The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1199 Ancient Scroll of Dao Characters

Chapter 1199 Ancient Scroll of Dao Characters (300 Monthly Ticket Plus Change)

Gao Jiuding was in high spirits. After examining it carefully, he found that there were mysterious symbols flashing on this ancient bronze armor. Although the light was very faint, the aura was very special, even a bit mysterious.

This time, Gao Jiuding was in good spirits. This ancient bronze armor was still usable, and its defensive power must be good.

Gao Jiuding quickly put on the bronze armor. Just after putting on Gao Jiuding, he felt that the whole person had changed. He felt a breath coming from the bronze armor, which made people feel at ease.

"What a strange ancient armor, what a strange feeling!" Gao Jiuding was amazed, and he continued to search, and he was very much looking forward to the next harvest.

Gao Jiuding thought, there must be some powerful armors here, they have not been turned into powder, there are hundreds of thousands of weapons and armors here, it is impossible to just this one.

Sure enough, soon, on a shelf in a corner, he found an ancient bronze armor, the same ancient bronze armor, looking at the mottled time, he felt heavy.

This kind of ancient bronze armor is definitely not simple, and Gao Jiuding was very excited when he found another one!

Continue to check and search, finally, Gao Jiuding really found another thing that has not been broken and dissipated, and it is still a weapon.

"It's another ancient bronze gun. Unfortunately, under the erosion of time, it has lost its original spirituality."

He didn't feel any spirituality, and Gao Jiuding didn't feel disappointed. Instead, he was surprised and looking forward to it.

He felt that there was no killing spirit in the ancient bronze gun, which meant that the gun had never been used, had not been cultivated, and had not yet been born with spirituality. This is also very good, and its plasticity is higher!
when!There was a sound of gold and iron clashing, deafening and extremely crisp.

Gao Jiuding's face was amazed. Although he couldn't see the grade of this ancient spear clearly, he found that the other bronze spear in his hand was broken.

This situation shocked him and made him yearn for this ancient casting technique.

It's a pity that these things may have been lost and cannot be left behind. The only possibility lies in the sudden appearance of the demon clan and the mysterious demon girl.

Also, when the demon girl entered the Forging Hall, the young man and the two guys obtained an ancient scroll, which should have recorded the ancient knowledge and methods of casting weapons.

Unfortunately, he couldn't get it!
Gao Jiuding inspected the entire inner room. The remaining weapons and armor here were all turned into powder. The only thing left were two ancient bronze armors and an ancient bronze spear, and the rest disappeared.

Yep?Suddenly, Gao Jiuding, who was about to enter a door in front, stopped, and came to a corner with a face full of surprise.

In a pile of powder, I saw a little bit of bronze shining, so I picked it up curiously.

Gao Jiuding's face was stunned, and he looked at something in his hand, which was a hideous bronze mask.

He suspected that he had misread it, but after a closer look, it was indeed a bronze mask, and finally he realized that it was a set of ancient bronze armor.

It turned out that this was part of the ancient bronze armor. The complete equipment should be composed of ancient bronze guns, ancient armor, masks, and even other things.

Looking at the mask in his hand, combined with the ancient armor on his body, Gao Jiuding was thoughtful.

He seems to have seen this set of equipment somewhere before!
"By the way, in the basement of the Golden Wolf Palace, the treasure house in the earth-type spiritual veins contains many complete sets of armor. Could it be that the refining methods of these ancient equipment are similar to those armors in the Golden Wolf Palace? "

Touching the bronze visor in his hand, this should be a part of a set of armor!
It's a pity that now he can't know how many pieces of equipment are in a set, so he can only put away the mask and leave regretfully.

He came to the bronze door, pondered for a while, and then pushed through.

As soon as the rumbling bronze gate was opened, there was a strong mighty force coming, and with a bang, Gao Jiuding flew straight out, slid into the corner of the wall and stopped.

His face was horrified, it was so sudden just now that he even flew out before he had time to react, it was simply unbelievable.

Gao Jiuding was terrified, wondering if there was another skeleton inside?
Thinking of this, he raised the ancient battle gun, blood boiled all over his body, and killing intent filled the air, and then he walked over vigilantly.

As soon as he came to the door, Gao Jiuding felt that powerful aura, suppressing it.

This is a kind of majesty, full of unyielding, even revealing clank killing.

Gao Jiuding's heart was shaken, but he stepped in without hesitation!

Gao Jiuding finally stepped into this room, and as soon as he entered it, he felt a heavy pressure that almost made him lie down.

Fortunately, he was prepared, his body just shook, his blood boiled, and he roared out with strength, resisting the pressure.

However, the pressure was too heavy, as if several mountains were pressed down, Gao Jiuding's body had to bend down under the pressure.

At this time, Gao Jiuding didn't even see clearly what affected him, but he wanted to bend down, which was simply an insult.

