Chapter 1201
Looking at the performance of the people around him, Gao Jiuding was also a little scared, but more regretful.

While everyone was terrified in their hearts, they all had some regrets. How could they not regret not entering more bronze gates and obtaining more things?

However, it would be useless to regret it at this time. Also, they got some good things in the ancient city and waited for them to study them after they went back.

Everyone here has their own ideas, especially the witch who is gloomyly sweeping past the others.

"Which one of you killed my men? Don't let me know, or I will never end with you." After she came out, she realized that she had lost all of her men.

snort!The middle-aged man said unhappily: "None of my subordinates came out, why didn't you say that you killed it? I think your subordinates are incapable, and they happened to be buried inside."

"You..." the witch's face was furious, she just wanted to yell, but she stopped suddenly, and turned around to look in horror.

Roar!In the distance, a loud roar shook the sky, from the collapsed abyss, a loud roar seemed to shatter the sky.

The faces of Gao Jiuding and the others changed drastically, and they all felt hairy!

Gao Jiuding only felt a strong cold air sweeping from his head to the soles of his feet, cold sweat flowed down his body, and his whole body was drenched.

Rumbling. The storm rumbled like a muffled thunder, and the entire void was trembling, the surrounding space was shaking, and space fragments were flying all over the sky.

Looking at the storm formed by the overwhelming space debris, fear spread in their hearts. At this time, none of them thought it was a chance from heaven.

If it was normal, they would be overjoyed to see so many space debris flying in front of their eyes, but now, they can only run desperately.

The sky and the earth were gray, and the starlight in the sky was covered by the storm.

Roar!Suddenly, there was another terrifying roar from that direction, as if an ancient giant beast split the earth, trying to break free from the seal!
The roar moved mountains and rivers, and even shook the sun, moon and stars, giving people a kind of trembling deep in the soul.

"What's that?" Outside the asteroid group, a group of people flew out in a panic, all of them with horrified and terrified faces.

Everyone was looking into the distance, the billowing storm rushed to the sky, stirring up the wind and clouds, moving in all directions.

But what terrified Gao Jiuding and others was the loud roar, as if a terrifying monster was roaring, was it trying to break free from the ground?

"Could it be that something is pressing in the ancient city?"

"The Ancient Bronze Palace is suppressing a murderous creature?"

There was a lot of discussion among the people. They speculated about all kinds of possibilities, but they couldn't get an answer. The only thing that remained constant was the trembling from the depths of their souls.

Everyone was terrified in their hearts, including Gao Jiuding and the most powerful people, all of them moved their faces!

They looked in the direction of the asteroid, where the smoke and dust rose into the sky, and the black mist filled the sky, covering the entire sky.

Accompanied by that loud roar, the smoke and dust in the distance stopped suddenly, as if time had stopped, and there was no other sound from the world.

boom!Suddenly, Gao Jiuding and others felt the space shake violently again, and then a terrifying breath came from the depths of the void around them!

The breath was extremely tragic, reaching up to Tianyu, down to Jiuyou, penetrating through the nine heavens and ten places, it seemed to be everywhere in an instant.

In the void in the distance, the storm is rolling like a tide, like a volcanic eruption, chaotic space fragments pass through the air, and shatter the originally peaceful space.

All of a sudden, many huge space fragments suddenly appeared, sweeping across the world!
Countless space fragments fell down, tearing up the space in the distance again, causing the momentum in the distance to shake the heavens and the earth.

"What the hell is it?" Gao Jiuding was also uneasy, his heart was shaken, that loud roar shocked the soul, and the weak guy was about to go limp.

There are so many monks in them, but they are frightened by this loud roar, and the fear spreads in their hearts. What kind of strength is this?What creature?
Beside Gao Jiuding, the slightly weaker guards all had pale faces, their widened eyes shone with unbelievable light, and a trace of fear filled their hearts.

That roar was extraordinary. There must be something terrifying in the void in the distance.

Everyone guessed unanimously in their hearts that there was something terrifying under the ancient city, and the ancient bronze temple was more like a town.

The witch, the middle-aged man, and the young man, the three masters were also afraid, not because they were not strong enough in their hearts, but because the roar just now was so terrifying that it was impossible to imagine what it could come from.

"We...wouldn't we release a terrifying ogre?" The witch swallowed fiercely, and said tremblingly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was almost scared to death!

Gao Jiuding and the others looked at each other even more in blank dismay, because they were the ones who entered the Ancient Bronze Palace, so even if any ominous creatures came out, they were the ones who let them out.

"Which of you took something that shouldn't be taken? It must be like this. Someone took the treasure that suppressed the monster in the ancient city, which finally caused the monster to wake up." The middle-aged man said with a gloomy face.

