The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1200 Horrible Scene

Chapter 1200 Horrible Scene
"Damn it, what's going on?" the demon girl stood up from the ruins in embarrassment, she roared angrily.

Although angry, the witch did not lose her mind. She felt a strong shock on the ground, and then she was shocked to find that there were cracks spreading under her feet, as if the ground was about to split.

Not far away, Gao Jiuding and the others also noticed that something was wrong. Looking at the others, they all showed shocked expressions, obviously puzzled in their hearts.

Looking at the current situation, it seems that the ancient city is about to collapse, but why is this so?
"Damn it, which one of you did something good? I still have a lot of things to take!" The middle-aged man growled with a gloomy face.

What he meant was that someone among the crowd did something that caused the entire ancient bronze palace to vibrate, and even now the entire ancient city is trembling violently, and the ground is cracked, as if it is about to collapse.

boom!Suddenly, a huge metal block fell from the top of his head!

With a bang, a big hole was smashed out, and the smoke and dust rose violently.

This sudden change made everyone look up in fright. Only then did they realize with horror that many buildings in the ancient city were collapsing.

Gao Jiuding's face changed, and he shouted: "Hurry up, the ancient city is about to collapse, so we must leave."

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately pulled Song Yue who was struggling to stand up and ran away.

Yi Hu immediately came to his senses, and caught up with him as soon as he raised his speed. The movement of the three of them caused everyone present to wake up.

"Run!" The young man next to the demon girl didn't know what to think, he turned and ran with a frightened face, and then his subordinates followed, and ran out quickly one by one.

The rest of the middle-aged people were stunned for a moment, and then followed the crowd. While they were running fast, they avoided the metal blocks falling from their heads with pale faces.

The middle-aged man had a serious face. He stared at the road ahead and ran all the way, even waving his war gun from time to time, smashing some falling metal pieces.

"Boss, what happened?" A monk next to him asked with a very unhappy expression.

Just because he was about to step in, he was interrupted by such a change, and he was really not in a good mood.

They followed in Gao Jiuding's footsteps and ran fast!

But they were obviously very unwilling, so they asked about this while running.

In fact, let alone him, even Gao Jiuding was in a bad mood!
At the last moment, he saw many bronze gates, which were thrown out before he had time to explore.

At this time, he regretted it very much. If he knew it earlier, he would explore other rooms first, and save the room with the ancient scroll for last exploration.

It's a pity that no one has front and back eyes, and Gao Jiuding regretted that he was also a white tower at this time.

He was in there at the time, when the Dao word Gu rushed into the center of his eyebrows, he immediately felt a splitting headache.

Gao Jiuding clearly sensed that his sea of ​​consciousness was about to be shattered, it was exploded, if the sea of ​​consciousness really shattered, his soul would definitely not be spared.

And just when he thought he was going to die, the cornucopia moved and suppressed the ancient scroll.

At that time, Gao Jiuding was happy, the cornucopia is really a treasure, every time he encounters danger, it can play a role, and this time is no exception.

After finding out that there was no crisis, Gao Jiuding just opened his eyes when he saw the changes in the surrounding space!
It turned out that the room he was in was hidden, and a corridor appeared around it, and on both sides of the corridor were the bronze doors he had explored.

Just as he was about to continue his treasure hunt, the entire hall began to tremble, and then was wrapped in a mysterious mist, which flew out inexplicably.

He even suspected that one of the people present touched something, not him who caused this accident!
Gao Jiuding stared angrily at the crowd who were running fast. If the change was caused by his collection of ancient scrolls, it would definitely not happen after the cornucopia suppressed the ancient scrolls. Therefore, Gao Jiuding must not be responsible for the blame.

The rumbling vibration became more and more intense, cracks cracked the ground, and terrible smoke and dust billowed into the sky.

The ancient city trembled, the ruins collapsed, and the dust rose into the sky, making the scene here very terrifying.

Such a scene, like the end of the world, frightened everyone's hearts and made them want to speed up and fly out.

At this moment, some towering buildings overhead are all trembling!

Where they passed, metal fell, and dust and sand roared back.

"Quick, speed up!" Gao Jiuding raised his speed to the highest.

Because the ancient city shook too violently, it has already affected many people.

Yihu and Song Yue are fine, but the guards around them are all pale at this moment!

Fear flickered in the eyes of these guards. If they couldn't run out in a short time, even if they were not buried alive here, they would be shocked to death by the violent shock.

A group of people rushed with their heads down, Gao Jiuding took the lead, his speed was raised to the highest, his arms waved continuously, smashing countless metal blocks that fell in front of him non-stop!
Gao Jiuding blasted a passage and led everyone out of here.

boom!Gao Jiuding punched away, the metal block shattered, and the air rumbled!