As the saying goes, scholars can be killed, but not humiliated!

what!Gao Jiuding roared angrily, his whole body was full of murderous intent!
The battle gun in Gao Jiuding's hand roared, and it exuded a terrifying edge, resisting the pressure.

Then, Gao Jiuding raised his head slightly, looking at everything in front of him, he finally saw the scene in front of him clearly.

It was a small room with a dim light emitting from it.

"That's that?" What shocked Gao Jiuding was that there was something suspended in the center of the room, emitting a hazy luster!

The most important thing is that with that ray of light, there is a terrifying aura that permeates and suppresses all directions.

The source of power and influence is this one thing. If you look closely, it looks like an ancient scroll.

The hazy light and mighty power are overwhelming and suffocating.

Gao Jiuding shook his body and felt heavy pressure.

Unexpectedly, the thing that brought him so much pressure turned out to be an ancient scroll.

This piece of skin is pure white, shining with astonishing light, mighty, terrifying and frightening.

This situation made him terrified in his heart. A volume of things is so powerful. Could it be that there is some strange old man in it?
However, this must be a treasure, there is no doubt about it, but one must be careful how to obtain this treasure safely.

Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding's face was filled with joy, no matter how dangerous it was, the treasure still had to be obtained.

Determined in his heart to get this scroll, Gao Jiuding stepped forward with a click, withstood the extremely heavy pressure, and approached the ancient scroll.

Gao Jiuding was trembling all over, unable to straighten his back at all, his cold sweat flowed down instantly, and his heart was almost shocked.

Fortunately, his soul consciousness is strong now, otherwise he really doubts whether his mind will collapse in the next moment.

Gao Jiuding gritted his teeth and looked up, staring at the roll!
It seems to be the skin of a living creature, crystal clear and white as jade.

The majestic pressure poured down, making it difficult for him to move forward, and it was even difficult to lift his feet.

The bones of Gao Jiuding's whole body trembled and creaked, and they were about to shatter. The scene was very scary.

He didn't give up, didn't hesitate, as he continued to persist, the blood flow became slower and slower, and even a situation of backflow occurred, and the bones were about to crack.

"There are words?" Suddenly, after approaching the scroll ten meters away, Gao Jiuding was surprised to find that there were words on the leather scroll.

And what's even more amazing is that this is a blood red font!

On the shining leather scroll, such a simple big character was engraved, bright red, as if painted with blood.

And this ancient text, its meaning is clear at a glance.

"Tao! This is a word for Tao!"

The ancient characters are engraved on the leather scroll, with an incomprehensible charm, the font is vigorous, simple and magnificent, branded on it, the handwriting is as new, and even faintly flowing.

This kind of breath is terrifying, and the power it emits is extremely heavy, and it is suffocating to enter it.

Gao Jiuding was moved, who could describe such a word?

On a scroll, what is hidden in it?Is it true that the avenue is recorded?

The words of the Tao were clanging, and the brilliant light filled the air, revealing a terrifying murderous intent, as if it wanted to go through the sky and kill the world.

As soon as the word "Dao" moved, Gao Jiuding was terrified, his body quickly slid out a mark, was shaken far away, and was pressed against the wall, unable to move.

There was a bang, which made the whole hall tremble, as if there was a terrifying sound coming from the ground, which was shocking. Then, the mysterious leather scroll flew towards Gao Jiuding's eyebrows with a buzzing buzz.

The earth trembled, and the entire ancient bronze palace trembled. The ancient palace like a city was shaking, as if it was about to collapse.

boom!Suddenly there was a roar, and a group of people outside the main hall were approaching a bronze gate with difficulty, only to see that the faces of several figures suddenly became frightened, and their bodies flew out with a crash, flying far away, causing smoke and dust to rise.

These people were the subordinates of Gao Jiuding and the others, they were blown out by inexplicable vibrations before they could pass through the gate.

Several people stood up in embarrassment, staring at the front in horror, and the huge ancient bronze city moved.

There, the ancient palace shook and clanged, and the rumbling sound from under the earth came, as if from the magic sound of Jiuyou, which was shocking.

"What's going on?" One person's face was shocked, staring at the ancient bronze palace in front of him, trembling violently, even the ground shook a little.

He was shocked to find that the vibration of the ancient city was getting stronger and stronger, and finally the whole ancient city was trembling, the ruins collapsed, and the smoke and dust billowed.

The faces of all the people present were pale, and they were flustered, looking bewildered, because there was still their leader in the bronze hall.

"Damn it, is there an earthquake?" Someone said angrily.

"Look!" With an exclamation, everyone looked together, and was shocked to see that inside the bronze gate, the mist billowed and suddenly gushed out, spewing out several figures.

These figures were Gao Jiuding and the witch who had entered the bronze hall. They were originally swallowed, but now they are spit out again. The situation is a bit strange.

 Thank you, the king of the emperor, the king of the earth, and the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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