kinds of swordsmanship supernatural powers, he has not cultivated to such a high level.

"It's just that I lack the magical powers of killing and cutting. It seems that I need to practice the sword art!" Muttered, the iron sword in Gao Jiuding's hand clanked softly, as if responding to him, it was very magical.

Then, he continued to check another weapon, which was a bronze gun.

This bronze gun is similar to an iron sword, and Gao Jiuding can't see any magic, but he can also perceive that this war gun has experienced countless killings, and it contains a terrifying killing power. Although it has been eroded by the years, but It didn't lose its original power.

This battle gun is more powerful, and its attack power is stronger than that of an iron sword. Under the erosion of the years, it only loses its former elegance on the outside.

Gao Jiuding knew that in his own hands, it would regain its former glory!

In his hands, these two ancient weapons still have extraordinary power. It is really unimaginable how terrifying these two weapons are in the hands of their original owners?
Gao Jiuding was very happy to get two weapons at once, and they were both weapons for killing and cutting!
He held it in the first case, played with it for a while, and couldn't put it down, maybe because he sensed Gao Jiuding's thoughts, the gun in his hand buzzed, as if he was very excited.

At this time, the iron sword on the side was a little dissatisfied, and moved with a clang, wisps of sharp edges pierced through the body, about to go out through the air.

"Okay, I will definitely not bury your boring brilliance and sharpness." Gao Jiuding was a little helpless and a little surprised, does the ancient implement have self-awareness?

Among the ancient weapons, Gao Jiuding had already seen one. The middle-aged man and the young man each had one. Their two weapons did not have any spirituality.

Gao Jiuding knew that the ancient artifacts only strengthened their toughness and sturdiness. They could be indestructible and indestructible, but they would not give birth to spirituality.

Therefore, even if it is a heavenly weapon, it does not have a spirit.

As for the two weapons in Gao Jiuding's hands, he could clearly perceive their spirituality.

It is spiritual, and its quality surpasses that of a heavenly weapon. Is it a divine weapon?Or a fairy artifact?

But if this is a fairy artifact, compared to the power of the Ice Soul Cold Light Bead, it will be far worse.

"Haha, I was thinking too much. Individual weapons and strategic defensive weapons must be different!"

"Huh? There is a door here, when did it appear?" Putting away the ancient sword and bronze spear, Gao Jiuding suddenly found a door in the hall.

But I didn't see it when I came in before, it seemed that something appeared or not, it was simply too weird.

He pondered, and finally walked away with his gun!
Gao Jiuding didn't hesitate, because this is the only way out!
As for the road from behind, it is no longer clear when it disappeared, as if there was no road in the first place.

An empty passage, extremely silent, without a trace of sound.

There was a sound of crisp footsteps, and Gao Jiuding walked over vigilantly.

Coming out of the main hall is this passage. After walking for half an hour, there is no end in sight.

He even doubted whether this passage had no end, of course it was impossible.

Sure enough, more than ten minutes later, Gao Jiuding came to the end of the passage, and he saw a door again, cast in bronze, mottled and ancient, full of traces of time.

Rumble stretched out his hand and pushed, and the bronze door moved rumblingly, extremely heavy, weighing ten thousand catties.

However, it was still easily pushed away by him. When the bronze door opened, a corrupt breath rushed towards him.

Gao Jiuding stepped into it, carefully surveying an open area in front of him.

Here is a spacious inner room, surrounded by neat shelves, on which are placed one after another weapons and armor.

"Arsenal?" Gao Jiuding was very surprised when he saw this scene.

A spacious inner room in front of him turned out to be a weapon arsenal, and there were many neat weapons and armors.

He didn't hesitate, looking at the weapon and armor in front of him, his heart was extremely excited.

As soon as he stepped forward, he reached out and picked up a weapon to check. It was a bronze war sword.

Just got it, but the next moment, Gao Jiuding's face was stiff, he stared blankly at the palm, there was only a pile of powder.

This is the powder that was turned into that bronze war sword just now, and it turned into a pile of powder when it was picked up.

"Broken?" His face was a little dazed, and then his face became ugly. He scanned everything around him, and countless weapons and armors were shining with little light.

He didn't believe it, and picked up another piece of armor next to it, which was a bronze battle armor. Unfortunately, it turned into a pile of powder as soon as it was touched, and fell down in the palm of his hand, which could not be preserved at all.

The erosion of the years has turned these originally powerful weapons into ashes, and the weapons and armor have been turned into powder one by one.

As Gao Jiuding picked them up one by one, they all ended up turning into a pile of powder.

His face became more and more ugly, and he would break whatever he picked up, as if these well-preserved weapons and armor were completely decayed and could not be preserved.

"These weapons and armor must have been very powerful in the past, but they were eventually eroded and rotted by the years. What a pity!" Gao Jiuding looked at the handful of powder in his hand and shook his head regretfully.

Looking carefully, there are at least hundreds of thousands of weapons and armors here, neatly displayed, but unfortunately they have all been turned into powder.

He felt a little regretful in his heart, and more of a heartache. Anyone who encountered this situation would feel that this was a great loss. If there was no damage, this must be a great gain.

Gao Jiuding inspected one piece after another, but he was disappointed because none of them survived.

In the end, he even suspected that there was not a complete piece preserved here!

It's such a pity, huh?Suddenly, Gao Jiuding picked up a bronze ancient armor in the corner, only to find that it was heavy and unbroken.

His face was stunned for a moment, and then he became happy. This is an unbroken ancient armor.

"Under the erosion of time, this ancient bronze armor has not lost its original powerful power." He stretched out his hand a little cautiously and flicked it, and the ancient armor suddenly made a clear clanging sound, which shook people's ears.

(End of this chapter)

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