Everyone looked at each other, wanting to see who moved what among the four chiefs, even Song Yue and Yihu were under their gaze.

boom!At this moment, there was another loud noise from the distant void, and a tragic breath rose into the sky, and the overwhelming coercion swept across the sky, shaking the sky and the earth.

Roar!What followed was that terrifying roar!
The roar rushed out from the depths of the shattered space, as if a big demon was roaring, or like a giant beast roaring, it wanted to shatter the world.

A black mist filled the distance, and there was another roar, like a thousand thunderclaps exploding in everyone's ears!

Some weak monks vomited blood and fainted on the spot, and a small number of monks flew straight across, spilling streaks of bright red blood.

This is not a real attack, but the sound waves generated by a loud roar, which stunned many monks, and more than half of them fell to the ground vomiting blood after being shaken. Even Gao Jiuding and the most powerful people had bleeding from the corners of their mouths. Ear drums hurt, soul trembles.

"That, that. What is that?" Someone pointed forward tremblingly, his words were terrified, full of fear.

Not only him, but many people were lying in the void with extreme horror on their faces. They were staring at the magic fog billowing into the sky in the distance.

The evil spirit was surging there, the magic mist pierced through the air, and the whole world was trembling.

A tragic breath gushed out from the depths of a collapsed space, and in that collapsed abyss, evil spirits swept over the sky and covered the earth.

Boom!Suddenly, a violent shock came from the abyss, as if a fierce monster was struggling, and then, a huge black shadow rose into the sky, shaking the sky.

The booming sound pierced the heaven and earth. It was a big hand, huge in pitch black, filled with black air, as if it wanted to prop up a piece of heaven and earth, but also seemed to pierce the sky.

The void in the distance collapsed again, and the space sank, forming a bigger abyss.

Everyone's hands and feet were cold, and even their souls trembled. At this moment, their souls seemed to be frozen.

It was a big hand, as big as a continuous mountain range!

With these five fingers supporting the sky, it feels like holding the sky and the earth in the palm, and it can shake the sky and the earth with a little hole.

A tragic breath came over the sky, and from this moment on, the originally violent space storm in the depths of the void suddenly calmed down, and there was no longer a trace of waves.

There was a loud bang, and there was a clang of iron chains from the abyss, the sound shook the world, it was the big hand struggling hard.

As if their souls were frozen, everyone stared blankly into the distance. They could clearly see that that big hand was bound by iron chains as thick as dragons.

The iron chain is pitch-black, shining with divine light, as if it was cast from supreme divine gold!
As the big hand struggled, the black chain stretched straight, and violent friction came from under the abyss, as if the sound of magic from the netherworld.

Roar!A giant roar rolled out from the abyss, shaking in all directions!
With the roar, a space in the distance collapsed again, and the scene was as terrifying as the doomsday.

With a puff, everyone spewed blood again, and most of them couldn't bear the vibration of the void and passed out.

In the void closest to the big hand, there are only a few figures left, standing tremblingly, their faces are pale, and their mouths, noses and seven orifices are full of bright red.

"Momo hand." Maverick said tremblingly.

Blood splattered from his mouth and nose, but he didn't feel it psychologically. His heart was occupied by a kind of fear that could not be eradicated.

He stared at the terrifying big hand in the distance, struggling to rise from the abyss, stabbing into the sky!
After a violent stirring, the ten directions shook.

There, a giant hand supported the sky, the iron chain clanged, and roars came from the broken space.

Under the abyss of space, a terrifying monster was hitting a huge metal, and there was a terrible sound of "clang" and "clang", which shook the nine heavens and ten places.

"It's the Ancient Bronze Palace!"

"He's attacking the Ancient Bronze Palace!"

"No, he is attacking the ancient bronze city!"

Suddenly, many people looked into the distance with shock on their faces!

A huge ancient bronze city rises up. This is the ancient city that everyone entered before. Is it really suppressing a fierce demon?
All the masters who didn't fainted all looked at each other, trembling in their hearts.

This terrifying scene really makes people feel chills in the bottom of their hearts.

Under the dilapidated ancient city, there is such a thing?
Just a hand, bigger than that mountain range?What if all of them are revealed?

hiss!Someone gasps!

Everyone is the same, they are all staring at the giant hand supporting the sky in the distance!
In the ancient city in the distance, an ancient bronze temple rumbled up, and then violently suppressed it.

Boom!A loud noise shook the world!

The devil's hand was trembling, was it suppressed by that ancient bronze temple?

Crazy roars came from the surrounding void, and the owner of the magic hand seemed very angry.

The magic hand hit the ancient bronze city frantically, and there was a terrifying sound.

However, at this time, the ancient and mottled ancient bronze city was only trembling slightly, it was not collapsing, and it didn't even move.

 Thank you~ Brother Awakening for the reward of 200 coins, thank you for the reward of the Queen of Heaven, Queen of the Earth, poisoning you thousands of times, lads4017, calling a few brothers!
(End of this chapter)

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