A figure rushed out, followed by several figures, each rushing into a narrow passage.

This is the road when everyone came in. It seemed a little bumpy at the moment, and then the vibration became more and more intense, and even the mud and sand rustled, and the gravel rolled down with a clatter.

The entire passage is very long and narrow, and can only accommodate one person to pass through!

Gao Jiuding rushed in first, waved his fist, and smashed some blocking metal walls.

Behind him, several of Song Yue's female guards turned pale, because the entire passage was trembling, as if it was about to collapse in the next moment.

Not to mention these women, even some masters who caught up behind them all turned extremely pale. It can be seen from this that they are also terrified in their hearts.

"Give it to me!" Gao Jiuding roared in front of him, and he ran past at a fast speed!

Gao Jiuding swung his fist with one punch, and with a bang, a metal wall was smashed to pieces, and everyone behind him rushed out.

At this time, he had already come to that exit, but suddenly found that the exit was blocked by a broken metal wall.

Seeing this, Gao Jiuding didn't even stop for a moment, and waved his fists, bursting out with the strongest power!

With a punch, the power of the explosion gushed out, directly shattering the metal wall in front of him.

At this time, a group of people outside were looking anxious. They looked at the blocked entrance in front of them, and they were digging frantically, trying to dig out the exit!
Because of the collapse caused by the vibration, the passage has been blocked, which made the people guarding outside very uneasy!
boom!Suddenly, everyone was digging, but they suddenly felt a gushing killing intent, and then there was a bang, and several figures vomited blood and flew out, flying far away before stopping.

This accident scared everyone to stand on guard, but they saw a swift shadow rushing out, and then several other figures rushed out one after another, and it was Gao Jiuding and others who came.

As soon as he came out, he saw a group of people who had been thrown flying out. Gao Jiuding was stunned for a moment, feeling that they hadn't suffered much trauma, and then he was relieved.

"It's too late to explain, let's go, hurry up!" Gao Jiuding saw his own people at a glance, he didn't explain, he went directly to his team, and ordered everyone to leave quickly.

The whole team, although they were full of doubts in their hearts, the vibration was getting stronger and stronger at the moment, but they had to quickly fly out of the asteroid under their feet.

"Go, go quickly!"

"Hurry up, this place is about to collapse!" At this moment, the demon girl and the others also came out.

The demon girl and the others left quickly with their respective teams. They looked terrified. They thought they were about to be blocked in the passage, but they didn't expect Gao Jiuding to smash a path with his fist.

Now Gao Jiuding's fists were still dripping with blood.

But he didn't care, but looked back from time to time with a surprised face!
The huge asteroid was shaking, the rocks on the asteroid slipped, and the star body shattered.

Boom!Suddenly, the asteroid starts collapsing!
That roar shook all directions, setting off a huge cloud of smoke and dust, and the air waves rolled in.

Such a terrifying scene scared everyone to speed up and rush out of the huge asteroid.

Boom!Suddenly, the surrounding space shook suddenly, and everyone jumped, almost losing control.

Then, everyone turned around and saw that a huge asteroid in the distance split from the middle, and then collapsed with a bang.

In an instant, the sky and the earth turned pale, all directions roared, and the smoke and dust rushed straight to the nine heavens, as if the world was ending.

The moment the asteroid collapsed, everyone was swept away by a wave of air!

Some people smashed together, almost causing huge casualties.

This time, only a few people including Gao Jiuding could stand still without being rushed out!

It's just that their faces were all pale, and they looked at the smoke and dust in the distance tremblingly.

That asteroid was rumbling and collapsing, the air waves roared, the void oscillated, cracks spread in the surrounding void, and then quickly collapsed, forming a terrifying place of space collapse!

The shattered void is like a huge abyss, and the black mist is rolling, which is terrifying.

Hiss. Everyone gasped!
The stars have collapsed, let alone the ancient city.

And why did it collapse here? Is it buried in the dimensional space, or will it appear in the outside world soon?

At this moment, the people floating in the surrounding starry sky all stared blankly, but no one made a sound, because the scene was too terrifying.

"What's going on, why did the space suddenly collapse there?" Someone murmured in horror with a pale face.

They are very puzzled, of course, more is a kind of fear.

Like him, many people present were pale, and they were dripping with cold sweat. Seeing the current scene, they really couldn't help being afraid.

If everyone ran a little slower just now, they would definitely be trapped in the broken space, so would there be a way out?
Even masters such as the demon girl are all afraid for a while in their hearts. They feel that even if they fall into the space storm, they will definitely not be able to survive.

"It's too scary!" Yihu beside Gao Jiuding also said with a face full of horror, he almost couldn't come back.

(End of this chapter)

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